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Eclipses, The Matrix & Occult Esotericism
Major Events Surrounding the April 8th Solar Eclipse
Masonic rituals planned worldwide to usher in New World Order
Greg Reese
Apr 02, 2024

The solar eclipse on April 8th is becoming a major event. The National Guard is being deployed and the people are being advised to have two weeks of food and to fill their fuel tanks. This could all be explained due to the fact that tens of thousands of visitors are expected along the path of totality. But many people believe they could be preparing for possible earthquakes due to the Devil comet aligning with the April 8th eclipse, and due to the fact that in 1811, a comet also appeared in the skies during a solar eclipse on the same path and was followed by the biggest earthquakes in American history.

Known as the New Madrid earthquakes, around 10,000 earthquakes occurred in just three months time. The biggest being measured at 8.8 magnitude. They were the most devastating series of earthquakes in recorded history. But it was a different comet. And while some claim that a solar eclipse can trigger earthquakes, this scenario seems unlikely.

This eclipse season is however, a very rare event. The recent eclipses in August of 2017, and October of 2023, along with the upcoming one on April 8th, forms an Aleph and a Tav over the United States. The Aleph and Tav are the first and last letters of the Hebrew alphabet. The Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. These eclipses mark the end of the Great Year, a twenty-six thousand year period that starts anew with the dawning of Aquarius and a new golden age.

Manly P. Hall wrote that high level Masons designed America for a “peculiar and particular purpose.” A secret destiny to bring about a new Atlantis, or a New World Order, where in a King descended of a divine race will rule over all. In rituals, this King is symbolized as Apollo, Horus, or Nimrod, the father of Freemasonry. And is thought to be a descendant of the biblical Nephilim, or the Sumerian Anunnaki. According to Thomas Horn, this will happen in 2025. Which corresponds to several documents published by Intelligence agencies, such as, Global Governance 2025, Global Trends 2025, and the 2025 Deagle Forecast on world population.

NASA is notorious for performing Masonic rituals based on the Egyptian Mystery Schools. Apollo being the same character as Horus. Sirius representing Isis. And Atlantis being the new golden age they hope to restore. And during the eclipse on April 8th, NASA will fire three rockets named after Apep, the Egyptian serpent god whose goal was to devour Ra, the sun. And when the sun re-emerges after three minutes of darkness, it will be likened to the rebirth of Horus. Their new King of the golden age.

CERN, known for practicing occult rituals at a statue of Shiva, the Hindu god who symbolizes death, destruction, and the end of an age, will be firing up their Large Hadron Collider to full power during the solar eclipse.

And Israel, who is in the midst of committing Genocide, is preparing to sacrifice a Red heifer. A ritual sacrifice to prepare them for taking back the Temple Mount.

“Red heifers, to be precise. Some Jews and Christians believe they're the key to rebuilding the historic Jewish temple in Jerusalem. And to beckoning the Messiah. To understand, you have to go back nearly 2000 years when the ancient Romans destroyed the last temple in the city to rebuild it. These believers point to the Bible's Book of Numbers. It commands the Israelites to sacrifice a red heifer without defect or blemish, and that has never been under a yoke. Only then can the temple rise again. Those sacred cows were showcased in Washington at a recent prayer gathering. Many evangelicals believe these red heifers will usher Christ's second coming.”
~ Chris Livesay (CBS News)

“We need the Messiah to come, right? So for me, the red heifer, it's red for the blood of Jesus Christ.”
~  Evangelical leader

“A massive altar already awaits where the heifers are to be burned. According to some believers, the ceremony needs to be performed right here on the Mount of Olives looking directly into where the temple once stood. But something else now stands in its place.”
~ Chris Livesay (CBS News)

Once they forcibly take the Temple Mount away from billions of Muslims worldwide, it will predictably thrust the world into the peak of chaos that these secret societies have been designing for centuries. And their plan is to bring order out of this chaos with their divine King to rule over the world.

But these are just rituals, and fear is an illusion. We can always choose love.

Eclipses – Endings, Beginnings, And The Changes Ahead | TCM #128 (Part 1)
The Cosmic Matrix Podcast

Laura and Bernhard do a deep dive into the topic of eclipses in light of the April 8th total solar eclipse that will move across the US. They discuss the long-term effects of the eclipse and the spiritual and occult esoteric significance of eclipses (and the moon) in general, the specific lessons of the April 8th eclipse, the outer events associated with it, and why it’s necessary to do your healing work during this next cycle.

