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Amish & Ashkenazi Immune to COVID

The Amish and the COVID scam

Amish Covid - Full Measure

US Amish Communities Resist Vaxxination

Covid Shot Sterilizes Whites, Blacks, Protects Ashkenazi Jews

Dr Lee Merritt on Immunogenic contraceptive technology in Covid Vaccines, using "spike" proteins, being taken up by race differentiated Ace2 receptors, to destroy all but Ashkenazi and East Asians.
The New World Order plan is to have a population of 500 million, mostly East Asians (High IQ,Servile) to service an Ashkenazi Elite Ruling Class.
Sterility rates are increasing less in Israel compared to other countries during this Covid event.

ACE2 Pathway Upregulation:
50-56% = White Caucasians excluding Finnish, Non-african blacks
36-39% = African blacks
10% = Asians, Finnish
0% = Amish, Ashkenazi Jews

Quote:Jews in Israel Got the Death Jab

The numbers indicate that Israelis are suffering at about the same rate as Americans.

by NH

The pdf you linked to is prohibitively out-of-date i.e. old data from April 2021. So I went to their website ( and drilled down to their latest report, linked below.

The question of the Israeli death rate from the COVID-19 jabs is critically important because "Israel is the model", supposedly, and there are persistent allegations that Ashkenazim genetics provide immunity (the spike protein bio-weapon allegedly doesn't bind reliably to the ACE2 receptors of Ashkenazim epithelium i.e. blood vessel walls). Furthermore it is hypothesized that because of this, the bio-weapon was more than likely invented in Israel. [IMO the bio-weapon came from Ft. Detrick, which was shut down in August 2019, and it may have been stolen by the Israelis, who invariably steal anything useful - like Netanyahu personally stole nuclear triggers from USA and Mossad stole the bulk of their arsenal's nuclear pits (plutonium/enriched-uranium cores) from USA].

So here are the numbers:

Israel population: 9,506,100
USA population: 333,287,557

VAERS reported deaths: 34,478
The multiplier for VAERS is estimated at 40 by the oft-quoted Harvard study and up to 100 by other studies. IMO it is more like 200, but I will use 40 here as a conservative estimate.]

The Israeli Peoples Committee reported deaths: 740
["The numbers shown here reflect only 1-3% of the true prevalence in the population", according to a notation on the report, so I will here estimate 2% implying a multiplier of 50.]

USA: ((34,478 * 40) / 333,278,557)) * 100 = 0.414% deaths so far.
Israel ((740 * 50) / 9,506,100)) * 100 = 0.389% deaths to date.

So we see that the numbers appear quite comparable on a per capita basis... and, providing the Israeli People's Committee is not a scam front for Israeli intelligence (and it certainly looks legit judging from it's website), the numbers show that the Israelis are suffering at about the same rate as USA.

[Image: Screen-Shot-2023-06-12-at-5.16.36-PM.png]

Amish Gave Covid A Pass • Prove It Was A Hoax • SIDS + SADS Cases Are Also Unknown In The Unvaccinated Amish Community

The perfect control group: The unvaccinated Amish are shattering the Corona and vaccine narrative

No Corona measures, no experimental vaccinations - and the Amish are doing fine: critical blogger Steve Kirsch had offered a proud $2,500 to anyone who could name more than five Amish who had died of Covid-19 [flu]. But Kirsch was able to keep his money, because the Corona death rate in the Amish community failed to materialize. There is hardly a better way to demonstrate the ineffectiveness of so-called protective measures than with this “control group” – the vaccine education program #Impfgeflüster reports all the details, Report24 reports .


Welcome to our new season 3 of Impfgeflüster, episode #6!

$ 2500 bounty for people who died of Corona?
Mass deaths in the unvaccinated Amish community in the US?
The perfect placebo group is ignored….

The Amish have their roots in the Reformed Anabaptist movement of Central Europe, especially Switzerland and southern Germany. The Amish split from the main stream of Anabaptists, the Mennonites, in 1693 and are a Protestant denomination living primarily in the United States.

The Old Order Amish live a life strongly rooted in agriculture and are known to reject certain modern techniques (for example, vaccination) and adopt innovations only after carefully considering the consequences. The Amish value a family with naturally prescribed gender roles. Community and seclusion from the outside world are part of their way of life.

The North American Amish population grew from 249,500 people in 2010 to 341,900 in 2019, an increase of 37%. The Amish population doubles every 20 years. As a matter of principle, the Amish do not take out insurance. The Amish were also exempted from mandatory health insurance introduced by President Obama in 2012. Any health costs are met solely by donations from the Amish.

