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Monarch Programming

Monarch Programming
Monarch    Zeta    Theta    Alpha    Beta    Delta    Gamma    Omega    Chi    Epsilon

I am not a Hollywood insider, an Illuminati defector or a Monarch victim. My knowledge is derived solely from studies of the CIA mind programs, the main sources of transference between US secret intelligence communities and Hollywood, and what little is known about Monarch from declassified or leaked information.

I am, however, a student of the science behind Monarch, behaviorism, and a practitioner of the technology behind Monarch, Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) on the highest possible level. My goal is to inform on a wide scale about the level and depth and width of mind control utilized by Hollywood as one of the major agencies of "Illuminati", the second being the music industry embodied in MTV and the Big Five.

Information that can be applied on a practical level by individuals will, for safety reasons, be scarce and distributed evenly across the articles on this site, so only those with the purpose and stamina to chew their way through the lengthy content can derive benefit. It is probably prudent to add that analysis of individual films are not necessarily a denunciation of every aspect of the movie as a cultural product. Code fragments are frequently installed against the wishes of creative artists like the script writer or director.

Quote:"The nature of psychological compulsion is such that those who act under constraint remain under the impression that they are acting on their own initiative. The victim of mind-manipulation does not know that he is a victim. To him the walls of his prison are invisible, and he believes himself to be free. That he is not free is apparent only to other people. His servitude is strictly objective." (Brave New World Revisited, Aldous Huxley, 1958)

The Monarch Program is an umbrella term for mind control devised by Disney in collaboration with FBI and other shadowy government institutions in USA. It is usually regarded a hermeticly sealed program involving between 40,000 and 2 million Americans, who have been subjected to rendition and programming through a method called Trauma, Repetition and Reinforcement.

The Monarch method is to produce disassociation or "induced fragmentation of the ego", spawning alter egos capable of actions beyond what their ordinary self would be willing to engage in, such as wilful prostitution, spying, assassination and mass murder. Monarch takes its name from the Monarch Butterfly, which is a key symbol to mind engineers, suggestive of a complete physical transformation.

Software Delivered Subliminally
In everyday situations the average eye blinks about every 2nd or 3rd second. When watching a movie the average user is blinking about 3-4 times per minute. The drastically decreased blinking rate is equivalent to having your eyes taped, as it took place in some mind control programs.

The darkness of the room effectively creates a reasonably effective level of sensory deprivation. Vast intake of sugar products helps the body sustain the impact of involuntary convulsions and biochemical responses, as the nervous system is bombarded with a sequence of impulses designed to take the subconscious mind through a cathartic journey leading through trauma to Gnosis.

The Monarch technology is a universal method to target four main personality types and cultivate a basis for more indepth, hands-on mind control, carried out by the right hand of Illuminati, the secret intelligence communities. The method of delivery is coded sequences transferred to the brain through through subliminal messages.

The Two Hands of Illuminati
In a Monarch Movie the narrative, the designs, the direction and the editing all work together to form a compressed script for a set of actions. The script or program is framed by subliminal messages that throughout the frames, a secondary sequence that fundamentally alters the meaning of the entire fable. What is, at first glance a typical morality play is, when deciphered with the Illuminati key, rather the opposite.

The goal of the public mind control is to install a set of packages in the collective mind of the general population. These packages can be likened to software that can be triggered by a set of cues known only to handlers and mentors. Those who build the symbolic sequences into a film or a song are not necessarily aware of how it is exploited in the other end of the process, on the street level. When the general public has been satiated with a specific programming, handlers and mentors may seek out adepts in people who display signs of sufficient levels of Monarch transformation.

These individuals can be recruited and groomed as a societal engineer (Alpha), a sex agent (Beta) or an assassin (Delta). Most people remain in a dormant stage throughout their life, responding only occasionally to collective triggers, for instance during democratic elections. Not all sequences can be perceived and deciphered by someone outside the system, since they are designed to only be known to handlers, who can apply the triggers for highly specific purposes.

Why Illuminati is 'Going Public'
There’s one more layer to the overt use of Illuminati symbolism, and that is the agenda to distribute gnosis in order to scan the public for new Alphas to fill the ranks in the ever growing pyramid of power. The entire Monarch methology is partially revealed and discussed in Christopher Nolan's Inception, which along with a lot of clutter reveals the current level of mind control technology.

