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Montalk - Massive Q&A Update 2022
Quote:E-Mail Q&A has been updated with 75 new entries (38,000 words) bringing the total number of entries to 350. Each of these is like its own post. Enjoy!

(For readability, click the Sun icon on the right for dark text on light background).

All newer questions from August 2022 posted below

» What experiences have led you to try knowing all this stuff on your website, and how did you get started?

I had my share of abductions and ghost/demon encounters as a German kid. After my mom remarried and moved to the U.S., abductions continued less frequently and I remembered less of them.

When I was 12, I got a library card and went through all the UFO and metaphysics books at the local library. I also subscribed to UFO magazines and bought multimedia VHS/audio tapes.

I got interested in fringe science and suppressed inventions shortly thereafter, as I wanted to know how alien ships were powered. And so I learned about Wilhelm Reich and many others, and got into orgone experiments and cloudbusting for a while, got pretty good at it. Did a lot of other experiments too. My room looked like a messy science lab.

When I was 15, after I wrote a letter to the editor of Atlantis Rising that got published, an old gentleman saw it and tracked me down by mail and wrote me. He had some info/wisdom/guidance to share and became my pen pal. He’d send me boxes of books on conspiracy, fringe science, UFOs, etc. and I learned a ton. I read William Cooper, Eustace Mullins, Cathy O’Brien, Preston Nichols, James Bamford, and lots more by the age of 16.

When I was 18, I decided to learn HTML and create my own website, to share articles about my theories and get feedback. It was just a fun little project I didn’t expect to get taken seriously over. But I started networking with people and researchers, and it grew more serious, and by 2001, I launched

Around that time, I was heavily into and the Leading Edge Research Journal, and the first couple Matrix books. That site jumped the shark with Matrix V and I turned away from them. I connected with the folks at around that time, and worked closely with them for a couple years until we had a falling out.

In 2002, I moved to Florida and met my current girlfriend, and she’s had a lifetime of MILAB activity and I had my own weirdness, and together we went through more paranormal/alien/MILAB activity for a while. It was a scary rocky time period. We learned how to combat it using mindset/vibe shifts and self-awareness and self-mastery. It calmed down somewhat by 2004.

In the subsequent years, as my website grew, I corresponded with what by now must have been maybe 15,000 people. It becomes a blur after a while. But I learned so much from their experiences, lots of dots to connect.

In 2008, I joined the Open Minds Forum which was a hotbed of exopolitical debates. Many big names in the exopolitics field were there, but majority were pushing disinformation. There was a contactee by the name of Fore who was there, whom I got to know. I studied his material/experiences and it filled many missing pieces for me. We tackled and beat back the scourge of ET disinformers there.

But in learning from the disinformation tactics used there, I got to see how the alien agenda works up close. And so I wrote Discerning Alien Disinformation to combat it, which I heard caused a big disruptions at the Exopolitics Institute due to the debate that erupted and people taking sides. Luckily, I wasn’t personally in the middle of it and only heard about it afterwards.

And so, since that time, I’ve mainly just been continuing my research and writing when I can. Some things just take a long time to figure out and come to clear enough conclusions to write about. That’s why I don’t treat my site like a blog with daily/weekly entries. I’m trying to have the fewest articles possible that say the most important things that stand the test of time.

As far as aliens go, they’ve been a lifelong problem. I’ve learned about them from books/websites, my own experiences, and the experiences of others. So that’s almost 30 years of active research/experimentation. If they weren’t in my life, I’d happily preoccupy myself with music and science which are my true passions, but having to deal with aliens and demons since childhood I feel it a duty to inform others of their tactics and how to beat them.

In terms of personal sacrifices, I had no social life in school, very few friends, no girlfriend til college, I spent most of my free time in high school and beyond just reading and doing experiments to try and figure things out.

I learned about matrix agents by living under an emotionally/verbally abusive stepfather for 8 years and seeing one upfront.

I learned patience and teaching skills from raising my three half-siblings, which was nothing but babies and toddlers for 9 years straight until I went to college, all while also pulling a 4.0 GPA and perfect attendance in high school which earned me a full ride scholarship to college, where I double majored in physics and electrical engineering.

Raising my siblings used up all my “child care credits” that my soul had to give. I cannot imagine doing it again. Therefore, my path naturally leads to not having children Same with pets, I’ve gone through a dozen dogs and cats and watched them all die or be taken away. So I’m without kids or pets now because I’m done with it

I’ve had to deal with alien abductions as a kid and negative programming ever since then, plus psychic attacks, attacks on my health which almost killed me in 2010. They’ve continued attacking and programming, including abduction and posthypnotic programming to induce central sleep apnea and migraines. As a result, my brain capacity now is probably 80% of what it used to be. It’s a war of attrition, but I’m fighting my way to the finish line.

And running a forum for 4 years, which negative forces tried their best to disrupt. That was 4 years of stress and psychic battling against an invisible enemy working through people and through my own ego as well. That’s why I’m so stoic, as a defensive strategy. Prior to that forum, as mentioned I was part of the Cassiopaean research group which ended in a nuclear meltdown, but that taught me about how groups can be compromised and how people’s own blind spots end up being the gateways through which they get taken down.

All that problem solving and researching, combined with networking with others over the past 20+ years, brought me to a point of having enough understanding to put together the articles on my site. I’m not saying they are definitive absolute statements of truth. They’re just the best I have for now.

I don’t wish upon anyone what I’ve gone through, which is why I give a distillation of my research/lessons in the articles on my site to give people some aha moments. If it helps them make sense of what pieces they’ve gathered from experience and research, and if that leads to avoiding unnecessary suffering and time, then I’m happy.

» How can someone tell if they are in an STO or STS state of being? And how can we be more STO in our everyday life?

Within us we have both STO and STS aspects. So which one of those you make your center of gravity determines whether you’re more STO or more STS.

Overall, humans are STS by default when incarnated, as that’s the nature of our biology. We are predators in the evolutionary spectrum of life on Earth. But within this predator resides a soul/spirit/heart that is of an STO nature.

In some people it’s more latent (or absent) compared to others. In some people it’s very bright and clear and active. To become truly STO, a critical mass must be reached in terms of awareness and alignment with spirit to where all that is lower than spirit (i.e. mind, body, soul) is absorbed into it, transformed by it into a transcendent etherealized form. Sort of like Obi Wan Kenobe.

But to answer your question, more STO means more:

empathy and understanding
sensitivity to the oneness behind all living things
creativity, curiosity, openness to learning
self-mastery, composure, victory over the animal impulses
good natured, warm, loving energy
all this tempered by strength, wisdom, and discernment (i.e. not a pushover)
Whereas more STS means more:

selfishness, self-centeredness
looking for ways to exploit others
less empathy, shame, remorse, conscience
materialism, hedonism, debauchery
constant fear, paranoia, and the mentality of separation
hating good/nice people or having contempt for them
being driven or consumed by one’s Shadow side
Okay, so you have spirit/heart/wisdom on one side, and shadow/ego/biology on the other side. That’s the spectrum, within us, and it’s our freewill where we stand in that spectrum.

» How much of gangstalking is real versus just in my head?

Based on everything I’ve experienced and seen, I am reasonably confident of the following points:

1. Negative forces do exist, and they can be “spirit guides,” demons, aliens, ghosts, our own thought-form creations, and various interdimensional entities. There are also humans in shadow military projects or organized crime who have access to high levels of technology.

2. These forces can influence humans, sometimes possessing them, or speaking through them.

3. Reality itself isn’t what the mainstream public thinks it is. Yes, it’s physical and has matter, energy, space, and time as physics knows about—but all of that is occurring within a multi-dimensional construct of consciousness, more like a metaphysical simulation than a real thing, more like a collective dream.

4. That means reality seems “normal” only when everything is working correctly, and it can just as easily become weird, improbable, synchronistic, glitchy, etc. when conditions are right.

5. Reality not being fully 100% real as the public believes, that also means it can be influenced through technology or through consciousness. For example, reality creation/manifesting is an example of our own consciousness influencing this collective “dream” we call reality. But non-human and high tech human forces can also influence it, sometimes in very anomalous ways.

6. We are engaged in a feedback loop with reality, in that our deepest beliefs and intentions influence what happens next in our lives and what happens, in turn, affects us emotionally and mentally in a way that tends to reinforce our deepest beliefs and intentions.

7. So no matter how it started, if you deeply believe and are emotionally invested in the idea that you’re being gang-stalked, that will influence reality into creating more events that seem to confirm it. In other words, it will make it worse and worse and worse. But not that it’s all in your head—it’s actually happening, just that the reason it’s happening is partially due to your deep subconscious investment in that type of phenomenon.

8. Negative forces (who do exist independently, unless they are your own mental/emotional projections) can take advantage of your reality feedback loop. For example, they can start the whole process by using their own methods to create weirdness in your life, look through people’s eyes, speak through them, appear to you visually in a way that scares you to death, and so on. This is bait on a hook, cast into the waters of your reality to reel you in. The fear that event induces can get you to obsess even more about all of that, which causes your consciousness to influence “reality” into bringing more of that experience into your life, which allows these forces into your life even more. So as you can see, they harness that feedback loop and feed off your energy through it.

9. Once you become known to these entities as someone who is fun/interesting to torture and play with, they seem to make a project or game of it. And they keep trying harder and harder to turn your life into a living nightmare, so long as you accept it, believe it, feel you’re powerless against it, and continue responding in the way they want you to respond (with fear, obsession, preoccupation, etc.).