Fear and anxiety about over-recommended vaccinations, which could overload the children's organism, lead to an astonishingly low vaccination rate in Amish families. Despite the refusal to vaccinate, in 2005 there was only one "polio outbreak" of 4 children without symptoms, which could only be detected through intensive testing. And that after many decades without vaccination! Fortunately, the German Ärztezeitung!

Excerpt from the 2005 Ärztezeitung:

WASHINGTON (dpa). For the first time in 26 years, an outbreak of poliomyelitis (polio) has been recorded in the United States. In an Amish community in Minnesota state, at least four children were infected with the virus, the local newspaper "Star-Tribune" reported over the weekend of 2005.

None of the four children have so far shown any symptoms of the disease, such as paralysis. The polio virus was first detected two weeks ago in a seven-month-old baby with severe immunodeficiency. Later tests revealed the other infections. – Source: Ärztezeitung

Unfortunately, the article in Ärztezeitung does not say exactly which test was used.

A measles outbreak in the Amish community in Ohio in 2014 was uncomplicated. 383 people were affected. They all recovered.

Another example is the number of tetanus cases in the Amish community. In Pennsylvania January 2006 to December 2015, so a period of almost 10 years, published in the “Open Forum Infectious Disease” 2017: The results are remarkable. Only 4 cases of pediatric tetanus infection were identified in nearly 10 years, with 100% occurring in unvaccinated patients and 3 of 4 (75%) in Amish individuals. All 4 patients were treated and discharged if cured.

Mass deaths from Corona?
The Amish did not isolate, social distancing, mask or vaccinate during Corona. Only a few died. Steve Kirsch had offered $2,500 to anyone who could name more than 5 dead Amish.

The traditional Amish are unvaccinated and have a different approach to health. No testing. No masks. No vaccines. People who got sick did not go to the hospital. The Amish stayed in their communities and were treated as respiratory diseases are treated. The perfect placebo group.

Steve Kirsch writes about this on his blog:

Quote:I recently learned that in the unvaccinated Amish community in Lancaster, PA, population of over 50,000, fewer than a handful of people have likely died of COVID [flu]. Lancaster is the largest Amish community in the US.

If no one in the world can name more than 5 unvaccinated Amish who have died in Lancaster, PA, then that means the entire response to the pandemic (lockdown, closure of stores, schools, churches, testing, masking, social distancing, regulation) is completely out of whack. was unnecessary and counterproductive.

So far no one has been able to name more than 5 unvaccinated Amish people in Lancaster, PA who have died from Covid [flu]. In fact, they can't name anyone. Zero. [because there is no covid and they did not fall for the narrative, or have TVs]

The Amish have acted perfectly normally and their death toll is 30 times lower than ours. They acted as if nothing had happened.

Will we learn something from the Amish community? So far it doesn't look like it!

If the CDC were to investigate the Amish, it would be too embarrassing! It would show the world that everything the CDC has asked us to do has been both harmful and unnecessary; it has made things worse. And the things the CDC said not to do? Well, that's what the Amish did. You know; like that horse paste. – Source: Steve Kirsch

Of course there was a so-called "fact check", the Amish community would have been very affected by Corona. This so-called “fact check” once again proved a major problem with “reading comprehension”. The passage is in the source references (Twitter Steve Kirsch).

The SIDS cases, as well as the SADS cases and the "sudden and unexpected" cases, are unknown in the Amish community (episode #5 Impfgeflüster). In addition, they do not suffer from the known side effects of various vaccinations. Shouldn't this make us think?

Instead of letting the WHO take charge of the next pandemic and relinquishing our sovereignty, let's put the Amish in charge! The numbers and statistics definitely prove the Amish right!

Can you name >5 unvaxxed Amish who died from COVID? Why not? They are "supposed to be" dying in droves!
The Amish didn't lockdown, social distance, mask, or take a vaccine. It was business as usual. Few died. I offered $2,500 for anyone who could name >5 Amish who died. No takers. Just excuses.

Steve Kirsch
May 23, 2023

People who live in Amish communities: No vaccines, No masks. No deaths. Nobody could name 5 Amish who died from COVID in Lancaster, PA which is the largest Amish community in the US. Whoops! I offered $2,500 and all I got was excuses on why they couldn’t give me a single name of anyone who died.