In the second hour, they talk about the various shamanic, spiritual, and religious views of eclipses and how they relate to the lesson of facing evil and the opportunities they hold. They share deep insights about the upcoming Mars-Saturn conjunction, the powerful Jupiter-Uranus conjunction that starts a new 14-year cycle, and much more.

Show Notes Part 1:

    Basic ideas and introduction to eclipses
    What is so special about the April 8th solar eclipse? (it will have effects for years to come)
    Many planets that will be activated by this eclipse
    The foreshadowing of the 2017 eclipse
    Outer world events on April 8th:
        NASA rockets “Serpent Deity” and the APEP project (same name as an ancient Egyptian deity who embodied darkness and disorder)
        Rare sighting of the “Devil Horns” comet
        CERN being re-activated
    The superficial misconceptions about eclipses and cosmic paranoia
    The Navajo beliefs about solar eclipses
    Why it is not beneficial to look at the eclipse from a spiritual occult perspective
    The Esoteric concept of “Food for the Moon”
    Important points to understand about the eclipse
    Eclipses are linked to karmic, fated events
    Eclipses start a process of transformation
    Chiron being activated by the eclipse
    Why it’s necessary to do your healing work during this period
    From cosmic paranoia to pronoia
    Eclipses can bring huge endings and new beginnings.
    Laura and Bernhard share personal experiences with sudden loss and inner realizations around the lunar eclipse.
    An inspiring example of how to face death and uncertainty like a spiritual warrior

In Part 2 (only for members), we go deeper into:

    Rudolf Steiner’s view of the evil aspect of eclipses
    How to work with evil
    Texas may experience massive changes over the next year – ties into the Pluto Return of the US
    Spiritual and Religious beliefs about eclipses
    The shamanistic perspective
    The Greeks and Egyptians viewed eclipses as a bad omen
    The Hindu tradition and rituals to minimize the negative effects of eclipses
    Judaism and the malefic effects of eclipses
    Islamic writings on eclipses recognize their power for evil and punishment
    The “I Ching” or Chinese Book of Changes seems to have the clearest understanding of how eclipses work in history
    Buddhists believe that the subtle energies of the body are depleted during an eclipse
    More themes of Eclipses
    The Mars-Saturn conjunction
    The Necessity for Spiritual Strength
    The Lessons of Saturn
    The powerful Jupiter-Uranus conjunction (April 20) is setting off a 14-year cycle
    A time of breakdowns and breakthroughs
    The seeds of future possibilities are being planted now
    The Bitcoin halving happens with the geocentric Jupiter/Uranus conjunction and what it means
    What deeper purpose do eclipses serve in astrology?

The Matrix, Occult Esotericism, And How The Deeper Meaning Of The “Red Pill” Became Distorted
By Bernhard Guenther, April 4, 2024

March 31st, 2024, marked the 25th anniversary of The Matrix movie. I watched it on the first day it was released at the Chinese Theatre in Hollywood in 1999.

I remember coming out of the theatre floating with pure excitement and inspiration. I didn’t care much for the new level of FX (which was great, too), but more about the storyline and esoteric symbolism. I couldn’t believe what I just saw.

Back then, I had just started to become aware of the hyperdimensional matrix and occult esotericism in my research, the topic of all topics: Humanity is not at the top of the “food chain,” but occult [hidden] forces feed off humans and keep humans in a “frequency prison” (symbolized in the film by the machines using people’s life force as batteries).

I was also aware of what came to be known as the “Agent Smith syndrome.”

It is based on an occult, esoteric concept/law that whoever attempts to awaken will be interfered with by people close to him, as they become portals through which these forces act. The esoteric term for “The Matrix” is “The General Law,”

Here’s an excerpt from “Gnosis” by Boris Mouravieff, based on Esoteric Christianity, that explains the “Agent Smith Syndrome”:

    “… In general, the reaction of those around towards someone who begins to search for the Way is negative.
    This negative attitude is the result of the action of the General Law [Hyperdimensional Matrix], which, as we know, tends to keep man in his place.