Inception is pre-occupied with the concept of Inception - to install an idea at a rudimentary level in a dreamstate and watch it develop into full size, as the subject believes it is his own belief. Nolan gives away a few pearls, such as the necessity of tying the inception to a highly emotionally charged subject, usually early family relations, but besides that nothing too substantial.

The esoteric idea of the film is to recruit people who make the connection and are capable of abstracting from the obviously unethical scope. Like Star Wars, Inception is an Alpha project designed to distribute rudimentary knowledge about mind control in order to stimulate interest in joining the Monarch Program as an insider.

The Origins of the Jedi Project
George Walton Lucas Jr., owner of Lucasfilm and THX Sound Systems, is one of the greatest recruiters who ever lived. Son of George Walton Lucas Sr., a store-owner in Modesto California, George Lucas wanted to be a race car driver and later studied anthropology, but became "obsessed with movie making". THX Sound Systems is named after THX 1138, Lucas' first feature length film, a dystopic science fiction movie about a future society regulated by drugs.

The Star Wars sextology, his life time achievement, fostered several ground-breaking new developments in the mind control community. First of all, an academy and a division of "clerical warriors" or brahmashatriya (Hindu for priest-warrior, combining Brahmin and Kshatriya) was established at Fort Bragg, where the graduates receive the title Jedi Knight. One of the greatest mind engineers of all time, James Cameron, responded to the Jedi Project embedded in the Star Wars sextology, which is mainly a vehicle for basic level Alpha Programming.

The famous "Jedi Mind Trick" is actually an agressive form of neuro-linguistic programming (NLP), which can be exercised in real life under conditions not unlike those specified by the film. Like Inception it was a partial disclosure meant to fascinate potential adepts of this school of "Jedi Knights", and it worked. James Cameron was so thrilled after watching the first instalments of Star Wars (Episode 4-6) he threw all other projects aside to become a filmmaker, and his "obsession" even cost him his first marriage.

The James Cameron era of Monarch Programming
James Cameron was behind a series of ground breaking Monarch schemes from the cult hit Terminator to the Academy Award Nominated Titanic, which predictably earned him the title Rex Mundi. "I am the King of the World!" James Cameron said at the ceremony, citing his own alter ego, Jack Dawson. A somewhat problematic figure to the Illuminati overlords, like the rebellious Ridley Scott, James Cameron experienced some problems getting funding in his early days of film-making, but later - as all higly succesful Hollywood personages - willingly submitted to the program.

Terminator was allegedly the product of series of horrifying nightmares, where James Cameron dreamt he was being hunted by machines sent from the future to kill him. The producers were so delighted with his script he was also put in charge of directing this classic Monarch tale that also fulfilled on promises given to the Austrian bodybuilder, Arnold Swarzenegger, later to be chosen as the Governor of California.

Cameron went on to produce the highly acclaimed Avatar, which takes the Monarch seduction to a new level by romanticizing the complete disassociation from self and wilful transformation into a celestial being in a Paradisic condition. The Monarch programming has become so powerful that there are reports of depression and suicide around the world due to the fact that Pandora, the fabled planet in Avatar, does not really exist.

Illuminati's Philosophy on Twinning
During the same era masters like Francis Ford Coppola and Martin Scorsese were tasked with producing a number of high profile Delta movies like Taxi Driver and Apocalypse now. The Illuminati employs a concept called "twinning" to all aspects of their dominion: The IMF and the World bank are virtually identical organizations tasked with different aspects of the same economic agenda, to ensure the stability of the global finacial market. The World Trade Center directly embodied this principle with its Twin Towers.

The idea is an ancient one, going all the way back to famous twins through history, like Cain and Abel from the Bible and Romulus and Remus, who founded the city-state of ancient Rome. The idea is also found in the Sumerian epic Gilgamesh and in Homer's Iliad - the close brotherhood of two men or almost identical entities produce perpetual synergy and makes them capable of exercising more power than the sum of their combined efforts. In Gilgamesh the king is brought to a higher level of performance by meeting the giant Enkidu, who is his only equal, and in the Iliad the protagonist, Achilleus, gives up his petty dispute with Agamemnon and returns to the battle, when his mentor Patrocles is killed (in the Hollywood movie Patrocles is his younger cousin).

