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Divide & Conquer: The Occult Game of Stalking | Fear, Freedom, & Answering the Call
Divide & Conquer: The Occult Game of Stalking
By Bernhard Guenther, Oct 21, 2023

We don’t learn from history [be it the hidden, alternative, actual, or official history] because an intellectual understanding of it is useless if it is not matched with the individuation process of shadow integration and the rebirth of the true Self, which is part of the Great Work to anchor the Divine force [or Kingdom] within.

Despite the deceptive external technological progress, human consciousness [the inner life] has undergone no significant transformation.

Hence, “history repeats” in different disguises as “fate” because we try to fight shadows on the wall like in Plato’s allegory of the cave; just as people fight now shadows manifested from the collective unconscious as everyone desperately cheers/identifies with their chosen side they are manipulated to select.

The revolutionary impulse at any given time and age provides some relief and apparent “change,” but only on the superficial surface and in the short term.

Gurdjieff called this deception the trap of the revolutionary mind because it is a mechanical revolt by masses of people who are acting mechanically and are not conscious but easily emotionally manipulated. There is no change in Being and consciousness.

There is only externalization and projections as if evil only exists “out there” but not within oneself, unconscious. Religions, especially Christianity, have been hijacked a long time ago and made God into a human image who supposedly favors one nation over another, punishes and rewards with literal concepts of heaven and hell based on human morals. But the Divine doesn’t act on nor judge according to human morals or logic.

As Satprem noted:

    “…But the supramental [divine] power does not obey our logic or morality; it sees far into space and time, and it does not try to do away with evil in order to save the good, nor does it work through miracles.

    It frees the good that is within the evil, applying its force and light on the dark half so it consents to its luminous counterpart. Wherever it is applied, the immediate effect is to touch off a crisis; that is, to place the shadow in front of its own light. It is a stupendous evolutionary ferment.”

Dogmatic religion has also wrongfully [but by design] externalized evil as a personification of “Satan” along with the “Jesus savior program.” It is a brilliant move of the occult matrix architects behind the major religions and cleverly mix truth with lies, so people also take the bait and swallow the lies.

As Michael Topper wrote in 1994, published in the “The Matrix” books by V. Valerian (nothing to do with the film that came later):

    “…The important thing to remember is this: there is NOT a “unified conspiratorial activity” going on here in the hierarchy of government. The “divide and conquer” effect is also manifest at this level and suits the [non-human occult hostile forces] purposes to a “T.”

    Such activity at ALL levels is consistent with their program of STALKING, in which confusion and cross-purpose prevents a clear perception on the part of the Stalkees. [Any] “secret superiors” are just that: SECRET. Any organization you can name, or about which you are AWARE, are merely “outer circles.”

    What is the designed objective of this STALKING? It is two-fold:

    First, the effect of Stalking is sort of like stampeding a herd of cattle. Bit by bit, they are consolidated into a “negative mode” which consists of the idea of “us vs them.”

    Even though, on the surface, it may seem that this “mode” is positive , (i.e. save the world because it is “wrong” or flawed, or blighted with original sin or whatever) the very fact that it is formed in the “dominator” mode of perceiving salvation “outside,” means that it can more easily be “taken over” body, mind and soul at a level that is “unseen and unseeable.” In other words: Satan CAN and most often DOES appear as an Angel of Light!

    It is only at the lower levels of the power structure that many still believe they are playing out the basic’ antagonism’ and’ self- protection’ roles. They believe that “sending love and light” to those “in need” is appropriate, without realizing that this activity is predicated upon a deep belief that there is something wrong, in error, in rebellion, and thus becomes again, “us vs them.”

    The primary object of Negative stalking is to persuade through strongly influenced, but not robotic, behavior patterns, the Free Choice of the targeted CONSCIOUSNESS to align with negative higher-density existence.

    …Thus we see that the efforts to “save the world” via “punishment of the wicked,” or “conversion to the light” or “spiritualizing matter with love,” are all expressions of the fundamental desire to UNDO CREATION; to KILL GOD!

    Through the idea that “evil/darkness” is a rebellion, a fault, a thing to be done away with, the “twist” is introduced that lays the groundwork for domination and absorption.

    This is why, even though promulgated “Christian principles” seem to be good and uplifting, and, in fact, CAN be, the fundamental reason is flawed and also expresses itself in Christian history in such ways as the many slaughter that have been instituted in the name of Christianity….”