    Not being able to do this directly by the action of Illusion, the General Law, when it loses its dominion over the man who ‘moves’, acts indirectly by the mediation of those around him.

    It is a classic situation. From his side, after having passed through moral bankruptcy, he who seeks the Way becomes different from men who continue to live within the limits permitted by the General Law and thus take mirages for reality.

    Due to this, he will feel himself more and more isolated. The centre of gravity of his interest will progressively turn to esoteric work, which will end by absorbing him completely.

    The ‘World’ will be hostile to him, because its own purposes are different; it is not in his interest to provoke this tendency, and even less to keep it alive. The day will come — if he remains in the same milieu — where, apart from rare exceptions he will be openly or secretly hated….

    That is why it is said that: ‘no prophet is acceptable in his own country’ and why ‘the prophet is despised in his country, among his close relations and in his own house.‘

    That indication is precise and leaves no room for doubt. He who wants to start esoteric studies is invited to think it over twice and weigh it all before he rushes to cross the moat-threshold.

    We repeat that it will not be possible for him to return to exterior life and to find his place, his pleasures and his satisfaction there as in the past.

    It follows that he will become more and more of a stranger to his surroundings; that he will lose more and more interest in exterior life, in which only yesterday he participated fully. The appearance of things, and especially of beings, undergoes a deep change in his eyes.

    He will one day be surprised to constate that certain faces which only yesterday he found very beautiful now reveal to him marks of bestiality behind their features: not all, but many of them!

    However, as well as the difficulties which are the first results of his evolution, such a man will receive comforting impressions, especially in his human relations.

    He will be surprised to perceive one day that certain faces which only yesterday appeared to him ordinary, today shine in his eyes with a bright beauty. It is because his sight, sharpened by esoteric work, has acquired the faculty of penetrating beyond the external crust.

    It is amongst these brighter beings that he will find his new friends. He will be understood among them, and their community of common aims and interests will be a stimulus and a help for all.“

At the end of this excerpt, you can see the esoteric meaning of having taken “the red pill” and that once you commit to the Way [of awakening], “it will not be possible for him to return to exterior life and to find his place, his pleasures and his satisfaction there as in the past.”

As Morpheus said in the film:

    “After this, there is no turning back. You take the blue pill – the story ends; you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill – you stay in Wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes.”

I was in awe of seeing so many deep, esoteric occult truths about the nature of our reality in one film.

In my naive youth, I thought that this film would “wake up” the world if people would just go see it. But most of my friends back then didn’t get it and thought I was crazy.

Even nowadays, most people are still not aware of the film’s deeper esoteric messages in the context of esoteric INNER WORK, which is the only “way out” of the matrix.

Two years later, after I saw “The Matrix,” 9/11 happened.

I witnessed it live on TV, and I also thought that would “wake people up,” but even to this day, most people still believe this nonsense about some hijackers with box knife cutters (and a guy in a cave planning it all) flying planes into the two towers and collapsing them (and building 7 lol).

I had to go through many more dark nights of the soul (with suicidal thought injections), tough lessons, attacks (that served as initiations and important lessons), and isolation and loneliness to realize that the process of awakening is a tedious battle within and that not everyone is as excited about seeking truth as I was.

In fact, I experienced many times another esoteric truth as conveyed by Morpheus:

    “The Matrix is a system, Neo. That system is our enemy. But when you’re inside, you look around, what do you see? Businessmen, teachers, lawyers, carpenters. The very minds of the people we are trying to save.

    But until we do, these people are still a part of that system and that makes them our enemy.

    You have to understand, most of these people are not ready to be unplugged. And many of them are so inured, so hopelessly dependent on the system, that they will fight to protect it.“

Hence, I learned [the hard way] about the “trap of waking up others” in the context of occult and Divine laws and the esoteric meaning of “be wise as serpents and gentle as doves.”

On a positive note, more and more people have become aware of topics I’ve been writing about for 20 years, and there is definitely a larger “awakening” impulse, especially over the past 4 years.

But this “great awakening” is also in danger of getting hijacked because most people still externalize and get distracted by the shadows on the wall.

“The Matrix” and “red pill” memes have become more popular, especially over the years, but with it, even more distortions and superficiality.