10. So by turning your back on it, treating it with humor or indifference, blotting it out of your reality through intentional denial, you end up de-energizing the feedback loop, weakening them, making them bored, making them leave for the most part. They retreat, and your life returns to 90% normal.

Much of this is a mind game. A bluff. A form of psychological warfare. That means you have the power to transform what you believe and how you feel about it all. If you can shift into an invulnerable, humorous, sovereign, or “done worrying, I have better things to do in my life” type attitude, you get out of the victim mode that they need you to be in, in order to screw with you.

Now the proof that this is generally true, and that it’s not all just physical gang-stalkers coordinating via radio or internet to play games on you, is that it’s everywhere that you are. It surrounds you. No matter where you travel, no matter where you go. Logistically, that is impossible for a regular gangstalking network to pull off. But it’s not impossible if there are higher negative forces targeting you and working through people and manipulating your environment itself. And it’s not impossible if what you are carrying around in your consciousness energetically resonates and attracts these things.

This is a secret that not many know, but those who do, and who apply it, are able to restore their life to 90% normality.

There’s still a 10% remnant because negative forces do exist, just that you’ve taken away 90% of what they depended on to stage this crazy puppet show for you in your life/reality. You cut the strings, but the puppet master is still in the shadow looking occasionally for a chance to return, which all depends on your vibes/mindset and what darkness/fear you allow yourself to slip back into.

The number one problem is that some people who are told this, they refuse to hear or listen. They seem to be caught in a trance of paranoia and prefer believing whatever fantasy the manipulation has tricked them into believing. And their nightmarish fantasy therefore continues to sustain their nightmarish reality.

Okay, so the proper attitude to take is one of empowerment, strategy, and seeing these forces as less powerful than they try to make themselves seem.

» How do you emotionally handle third density reality, Tom?

One thing that helps is knowing that, if you can’t take physical action, you can still take metaphysical action via intents/prayers/visualizations for a positive outcome whatever that may be. Then you feel like you did something, even if physically you couldn’t. That removes some of the guilt, and practically speaking is about all you can do, plus it’s good for your own self similar to forgiveness.

And with that guilt assuaged, you can then focus on the positive too without guilt weighing you down or acting like a force of contradiction that tarnishes your ability to perceive beauty.

So, you take physical action if it’s in your place to do so. If not, you take metaphysical action. And the rest of the time, you focus on what you want to focus on, ideally the true, good, and beautiful.

The only thing that messes this all up is if you’re the one experiencing the nightmare, with an uncertain future, impending doom, problems piling up and so on. Then it’s not as simple as wishing someone well and going on with your day. You have to give it your all, both in staying cool headed and doing what needs to be done, and in fighting hard to keep your head above water emotionally. It’s a spiritual test, a form of spiritual combat.

The other thing that helps is not taking things TOO seriously to where you lose self-awareness and let yourself (the immortal spirit) be swallowed up in the feelings of fragility of the lower/human/mortal self. If you have a slight “lucid dreamer” attitude, that helps you stay on top of it.

» What is more valuable for spiritual evolution, doing less positive but with greater awareness or doing more positive without it?

So we know a couple things…

Blindly helping others is like handing out free calculators to math students who are too poor to afford them. Yes, you’re helping them with math, but this says nothing about your own math abilities. Likewise, blindly helping people (blind action) is good for them but has no bearing on your readiness for graduation to 4D STO. Because it’s not coming from the place within you (consciousness/soul/spirit/freewill) that is the determiner of what state/level you’re in.

On the other hand, if you understand what you do and why and are therefore motivated by an STO impulse from within you—but you just sit on your rear and do nothing and watch other people suffer unnecessarily, that’s going against your own better judgment and would probably depolarize you away from STO somewhat. That’s a form of “not acting” that is bad.

But then someone could look at that and say, “Well, since being STO-inside but somehow not acting on it is bad, then this shows what matters is the acting because without action it’s all for nothing, hence blind action to help others is what counts”—but that’s false.

So we have two false paths:

Blindly acting to help (with that impulse coming from external pressure/programming, not internal knowing/soul/freewill)
Knowingly refusing to help when one understands one should (thereby violating the inner impulse of STO/spirit)
Contrast these with the two correct paths:

Knowingly acting to help when one understands one should
Knowingly withholding help if one understands one shouldn’t help (like if someone is suffering through drug detox and desperately begs for more drugs, and you deny them that, because you understand it’s for their own good to suffer through it).
So sure, helping others blindly is better than nothing, but it’s not enough to be/become STO because what one does during blind action has nothing to do with one’s quality of being.

Therefore, STO helps others as an expression of their being, but simply helping others isn’t necessarily STO because that can come from some place other than being (namely, from programming/social obligation).

So as far as harvest/graduation is concerned, you have to be STO-ish internally first and foremost, and acting upon that as directed by heart/spirit serves to polarize one even more toward STO, whereas ignoring that impulse say in favor of the ego’s fear or distraction with something else will serve to depolarize one from STO a little each time that’s done.

» Unlike most music in the world which is monophonic, Caucasian music is polyphonic, traditionally with lots of harmony and key modulation. What could that mean?

It probably correlates with the Caucasian tendency for innovation, change, revolution, and exploration of new worlds. They keep shifting their tonal center/key. You can’t have key modulation in monophonic music really. Key modulation is the shift between states or realms of being. I think it’s the most powerful thing in music. To lift us beyond ourselves into a different world.

Basic modulation is terribly overused in pop music per the “truck driver’s gear shift” (you know, that dramatic pause when the main theme is getting old and then it comes back a note or two higher).

But the more time has gone on, the more people or at least popular music has lost the ability for it. It used to be a “thing” to modulate cleverly within the same verse or phrase. 50s, 60s music especially. Of course, going back to Bach and before, they modulated like it was second nature to them.

I’m not sure if that capability/resonance says something about the core spirit and its level of evolution, or more just about the “structure” of the physical, etheric, and astral bodies.

I know people with spirits, who are aware truth seekers, who make music or who are into music that isn’t necessarily “high” in the sense of being transcendental. They are not necessarily even talented in the melody or songwriting aspect, and may not even use modulation. But I do know a couple other aware and spirited people who DO have that special something when it comes to making music. It’s just not universal across the board of fringe people.

So I think it may be more a case of musical intelligence that’s partly genetic, partly soul-based. Though, even the genetic component may have been chosen by the incarnating spirit if being a musician is part of that life plan.

Further, in that case, the presence of a spirit might also give the person a potential special ability to tap into a muse (subconscious/Higher Self/home realm, daimons) that leads to melodies and harmonies that have that special “something.” As a musician, I have it, treasure it, and depend on it. This, versus just remixing what one has heard from memory, or going solely based on animal instinct, as a spiritless person would.

Seems like a complex thing with many layers and nuances. But one thing I’m certain of, is that writing deep music or being into music that has that transcendent touch, is only possible if you have a spirit and soul of a certain caliber.

» I get a budding glow of happiness in realizing that I get to use even the dark experiences in life as spiritual practice.

Yes, if you can remember that even when the dark is happening, you’ll have a much better chance of keeping your head above water and even turning it around.

When I was a toddler, when I threw a fit and cried, my mom would hold me up to a mirror. Just looking at my ridiculous red snotty face would make me laugh, and I tried hard not to laugh because I wanted to hold on to my sadness/anger.

I realized later, that whole thing was kind of poetic because people are often the same way as adults.

There’s a part of them that loses itself in the mask, and another part that is above and beyond it, and it’s in connecting with (or returning to) the latter (which is where our realness comes from) that we can stay on top of the darkness.

Another similar episode is when I was at a carnival as a kid. I went on this ride consisting of a car you sit in that was attached by a metal bar to a central column that rotated. So like a merry go round, but the car was on a track. I remember sitting in there, the carnival noises blaring, and it made my ears hurt. So I covered ears with hands, but was freaking out because I didn’t have my hands on the steering wheel. So I was steering with my elbow and knees, covering my ears, and trying to ensure I didn’t drive off the track and die. Most stressful carnival ride ever. Of course, the car was never going to go off the track. I was stressing out over nothing all due to the noise.

So likewise, my emotional responses to stressful situations in life have often been out of proportion to what I needed to do what I needed to do. Hearing the noise around me and in my head distracted me from chilling. I could have done exactly the same things but with a different attitude and saved myself a lot of grief. So being calm and good natured while doing necessary and common sense actions, that’s a nice middle path in life.

» Do you think we can summon events or encounters at will, maybe to manifest something within mere seconds?

The factors would be:

How much internal psychological resistance there is (through fear/doubt/rejection)
How probable it is, like trying to materialize a pile of cash on your desk out of thin air is very improbable by the laws of physics, versus going for a walk and finding on the ground a scratch off lotto ticket that nets you the same amount, which is more probable and plausible
How much it interferes with your freewill and learning path or destiny. If it doesn’t impact it, then easier to manifest. If it helps it, then it almost happens by itself. If it goes against it, then you’re on your own and risk contracting demons or internal dark shadow energies to manifest it into existence, always with regrets in the end.
There are times of emergency where the spirit/soul has so much intent and dire need, not to mention possible divine intervention, that miracles can be manifested quickly. That’s where extreme will (or divine protection) overrides the inherent resistance or improbability.

If someone has no resistance (let’s say a 5 year old child who believes in magic and has no negative programming) then only the learning/destiny/freewill issues and probability remain factors.

I read a case once of a kid who had this lunch box with which he was able to power a circuit and run lights and motors without any seeming source of power, without any wires connected. It even worked when the box and light/motor were separated at a great distance. He finally allows his box to be examined to see what was inside. It was a dried up piece of salami. He was autistic or retarded in some way, but therefore didn’t have the filters keeping him locked into obeying the laws of physics.