The obsession with twins dates back to Lebersborn, the project run by top SS Nazi officer Heinrich Himmler, which organized selective breeding andadoption of children and had a peculiarly large number of twins among them, since twin research is the key to unlocking a number of secrets about genetics. In the Hollywood Monarch program you will always see the most popular and high profiled film makers and stars matched with a "twin" with whom they rival and compare themselves.

Hollywood's Implementation of Twinning
In recent decades Michael Mann and Ridley Scott were matched as twins, producing each their branch of Monarch devices for the masses. Michael Mann, recruited from MTV, was always the more complacent and manageable one, while Ridley Scott was more defiant and rebellious. Scott's Alien, utilizing the compression of human phobia in Giger's art to produce the Omega device of all times, was so impressive they put him in charge of the screen adaptation of Philip K. Dick's novel Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep.

Blade Runner is a classic Omega device, which also reveals the basic categories of Monarch programming (Assassin/Mercenary, Beauty/Beast, Pleasure Model), but Ridley Scott took it in some "wrong" directions, responding negatively to the Monarch conditioning of his product. Blade Runner was sabotaged. The production company demanded, likely after a rigged audience screening, that a voice-over and an artificial ending was added, effectly flunking the movie, earning a de facto masterpiece scathing reviews and lukewarm reception from the audiences. It was only as a video release and in Director's Cut Blade Runner became a cult hit. Scott's defiance has also been eternialized in movies like 1492 and Gladiator. In 1492, by the end of the film, Columbus has a conversation with an aristocrat:

Quote:Sanchez: "You're a dreamer."
Columbus: [shooting a glance out of a window] Tell me, what do you see?
Sanchez: [pausing to look] I see rooftops, I see palaces, I see towers, I see spires that reach... to the sky! I see civilisation!
Columbus: All of them built by people like me.
[Sanchez doesn't respond - shocked]
Columbus: No matter how long you live, Sanchez, there is something that will never change between us. I did it. You didn't.

In Gladiator it is Scott's alter ego, Maximus, who yells: "Are you not entertained? Are you not entertained? Is this not what you are here?" likely reflecting Scott's frustration about having to follow Hollywood's formula of violence at the cost of artistic value. "One for the art, one for the industry".

Zack Snyder and Christopher Nolan
These days the twin principle is apparent in the promotion and elevation of Rodriguez and Tarantino, and in the subtle rivalry between Zack "The Wizard" Snyder and Christopher Nolan. Snyder and Nolan are the two major competitors in the field of Monarch programming, with Zack Snyder tasked mainly at raising a Delta army of Anglo-Saxon culture warriors and Chris Nolan put in charge of Alpha  recruitment and basic training. Overlooked by almost everybody is Snyder's insidious clip before the intro and credits to his well-produced Dawn of the Living Dead. In a 5 second shot you see Muslims kneeling down in prayer with a sound like bees buzzing in the background. There are no other direct references to politics and religion in the intro or, for that matter, in the film.

The subliminal message is quite clear: Muslims are frightening, collective beings, who can sting - in fact they are zombies coming to take over the world with their infectious world view. Illuminati hates Islam and stays out, as much as possible, from utilizing the Quran, even if they do produce Monarch devices for the Islamic world and also set up Quranic sleeper cells via other channels. The mystical insights and symbols of virtually every known religion are employed in the Illuminati scheme of occult power, but Islam represents the final and ultimate challenge, namely because the central project to rebuild the Temple of Solomon requires the disbanding of the Al Aqsa Mosque.

Zack Snyder's epic about the Battle of Thermopylae, 300, has already become famous and infamous for invoking crass racism and strong Nazi imagery to depict the Nordic type Spartans as superior to the mongrels of the East. 300 is already cited by European New Right bloggers and white supremacists like the ones who fostered the Norwegian terrorist, Anders Behring Breivik, as one of the main influences "if Europe falls into culture war and decides to expel the Muslims". Nolan's approach is more technical, even if he does mix Delta programming on various levels into some of his productions, namely the revived Batman franchise. In Batman Begins the protagonist, Bruce Wayne, is employed by an ancient secret society called League of Shadows, who employ terrorism in order to prune entire civilizations.