The word “awakening” has also been distorted and reduced to some sort of informational, intellectual awareness of “the cabal” and “the matrix” externally and mostly on a 3D level, which is then equated to having “taken the red pill,” a term that has been somewhat “hijacked” by the conservative manosphere trad movement recently.

But being “awake” about the matrix and the various control mechanisms and deceptions – and based on a purely intellectual informational level – cannot even be called “taking the red pill” from an esoteric perspective and “crossing the moat-threshold” as Mouravieff wrote about above.

This stage of awareness is mere baby steps prior to crossing the threshold towards self-realization, which entails psycho-spiritual esoteric self-work, embodiment [soul integration], and alchemical internal transformation to reach a higher level of being/consciousness and spiritualize life, body, and mind, for that is how you truly “stop the bullets” and transform the world via your inner transformation.

As within, so without.

As I said many times before, I wouldn’t claim to be “awake” to the true meaning of the world; the real battle is within, according to the Law of Ascent and Descent.

The more I engage in the work, the more I can see that it is way harder to face yourself sincerely and integrally in the INNER Work than to externalize everything and project your shadow (and unconscious wounds and traumas) externally. Ironically, this just feeds the “architects” of the matrix [and keeps the matrix “in place”], who have their role teaching function in light of the evolution of consciousness.

In light of this 25th anniversary, listen to our #100 Cosmic Matrix episode Debunking Popular Myths About “The Matrix”

In this episode, we discuss how the “Matrix” concept has become very trendy over the past few years. We address some of the popular myths and distortions they see in popular influencer culture, what the core concepts and different multi-dimensional levels of the Matrix are, and much more.

[P.S. Some people claim that the Wachowskis never wrote the film but ripped someone off who sued them. My take is (and I could be wrong) that whoever wrote it did not “consciously” know about the deeper esoteric symbolism and truths put into the film but was creatively open to receiving this creative impulse from positive forces, as tends to happen with other works of art, film, and music as well (and some are inspired by negative forces). The fact that the Wachowski brothers became “sisters” as transgenders shows me that they have been hijacked by negative forces. They seem to have taken on the Woke virus, as shown in their later works and public statements as well. I couldn’t even watch the last Matrix movie to the end. The original creative impulse is hardly there. Just my 2 cents.]

Warning, be prepared to bug in and stay away from the crowd on April 8th. (self.conspiracy)
submitted 10 hours ago * by odndodnxn
At first, I thought nothing was going to happen and this is all blown out of proportion. But then I started researching why people thought this eclipse was so special and it turns out, there are many things, like the previous eclipse only being 6 years apart in the same area, the red heifer sacrifice on that day, CERN, trillions of Cicadas coming out and most importantly the military being deployed with 70 helicopters.

To clarify I don’t think this is the apocalypse, but something is going on that day, because every time people just try to talk about the eclipse, they get downvoted to oblivion and there are what I assume, crowd control bot accounts that keep commenting “Nothing will happen” even though, objectively some pretty interesting things will happen.

These crowd control bots make me think that they are actively trying to suppress serious discussion around this topic and they are planning to do something on that day. I don’t know what the hell they’re up to, but please, for the Love of God stay safe out there.

My Main concern about the eclipse is that a TON of people will all be bunched up in the path of totality and on top of that they will be distracted by the eclipse themselves, not to mention that the eclipse will darken the area significantly while it’s active. So a lot of potentially nefarious things can be done to a bunched up, distracted crowd in the darkness.

Avoid the crowds

Be prepared to bug in for a while

Do not trust the military and avoid their line of sight at all costs.

If you want to see the eclipse this bad just wait 3 years and go to another country, I think they are planning something for this one in particular.

I repeat, avoid military contact, I recommend watching urban evasion tactics on YouTube to prepare if you’re in the path of totality.

I hope nothing happens that day and I don’t care if this is going to get a million downvotes, just please sit this eclipse out, better safe than sorry.

[–]mixedmartialstoner 8 points 3 hours ago
I think this is valid. Now more than ever with the way gain-on-function research has been heading, and the known studied impacts of solar eclipses on microbes (especially fungi) and its known association to potentially devastating impacts on human and planetary health (including the cordyceps mushroom)- best to KEEP YOUR DISTANCE.

The COVID vaccines consisted of SM-102 (lipid nanoparticles) which contained luciferase-encoding mRNA) and was injected into millions of people world wide.