I read another case of a girl who cut her finger badly, and she and her mom I think simply closed their eyes and visualized it as well and suddenly there was no more cut or even blood.

Bottom line is that we’ve been programmed and hypnotized from birth by the bodily limitations we experience, and this programming is very deep. Some people don’t “take” that programming and therefore are able to do things others can’t.

» Is it possible to grow spirit in the spiritless and how is this done?

It is my understanding that spiritless humans are not truly individuals, meaning, each does not have his or her own personal soul growth path.

For example, if you arranged flowers into the shape of a human being, there is no actual human being there to evolve. Rather, it may be a representation of a human, but ultimately, it’s just flowers.

Likewise, a spiritless human may have a perfectly functioning human body and brain, but the metaphysical energy behind the eyes is more basic, and not human in the way you and I think of the term.

Something more on the level of an animal or perhaps even a plant. Mystics like Rudolf Steiner called it an elemental spirit.

A higher level animal like a chimpanzee, dog, or cat has more of an individual soul path and sentience than your average spiritless human. You can interact with such a pet and sense there is something more there.

When you get into the question of whether rocks and dirt have consciousness, that is tricky because by consciousness we normally think sentience and self-awareness. But there are grades of consciousness, from simple basic existence, to outward awareness but not consciousness of self, to consciousness imparted with will and emotion, to true self-awareness and freewill like what we are capable of.

Rocks, dirt, atoms, electrons, and protons are made of consciousness, just as the objects inside a dream are projections of the subconscious and are therefore made of consciousness. But is that rock that you see in a dream something that is focused unto itself as a self-aware, separate, thinking entity? I would say not necessarily. It’s an expression of consciousness, but isn’t necessarily sentient in itself. But if you go over and focus on the rock, talk to it, maybe it’ll talk back, but that’s only because you animated it with your intention to give it more capability than it originally had.

The reason that is important is because it’s known in occult practices that you can create so-called thoughtforms, or egregores, or tulpas, using your focused thoughts, emotions, and willpower. These energy forms exist in the etheric or astral state as semi-autonomous entities run by artificial intelligences. They are programmed by your thoughts and energy that you put into them. They are like bubbles blown by your soul into temporary existence. So they are in a way, pieces of you.

These thoughtforms can attach themselves to physical objects and even living things. They can influence those things. If you created a thoughtform of fire and burning, and sent it to someone’s house, it might increase the probability of something catching fire there. If you created a thoughtform of an imaginary deity like, say, Ogar the Mighty God of Wind, and fed it with lots of energy and attention, you might even be able to have another person sense its presence and feel a cool breeze seemingly confirming the validity of this made up deity.

Ok, so what happens when you spend a lot of time interacting with a pet or a spiritless human? Your energies are emitted and can imbue the pet or person. They, in turn, will be augmented or influenced by that energy. In the case of a pet, this is a good thing, if you are emitting good energies. I’ve heard it said in several sources that pets come to us in life as part of an arranged destiny to help not just us have a companion, but to help the pet evolve. The pet evolves in its own personal soul path by absorbing our energy and being worked on by our interactions with the pet. This gives the pet a boost that might allow it to graduate from the animal kingdom and reincarnate as human.

A spiritless human, however, might absorb these energies mainly to feed whatever collective entity this spiritless human is but a tentacle or feeding tube for. A pet is already advanced for its species, already individual, and just needs a boost. But a spiritless human is more like a single sucker on just one arm of an octopus. The energy behind the eyes, the lower level consciousness running that person, is not unique, but is part of a collective hive consciousness similar to that of an ant hive.

The seeming individuality and autonomy of a spiritless human is due to his or her biological and intellectual programming, his unique history, and whatever energy he absorbs from you that adds to his emulation. I don’t think he’s conscious of what’s happening. He’s basically like a thoughtform in a human body, influenced by programming and biology and whatever thoughtforms are added to him by others around him.

Spirit is something different from a mere thoughtform. It is a precipitation, a drop, of divinity. Something permanent, real, that reincarnates, that learns, that has spiritual memory and grows lifetime to lifetime. I guess it depends on how you define spirit. But I define it as the seed of true autonomy, sentience, and individuality. Advanced animals have the tiniest seed of it.

But spiritless humans? I don’t think so, any more than department store mannequins or animatronic puppets are capable of having a spirit. They can house a thoughtform, they can have etheric and astral energies animating them, but they don’t have that seed of individuality that survives death and reincarnates. And the proof is that, if you try to help one of them, they just don’t learn. They don’t really grow as people. They don’t mature in their wisdom. That’s not why they exist.

If someone is born spiritless, but is raised with love and care and morals, they will grow up to be a productive member of society who obeys the laws, goes to church, and is a responsible mother or father. They will be a background character, someone who lacks individuality and originality, who follows the herd, who does what their upbringing and genetics have told them to do. They would be motivated by their programming and biological instinct, rather than any kind of soul mission or destiny or karma or true freewill. They would lack empathy and conscience, but would behave themselves over fear of punishment. For example, if they are instilled with a fear of god, with the idea that they are dirty sinners who must seek repentance, they will neurotically stick to a moral code. Not out of love and respect, but fear and conditioning.

The body itself has genetic programming that instinctually gives even the spiritless human motherly or fatherly qualities at least in a material sense, as is seen among all mammals. The problem is when social or biological programming goes wrong, then there is no spirit, no conscience, no empathy to counteract that. For example, if a spirited child were abused, he or she could grow up knowing that they wouldn’t want to do the same to others, so they’d actually be a better parent for it. Whereas a spiritless human, that’s all they would know, and they would perpetuate the same abuse. Even a spirited human can do that, if they lack a connection to spirit and give into the ego and shadow energy within them that was instilled via the abuse.

So if you were to encounter a spiritless human and give them all your love and kindness and attention, a couple things can happen.

First, if their existing programming is already very messed up and they have become social predators, they will simply feed off your attention and will exploit your kindness. The kind of person who always asks you for time and advice to make them feel better but they never actually act on anything you say. They are just milking you for your attention and energy, and when they feel better after they’ve been fed, they go on their way til then need you again. They would be like broken records, always the same sob story, or the latest drama, quite histrionic, and demanding an unusual amount of time and energy from you. But like a broken record they never progress from all that invested time and energy. They don’t grow as people. They don’t become enlightened or mature. They just change and adapt to their circumstances while remaining inwardly the same as always. So that’s the first case.

The second case is if they are harmless background characters. In that case, you would be imbuing them with your own energies, wishes, thoughts, etc. and would be adding that layer to them. So they go from being relatively blank and boring to now mirroring you because now they have become partly your creation.

» About reality creation/manifestation and Covid-19 lockdowns, how do they reconcile?

We live in a collective reality and our physical bodies are subject to the laws of physics which includes space, time, matter, energy, conservation of momentum and energy. This means there is scarcity and competition for the population as a whole.

Physics allows for freewill violation. You can restrain someone against their will if you were strong enough. You could stab or shoot them. If you are spirited, you would suffer karmic regret at a deeper spiritual level that would require a correction later in time. If freewill violation weren’t possible, then karma wouldn’t exist either.

Reality creation generally determines what we attract within the array of what is possible as circumscribed by circumstance. So if you go vacation in Indonesia in 2004 and are on the beach, well when the tsunami happens you will be caught up in that. For all we know it was 90% of the people there who needed/wanted that and attracted it, but the 10% who were there of their own volition are forced to face it because they entered into that collective experience there. If they have positive vibes, maybe they’ll leave that morning for some reason and miss it. Or maybe they get swept by the waves but end up clinging to a tree and miraculously surviving if it’s not their time to die. That’s allowable within the parameters of what is possible.

If you want to reality create to win a million dollars, that’s only possible in a collective reality where society is functioning enough to have a lottery system and money supply available. If you time traveled to 2000 B.C. and tried to reality create a million dollars, that’s not going to happen as it’s outside the bounds of possibility.

You don’t have to think about something in order to reality create it. You just have to have agreed to face the risk according to the rules of the game into which you enter. If you agree that sure, by becoming a physical human I may age prematurely and get injured if you bang your head, then when you age and get injured well that’s what happens.

Where reality creation comes in, is which option from what’s available you attract into your life. That the virus exists, that stores are half empty, that mass quarantines exist is now a fact of life, part of the collective experience whether you wanted it or not. A shared environment with freewill beings means not everyone can get what they want. If the majority ‘vote’ for one thing, all will have to experience it. Like the President of your country. You may have wanted a different candidate, but the rules of voting say just one can be, so if you were in the minority now you have a President you don’t like.

What I’m seeing is that, within the parameters of the virus existing and supply/quarantine issues, people who have a higher vibe are getting consistently lucky with being prepared in time, with finding things they need, and with generally being taken care of. So they get their little corner of heaven even if it’s within a hellish situation.

Reality creation where you saturate your mind intentionally, that’s an artificial form of attraction. Without that, you are attracting all the time subconsciously according to the resonance spectrum of your soul. Collectively, these resonances can create a collective “tone” of sorts that invites a collective experience. That factors in, as does specific elements of karma/destiny. For example, even in our lives we have destined phases or major events, that happen regardless of our current soul resonance, because those were decided or agreed to before incarnating. And that factor mixes as well with the physical determinism factor, violence, injury, aging, and sometimes disease.