Executive summary
The traditional Amish do not vaccinate. And they are a tight knit community. So they are the perfect placebo cohort. We just compare the rate of death of the unvaccinated Amish with the rate of death of people in the same area.

I recently learned that it’s likely that in the >50,000 person unvaccinated Amish community in Lancaster, PA there are less than a handful of people who died from COVID. Lancaster is the largest Amish community in the US.


If nobody in the world can name more than 5 Amish unvaxxed people who died in Lancaster, PA, it means the entire pandemic response (lockdowns, business closures, school closures, church closures, testing, masking, social distancing, mandates, not testing people for immunity before vaccination, and vaccination) was completely unnecessary and counterproductive. Whoops!

So my “Can you name >5?” challenge posted to Twitter is an objective test that should be trivial to win if the medical journal papers are right about there being a pandemic of the unvaccinated.

So far, nobody could name >5 unvaxxed Amish people in Lancaster, PA who died from COVID. In fact, they can’t name anyone. Zero.

People just came up with excuses, referenced vaccinated Amish who died, thought a Mennonite is the same thing as an Amish person, etc. The list of excuses was endless. The number of qualifying names? Zero.

If you want objective proof that our society was destroyed for nothing, my Amish bet is your proof.

The Amish did nothing and their death toll was 30X lower than ours. They operated as if nothing happened.

Will we learn from them? Not a chance.

The CDC will never do a study on the Amish; it would be too embarrassing for them. It would show the world that the CDC everything they demanded of us was both harmful and unnecessary; it made things worse. And the stuff the CDC said to not do? Well, that’s what the Amish did. You know; like that horse paste.

Instead of handing over control in the next pandemic to the WHO, we’d actually be better off putting the Amish in charge.

The bottom line is this. They can throw all the technical papers in the world at you explaining how the Amish are dying in droves, but if they can’t actually come up with the names of >5 unvaccinated Amish people who died from COVID in Lancaster, PA since the start of the pandemic, you should tell them where they can stick their “scientific studies” and their stupid COVID mitigation policies.

The “must watch” video
This will give the needed background. It’s a short 5 minute video featuring Sharyl Attkisson.

Nobody in mainstream media will touch this story because it completely blows up the narrative. It shows that all the COVID interventions were completely unnecessary! The Amish returned to normal in May 2020. Read that again.

The Amish achieved herd immunity before the vaccines were even available.

They also have zero autism (except if the person is adopted) for the people who eschew vaccination.

Even if the vaccine worked and was safe, there was simply no reason for them to take the vaccine because 90% had already been infected in 2020. Taking a vaccine after you’ve already got natural immunity is nonsensical and counterproductive. However, in the US, we were told to get the vaccine even if we recovered from COVID. Very dumb.

How did they achieve herd immunity so fast? They did the opposite of what the CDC recommended; they lived their lives normally and used drugs like ivermectin if they got sick.

Today, more than 3 years later, you still can't find more than a handful who died from COVID.

To drive that point home with people, I am making a $2,500 offer to the first person who can find more than a handful of unvaxxed Amish who died from COVID in Lancaster, PA during the entire pandemic.

Lancaster, PA
Lancaster has 500,000 and 50,000 unvaxxed Amish. As far as I know, no more than 5 died from symptoms consistent with COVID and that number may be high. The actual number may be 0 for all I know; the two names I have are suspected COVID.

When I first heard about the Amish community in Lancaster, I immediately thought that I could simply search the national death index and compare the rise in deaths in 2021 vs. 2020 in Lancaster vs. surrounding counties and I’d know instantly whether the Amish had a lower or higher death rate! Unfortunately, the unvaxxed Amish are only 10% of the Lancaster county population and they don’t break down deaths by the full FIPS code; if they did, we could do the analysis in a heartbeat by comparing Salisbury with Ephrata all-cause mortality. I was soooo close!

In downloading the 2.7GB death data for 2021, I did discover that they blank out the county (and many other fields). This is their idea of “data transparency.”

It’s as if they don’t want you ever to learn the truth. Can you imagine that?! One thing I’ve learned is if they have to keep the data hidden, there’s a reason.

So you can’t compare the death rates in Lancaster, PA vs. surrounding counties due to too much noise. Darn. I was soooooooo close.

But when I heard that there were less than 5 COVID deaths in 50,000 people over the entire pandemic, I knew I had a winner.

A simple objective test that nobody can meet that proves all the stuff we were told to do actually made things about 30X worse.