Fungi are also studied for their glowing properties during eclipses (including lunar eclipses). Their glow is tied to the precursor for the bioluminescence substance - “Fungal luciferin” (the 9th known luciferin in the molecular world). It works closely with the enzyme luciferase to create this greenish-bluish light. Both words are derived from the Latin word lucifer, meaning "lightbearer"

Cordyceps (zombie-ant fungus) infect insects such as ants or spiders. They drain the host completely of nutrients before filling its body with spores that will let the fungus reproduce (sending toxic spores blooming from the dead ant’s head).

This jump from insects to people is currently implausible, but not impossible. Under the right conditions, a flux in sunlight and the right temperature (via heat energy emitted from space rockets/particle accelerators and spikes in satellite signal activity) could suddenly “activate” these spores.

So knowing that fungi already have easy host access to animals and insects (they are known to control Rainforest population levels by targetting certain animals), I would turn my attention not necessarily to a cosmic event from the heavens, but moreso activity from under the soil and under the ocean. And the creatures that walk alongside us already.

Animals have been behaving erratically recently. We had a monkey attack a man in Hong Kong and recorded a rare human to animal transmission. No current vaccines exist. Since it was first identified in 1932, the B Virus has only been documented in 50 people and 21 have died. Elephants have also suddenly been attacking humans in African countries which is also quite uncommon.

The unstable weather events just provide the perfect moist/humid conditions for such a fungal colony to thrive in. The 2010 study of solar eclipses on fungi explained: Thus morphologic change contributes to increased pathogenic potential of fungus. This transitional change has also been recorded by molecular studies. There seems to be various environmental stimuli which may enhance a switch between yeast and filamentous growth patterns. The capacity to switch the pattern of growth in response to an environmental change is termed as dimorphism.

[–]Thoughtsbcmthings 14 points 8 hours ago
I kinda wonder if the fake aliens will be shown in the sky that day. Like if they’re gonna try project blue beam that’d be a good time since they’d have so many witnesses.

[–]806thealien 2 points 3 hours ago
Fear makes you work and buy stuff and think about yourself, sort of struggling to see the relevance of a solar eclipse when right now you have to pay for your rights and afterwards the paradigm will be exactly the same. It's like people are just waiting to be shot in the face, ahh doom is coming but I need to look out for number 1 and not one of us will stop paying the people doing it.

The red heffer has undoubtedly been leant on, their own conditions are absurd and unfulfilled, they're desperate to force their ritual so it's just a little play for the public to make you think Israel have some divine power to conquer earth.

You know what can't be stopped and castrates an entire coup of governments and corrupt takeover, a local agreement that food, water and shelter is free, a basic human right that you'll share without question with the people in your immediate community.

This takes the tactic of exploitation out from under them. Nullifies any powers of coercion globally and concretes the fact that I and you are not for sale nor are the resources for existence. Solidarity from the ground up means the resources for survival come under our control immediately, we have always been the ones actually managing it, we provide the services the logistic the delivery, we can cut the people contributing nothing out completely, by sharing what we're supposed to be charging each other for. One tiny change in your own lifestyle stops it all, I will not endorse or accept slavery. I'm not paying for my basic human rights, and I'll make sure no one else has to either.

Gotta start building a future we can all live in and we won't have to hide in our homes out of fear of a celestial event or biological warfare or slavery.

These eclipse posts are getting beyond silly. (self.conspiracy)
submitted 9 hours ago by SmokingMojoFilters
Uk here and during our last full lunar eclipse about 20 years ago, we was having party's in the street waiting for it with our eclipse shades we could all get free from our local shop or stuck to a daily national newspaper.

It was a great day and it was spectacular to witness.

There are major differences I'm seeing from Europeans and amaerica s right now. You guys don't half eat up fear porn the msm feed you. I don't understand why most are succeptable to it at all.

I've lived through 2012, y2k, pandemic, salmonella scare, mad cows disease, bird flu, climate change, global warming, acid rain and many more sh*t like this they use to scare and put fear into people.

Go for a God damn walk or some sh*t and turn off the TV.

Parts of your country will go darker for a bit and life will go on and the earth will keep spinning.

Being scared of a lunar event that happens all over the world at different parts is natural.