A Philosophy of Mind Control Revealed
Ra's al-Ghul (the name is combination of the name for the Egyptian sun god, Ra, and Ghoul, which means eater of human flesh) uses standard MK Ultra and Monarch devices to make Bruce Wayne comply, namely the traumatic memory of the murder of Bruce Wayne's parents, which has caused a split in his personality. Ra's fosters and trains the violent and punitive side in a classical Delta relationship between mentor and disciple. Batman breaks free and fights Ra's al-Ghul and apparently kills him, but from a Monarch perspective the transformation is complete: Batman has come into existence and marginalized the civilian part.

In The Dark Knight Batman goes as far as to produce a miniture version of Echelon by tying all cell phone signals in the city to a monitor, just to locate The Joker. The Joker is a frequent character in Monarch storytelling, often seen dancing - he is the instigator, the handler who makes things happen by applying chaos and conflict to a placid condition, thereby bringing out the hero's "potential." In The Prestige Nolan lays out the first part of a complete philosophy of mind control, but he also reveals some ambiguity about his own role in the project.

By the end of Batman Begins the noble policeman, Jim Gordon, expresses concern about escalation, and The Dark Knight picks up from that point, introducing the Joker. By the end of The Dark Knight the engineer, Lucius Fox - the equivalent to Q in James Bond flicks - demands the termination of Batman's private Echelon project, calling it "immoral." Likewise, The Prestige is not just a meditation of the tricks of the trade and the art of illusion, but an ethical inquiry into the cost of the Illuminati twinning program. One magician, Robert Angier, loses his soul in a bizarre line of events that tempt him to reproduce and kill himself infinitely, before his last alter ego is finally killed in an act of justice carried out by Alfred Borden's real life twin.

Interestingly, Christopher Nolan wrote the script together with his brother, Jonathan Nolan. A major theme in The Prestige is blood sacrifice and guilt, reflecting the predictable problems of the healthy psyche as the human cost of ambition becomes apparent to the mind. Zeta ("snuff"/human sacrifice) elements of the Illuminati programming target the final barrier to be broken down, since it is virtually impossible for the healthy mind to take delight or even accept this level of programming.

The Public Era of Illuminati
On a wider scale the hanging of Saddam Hussein and the assassination of Osama bin Laden, along with the Abu Ghraib atrocity, represents evidence to a general degradation of the natural defenses against Zeta Programming. Complete desensitization of large parts of the Western population has been accomplished. A number of events, including the publication of the Mohammed cartoons, have been staged to test the receptiveness to visual cues and, reversely, the acuity of natural responses to atrocious conduct.

The succesful desensitization marks the transition to a new phase in the Illuminati timeline, where its presence grows increasingly public, while at the same time any attempt to out, oust or counter Illuminati's schemes are instantly denounced as "conspiracy theory." This is mostly perpetrated by unwitting Gamma operatives, who have been brainwashed with what they perceive as a rationalist mind-set. However, in spite of the apparent rationalism, they never exhibit any inclination to critical thinking and investigation, which would immediately lead to concern about the floods of Alpha level Illuminati programming distributed to society through the entertainment branch.

Gamma operatives are equally conservative and liberal - the conservative package contains triggers like "9-11 truth" and "inside job", which immediately sends the Gamma operative into a rant about conspiracy nuts. Likewise, the liberal package is prompted by concern that the anti-Illuminati agenda is a conservative ploy to take away civil liberties, namely women's rights and gay rights. The Illuminati programming is designed to pit ethnicities, religions and political ideologies against each other for the very obvious reason that demographics is the key to societal control. This is also why Western societies at the surface level hails multiculturalism and racial integration, while at the same time its cultural products promotes status quo, which is cultural fragmentation - without the races, Illuminati loses a powerful instrument of social engineering.

The overt Alpha programming of our age installs the premises of Illuminati and their basic methods of operation, appealing on a subconscious level to those who have the desire to become masters rather than slaves. Perceived as a rebellion against religious fundamentalists, still more artists and artisans align directly with the Luciferian agenda, employing Illuminati Alpha programming almost "at will." The "show and tell" phase is designed to create a basis for a new class of Monarch managers to oversee a rapidly growing kingdom of carefully designed cultural imperialism. In spite of all controversy, Illuminiati now count on the persuasive power of their subliminal programming and the gullible nature of the masses. Rejected as a conspiracy theory by most people, Monarch is free to keep churning out mind control dreamware to spell-bind the masses and to make the highest initiates able to pick and choose from the ranks of common people who to lay, who to kill and who to send to kill them.