Disease itself is partly physical caused, and partly metaphysical caused. Those who have a strong enough grip on their body can prevent getting sick under most circumstances. Nostradamus was able to go around during the Black Death without getting affected, whereas others survived maybe only because of genetic immunity or blind luck. If people can bend spoons, walk on fire, and other mind over matter things, then we can also stave off or invite disease accordingly. The invitation still needs a physical agent to manifest, so it’s not like tissue gets sick first and then some bacteria comes in as some secondary effect. More like, the energetic weakness exists first, then virus/bacteria are probabilistically attracted, then the immune/cell structure opens up to it, then the tissue gets infected.

» Mathematics is an archetypal language. Synchronicity can behave like an archetypal language also. Associating these two seems like a natural thing to do. And doing that would reveal what?

Considering how 111 might mean one thing to one person and another thing to another person, I would say that synchronicity operates via archetypes that go deeper than numbers. The reason is that 111 isn’t just an abstract number, it’s also a geometric pattern in space, hence a symbol for more than just numerical value, and one of the interpretations of that pattern may indeed be the number 111 but it has other possible interpretations that aren’t numerical.

Like maybe three claw marks, or three trees, or in my case flow lines all nicely lined up meaning I’m in the flow. In fact, does it represent the number ‘3’ or the number ‘1’ or the number ‘111’?

So the translation from spatial pattern to meaning is a source of subjectivity and variability there. Put another way, mathematics has a rigor and consistency that synchronicities and even number synchronicities lack.

Alternatively, if a number appears and no one is there to observe it, does it even mean anything?

If numbers are archetypal, but no meaning is read into them, do they have meaning in and of themselves?

Or, here’s another thought. If everything is ultimately “One”, then wouldn’t anything other than numbers 1 and 0 be expressions of illusion and separation? Like one apple vs two apples … requires conception of what an apple is, and space to separate one apple from another, and a buying into a belief that these are two distinct things that are separate. But that’s all workings of the intellect, and space itself is illusion you could say.

Then again, in my Realm Dynamics article, I was speculating about numbers as archetypes and how prime numbers must be fundamental enough that they could signify their own realms. After all, if there are an infinite number of primes, each one could describe an entire dimension/mode of being, right? And then non-primes would just be combinations of primes, just as tertiary colors are combos of primary colors.

So there’s a lot to think about there. I would say that a synchronicity like seeing a dolphin right after parking in front of a car that had “DOLPHIN” on the license plate, I’m not sure how that could be quantified mathematically though. A lot of synchs are non-numerical like that. So either meanings like that are indeed mathematical, like described by a prime number with enough digits to somehow encode the concept of dolphin, or they aren’t mathematical at all, and math/numbers are just one of the many ‘things’ that feature in our ‘reality.’

» Could a cluster of bodily injuries and accidents in a short span of time be a result of a bad attitude or psychic attack?

I’ve had injuries myself and know how disruptive and discouraging they can be.

I believe an anomalous timing of injuries can be due to any of these:

Low vibes, bad attitude, victim mindset—like a self-fulfilling prophecy, self-caused.
Going off the “path” of your purpose/destiny too far, or doing too much bad stuff that you know deep down is wrong (like scheming to rip off an innocent person). This is karma, essentially, meant to steer you back on the right path.
A positive and necessary part of your “path” (destiny) where injury serves as a catalyst for inner growth, or maybe prevents you from doing something that would have been even worse, or opens up new opportunities (like someone who loses their legs but then becomes an advocate for the disabled and helps thousands lead better lives)
An astrological/environmental factor, like Mercury Retrograde, where it’s simply a time period where more accidents happen and everyone gets affected to different degrees depending on their own astrological configurations at birth or the above three factors playing into it and making them more susceptible or less.
Active targeting by negative forces, notably demons or people who are hateful and curse you in their wicked hearts, who have it out for you and want you to fail in your purpose, cause suffering, and are looking for opportune moments to get through your defenses and cause injury.
Now, which one of these 5 factors explains your situation, I can’t say for sure but it depends on all the little things surrounding it. For example, can you think of anything you were doing leading up to this that would warrant a kind of karmic correction … were you going down any bad or dangerous paths… Or maybe, were you raising your awareness/vibrations in a way that attracted the alarm of demons who up to that point had been keeping you under their thumb … or do the dates of these accidents all fall within Mercury Retrogrades… or did these injuries lead to anything really good coming out of it…. or do you have an underlying neurotic fear of injury and a subconscious preoccupation with it that might have attracted/created them… (rhetorical)—These are the questions I would ask myself to narrow in on the possible causes.

But whatever the case, a lot of this is a mind game in that if you believe you are cursed or doomed or need to atone for some ‘sin’ then that can self-create more misery. Therefore, if instead you induce in yourself the belief that you’re getting on the right track, or are on the right track, that you’re protected and safe, that going forward you’re in a mode of health and stability and such… then that will counter some of the other negative factors above (like #5). You have to make sure not to let fear or anxiety ‘get at you’ and ‘eat away at you’ as whether you create it or merely allow something to get in, that kind of underlying gnawing fear is what has the greatest power of creating more such accidents.

So keep your spirits up and know that you have a role in shaping your future, that you are not powerless, that a combination of common sense safety actions + spiritual intentions can protect you on both the physical and metaphysical side of things.

» How does one free themselves from control/interferences from 4d, 5d, and 6d entities and the Matrix in general and live their divine purpose?

In short, we do the best we can, provided we know what to do and what to avoid.

For example, if a person is wasting all energy on anger-inducing news reading and porn, and muddling willpower through smoking pot, well they can start by cutting back or cutting out those things and substituting with healthier alternatives.

Hyper-D interference requires vigilance and spiritual/emotional hygiene to counter. The methods they use, many are discussed on my website. Awareness helps protect against it.

Some things, though, you just have to counter with willpower. Like if they sick a dark thoughtform on you and you feel like crap, well to avoid yelling at someone or saying something regrettable you have to stay aware and muzzle yourself through raw willpower until it passes.

If it’s dream manipulation, then lucid dreaming would have to be learned. If one lacks the energy to do it, then would need to get more sleep by going to bed 30-60 minutes earlier than usual. It’s no fun, but the choice has to be made to do it in order to have the energy needed during dreams to fight back.

And all that aside, you have to cultivate a fun and rich inner life of thoughts, ideas, discovery, creativity. Get your kicks from learning things, figuring things out, testing/experimenting/trying, helping others if the opportunity presents itself, and doing what you just feel is like a really great idea that you can agree with top to bottom. All these things give you a boost in morale and mood, or they should at least, even if it takes some work to attain the victory that gives you that feeling, and that’s the beginning of a positive feedback loop that grows the more you sustain it.

If you’re plagued by obsessive thoughts, limiting thoughts, self-punishment, guilt, etc. then those are subconscious repressed energies, traumas, and such that also need to be brought to awareness and thought about, resolved, and moved on from.

Since we are beings that are physical, etheric, astral, mental/spiritual, we can have problems or solutions on all these levels. Physical is another one—besides more sleep, it’s important to watch for nutritional deficiencies that can affect energy levels and mood and mental clarity. Without the latter, it’s hard to do anything else. The body can be our prison or our springboard, depending on whether it hinders or helps us do what our soul/heart feels we should do.

» When we talk of the ‘original’ or ‘true’ Creator, are we assuming it only has divine attributes, or all attributes including evil? And when Philip K. Dick says “The Creator of the world is demented” is he referring to the original Creator?

PKD and the Gnostics believed that there was a true god beyond this world who was all good, all divine, all sentient. And that our world is the creation of a sub-god that is blind, demented, corrupt.

Of course, everything that exists is a projection of, and contained within, the one absolute infinite consciousness which we would have to call God, so evil would be part of that and exist within it—however, we have to differentiate between function/form and substance/essence. Two beings can be of the same essence/substance, but express themselves differently in function/form. Hitler and Jesus were made of meat. So what? Hitler and Jesus were made of conscious energy. So what? Function matters more.

I would say that the true Creator (infinite consciousness) is fundamentally good/positive/divine, but that as part of its act of creation, it gave freewill/autonomy to what was created, including the ability to create that which the Creator itself in its original form did not plan or intend. Only by doing this could there be any purpose to creation, because without freewill/autonomy everything would merely be a puppet on a string and the whole result of everything would therefore be known from the start and so since there’s no surprise there would be no growth or learning and hence no purpose to creation.

The autonomy/freewill factor is what creates novelty, progress, evolution, growth, and purpose.

The downside is that freewill must allow for the choice to also go against the Creator. If that choice weren’t possible, there would be no freewill. Autonomy means a fragment/projection of the Creator has options to choose from, rather than being a puppet. And that means if one can choose light, then one must also be able to choose darkness. You can’t have a choice if it’s only one option. So there must be at least two options, and if light is one of them, non-light has to be the other.

So although the projections of the Creator are One in substance with it (made of consciousness), by its own autonomy it can function in a way that’s not in harmony with the original Creator. And so we get evil, and the corruption of the Demiurge.

The demiurge is supposed to be a puppet carrying out the act of sustaining/projecting reality. That’s why I say in my Gnosis series that most likely this demiurge was programmed or corrupted by beings within/near physicality who do have freewill/autonomy and weren’t just puppets. It was dark beings jacking into and spreading their darkness to the demiurge that created a corrupted version of the demiurge which in turn created an even more corrupt version of reality that we find ourselves within now. This corrupted demiurge, projector of this corrupted world, is the one that PKD and the Gnostics were referring to.

» How is etheric different from astral?