My $2,500 challenge to show us >5 names
There were at least two fully unvaccinated Amish people who died of COVID in Lancaster, PA. But as far as I know, there aren’t more than 5. So this contest is theoretically winnable (since nobody has perfect knowledge). There is no trick. Any reasonable evidence is acceptable (e.g., their Amish neighbors vouch that they were unvaxxed). If the threshold was 2 deaths, I’d win it myself. But I couldn’t find more than 5 fully unvaccinated Amish who met the contest criteria below:

This paper couldn’t find any Amish COVID deaths in Lancaster, PA.

Termination of the offer
The contest ends May 30, 2023 and I will reveal the two names I know just to prove it was possible to win if there were more deaths.

The excuses
I got everything except names. Nobody came up with a single name. You can read the entire Twitter thread here. They pointed me to various junk science papers claiming the unvaxxed were more likely to die from COVID, the Amish were dying in droves, etc. If any of those papers were true, they’d be able to easily win my contest. One person pointed me to a single Mennonite woman who died and claimed I should pay up. You can read the responses and you’ll shake your head.

Some said they can’t give the names of people who died because that would be a HIPAA violation. Interesting! Have you ever seen an obit in the newspaper where the name was redacted for medical privacy reasons? HIPAA only applies if the person is a patient of theirs and the patient gave them medical info as part of the medical practice. As far as I know, none of these people claimed to be treating the Amish.

This is all bullshit. All they have to do is pick up the phone and talk to their Amish friends and say, “Hey, do you know anyone who was unvaxxed and died from COVID?”

I did that, but I just got 2 names.

The whole thing was to distract from the fact that they can’t come up with >5 names because no more than 5 Amish people died from COVID. That’s inescapable.

My favorite responses
This is the winner. It got 50% more views than my main tweet!

Here are some others:

Their next move is to pass a law ordering DHS to forcibly vaccinate all Amish with 70+ vaccines in one sitting to keep America safe: “it’s for the greater good.”

This next comment is a bit tongue-in-cheek:

Check back in a day to see what Andrew’s friends told him:

Twitter Community Notes

OK, so if there are so many excess deaths, then how come nobody knows more than a few people in the unvaxxed Amish community who died from COVID?

That’s what I want to know!

You can’t have it both ways
The Amish achieved herd immunity in March 2021. So if there is a paper claiming there were excess deaths in March 2021 and beyond, we can now cite that as evidence that the vaccines don’t work. The reason is simple: the Amish are the “best case” possible: they were FULLY “vaccinated” in 2020. So if people claim they had excess deaths in 2021, it means that the vaccines (which must be worse than natural immunity) will have even worse outcomes.

This is a very simple objective test that everyone in the world can instantly understand: just name >5 fully unvaxxed Amish people who died from COVID in Lancaster, PA during the pandemic.

It can’t be hard. After all, the medical literature proved that they have to be dying in droves, with bodies stacked up on the side of the road and large waiting lines at the morgue.

If I win, it shows I was right all along and the medical community was wrong. And it also shows that thousands of papers published in the peer-reviewed literature supporting the COVID interventions were all wrong as well.

I’m pretty sure my money is safe and the whole thing was for nothing.

Try this with your blue-pilled friends… make it a bet…. a way for them to make money and prove you wrong.

Even if I lose and there are 6 Amish deaths, the Amish, who didn’t vaccinate, had a 30X lower death count than we obtained after turning the country upside down.

This contest proves an important point: all these measures were completely unnecessary, we destroyed our businesses and economy for nothing, we set our kids education back years for no benefit, the medical community is inept, the CDC and FDA and NIH are inept, and we should not trust Biden or members of Congress who went along with the whole thing while people were shouting stop. With rare exceptions (such as Senator Ron Johnson and Congressman Bill Posey and a few others), none of them are interested in listening to the possibility that they might be wrong.

This all happened because voices of reason were silenced. Free speech, debate, etc. was tossed out the window. Any doctor who stood against the “consensus” was crushed into oblivion.

The leaders of America need to stop listening to the people they trusted, and start listening to the people they labeled “misinformation spreaders.” They got it completely backwards.

You should never trust the CDC, mainstream media, or members of Congress again until they admit their mistakes, vow never to support censorship again, and always listen to people on both sides of an issue before making a decision.

Jed Shlackman
Jun 12
The problem here is that most of the Amish who got COVID and died perhaps didn't seek mainstream medical services and get diagnosed with COVID - so how could someone provide names of people who were recorded as dying of COVID if it wasn't recorded as a COVID death? There is evidence that the Amish fared as well as or better than populations that embrace mainstream medicine and vaccines but there isn't evidence that the COVID waves spared them from excess deaths. and provide some insight into the situation.