    – Michael Topper, The Positive/Negative Realms of Higher Densities

It is always much easier to project evil/darkness externally instead of facing your own darkness and the lies you tell yourself about yourself and your life. The battle within requires a more courageous warrior attitude than any battle “out there.”

This doesn’t mean refraining from outward action. Far from it, but it needs to come from within, grounded in the real “I,” not the conditioned/wounded ego-personality with its programmed identifications (with a group, flag, religion, ideology, etc.), which is easily misled, tempted, and manipulated via the trap of identification.

This mechanical revolt is also what the matrix forces and ‘powers that be’ count on with their classical tactics of Problem-Reaction-Solution and Divide & Conquer agenda, which we see happening once again right in front of our eyes as people choose their sides, either standing up for Palestine and wanting to crush Zionism or demonizing Hamas and supporting Israel’s “right to defend itself.”

The ones just “praying” for peace without any effort to engage in the Work are also easily misled.

Both sides are played by occult forces pitting humans against humans for maximum “loosh” output to be fed upon and create the right conditions for absolute “domination and absorption,” as Michael Topper alluded to—the end game.

This game has been going on for thousands of years, and we are reaching its climax. “It’s either Truth or Abyss,” as Sri Aurobindo and The Mother foresaw.

As long as humans mistake physical reality as the only reality [stuck in the outdated age of materialism] or that they are the only higher intelligent “lifeform” and deny the supra-physical [metaphyscial] nature of forces [I’m not talking about “aliens” or ETs] that move and act on humans outside their awareness [and have so for thousands of years], nothing will change fundamentally, and humans keep being puppets for occult [hidden] forces under the illusion of “free will.”

Sri Aurobindo hinted at it over 100 years ago:

    “Look at what happened in 1914 – or for that matter at all that is and has been happening in human history – the eye of the Yogin [spiritual seeker] sees not only the outward events and persons and causes but the enormous forces which precipitate them into action.

    If the men who fought were instruments in the hands of rulers and financiers, these, in turn, were mere puppets in the clutch of those [occult] forces.

    The apparent freedom and self-assertion of our personal being to which we are so profoundly attached conceal a most pitiable subjection to a thousand suggestions, impulsions, and forces which we have made extraneous to our little person.

    Our ego, boasting of freedom, is at every moment the slave, toy, and puppet of countless beings, powers, forces, and influences in universal Nature.

    When one is habituated to see the things behind, one is no longer prone to be touched by the outward aspects – or to expect any remedy from political, institutional, or social changes; the only way out is through the descent of a [Divine] consciousness which is not the puppet of these forces but is greater than they are.”

We will “repeat history” in endless time loops over lifetimes and lifetimes like in a frequency prison caught in the illusion of change or experience a collective cataclysm similar to ancient Atlantis until a significant part of humanity starts to look within sincerely and begins the Great Work of nothing short, but the transformation of consciousness and anchoring the divine supramental force for ONLY THAT will bring true change.

As within, so without. Any blaming, complaining, punishing, retaliation, and victimizing will only prolong the inevitable…and waste a lot of time and energy while feeding the matrix forces, literally and figuratively speaking.

We don’t get to move on until we have learned our [soul] lessons, individually and collectively.

A Journey Of 22 Years – Reflections On 9/11 And The Current Times
By Bernhard Guenther, September 11, 2023

Twenty-two years ago – when it became very quickly clear to me that the official 9/11 story doesn’t make sense whatsoever unless you see the official story as a fairy tale when the laws of physics were suspended, and common sense lost its meaning – I tried to “wake up” others to see through this mother of all false flag attacks. It was when I started writing my blog and even gave out printed leaflets with my writings from door to door, at stores, and even at shows with my band – the good old days before social media.

Back then, I was naive, for I thought a massive event like that would surely wake people to the truth, but I was mistaken. I learned a valuable lesson that was reinforced each anniversary over the past 22 years because the official 9/11 lie is still firmly in place in the consensus mainstream crowd, if you haven’t noticed. And the same applies to everything that happened over the past three years with this so-called “pandemic.”

Don’t kid yourself that there will be a “collective mass awakening” anytime soon. Yes, for some people, it has initiated a deeper awakening, but many others have sunken more into delusion, and billions of people have taken the jab, which is also detrimental to their soul development (and future incarnations). The jab also gets them primed for the transhumanism take-over of body, soul, and mind, hence the “splitting of humanity,” as many esoteric traditions have foreseen.

You can not and will never ever wake up people en mass via information alone, nor can you force information on people they are not ready for and didn’t ask for in the first place. It’s a violation of free will to give without being asked.