Etheric is the subtle energy field that’s closest to the physical, like a mirror copy of the physical except it contains a lot of extra stuff in it that we can’t see with our eyes. It’s like the HTML code behind a web page. It contains the same text you see in your browser, but also contains comments, scripts, and other data that makes the website work but which you don’t directly see. So think of the etheric as a ghostly energy scaffold that contains the “code” from which physical reality is projected but also contains additional code that isn’t physical.

The human body has a very basic etheric field associated with the atoms/molecules, and a more complex etheric field that makes up the human soul itself and would be called its lifeforce energy field or aura. If a person dies, the latter leaves the body and all that’s left is the physical body and its basic etheric field. By basic, I mean that it doesn’t matter if we’re talking about a rock or water or piece of metal, all matter and energy has behind it an etheric field from which it is projected. Just that living things have an additional etheric lifeforce energy field that makes it alive. Plants and bacteria have this more complex etheric energy field.

The astral is outside of space and time as we know it, but interfaces with the etheric and physical bodies through transducers some call chakras and meridians. They are like wormholes I guess you could say, that bridge different realities or different dimensions. The astral is similar to the etheric in that it’s a subtle energy field, but it’s at a higher dimensional level and more part of the field of consciousness, emotion, will, passion, and thoughts than matter, energy, space and time.

So you can think of the etheric as beneath/around/containing physicality, while the astral is around/within/of consciousness. So it’s on the other side of the veil, so to speak.

Without an etheric body, we would not be alive in the physical body. We would not be able to interface with it and occupy it.

Without an astral body, we wouldn’t have feelings, drives, passions, or personality.

If a person is emotionally blocked in life due to childhood trauma, and later this manifests as cancer for example, a clairvoyant looking at this person would see the following. They would see that the physical body is diseased, as any doctor would, and see that the etheric body is darkened in that area meaning it’s missing healthy lifeforce energy, and then viewing the astral body they would see it symbolically as, say, an energy cocoon with a big hole in it and maybe sharp knives embedded in that spot. In reality, there are no astral knives, but there are foreign emotional energy patterns that have disrupted the person’s astral energy patterns in a way that approximates a wounding.

So as you can see, the astral is interpreted by our mind in symbolic ways, as our brains lack the ability to perceive astral energies directly. Etheric energies can be seen more easily if clairvoyant as various colors and patterns and lines of energy. But the astral, being a higher spiritual phenomenon, is translated by the mind into something it can understand and symbols are the language that translates it.

The etheric and astral bodies together make up what I call the soul. I differentiate that from spirit, which I define as the central core of divinity, individuality, and consciousness that survives death and eventually inhabits new bodies per the process of reincarnation.

The soul is needed to help the spirit interface with the physical body. After death, the etheric, astral, and spirit leave the physical body… after a few days the etheric drops off and disintegrates, and the astral and spirit go on to the astral planes until the astral body too drops off, then you just have the spirit in a state beyond space and time where it can commune with other beings and plan its next life. This is the average/general case, not saying everyone follows that exact timing and sequence.

» What do you think of reproduction being used as a punishment or slavery program by the Matrix?

If it’s the result of poor choices, marriage and kids is the #1 way spirited people are taken down by the spiritless or by negative matrix agents. Once you’re locked in like that, you’re screwed. Not saying all kids to all parents are a prison sentence. Just saying that, if the Matrix can work it so that a good person gets slaved to a spiritless or bad person via poor choices that result in marriage and kids and unhappy times, well then they’re done for.

It happens because there is still freewill here. Bad things that are not part of our destiny can still take place. There are negative forces that do what they can, when they can. Yes, there are limits to what they can do. But bad choices lead to bad outcomes, against destiny, and that adds to your karmic load that you’ll have to correct another time.

As for pregnancy itself, just looking at it objectively, it is the way of animals. The birth of a baby soul to a mother soul is a beautiful thing, but the physical process itself is animal in nature. In the higher realms, carrying a fetus in the womb and going through painful child birth is not how things are done.

As spirit beings, we are probably not supposed to ideally be here, but we figuratively ate from the forbidden fruit and incarnated here and now must go through sex and death, romance and war, and all that defines human 3D existence. In that sense, it’s also a feeding mechanism for the Matrix, and helps the ‘cattle’ replenish their own stock.

Any positives to marriage, parenting, and being a child are in parallel to that, not mutually exclusive with it, and is spirit trying to make the best out of some pretty difficult conditions.

Due to our amnesia, we go along to get along, and we don’t realize how heavy, painful, and tragic our existence is as humans. That’s one reason why people escape into fantasy, because a subconscious part of them knows there is another existence that isn’t like what we have here.

» I wanted to ask you what the ego really is. Does it need to be simply suppressed (as in the negative and unnecessary thoughts) or is it something that can be transformed to positive?

I think the ego is the sum of our biological and social programming, which creates an AI-like avatar that a portion of our spirit, which is the source of our self-awareness and positive spiritual traits, wears like mask (or inhabits like a game avatar/character) in order to interact with the world in a smoothly functioning way, i.e. that has a human personality and sense of identity.

If the spirit is absent, or too absorbed in the avatar, the avatar does its own thing according to its programming. And so with organic portals or spiritless humans, that’s all they are. The issue is that biological programming is generally selfish unless it’s like mating or raising a child which has a lot of instinctual programming involved, and society also teaches us to adopt selfish traits a lot of the time.

So we end up with this fragile ego whose programming interprets the world in a certain way according to its programming, i.e. in a threat-assessing kind of way, and the programming happens every day in response to our experiences, wants and needs being satisfied or not, how we model our parents and others in our own heads, and all that psychology stuff.

And so any emotional suffering in life, whether it’s from punishment, pain, regret, rejection, alienation, failure, shame, etc. gets imprinted into the ego and its subconscious understructure, and adds to how it views the world. For example, if you get rejected by three girls in a row you will feel the pain, feel shitty about yourself, ego can’t accept being sh*t so it has to find a way to turn it around to make itself feel better, and therefore reasons irrationally that women are sh*t, and once that distortion is in place the ego sees what it wants to see and starts cherry-picking observations to substantiate itself.

But fundamentally the ego is just this fragile social-biological construct that has a story, a narrative, a way of viewing the world, and feeling certain ways about certain things.

It can be transformed to positive by saturating the subconscious with positive feelings and correct empowering beliefs, and programming the ego in terms of its self-image, core values, narrative, etc. into one that support a spiritual purpose or mission. The only issue is that, fundamentally, the ego is the source of our feeling separate from others, which leads to specialness and competition and fight-flight reactions, so it’s easy for the ego to dress itself up in saintly clothing while power tripping and trying to manipulate others into making itself feel good.

That’s why we have to distinguish between spirit and ego. Spirit has no selfish ulterior motives, it’s just for truth, balance, rightness, beauty, goodness, wisdom/understanding, and whatever else appeals to true sentience.

The ego rationalizes, fears pain and seeks lower pleasure, is lazy and avoiding, is self-contradictory, hypocritical, cruel, cold, and self-deceptive.

Where it gets subtle is that the ego, being a product if your genetics and social conditioning, is therefore partially ‘designed’ by the spirit in terms of spirit having a say in which body it incarnates into and how its life might generally go. Since the latter shape the ego, the avatar/mask you are wearing was in a sense chosen by you-as-Spirit—but, it’s also been shaped by the choices made by you-as-human, and by the risks you’ve chosen to endure by being human (neg forces, things going wrong, suffering in this crappy society).

So it’s kind of intricate there but the good news IMO is that we can transform our subconscious and our ego to more correctly and harmoniously reflect our true nature which is our Spirit/Consciousness, the latter not being a product of either social or biological conditioning other than what wisdom/growth we’ve gained from prior incarnations.

» I know people who had seemingly better lives than me growing up, but don’t understand why they choose to be so jaded, foggy, and vague all the time compared to me.

That’s the thing, you can have two people born into similar circumstances whether both have an upper middle suburban life, or both have a hard life to a single mom in the poor part of town… and yet one person will grow up a kind, aware person… and the other will be an empty, jaded, potentially cruel person.

That tells me it’s something other than environment/upbringing that’s the key factor. Maybe genetics plays a small part but mostly it has to be the consciousness/destiny of the incarnating spirit (or whether there even is a spirit).

Because if you take a lowlife and a monk, and have both die and incarnate into the same family, guaranteed the monk is going to come out a better person despite same/similar conditions.

But that aside, what we see of a person is the sum of their little choices so far in life (and hence also in their previous life, if they have a spirit that reincarnates). Maybe at various points in this life, they had the opportunity to ponder something, or learn something, and instead they felt the mild discomfort that comes with thinking and chose instead to distract themselves with stupid sh*t because it was more comfortable. If that’s kept up over decades, they’ll wind up a really shallow and jaded person. And it would be because fundamentally they are lazy comfort/pleasure seekers and don’t have, or haven’t developed, a sense of curiosity. Or maybe the pain of not knowing something is lower for them than the pain of thinking deeply, which would be a consequence of a lack of (or underdeveloped) spirit connection.

In your case, since you have a spirit and also went through struggle, that was a lot for you to deal with and process, a lot of yourself that you had to apply. Sad to say, that’s actually the best way to develop a consciously active spirit. Because in situations where there isn’t much stimulation, like say an upper middle suburban life where all is vanilla, the spirit tends to languish and disconnect from reality. Loss of meaning and purpose is one of the most harmful things. That’s why in a nice calm environment like a temple, the monks had to put themselves through struggle on purpose whether through martial arts stuff like the Shaolin monks or concentration and the fight for inner mastery.