Jun 5
Steve: with your connections and the debate team that you have at your fingertips, I hope some honest, reliable legwork is being done on stats re the Amish. For instance, I recently read claims that the Amish 'suffered excess deaths in 2020 and 2021, due to their fear of technology/the vaccines'... Of course this ignores the fact that they ALSO claim that EVERY community on the planet suffered excess deaths in those years. But aside from that, do they actually have data that shows that the Amish had excess deaths in those years? I'd like to see the real data on this, and if it is because some Amish started taking the jab? Or is it just bunk on all fronts, or what? We need to keep a close eye on the Amish and their birth rates and life expectancies as well. They are the control group, if they did in fact stay completely unjabbed. We need to secure ACTUAL (legit) DATA on these topics before it gets corrupted.

Amish survived COVID-19 better than most by not locking down, ceasing church gatherings: report
The Amish community in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, has made it through the coronavirus pandemic without experiencing a catastrophic loss of life despite their refusal to adopt many of the safety precautions portrayed as necessary to prevent widespread loss of life, according to a new report.

While officials in most U.S. cities ordered businesses and churches to close for several months in an attempt to slow the spread of COVID-19, the Amish continued working and never stopped worshiping together at church.

On her news magazine series “Full Measure” Sunday, investigative journalist Sharyl Attkisson reported on the Amish community’s response to the coronavirus pandemic, which differed significantly from the approach taken by the rest of the country.

She described the Amish as a “Christian group that emphasizes the virtuous over the superficial.” In an effort to live a “virtuous” life, many in the group refrain from driving and using electricity.

Attkisson traveled to Lancaster County, well-known for its large Amish population, to talk to locals about how they handled the pandemic. One person she spoke to, an Amish Mennonite named Calvin Lapp, explained: “There are three things the Amish don’t like: And that’s government; they won’t get involved in government. They don’t like the public education system; they won’t send their children to education. And ... they also don’t like the health system.”

“Those three things are all part of what COVID is,” he said. Attkisson noted that “after a short shutdown last year, the Amish chose a unique path that led to COVID-19 tearing through at warp speed.” The community gathered for a religious celebration in May 2020, where they all took communion.

Lapp then described how the Amish take communion: “They dunk their wine into a cup, and they take turns to drink out of the cup. So you go the whole way down the line and everybody drinks out of that cup, so if one person has coronavirus, the rest of the church is going to get coronavirus.”

While he acknowledged that “everybody got coronavirus,” Lapp defended the community’s approach: “It’s a worse thing to quit working than dying. But to shut down and say that we can’t go to church, we can’t get together with family, we can’t see our old people in the hospital, we got to quit working … it’s going completely against everything that we believe.”

About a year after the coronavirus pandemic first broke out in the U.S., national news outlets and The Associated Press wire service reported that the Lancaster County Amish community had reached herd immunity, meaning that “a large part of the population had been infected with COVID-19 and became immune.” However, precise data is difficult to come across because the Amish were hesitant to publicize coronavirus cases in their community.

Steve Nolt, a scholar on Amish and Mennonite culture, told Attkisson that in some cases, “Amish people ... refused to go to the hospital, even when they were very sick because if they went there, they wouldn’t be able to have visitors, and it was more important to be sick, even very sick, at home and have the ability to have some people around you than to go to the hospital and be isolated.”

Nolt added that “even those who ... believed that they had COVID tended not to get tested. Their approach tended to be ‘I’m sick, I know I’m sick, I don’t have to have someone else tell me I’m sick,’ or a concern that if they … got a positive test, they would then be asked to really dramatically limit what they were doing in a way that … might be uncomfortable for them.”

“There’s no evidence of any more deaths among the Amish than in places that shut down tight. Some claim there were fewer here,” Attkisson maintained. “That’s without masking, staying at home” or taking the coronavirus vaccine.

Lapp highlighted that the absence of a prolonged shutdown meant that the Amish “made more money in the last year than we ever did” as the rest of the country experienced economic hardships because of lockdowns. He described 2020 as “our best year ever.”