Live your life and enjoy the event.

If people started worrying more and exposing the people who are feeding you this nonsense the world would be a much better place.

Don't believe the hype.

[–]Severe_Intention_480 0 points 6 hours ago
It's Chrisian Fundamentalist hysteria. I don't understand the obsession over the "X". It's a goddamned shadow. Shadows don't do anything do they? What's the issue? I mean, we're talking astrology here. Because two shadows years apart crisscross each other, so what? Eclipses either cause earthquakes or they don't. It shouldn't matter if the ahadows make an "X" or not, if it's down to gravitational pull and or solar rays which we get everyday anyway. The dangers of a solar storm don't change either because of an eclipse. They are a potential danger eclipse or no eclipse.

Why would one believe any of this matters, unless you believe the "X" has some meaning and the sun and moon are being directed by some intelligence, which is an odd thing to believe, because we can reliably predict these things years in advance. If it does mean something, this begs the question: what "message" was being sent in 1811? A rather ugly interpretation is that America was uniquely evil from the start and deserved punishment. The only thing different about America back then relative to other nations was the democratic system of government, as I don't believe Britain or other countries had outlawed slavery yet, so that can't be it. Britain invaded America and burned the capitol in 1812. Was that also part of the punishment? So, these people either hate democracy and think Britain monarchy was right and the Deist founders evil, or they are fatalistic nihilist. A nasty ideology either way.

If it's a premonition of 2024 what was the point of the last two hundred years if we were being set up two fail and nothing we do matters anyway?

Speculation about the gravitational pulls of the moon and the sun seem silly also, since every spot on Earth would be acted on by these forces on a daily basis. The only difference between an eclipse day and normal day is that the sun gets briefly blocked by the moon. Why would this change anything, since every part of the Earth has a daytime and night. Why would two more minutes of darkness in a 100 mile radius matter?

[–]Weather0nThe8s 3 points 5 hours ago
I'm not in the direct path of totality but can see around 90-95% where I live. However.. it seems as though there's a 70% chance of storms and I'll most likely miss it.

I'm really sick of the fear mongering anyway. Have been since people first started with the sh*t. I used to really love conspiracy stuff but it seems with every passing day I'm getting more and more tired of the lot of it.

I was listening to an old Art Bell broadcast just last night. Apparently he was getting all kinds of emails back in 2015 telling him to prepare, as Planet X is going to smash into Earth.

It's silly. This eclipse is silly. Has anyone suggested planet X is going to smash into Earth during the Eclipse? Eyeroll. Also, F the whole Red Cow thing in Israel, too. GMO cow doesn't count. Biblically hasn't lined up.

Either way though.. eclipse thing is super tiring. Just be happy if you're not in a place where the weather is going to ruin it.

[–]Unicorn4_5Venom 5 points 9 hours ago
Only thing I’m concerned about isn’t the eclipse it self, I’m more so worried about CERN, I don’t like nor trust it when people are trying to play god. Especially when they try to link up with significant events astronomical events, do some bizarre/satanic even dances for their openings and/or ceremonies. That is realistically where a lot of my concern lies.

[–]OldWorldBlues10 1 point 6 hours ago
Lmfao. Nothing will happen on eclipse but yes be worried about CERN. Yeah nothing dramatic will happen but the paradigm will change. “Go for a walk and turn off the TV” is the most ignorance is bliss with ego coming from a conspiracy individual. People should be worried. These parasites take astrology seriously and energy movement will occur.

CERN, rocket launches, military helicopter surveillance in NE, 140 year rare earthquake NE, volcanic rare smoke rings Italy.

Reminds me of the record breaking calamity occurring in the 1800s that sent the world into a year without summer. I’m a firm believer that this realm replenishes itself in some way. To take this all lightly atm is dumb honestly. To say “Ive lived this long and nothing happened last time” without touching all the other events happening at the moment, that never happened in your era is ludicrous. sh*t post. Enjoy the paradigm shift buddy. NWO incoming.

[–]CallistosTitan 4 points 7 hours ago
There is lots of alarm bells that go off when these world controllers build bunkers after innoculating billions of people with a questionable substance and highlight their symbolic biblical plans in media that they influence.

Why does it bother you so much that people are interested in that? Sounds like you should be going for a walk instead.