Because I’m thinking how, sure, a vacation is nice, but compare a vacation where you just sit there on a boat and watch nice mountains pass by you, versus being on a ‘mission’ to make it up to the base camp on that mountain. The latter is ‘work’ but it’s also a vacation in that you get meaning and purpose from the challenge.

Life can be like that too. Not all struggle is good though, as you know. So much of it is redundant, negs hammering away at you again and again and again. So there’s definitely a sweet spot where there’s enough to bring the best out of you, give you something to learn and practice against. And a lot of people are missing even that. Or else, they suffer and struggle but never learn anything, just drink themselves away instead of confronting their issues.

Some people never introspect. They don’t even know the space inside their own mind. They’re always focused outwardly. They don’t remember their dreams. I don’t understand them, but they exist and I think most of those don’t have a spirit. Nothing much can be done for them… So it goes to show that we may all look human but behind the face it’s a whole zoo of different possibilities.

» What’s your take on socialism/Marxism vs. capitalism?

The ideal system is free market capitalism in which the judicial, legislative, and executive branches of government intervene when there are monopolies or predatory practices that infringe on a free market and violate the laws (including Constitutional rights).

This maximizes freewill, liberty, and personal property. The idea is to maximize people’s ability to choose how successful they want to be financially depending on how much smarts and effort they put into it. It’s about equal opportunity, rather than pure equality, as the latter means if you rise you get pounded down and if you don’t try you get propped up, which is the socialist way.

The Marxists make class a big thing, in order to create division. It’s a trap because it makes the lower class think their identity is that class and therefore they can never rise without betraying their kind. So it’s like that crab mentality where crabs in a bucket stay in a bucket because when one tries to crawl out the others latch on to it and pull it back in, so they all stay in.

The perfect system is where lower classes become middle class, and middle class become upper class, in a chain that lifts everyone up through merit, education, and equal opportunity. That way the entire population improves in quality of life and that’s how the world reaches a better state.

What the Marxists want instead is the reverse, take the upper class and demote them to middle class, and take the middle class and remove their private property and make them live like lower class. That way everyone (except the ultra-elite) eventually becomes lower class, workers, and peasants, arm in arm.

The deception is that a group must remain in power to manage it all, and they become the true ultra-elite, so all you ultimately did was turn a free society into a feudal society where a small nobility presides over a mass of serfs. That’s what Marxism is, behind all the propaganda. It’s feudalism.

And once you add in universal basic income and automation (a seeming socialist wet dream), then instead of private property being eliminated and workers owning the means of production, you end up with the workers being eliminated and becoming the private property of the ultra-elites. How is that for irony? That’s why leftists are ignorant. They are donkeys following the carrot right off a cliff. “But true carrot tasting has never been tried,” they say. Right, because it’s always a stick’s length away, and that’s the trap.

So just because our system of capitalism has some corruption to weed out, doesn’t mean therefore that capitalism in itself is bad and needs to be replaced with Marxism/socialism. The weeding out needs to restore it to free market capitalism, which is where freedom resides for the time being, given human nature.

There is wealth inequality today, but it’s not as absolute and evil as Marxists say. Bezos can have his billions right up until he uses it to stifle competition and do bad things, then feds as an instrument of the People must intervene. Others must be allowed to fairly build up their businesses until they too are rich. So the issues with capitalism today are those that go against the principle of a free market. But that can be fixed way more easily than the problems that arise in socialism which are systematic, fundamental, and statist.

Now, socialism can work if everyone is selfless, responsible, and hard working. Then only those who truly try but cannot make it get propped up by the rest. This works in small teams, families, groups up to about 150 people (Dunbar Number) where there’s accountability. Beyond that, accountability goes down as anonymity goes up, and then humans, being part animal (or all animal if they have no spirit), economize their energies as any animal does and becomes a drag on the system. People in power implement policies to help those lazies but do it in a very idealistic, divorced-from-reality, inefficient, and unsustainable way. Therefore the whole thing eventually runs out of wealth and implodes.

So, socialism is an incredibly inefficient system that keeps everyone poor and stifles innovation. The only way it’s been able to exist in modern times is off the back of capitalist productivity and wealth. China allows capitalism because it can’t survive without it, but the CCP has the final say in business affairs.

In Scandinavian countries, which socialists tout as successful examples of socialism, the tax rate is high and social services are plentiful BUT only because outside of government everything else is capitalist and the people are hardworking, productive, and responsible. But let’s see how long that lasts with all the refugees and migrants they are supporting.

Normally welfare is an investment in that it helps people get back on their feet to recontribute to society. Not so when it’s dumped into demographics who not only refuse to assimilate, but purposely take advantage and commit themselves to destroying the hand that feeds.

Socialism is like a 10 pound tick on a 10 pound dog… if the dog is strong enough, the tick and dog can both survive, but it shouldn’t be there in the first place. There are often lots of resources for inefficient socialist systems to feed off of. California has a strong tech and agriculture sector that grew to maturity in its pre-socialist days, but now companies are fleeing California thanks to the consequences. Socialist Venezuela feeds off its oil production. Once that revenue collapsed, the country ate itself (or literally its pets) because socialism isn’t sustainable or self-sufficient. And yet its proponents are paradoxically obsessed with sustainability in a superficial way with going green and banning plastic straws, as if covering up the core rot of their ideology.

That’s how China, California, Washington, and other socialist/communist-like enclaves have survived. When the dog gets too weak, the system collapses, like it did in Detroit, Venezuela, and the Soviet Union.

Therefore, socialism leads to a form of parasitism. It’s also like a cancer, and is modeled after cancer. If you think about how in CHAZ, Antifa took over a section of the city, created a barrier, ate up all the local resources, demanded outside resources, didn’t produce any resources of their own, and operated by their own laws that went against the harmony and laws of the nation. And, if they had established a zone there permanently, they would have expanded it outwardly and required more and more resources from the outside to sustain itself and its degenerate ways. That is how cancer works.

Socialism/Marxism/communism is a feudalist, parasitic, cancerous ideology disguised as justice, equality, and fairness. And the only reason it exists is because there are enough naïve people falling for it. Those people don’t look long term enough, don’t think big enough, and many are actually slave to their egos and shadows where envy, jealousy, and childish outlooks reside. They point to corporate greed as justification for their infantile petulance, then gleefully follow the golden carrot toward totalitarianism.

It’s okay to have welfare and social services, as long as there is oversight to prevent abuse and a push to get people back on their feet if possible. Teaching a man how to fish, versus giving him a fish. Giving him a fish is how you make him dependent on you forever, and so that’s another thing about socialism/Marxism/communism—it’s designed to create dependency, in order to control.

So it’s about parasitism and control, and that’s why it’s ultimately an un-human, demonic, alien thing that exploits flaws in human psychology to sell itself. I can’t believe people are falling for it. Then again, modern human biology with all its backdoors and exploits, was genetically engineered by these very same alien forces that are now using false ideologies to pave the way toward global totalitarianism.

» How can I better handle being so negatively triggered by things?

First step is analyzing the past situations where you reacted that way. What happened, what triggered it, what you felt before/during/after, and so on.

Then you can make a commitment to identify it the next time it occurs. All you have to do then is stay aware of the present moment, pay attention to the sensation itself without thinking about the past or the future but just remain in the present as an objective observer. Breathe and watch the feeling sensation, and let it pass.

That breaks the hypnotic spell that the reactive triggering has over you. The more often you do this, the more you break that connection.

Next, you can then implement some kind of routine that is activated when you have just almost been triggered into that negativity. That is, something happens, you start feeling the negative way, but catch yourself and observe it, and since you’re now lucid and aware of it happening, you make a conscious choice to do something else, preferably something that stimulates your heart/spirit. For example, can switch focus to understanding, compassion, empathy. Or to forgiveness, acceptance. Or whatever is sort of the opposite of what the reaction’s trying to get you to do.

That way the negative reaction itself becomes the trigger for the initiation of something that is equal and opposite, thereby canceling it out. This way, if the reaction is actually induced by a negative entity like a demon, the demon has no choice but to give up if every attempt it does ends up accomplishing the opposite.

You can also use autosuggestion. To do that, lie down for a 20 minute nap. Relax for the first 10 minutes and try to get near the edge of sleep. Or maybe you did nod off briefly but sort of woke back up again but not fully. In that state, address your brain/body and give it a loving but very firm command (like you really mean it) to … whatever you want. “Whenever something tries to trigger you, you will respond by becoming conscious of it happening and choosing a positive response instead.” That’s one example. Or, you can be in that near-sleep state and visualize yourself in future situations where you behave in a normal/positive way to some imagined provocation.

If you do that several times, you’ll find your natural reactions changing from your previous pattern to this new pattern.

» Do you think the aliens will ever just give up and leave us alone?

If it were just one negative alien faction trying to take over, in a part of the universe that’s not that inhabited, then we might be toast because it would be us versus them, and if they become pissy about us resisting they’d probably nuke the planet when they leave.

But, apparently, we live in a rather inhabited part of the galaxy, and there are positive alien factions too, or if not positive then at least neutral alien overseer groups that act as referees or a judicial system regarding all this.

The negative groups have invested a lot of time, manipulation, and everything to bring us to this point. But it’s a gamble. What they need is our ignorant consent for them to take over, to willingly want the trojan horses they offer us.

So if enough information spreads, if people see through it when it is attempted, then it will fail, and at that point we would have certain rights as a civilization in the eyes of the overseer/positive groups that grants them powers to intervene.

Now, if humanity as a whole needs certain learning catalysts that can only come through tyranny or a close brush with tyranny before it crumbles, then unfortunately that’s what we’ll be going through.