Alpha Programming
ALPHA. The purpose of Alpha Programming is to expose the public to Illuminati symbolism, namely the Pyramid and the Eye of Providence and Freemason symbolism derived from it, such as the Compass and Ruler and the Pentagram. These symbols are embedded in the collective consciousness in order to normalize their inherent meanings, just as the Cross and the IXTUS (fishes) were in past eras, whereever Christianity became dominant. All through history the face or, before Alexander made portraits common, the symbol found on the common currency showed the ruler.

The type of attitudinal changes and conducts fostered by this type of mind shaping is consistent with the standard conduct desired of people in the Free World. Alpha Programming promotes alignment to whatever is the Illuminati agenda of the day. The A is frequently found in Alpha Monarch products, where it alternately represents the Pyramid of Power and Anarchy. The Illuminati agenda for the Alpha population can be summarized as: "Shop, Express and Police". Consumerism, Propaganda and Surveillance, the condition known as the Panoptical System, are the three keys to controlling the populace.

The aim of Alpha Programming is total alignment with the Illuminati agenda. It is a prerequisite for other forms of programming, but also constitutes a ladder of progressively sinister insights about society, politics, demographics and mind control. Alpha Programming aims to install a mechanical paradigm, where all individuals are instruments, vessels or robots that can be made to do anything by those who hold the insights into the human brain. Many Delta movies are ripe with Alpha insights, because they serve the dual agenda of recruitment of Alpha and Delta. The best law enforcers are Alphas who possess some of the characteristics of Delta personalities.

Beta Programming
ß BETA. Beta programming is sexual programming spanning from rigid gender stereotypes in one end of the spectrum (Princess Programming) to hyper-sexualized conduct at the opposite end (Slut/Sex Slave Programming). The letter B is often found doubled or reflected, forming the Monarch Butterfly, which is the signature and main trigger applied in Monarch Mind Control. Another common symbol used is the time piece, since Beta Programming is associated with time clocking – timed change into a sexual alter and timed memory swipe. After the “mission” the Beta slave cannot recall what took place. The time piece is often found swinging, morphed in the style of a Dali painting or faded. A variation of time piece symbolism is the metronome, the bell, the gong, cogs, mechanical levers, conveyer belts and pumps.

Chess symbolism is often applied to Beta programming, as they typically depict a journey up a ladder of influence, such as the corporate ladder. Elevators and stairs are frequently applied Beta symbols, as they are conveniently placed in every corporate environment. Beta movies are often ripe with Delta features, because a sought for agent is the seductive spy, who is also capable of assassination. A major Illuminati agenda right now is the animation of the anima, activating the female spirit for a hyper-assertive role, the Femme Fatale or Warrior Woman (Amazon), which is consistent with the intelligence communities' need for highly loyal dual-function female agents.From the housewive programming of the 1930s-1960s, Illuminati has shifted its approach to now cultivating strong and ruthless alters in females.

From Spice Girls over Pink to Lady Gaga is to foster a new class of female leaders to govern the world. Or, as Beyonce puts it, suggestively, Rule the World (Girls). This scheme is conducted under the guise of feminism or gender equality, while in actuality the Beta Programming is mainly a type of programming that requires absolute submission from women in order to elevate them. The best example of a completed Monarch Beta cycle in current time is Angelina Jolie, who became the Goodwill Ambassador of UN. Alternatively, Megan Fox, who was fired from Transformers 3 by director Michael Bay, was groomed to become "the next Angelina Jolie." Megan Fox criticized Bay for being too bossy, humorously comparing him with a Nazi (as in office Nazi, grammar Nazi). Steven Spielberg immediately ordered Michael Bay to cut the young actress.

Chi Programming
CHI. Chi Programming or “return to cult” is a programming installed in order to get agents to reassemble a packaged ideology or religious belief. Chi Programming is the equivalent of "calling in" or "coming in" in the language of secretive intelligence agencies, and it will make a sleeper agent return from any level of ideological digression or apathy to core beliefs they may not even be aware rules them.