Easy Preparation Tips (self.conspiracy)
submitted 5 hours ago * by FickleSlip1112
I’ve been living on little income and picked up some things. A good guide if you’re looking for cheap prep.

Staples— Vinegar: 2 tbs apple cider in a jar of water can be used as conditioner. Vinegar can also be used with water as a cleaning solution. Also a good salad dressing.

Baking soda: 1 tsp in 1 jar of water can be used as shampoo. Can combine with coconut oil to make toothpaste. Scrub to wash dishes, many other uses.

Glass jars: anything bought in glass jars with a pop lid, keep the jar, or use mason jars. Learn water bathing/canning for longer food storage. Keep vegetables like carrots and herbs in water.

Olive oil or ghee: use for cooking & moisturizing

Water: go for big jugs in thick containers rather than single use bottle packs. If possible get some iodine tablets or other water purifier method.

*Potassium iodine can be used to protect the thyroid from radiation.

Food— Beans: most useful when canned. Blend chickpeas to make hummus, use the can juice as a shampoo or to make sauces.

Pickles: you can drink the juice to replenish electrolytes (only a small cup due to high sodium).

Potatoes & onions: lasts a long time on the shelf. Can be replanted easily.

Nuts & Seeds: Soak almonds and compress in cheesecloth to make almond milk. Put chia seeds in any milk and refrigerate to make a pudding. Pine nuts can be used to make pesto or baba ganoush.

Dried fruits like apricots, dates, apples. Do not get those sugar box raisins, organic is best for fruit overall.

Lentils: quicker cook time than dried beans. Soak overnight, keep in flat container with the lid cracked and rinse daily to sprout (you can use the same method for sprouting seeds).

Spinach or kale: can be blanched then frozen for storage.

Honey: good sweetener, go for true honey with the bits (those bear bottles are not good).

A big bag of rice or flour is always good to have in case of emergencies.

Edit: what is the point of discussing conspiracy if we don’t take some form of action? I have no idea how sharing information on sustainable food is triggering people. We can find ways to survive through learning, or give into blind hopelessness like they want us to.

[–]PossibleNebula6395 2 points 3 hours ago
Undiluted white vinegar kills fungus (such as black mold) and can even cure toenail fungus.

[–]theoreoman 2 points 2 hours ago
I have basically come to terms with I'm going down with the ship if a total collapse happens. If you within a 3 hour drive or 1 week walk of a major population centre your fucked too.

If everything collapses and your within that radius there's no amount of guns and prepping that will save your ass.

If Anyone outside figures out you have resources they'll kill you, either by shooting you when you stick you head outside or thell smoke you out