But I don’t think we’re doomed. For the neg aliens to leave, their jig needs to be up. They must be found out, exposed, and people becoming officially resistant to their presence. Then they both lose the outcome they were hoping for, and the positive groups can help us.

Now, things don’t always go perfectly so maybe if they fail they’ll try to scorch the earth, and there will be alien vs alien battles that we’ll see in the skies, as many people have had visions of in their dreams over the decades. It may be that different parts of the planet fall under different alien jurisdictions as the battle plays out and the negative ones are beat back.

Our destiny is to learn the lesson, but the lesson can be learned the easy way through pre-emptive learning and push back, or the hard way through going through the experience first and reflecting on it afterwards.

So I’d say the ending will be good, but there’s some stuff up in the air about how exactly it will play out.

The fact that people resisted a lot of the Covid lockdown overstepping, and that they’re becoming truthers in a way, is a good sign. People are actually getting smarter, even if others seem to be getting dumber. Mostly thanks to the internet and social media creating a mass sharing of good information.

» How much individual free will would we have left after the majority accept negative ETs as saviors?

My takeaway from the various prophecies + abductee/contactee data about this planet’s future is that yes there will be a dark age for a couple hundred years starting probably within our lifetime, and likely brought on ultimately by climate/cosmic disasters that lead to a collapse of civilization.

Aliens will show up shortly before then in order to capitalize on it and control the chaos enough that they therefore control the outcome. In other words, they’d show up at a very sensitive point on our timeline where the future is most in flux.

Except, based on the reports, it seems that their ‘takeover’ will be incomplete. Most likely because positive groups will show up too, and maybe because the planet would be in too chaotic a condition for the whole planet to acquiesce to one alien faction.

So it would be more piecemeal, certain areas having hybrids introduced and come under their control, other areas under positive alien influence. I’m not sure on the details.

Natural cataclysm cycles are real, they’ve happened before, and I doubt they can be stopped, so the alien agenda must work around that, or make use of it. So that needs to be factored in for sure.

The negative ETs would want it so that those who resist can be handled. Probably why they haven’t done it yet. Back around 2008, we were at our most vulnerable and if things had continued then it probably would have happened by now. But awareness of alien deception methods did spread at that time, which may have shifted the odds. My book Discerning Alien Disinformation made waves in the exopolitics community, and even created upheavals behind closed doors there. I’m sure the ETs weren’t pleased about it.

On the other hand, if the planet is in disarray due to collapse, then from this chaos could be forged a new order under their (negative ET) direction. I remember Fore outlining one way it could go. Basically after some collapse, there are dispersed villages of survivors barely making by. Aliens and their hybrids start in one region and sweep through an area offering food and medicine and gaining converts/zealots. Those who resist will be seen as going against the survival of the village. They could be persecuted. This can be repeated from region to region, until the nation is purged of resisters.

But if positive aliens intervene, and maybe provide help and info and encouragement to fight for your freedoms, etc. then that wouldn’t work. And the neg aliens may decide to give it up at some point, which would leave a sparse population continuing to try and survive, with some help/guidance from the positive aliens, in a slow rebuilding process. I think that’s the most likely scenario.

» Do you think twin flames are an archon construct?

I think real twin flames exist, but most of that subject is bait used by archons to hook you up with someone who is one of their puppets, or to get you pining for someone you’re not meant to be with but whom you think is your twin flame.

If two people are truly twin flames, they will feel super comfortable around each other like they’re two aspects of the same soul. There doesn’t have to be a ton of mad sexually charged romance involved. In fact, it might be more like two very close friends who have a lot of love for each other and support each other in their respective personal missions as well as whatever combined mission they might have for a higher good.

It’s easy to get misled with the twin flames subject though. Just because you lust after a guy/girl and project a lot of care upon them, doesn’t mean they are who you think they are, or that they would ever reciprocate it. There’s no worse way to get hung up on someone than to think you and them are destined in the highest cosmic sense if that isn’t true. If you are, it happens in a natural way where you come together and recognize each other at the soul level. It’s not a one-sided thing.

So I’d say it’s a real phenomenon that’s not super common, but disinformation about it has been spread by archon-influenced sources to create a lot of suffering

» What is the connection between archons and karma?

Karma fundamentally is your own self-correction mechanism induced by guilt or approval of what you did. This self-judgment occurs every night when you go to sleep and enter delta brainwave sleep, where the soul/spirit leaves the body and enters a state similar to the state it’s in during the afterlife just a smaller version of that. The self-judgment also occurs between lives in a bigger more profound way with longer term impacts (as it influences your conditions of birth in the next life). These self-judgments cause situations/conditions to arise in your incarnated waking life that offer the opportunity for a corrective lesson to occur.

But if you resolve the guilt, learn the lesson, release and forgive pre-emptively, then the harsh experience isn’t necessary. So karma (of the negative kind) isn’t fate unless you’re born with it then you can’t reverse it (like a birth defect)… Usually it’s more a “to do list” about stuff to go through to correct a choice made in ignorance.

Where archons come in is that they profit off your suffering when you go through a karmic experience. Therefore, they want you to make as many mistakes as possible, and be the slowest to learn from them as possible. So they program, tempt, provoke, deceive, distract, etc. people to get them to attract their own suffering

That’s done by sinking them into negative vibes, seducing them into harming others (and self, in the case of suicide especially), and inducing more guilt/shame/whatever that is called for.

For example, if you’re programmed from birth in a hard Catholic upbringing to feel you are sinful, dirty, unworthy, shameful, etc. then this can sink so deep into your subconscious, inscribed into your soul, that it can bring on an artificial karma pertaining to that.

In that case maybe you feel you need punishment and oppression to make up for the un-washable dirtiness in you. Hence the old practice of self-flagellation, which can continue in a more metaphysical way in the form of reincarnating with burdens that don’t actually need to be there. The bigger metaphysical lesson there is that buying into programming that devalues your true spiritual worth brings on suffering, and until you get sick of that suffering and see the light, you may ‘need’ to go through that.

That’s why organized religion can be a control system that extends beyond the physical world into the afterlife and subsequent incarnations. We’re only as free in the afterlife as we are in this life. If we’re programmed and attached and addicted in this life, we are likewise in the afterlife, just in its own way which is more how it manifests in the astral planes.

But yes, organized religion, like so much else in our world, is an energy-feeding racket that’s been going on for thousands of years. Archons (negative 4D and 5D entities and negative parasitical thoughtforms) are the ultimate architects and profiteers of these schemes.

» Could you elaborate a little on what you mean by preventing temporal paradox or instabilities?

Some aliens seem to be from the future, or stationed outside linear time somewhat. Since you and I are in the same timeline, we appear 100% physical to each other and there’s no ambiguity to that. But if I were to lift myself outside linear time somewhat, I would see you more as a wave function than a particle, in that you’d be a bundle of alternate versions of yourself, i.e. somewhat fuzzy. If I tuned into just one version and lock into its timeline, then that version of you and me would again be 100% physical to each other.

Well, the more freewill you have, and the more you aren’t just a biological robot following your programming, the more your future splits into alternate versions and is therefore unpredictable. I mean if you were a robot, you’d only have one future, and you’d not be fuzzy at all but quite sharp to my eyes if I were outside of time. But if you’re sentient and doing what your intuition and freewill decides, then you’d be fuzzy, or more divergent.

So… the more you know, the less confined you are in your actions. If you know I’m about to abduct you and take actions against that, well now you’re not longer a sharply delineated body in a bed sleeping away, rather you’re moving around and maybe avoiding sleep and such, and now I have a much harder time pinning you down and entering your reality.

The world is likewise. The more aware the world becomes, especially of the alien presence, the less predictable it is in how it will react to the aliens showing up. If everyone’s dumb and mentally asleep then they’re predictable and that makes it safe to appear to the world en masse. But if too much info leaks out, that ‘contaminates’ the timeline by making it fuzzier, which also ups the risk as now aliens aren’t so sure of how things will go, meaning it could go badly, hence they can’t do what they were planning on.

I’m describing stuff that the English language doesn’t have words for, although quantum physics comes closest.

» What is your perspective on the concept of “Spiritual Embodiment”?

I think the negative forces DO want us here to be used as an energy source for them, just that they don’t want our spirit to be here as well in an active and knowing way because that makes us too awake, conscious, sentient, etc. which makes us unpredictable and creative in a way that reduces their efficiency at harvesting our energy. It’s like if you want to milk a cow, you need it to stay still. If it keeps moving and kicking you, that just won’t do.

But true embodiment, the one they fear most, is where you achieve “Christ Consciousness” in this body, i.e. the awakening of the Higher Self within the Lower Self, in a way that remembers what it is, why it’s here, and what it is to do. A kind of Neo moment.

That’s true embodiment. But, what you’ll notice about many of these teachers, their version of embodiment is a lot milder, and they say it’s just about being present in your body, for example, or maybe being tuned into your intuition and doing what your heart tells you to do. Nothing wrong with that, and it’s the first steps to true embodiment.

As far as bridging energy just by being alive, well that’s related to another term you might hear which is “anchoring the frequency.” By being here, interacting with this world, while holding a higher mindset and emotional nature, you add that higher frequency to this reality and thereby lift it up. That means less suffering occurs, odds shift in the favor of positive futures, dark forces have a harder time doing what they do here, skews the probability of violence and crime. That was proven with mass meditation experiments where crime/accident/war statistics were reduced during those days. We can do similar over the span of a lifetime by being our true Higher Self, as we have a ‘vote’ in this collective reality.