Sure, you can sow some seeds of awareness, and some may blossom, but nothing will ever fundamentally change by information alone, nor will you or I ever understand what “the matrix” is on an intellectual, informational mind level alone.

I’m referring to true awakening, i.e., self-realization and union with the Divine, not some intellectual awareness of the “matrix” and the lies and corruption in the world, which many people mistake for an “awakening” and keeps people only entrapped in the cave, distracted by the shadows on the wall as depicted in Plato’s allegory of the cave. In my current state of Being, I would never claim to be awake in the true meaning of the word.

Hence, it’s also necessary to engage in the necessary inner psychological work, especially shadow and trauma work, so we don’t fall into the trap of spiritual bypassing and over-estimate our level of Being and “awakened state” or mistake all kinds of aspects of our conditioned and ego personality for the soul.

Over the past two decades, I’ve seen many “truth seekers” retake the blue pill (like Cypher in the film) as they age because this path is not for everyone. Dealing with the isolation and attacks of the sleeping masses is far from easy, and the matrix temptations are too alluring – better to go back to sleep and be happy in the dream state.

But I’ve seen people also getting lost In the conspiracy wormhole, becoming extremely paranoid and psychologically unstable, seeing traps and controlled opposition everywhere. There is lots of nonsense out there in the fringe conspiracy world with deliberate entrapments. They have become trapped in their minds, caught in the “2nd matrix” within the labyrinth of their confused minds, as Neil Kramer coined it.

I’ve seen people take the New Age pill as a trauma coping mechanism, identifying as “star seeds” or “light workers” or as any kind of alien race just not “human,” which the wounded ego always likes to feed off in order to feel “special.”

They still wait for the Galactic Federation of Light and aliens to save them and arrest the bad guys, or they still wait for NESARA/GESARA to give them free money and abundance. [That idea, by the way, originated from highly corrupted “channeled material” in the early 90s].

And now we have a new trend of New Agers becoming “reborn” Christians and the rise of a very medieval dogmatic fundamentalist Christian movement that couldn’t be further from the real Christian esoteric teachings [before the church hijacked and distorted it and before even the bible was written [and edited over and over again.] It’s also a trauma response – the need to identify with a religion, teaching, or anything in order to avoid the pain within. It’s unconscious.

There is also a new wave of young New Agers spouting “high vibration cosmic updates” nonsense on TikTok and IG; some of them weren’t even born when 9/11 happened or were just babies. I’ve heard and seen every little thing they talk about before in the 90s. It’s like a strange time-loop déjà vu. In time, they will learn their lessons too.

I also had a little New Age detour in my 20s, so I see it with compassion, but God snapped me out of it quickly via tough grace. But I certainly didn’t take the religious “only Jesus saves” matrix savior trap based on corrupted religious teachings [some people never question the Bible either but take the written stories and phrases literally [as opposed to understanding the underlying esoteric metaphors] and as the “word of God” that can’t be questioned.] Organized religion has always been a mechanism for social control.

Most people still externalize, seeing only evil externally in the world or waiting for someone to save the day, be it Jesus, Trump, Musk, Aliens, or whoever fits their projections and identifications. And that’s ironically how the matrix keeps itself in place, and that’s why not much has changed since that fateful day 22 years ago. I mean change in levels of being and consciousness.

Only now, people’s attention span is even shorter due to social media, and the average IQ has officially dropped over the years, too. It’s always easier to control people who are dumbed down with distractions and information overload that enhance their ADHD.

Not many people turn their vision within, confronting their own darkness, and in the process, connecting to their inner light and then acting, doing, and creating from that space in alignment with essence and the Divine. I’m not saying it’s easy, far from it. I’m not always connected and have my days.

In fact, it’s brutal at times. Sometimes, there is dark despair and strong resistance when I’m being pulled into the depths of my being to bring down the light.

Now I really understand why Sri Aurobindo said, “None can reach heaven who has not passed through hell” – the law of ascent and descent – a divine law mirrored in many other esoteric traditions. He’s referring to the internal process of transformation – the shamanic descent into the underworld to be reborn in the true Self as a conscious transducer for Divine Will.

The internal battle is far more challenging than any external battle I’ve ever fought, and it’s very humbling. Even all the trolls, haters, and personal attacks over the past 20 years don’t come close to the internal struggle.