You basically need to be in the middle of nowhere like up a mountain to be safer

Speaking with the Stars
Some thoughts about eclipses – prepared by Hazel Archer Ginsberg
In "Human Questions and Cosmic Answers" Rudolf Steiner states: “An eclipse of the sun is
due to the fact that the moon comes between the sun and the earth, cutting off the rays of the
At the time of a solar eclipse, for instance, something totally
different takes place in the part of the earth affected from what is
happening when there is no eclipse. When we know that on the
one hand the rays of the sun penetrate down to the earth and on
the other hand the forces or rays of will stream out to meet the
sun. At an eclipse, these forces radiate into the darkness, and
there ensues a period of time, short though it may be, in which all
that is of the nature of will upon the earth flows out into universal
space in an abnormal way. It is different altogether from what takes place when there is no
eclipse. Ordinarily, the physical sunlight unites with the radiations of will streaming towards it.
When there is an eclipse, the forces of will flow unhindered into cosmic space.
The old initiates knew these things. They saw that at such a moment all the unbridled impulses
and instincts of humanity surge out into the cosmos. And they gave their pupils the following
explanation. They said: Under normal conditions the evil impulses of will which are sent out
into the cosmos by human beings are, as it were, burned up and consumed by the rays of the
sun, so that they can injure only man himself, but can do no universal harm. When, however,
there is an eclipse of the sun, opportunity is given for the evil which is willed on earth to spread
over the cosmos. An eclipse is a physical event behind which there lies a significant spiritual
And again, when there is an eclipse of the moon, the man of today merely says: “Now the earth
comes between the sun and the moon; hence we see the shadow cast upon the moon by the
earth.” That is the physical explanation. But in this case also the old initiate knew that a spiritual
reality was behind the physical fact. He knew that when there is an eclipse of the moon,
thoughts stream through darkness down upon the earth; and that such thoughts have a closer
relationship with the subconscious life than with the conscious life of the human being. The old
initiates often made use of a certain simile when speaking to their pupils. It is; of course,
necessary to translate their words into modern language, but this is the gist of what they said:
“Visionaries and dreamers love to go for rambles by moonlight, when the moon is full. There
are, however, certain people who have no wish to receive the good thoughts coming to them
from the cosmos, but who, on the contrary, are desirous of getting hold of evil, diabolical
thoughts. Such people will choose the moment of a lunar eclipse for their nocturnal
Eclipses of the sun and moon, recurring as they do in the
course of every year, may really be looked upon as
“safety-valves.” A safety-valve is there to avert danger, to
provide an outlet for something or other — steam, for
instance — at the right moment. One of the safety-valves
which makes its appearance in the cosmos and to which
we give the name of a solar eclipse, serves the purpose of
carrying out into space in a Luciferic way, the evil that
spreads over the earth, in order that evil may work havoc
in a wider, less concentrated sphere. The other safety valve, the lunar eclipse, exists for the purpose of allowing
the evil thoughts which are present in the cosmos to
approach those human beings who are desirous of being
possessed by them. people do not, as a rule, act in full
consciousness, but the facts are nevertheless real — just
as real as the attraction of a magnet for small particles of
iron. Such are the forces at work, in the cosmos.” ~Human
Q’s & Cosmic A.
Rudolf Steiner also gave us hints as to how to come to terms with ‘Evil’. He reveals that the
gods themselves called their opponents into being. Lucifer is an Archangel which has been left
behind and Ahriman is a left-behind member of the Archai. Humanity, striving toward Freedom,
stands as the Tenth Hierarchy and has as its task to integrate the vast gifts of Nature and Spirit
while accepting the possibility and finding the strength to lead evil (i.e.: Lucifer and Ahriman)
back to the good.
So you see, we can look at these celestial events as an opportunity to be part of the Cosmic
conversation –to join in the dance - to do our part.
On my Italian side of the family, the Moon was traditionally represented by a mirror. During an
eclipse, people would breathe on a mirror, creating clouds of condensation on its surface. Since
it was believed that the wolf swallowed the Moon during an eclipse, people saw it as their duty
to breathe on the mirror to cause the wolf to cough up the moon and return it to the sky.
The Vikings tell a tale about two wolves who wish to eat the Sun and Moon. Skoll (repulsion)
goes after the Sun and Hati, running ahead of the Sun, goes after the Moon. When either are
caught, there is an eclipse. When this happens, the people on Earth rush to rescue the Sun or
Moon by making as much noise as they can in hopes of scaring off the wolves.
These cultural examples, of which there are many, may seem ‘superstitious’ through modern
eyes, but it was felt by our ancestors to be a call to humanity to take action, to be present, to
take part.
The ancients had their way of reacting to the harmonies & disharmonies of the cosmos.
What will we do as the 10th hierarchy striving in freedom, ‘that good may become’?

These ancient initiates knew that on a normal day when there was no eclipse, the
rays of the Sun penetrate down to the earth, meeting & mediating the rays of
human will streaming out into the cosmos.
At the time of a solar eclipse, since all the unbridled impulses of human will are
not met by the Sun, they are able to radiate out into the darkness, surging out
into universal space in an abnormal way.
The initiates of old knew these things, & so with an urgent sense of duty, they had
gathered in their sacred stone circle, to help meet & mediate the undigested
instincts of humanity heaving out into the cosmos.
These ancient Hierophants recognized the spiritual reality behind this physical
A solar eclipse acts like a ‘safety-valve’, providing an outlet for pressure that has
been building up. It is an opportunity to let off steam - to avert the danger of a
more catastrophic explosion. - Then pentagram is moved continuously
Under normal conditions the ‘evil impulses of will’ sent out into the cosmos by
human beings are burned up and consumed by the rays of the sun. They can
injure only humanity. They do no universal harm. But when there is an eclipse of
the sun, opportunity is given for the evil which is willed on earth to spread over
the cosmos.

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