On the cultural level it is an instrument of social engineering to make sure that one Illuminati agenda, such as multi-culturalism, does not exceed certain boundaries. Whenever Illuminati deems it necessary, the Chi Programming is invoked and unfolded, dragging people in the opposite direction, for instance towards nationalism and racist positions. Alternatively, the multi-cultural vision can be furthered, when it suits the Illuminati agenda, overriding patriotism and ethnic-cultural loyalties.

Chi Programming delivers packages on both sides of the blue-red political divide, just like Beta Programming simultanously promotes the rebellious woman (shaved or short-haired) and the conservative, family-oriented house-wife. The phone booth and the phone call is a consistent symbol used for Chi Programming. Other symbols can be compasses, maps, radio transmitters, TV clips, or maps. A consistent symbol reference is the three lines, which are picked for their similarity to the Tree Pillars of Freemasonry. This can be found in X-Men, where the claws of Wolverine is a perfect marketing opportunity for the cult sequences, and it is one of the major clues in the Gamma scheme, Se7en. It is also prominently featured in 100 Feet.

Delta Programming
DELTA. Delta programming is employed to create a standing army of potential killers, who can be further groomed by army, police and intelligence through the legitimate process of recruitment and training, or by secretive handlers who can trigger Delta impulses and learned capabilities. Research shows that people who watch violent movies do not become more violent as such, but when exercising violence, for instance lethal violence in school shootings, they are far more efficient. Even more important than movies are violent games.

Tactical and strategic gaming is employed by both American and Chinese military to enhance the efficiency of soldiers, and the US Secretary of Defense is openly uploading Predator drone strikes on YouTube to raise attention to the prospect of becoming a drone controller in the youth. Similarly, Pentagon not only assists Hollywood with military equipment in return for censorship rights to the scripts, but also bankrolls and promotes movies that present the US Army in a favorable light. One step above those "legitimate" processes the Illuminati system of overlapping representation in company boards and security councils and strategic think tanks ensures the smooth distribution of Delta programming.

Delta Programming is designed to produce alter egos, which can be further groomed and modeled by a handler, who recruit subjects ripe for exploitation. Delta assassins are activated to kill mainly by three symbols: specific clothing, items held in a person’s hand and particular words. The symbol of the Magus or the Fool (joker) from Tarot is often associated with Delta Programming. Delta Programming often involves cabs, various predators such as wolves, snakes, eagles and lions, jazz or techo music, night clubs, porn theatres or pornographic clips. Complex sequences are implanted through logos on stores and moving vehicles, flashing neon lights, house numbers, numbers on moving vehicles, newspaper clippings and so forth, reflecting the standard methods of operation for real life agents in the field.

Physical fitness sequences are often applied, with favorites being exercises that can be done in complete solitude, such as running on a track, raising the body from a bar and vertical sit-ups with the legs fixed. Montage sequences are often ripe with subliminal messages installed in the editing process. Several Delta movies are veritable blueprint for tactical deployment, terrorism, assasination, raid and escape with some predictable errors or omissions to make the manual inaccessible to the common public.

Epsilon Programming
EPSILON. Epsilon programming is used to create animal alters, which is thought to be the key to paranormal or superhuman abilities (Theta Programming). Epsilon Programming elements are often added to other forms of programming to increase the effect in a specific direction. The Greek or Cyrillic symbol 3 will be found on the subliminal level. The Epsilon and Theta agendas are relatively underrepresented in today's Monarch universe, but is likely to become increasingly popularized over the next 50 years.

Genetic engineering is a key to bring into reality a vision ranging back as far as to Nebukadnezar, the architectonic and strategic genius who expanded and ruled the Babylonic Empire. Nebukadnezar experimented with human-animal interbreeding, dreaming about fostering a new army of super-soldiers. Hints can be found in the X-Men franchise, where the age of Mutants is depicted as brought about by a natural leap in evolution. Mutants carry a tattoo as an identifier. Specific animal characteristics are associated with superhuman abilities. The Epsilon agenda is transhumanist, designed to increase tolerance for the use of biotechnologies and hybrids.

Gamma Programming
GAMMA. Gamma programming is a system to protect the Illuminati scheme by producing an army of misinformation agents, some of which are involved in exposing Illuminati, but mixes truth with wildly speculative and obviously ridiculous assertions. The problem with any form of propaganda or public mind control is that it risks exposure, every time a new sequence is published. Gamma operators are employed to sow doubt and confusion about the very existence of Illuminati.