But this is the way to transform the world, for nothing out there will ever change if your level of being [soul embodiment] doesn’t change. This work is a battle, for there are ancient occult forces in unseen realms that won’t give up their grip and control so easily. They tag right into every single human being, for the war is THROUGH us, always has been, and the matrix is a mind program.

Free will is, for most people, an illusion, for there can’t be free will if you don’t know yourself [beyond your ego personality] and are not aware of your unconscious programmed and mechanical ways of behavior.

As long as you are only externally focused, the matrix forces have you where they want you to be, acting as their conduit, distracted by the shadows on the wall, feeding the polarization of shadow projections between “two sides” as they feed off the generated loosh or people’s complacency of avoiding truth and the darkness within and without.

Yet, the opportunity for a true awakening is always there, and especially now during this Time of Transition, Right here. Right now. We always have a choice, but no one can do it for you, nor can you do it for another.


Fear, Freedom, and Answering the Call
By Bernhard Guenther, October 25, 2023

Seeking freedom and sovereignty only externally is futile as long as we have not learned to self-govern and self-rule. And this is the hardest part of the work for the resistance of our lower nature, ego, unconsciousness/shadow with layers of suppressed wounds/traumas, programs, conditioning, attachments, and various occult forces acting upon us is strong…very strong. There are distractions and temptations everywhere.

The inner conquest is a battle much harder than the outer battle. Hence, many people avoid it and externalize everything, caught in endless victim/perpetrator/rescuer cycles, fighting shadows on the wall as they kill and hurt each other.

We must have faith and patience, for we are still little children in light of our evolutionary stage during this Time of Transition. We cannot force the process, for the kingdom of heaven cannot be taken by storm. It can only be revealed by clearing and transmuting what is in the way of anchoring the Divine Light.

This process does require conscious inner work with sincere aspiration. Sincerity with self is key and also the hardest to establish, no matter what image we try to portray externally or even to ourselves. An intellectual understanding and pretense only result in spiritual bypassing and more lies to the self.

Be gentle with yourself, but don’t lie to yourself about what is necessary to truly awaken and live in the Divine as a fully spiritualized soul embodied Divine Being. But before we can become spiritualized and bring forth the soul/true self, we need to become individuated and fully integrated internally [which is the purpose of shadow work]. This step cannot be skipped. Trying it only results in spiritual bypassing.

Most people are still in the consensus state of hive mind existence, identified with certain groups, cultures, society, religions, ideologies, political parties, and flags, where most of their desires are also culturally/socially conditioned, or they are compensations due to [unconscious] trauma, insecurity, etc., like children in adult suits, trying to fill a bottomless hole.

Right now, during this phase of the “awakening” – which often implies a ‘shocking/rude’ awakening – millions of people are just starting their journey of individuation for the first time in their lifetimes. They are just barely getting out of the consensus state of the masses and herd consciousness, which is already challenging as it means letting go of old beliefs, what they “thought” they wanted, and attachments to past associations, friends, and even family – and most importantly, who they “thought” they were. It is a rebirth process—the old must die before the new emerges.

Others fall deeper into the abyss of disintegration and won’t come out of this life. We saw it happening over the past three years, and is even more intensifying. There is nothing wrong with this, for all there is are lessons in the bigger picture of the evolution of consciousness. Some need more lifetimes until the soul is ripe enough to embark on the individuation process consciously.

It’s part and the reason for the “splitting of humanity” prophesized by various esoteric traditions [not to be confused with the artificial Divide & Conquer agenda]. It requires the necessary phase of loneliness to establish healthy solitude and an orientation towards the inner life so we stop grasping externally.

Wherever you are on your journey and evolutionary trajectory, know that there is a bigger plan unfolding, which you are part of; it’s the Divine plan, and no human will can override it. The task is to align our little personal will with Divine Will, which is easier said than done due to the aforementioned [inner] resistance.

We still have a long road and adventure ahead of us and work to do. But it is the very reason we came here for and participate in. The only way out is in and through.

The Task Ahead
The Great Work of soul embodiment/individuation and deep psycho-spiritual work to find the truth of your Being to anchor the Divine Force within as a transducer for Divine Will is the most important work and task over the next years before the window closes during this Time of Transition.

Soul Embodiment IS the antidote to the Soul Harvesting Agenda.

Many are called. Few choose to answer the call. Too many are still distracted by the shadows on the wall via externalizing everything and not seeing the deeper and larger lessons in light of the evolution of consciousness. Or they let inertia, excuses, laziness, short attention span, and mindless distractions get in the way of what is most important. Remember, the moment you are born, you live on borrowed time.