PerfectSociety videos now getting censored by Rumble, see his Brighteon and Odyssey channels

Also here is the paper Dr. Lee Merritt mentioned

ACE2 coding variants in different populations and their potential impact on SARS-CoV-2 binding affinity
The susceptibility of different populations to SARS-CoV-2 infection is not yet understood. Here, we combined ACE2 coding variants' analysis in different populations and computational chemistry calculations to probe the effects on SARS-CoV-2/ACE2 interaction. ACE2-K26R; which is most frequent in Ashkenazi Jewish population decreased the SARS-CoV-2/ACE2 electrostatic attraction. On the contrary, ACE2-I468V, R219C, K341R, D206G, G211R increased the electrostatic attraction; ordered by binding strength from weakest to strongest. The aforementioned variants are most frequent in East Asian, South Asian, African and African American, European, European and South Asian populations, respectively.

Keywords: ACE2 variants; Populations; SARS-CoV-2 binding; Single nucleotide variants.

RFK Jr: Covid May Be an "Ethnically Targeted" Bioweapon to Attack Caucasians and Blacks While Sparing Chinese and Ashkenazi Jews
Is he wrong?
JD Rucker
Jul 15, 2023

If you had "race-based bioweapons" on your Robert F. Kennedy Jr bingo card for the week, you win! The presidential candidate expressed a controversial perspective that has people on both sides of the aisle raising eyebrows.

“COVID-19. There is an argument that it is ethnically targeted. COVID-19 attacks certain races disproportionately,” Kennedy said. “COVID-19 is targeted to attack Caucasians and black people. The people who are most immune are Ashkenazi Jews and Chinese.”

According to the NY Post:

Quote:    Kennedy floated the idea during a question-and-answer portion of raucous booze and fart-filled dinner at Tony’s Di Napoli on East 63d Street.

    “We don’t know whether it was deliberately targeted or not but there are papers out there that show the racial or ethnic differential and impact,” Kennedy hedged.

    In between bites of linguini and clam sauce, Kennedy, 69, warned of more dire biological weapons in the pipeline with a “50% infection fatality rate” that would make COVID-19 “look like a walk in the park.”

    “We do know that the Chinese are spending hundreds of millions of dollars developing ethnic bioweapons and we are developing ethnic bioweapons,” he claimed. “They’re collecting Russian DNA. They’re collecting Chinese DNA so we can target people by race.”

His detractors say this is further evidence that he is unhinged. His supporters are splitting between those jumping on his theoretical bandwagon and others who are ignoring the report.

But before anyone passes judgment, there are two things to consider. First, what Kennedy is proposing is not beyond the technological reach of the Chinese Communist Party. Second, it is definitely not beyond the ethical reach of the CCP because they've been known to be seeking such bioweapons for years (which, by the way, is one reason you should never let anyone have access to your DNA samples). Third, Kennedy has more access to this type of information than your average conspiracy theorist.

So, I'm not endorsing his claim but I'm definitely not denying it, either. It's possible. Some would say it's likely. If there's evidence that he's correct, I'd love to see it. And if there's evidence he's wrong, I'd like to see that as well.

Either way, this is not going to help him win over mainstream Democrat voters who will dismiss his claims without investigation. Society has been programmed to dismiss unofficial controversial narratives. The "conspiracy theory" label has, sadly, been rendered as a pejorative.

David Webb
We were taught this very fact in the military 40 years ago - recombinant DNA weapons that could kill by race.
It's nothing new, but people are probably more adept at creating such weapons now.

Luz Maria Rodriguez
It's quite amazing that American citizens in positions of power or authority (like Fauci) would approve funding for bioresearch in a research laboratory managed by the China military that could be used against America after numerous calls by China to dominate us. It is reported the US even helped China improve its lab to be able to conduct such experimentation. We helped and paid for research to be used against us. Those 41 biolabs in Ukraine were not merely researching for an upcoming mild flu season - odds are they were probably heavily into grotesque research to target specific races. Putin was correct in his description of those labs - they were doing research that was considered illegal here and in many parts of the civilized world.

Quote:Vernon Coleman: NOTE to Fact checkers and the BBC: If you disagree with this article please have the guts to debate with me in public live on network television. You will be humiliated but at least you’ll have shown a little courage. So-called fact checkers (mostly without any qualifications) have repeatedly tried and failed to disprove evidence detailing the problems with the covid jab. For example, when it was accurately reported that Amish individuals who didn’t have the vaccine were healthier than people who did, one fact checker I saw dismissed this by reporting that 7 individuals out 36,955 had tested positive for covid-19. Not that they were ill – just that they tested positive. That’s such a small percentage that it is statistically irrelevant. The checkers also ignored the fact that a positive test for covid is utterly meaningless.

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