People like Alex Jones and Jason Morrow are employed to add a bizarre and unbelievable twist to what is commonly dubbed "Conspiracy Theories" or "Paranoid Conspiracy Theories." Gamma is also debunking projects and a system of coded messages and denials in mainstream media propaganda, and the existence of Gamma Programming is far more common in average news production than in Hollywood and on MTV. Elements of Gamma Programming, however, does surface in Hollywood. Examples of Hollywood Gamma projects are adventure movies like Indiana Jones, Tomb Raider and National Treasure, as well as The Conversation, Conspiracy Theory, Enemy of the States and 12 Monkeys.

Omega Programming
OMEGA. The Omega programming is designed to make people prone to self-destruction, which is both a general social engineering principle and an emergency brake for Monarch agents in politics, entertainment and secret intelligence. Narratives containing Omega packages are often associated with numbers of the clock, precious gems and various metals. Symbols like mechanical hands, levers and cogs are used to install a sense of finality and predetermination.

Omega products also uses common signs like "Exit", "No Entry", "Stay Out" and "Restricted Area". Abandoned areas, parking lots, cheap motels, decrepit buildings. This also affords an opportunity to employ subliminal programming through graffiti. Elements of Omega Programming can be found in a number of movies that are not essentially Omega devices, namely in Beta and Delta.

The Omega movies usually feature an amiable protagonist driven towards the point of suicide or self-destruction, and the prevailing sentiment is one of despair, as the movie gradually reveals the hopelessness of fighting the current, compelling the hero to give up. Titles: The Butterfly Effect, Final Destination, The Omega Man, I Am Legend, Donnie Darko, Dark Matter, Days Without Youth, The Aviator, Jacob's Ladder.

Theta Programming
THETA. Theta Programming is, like Epsilon, fairly underrepresented in the Hollywood Monarch Programme, but very much alive in the secret intelligence communities, which serve as the right hand of Illuminati, while the the entertainment industry is the left hand. Researchers at Oxford University have proved the existence of a paranormal ability known as "remote scanning", the ability of some humans to locate objects or envision events in remote geographical areas of which they have no prior knowledge.

CIA has been employing remote scanners and other psychics for decades and conducted extensive experiments into the paranormal. Theta references usually revolve around yoga and meditation. Theta Programming is mentioned in The Men Who Stare at Goats, but also featured on a subliminal level in The Matrix and Omega movies like Donnie Darko and The Butterfly Effect.

Franchises like X-Men and Heroes (TV-series) exploit the concept of paranormal powers, while at the same time installing a powerful desire in humans to transcend the natural limits of their capabilities. Theta is tied to the development of new brain scan technologies, brain wave controlled vehicles and invasive scans, through the application of directed telepathy.

Zeta Programming
ZETA: Zeta Programming is programming for "snuff" and "human sacrifice", which is thought by Luciferians to be the pinnacle of occult power, necessary to gain complete disassociation from self and the constraints of morality. Human sacrifice is also a method of summoning the most powerful demonic entities, which are not pleased by other forms of worship. In terms of of neuro-psychology the witnessing of human sacrifice is used to dull or block empathy, producing "empathic blocks" against the suffering of other people, which is thought to be necessary.

On the Alpha level Zeta Programming is associated with the Bohemian Grove ritual of "Sacrificing Care", with care or empathy represented by a child dummy. "Leave all your cares behind" is the main part of the message recited at the ceremony. For social engineering purposes Zeta Programming has a similar objective as Omega Programming, to make people familiar with and quite complacent about the need for "human sacrifices" in a variety of fields, namely "collateral damage" and, on a wider scale, the use of Disaster Economy as laid out in The Shock Doctrine.

Zeta Programming typically presents a "realistic" or "cynical" view of the world in which unnatural death and human suffering is simply necessary for the system to survive. One aspect of the Zeta Programming is directly tied with Omega Programming, intended to make special subjects willingly embrace their own death in a ritual.

It may seem counter-intutitive or down right unbelievable that humans can be driven towards their own murder, but criminal history has several examples of this, which go beyond the average suicide pact. Vampire movies typically romanticize the death. Titles: Wicker Man, Apocalypse Now, The Brave, Interview With the Vampire, Rules of Engagement

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