There is also much unknown, and it is in the hands of the Divine, for no one can see with the “eye of the Divine.” So we need faith and trust but not blind faith/trust. We need to use and engage the will to engage in the work with a warrior spirit, for there are many forces vectoring us away from Truth and Self.

The future is not yet set in stone, but we are in for a wild ride, which has only just begun. The past three years were just the opening act. Don’t let fear, worry, doom, and gloom overcome you, for that is what draws these forces in, and they want you to indulge in fear.

But don’t underestimate what is at stake, either. We have work to do, for this is a battle over our souls, literally, but rejoice as the spiritual warrior you came here for in service to the Divine.

They Want You To Be Afraid
Whatever happens or whatever you “think” will happen, remember that FEAR is your only enemy, for fear is the matrix frequency that attracts the hostile forces that feed upon it as it weakens your life force and connection to the Divine.

They want you to be afraid. Afraid of war. Fearful of an attack. Afraid of “others.” When you are in fear, you are easily controlled. Behind hate, blind anger, the cry for retaliation, and violence is fear also.

Any fear that you have is rooted in the fear of death, which keeps you from truly living. The matrix entrapment frequency is based on FEAR. It manipulates you unconsciously and keeps you entrapped out of your own “free will.” When you are in fear, you are most vulnerable to occult entities and your strings being pulled by seen and unseen forces.

The matrix forces want to keep you chained to fear: It disconnects you from your divine power, true self, essence, creativity, abundance, inner guidance, intuition, and freedom. Fear keeps you looking outside for guidance. Fear is the foundation of authoritarian followers.

Danger can be real, but fear is a choice, most often an unconscious choice linked to our animal nature.

But not only the obvious mainstream media, Big Pharma and government institutions perpetuate the fear to keep people in line. It’s also religious dogma that has been used for thousands of years for social control, telling you to “fear God” with the corrupted idea that God “rewards” and “punishes” – a matrix program in itself.

Many people who started as sincere truth seekers have also become infected with the wetiko fear contagion. They are lost in the doom and gloom, fear projection of the future, trapped in disempowerment and paranoia.

But it’s not easy to become “fearless,” for most of it runs unconsciously. Many people mask it with a tough exterior or addictions and distractions, anything to avoid facing and feeling that empty hole within – merely compensating for deep-rooted fear and insecurity mostly based on unconscious trauma and shadow aspects.

Fear makes people identify with groups, beliefs, and ideologies.

The only place free from any fear is your true Self, your essence, hidden deep within you, beyond the ego personality you think you are with all its conditioned desires and beliefs. It is not attached to “bad” or “good” experiences.

The more you live from essence, your Self-energy, and make the ego personality a clearer instrument/vessel for it, the less you will live in fear, the less any matrix forces have any effect on you, and the more you are aligned with Divine Will as you become His unique instrument, living out your intended soul purpose.

It’s the ONLY place where true freedom, abundance, love, and joy can be experienced, and it will be reflected in your life.

When you have conquered the fear of death, which entails dying to your old [false] self, you have found the true freedom to live. It is symbolized as the “holy grail” or “philosopher’s stone”, the “second birth”, the [inner] alchemical transmutation from lead (ego) to gold (true Self). It is a rebirth process of facing the dark within, for the “cave that you fear to enter holds the treasure you seek,” as Joseph Campbell said.

It’s the aim of the Great Work.

It’s not an overnight process, and no steps can be skipped. It spans over many lifetimes, and it is different for each of us. But at one point in an incarnation, the soul is “ripe” enough as the true Self/soul makes its call from the depth of its being and engages in the work consciously, aspiring and surrendering to the Divine.

You signed up for this a long time ago. See it as a magnificent opportunity for a real Awakening. Remember your mission and, most importantly, remember your Self, the eternal “you,” not that outer persona you mistake for the true self.

It’s up to you to answer the call.

    “It is impossible to truly love life as long as one fears death.
    The more a person lives with gusto and joy, the less he or she fears death.
    The more people shrink in fear of death, the more they cling to life,
    not because they enjoy life or because they are dynamically related to it, but in order to avoid death.
    Such people really do not live at all.
    Every aspect of living follows this principle.
    If you desire health in fear of sickness, you prevent health.
    If you fear the aging process, you prevent eternal youth.
    If you fear poverty, you prevent abundance.
    If you fear loneliness, you prevent real companionship.
    If you fear companionship, you prevent self-containment.
    So it goes on and on…”

    – Eva Pierrakos

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