But as you can see, there are various things that come under the banner of “embodiment.”

» What are your beliefs on God? And atheism?

My view is that there is only one consciousness and it is that of ‘God’ which I prefer calling the Infinite Creator. All that exists is a projection of, and contained within, this infinite consciousness. But although we all therefore have the same origin and essence, we all differ in our form and expression and history.

And because we have individual freewill, we can still choose to go against the greater good and harm ourselves and others, and so you have the whole “dark forces” category that is born from that. The darkness and light lead to a cycling dynamic that serves as the engine of evolution, at least in this part of the multiverse.

I’m sure there are other worlds where darkness does not exist and all is fun and peachy but that’s only half of what’s possible. The other half is where one participates in the darkness, or is allegiant to light and interacts with/suffers under/fights and overcomes the darkness.

I believe the Infinite Creator also has a part of itself that is outside and beyond this creation, despite creation and its beings being a projection of the Creator. Technically this is called panentheism. But the part that’s above and beyond, I think has a hands-off approach in the sense that it would delegate various tasks to subordinate beings. Why? Because that gives those beings the opportunity of experience and growth. So I don’t think the Creator micromanages our affairs, but delegates it to those whom it concerns. Our own spirit guardian and Higher Self watch over us, and since they are plugged into the Creator and its general will, that results in them doing what is in harmony with the Creator. So they carry out the Creator’s will without the Creator having to personally come in and do that. So I don’t believe the Creator directly gets involved in my life, but I do believe there are higher beings that serve the Creator who do that.

Since we all have a functional fragment of the Creator within us (our Spirit) we have the capacity harmonize ourselves with that divinity. But the ego/body/biology often runs counter to that. Although matter is a projection of the Creator, functionally it is inert and asleep and blind and not sentient or active. Therefore the body follows evolutionary programming that as I said can run counter to the spirit core. Hence, on a functional level, we are dual beings.

Dualism is a real thing, but only on the functional/expressional level. On the origin/essence level there is no dualism, just Oneness. But just because all is One, doesn’t mean we need to let ourselves be fed upon by predators. That’s confusing function with essence, and that’s a common mistake (or intentional deception) we find in the New Age community.

» Where does love come from?

I believe it’s an intrinsic quality of our higher consciousness/spirit.

There are different levels of love, each lower level being like a shadow reflection of the level above it.

What all love has in common is that it attracts and harmonizes two or more things/beings together.

Love of “God” or the “Creator” brings you closer to divinity within yourself.
Love of another in a platonic caring way makes you want to be closer to them, think of them more, be more concerned for their wellbeing.
Love in the romantic sense limits that to just two people and half of that is biological attraction.
Love in the animal realm is mostly biology and chemicals and instinct.
Love in the plant realm is plants enjoying and moving towards sunlight.
Love in the chemical/physical realm is gravity, chemical affinity, vibrational resonances, and electric/magnetic attraction.
As I said, each lower level reflects the higher levels.

That means love as we humans understand it, has different levels and the highest we can conceive is probably just a reflection of something even higher.

But it’s what creates unity, creativity, and life. Whether you’re talking about romantic love and procreation, or platonic love and the doing of something greater for the world, or divine love… it always creates something.

» One of your Recommended Reading listed the book “Initiation Into Hermetics” by Franz Bardon. In your synopsis, you stated this book is for “information purposes only.” What exactly do you mean by that?

I recommend that book with reservations. There is information there that is useful, like about the polarity of the subtle energy body in different regions, the idea of making a condenser fluid from chamomile and charging scrying mirrors, and especially the part about egregores/astral larvae and how, say, someone imagining another person to be secretly a black magician harassing him might be being harassed by his own thought-creation instead.

But I have problems with certain exercises and the overall goal of them. Especially about training the willpower to a high degree and the summoning of elemental energies. This is all magick and to an extent, ritual, and to an even lesser but still significant extent, superstition. There’s too much “trying to control stuff” in what I detect to be a subconsciously ego-driven methodology.

That’s why the book is good if taken with a grain of salt, meaning filtered through understanding derived elsewhere. Because if you stick only to this book, and do only these exercises, and tread the path as Bardon intended—the end result would be becoming a magician with a bag of tricks that also involves making contracts with various non-human beings that you think are elementals but may be astral parasites and demons, who sure enough do your bidding but at a price that may be paid after death by having to serve them for a while. Much of this is enabled by:

One’s own ego-driven need to control.
The building up of willpower to an unhealthy degree to where it begins substituting for love, intuition, and soul resonance in one’s thoughts/feelings/actions, which leads to an atrophy of the heart center and the building of a kind of substitute dark-energy center.
Investment in some level of superstition/illusion which is like putting a neon sign on your forehead advertising to dark forces that you’re gullible and ignorant, which draws them in and takes you off the golden path of what’s spiritually best for you.
These 3 points are what I meant by it getting dangerously close to black magic. It doesn’t involve animal or human sacrifice or wanting to hurt people, but it does get you closer into the jurisdiction of the negative forces that profit off the latter, so the consequences can be similar if taken too far.

But because the book has so much interesting and good info too, I consider it unique and worth checking out for information purposes. If there are some exercises that, based on your understanding of other research and your own logic/intuition/experience determines that it makes sense and is safe to do, then sure do it, but Bardon’s recommendation to not do it piecemeal is because he wants you to successfully tread the path he has in mind, which is a path I don’t agree with for the reasons above.

» Do you think there will be a mass spiritual awakening in the future?

Yes, though for that to occur, it must first be preceded by a more gradual awakening.

This gradual awakening follows an exponential curve, and it’s the singularity at the top of the curve that is the mass spiritual awakening.

And, in fact, that’s what we are seeing now, the beginning gradual part.

For people to wake up spiritually, they first have to awaken mentally. And thanks to the internet, videos, social media, etc. it’s very easy now for people to share information and get a crash course in knowledge that unbinds them from their former ignorant viewpoints.

What’s happening now is a larger part of the mainstream people are becoming conspiracy theorists, getting into alternative health, becoming politically oriented toward liberty, justice, and all that good stuff.

But even they are increasingly becoming aware of the Satanists and pedos in the power structure. Which leads to awareness of demons and/or aliens. Which leads to a larger picture of history and reality, and also to the idea of reality being a simulation—and all of which leads back to our own selves, why we are here, where are going, what we need to do.

So it’s an awakening curriculum with steps, baby steps at first, but it does lead to a mass awakening.

I think that awakening on the mental front will coincide with a spiritual awakening-energy from the cosmos that will help amplify/accelerate it. That may also coincide with earth changes and the alien agenda coming to fruition. Many things converging.

» Why do many psychics and channeled entities not seem to know about the darker things that are going on?

If a psychic knows nothing about aliens/abductions/demons, and reads you and you have those issues, either they will be blind to it or they will see something like, “I’ve never met anyone like you. I don’t understand what you have going on but it’s like nothing I’ve come across before. The data I’m picking up doesn’t make any sense.”

The reason is that just as our physical eyes only see the visible light spectrum, likewise a psychic’s ‘antenna and radio circuitry’ are only tuned into a limited bandwidth of energies, frequencies, and also mental concepts. I guess a better analogy would be language. If someone spoke mandarin to you, the message would be opaque if you didn’t speak it. They could be telling you that your house is on fire and you’d not ‘hear’ it.

So the astral, being all energy, is like that too, in that it’s segregated from things that are not of its nature.

I think that explains a majority of that, including past life regressions, afterlife stories, and such. Just because someone is outside the body, doesn’t mean they suddenly know/see things that are totally foreign to them. They have their particular track or bubble.

When incarnated in a physical body, that bubble defines their beliefs, thoughts, and what they attract in life. When outside the body, it defines what they can perceive and interact with, and therefore get to know about.

It’s tricky business though, because entities can also be impostors who read the mind of the participants in a channeling and weave narratives from that. So if one of the participants has studied alien abductions, maybe the entity will “reveal” some info about aliens drawn from that.

I also heard there are higher forces, whether the Higher Self or guardian spirits or angels or whatever, that moderate/censor what information gets to whom. Like if a person has alien abductions and goes to get a psychic reading and isn’t ready to hear about that, the entities will blind that psychic to that information, mainly for the safety of the person getting a reading. I’ve known of a psychic who is able to read that info, but is warned by such higher entities not to tell the person, as it would disrupt the flow of their destiny.

So there’s a lot of editing, censoring, safety-filtering going on whether we know it or now.

» Are aliens physical like humans or are they interdimensional or both? And how could an interdimensional alien tweak human DNA?

Imagine if you took a human and amplified his/her psychic powers by a lot. Imagine if that person’s aura (subtle energy field) were turned up to the level of some Qi Gong master but then another 1000x stronger. Then imagine if their energy field were so powerful they could start doing weird things like teleporting themselves via the power of their mind alone, or making themselves invisible, or going outside linear time and time traveling.

That’s an example of a higher level alien who we might label as being quasi-physical. That is, they still have a body and skeleton and organs like we do, but their energy field is powerful enough that they can bend the laws of physics as we know them (at the quantum level) and take their body with them when their consciousness switches to a different time or dimension.

So they seem almost nonphysical or interdimensional to us, but that’s just because they can switch radio stations while we are stuck on this one radio station we call 3D physical Earth.

Do those qualify as interdimensional? Or are interdimensionals strictly nonphysical energy beings? That’s a matter of definition and I’ve seen it vary depending on who’s using that term. Myself, I’d say the alien spectrum varies.

At the bottom are those who are just as physical as we are. Those would include aliens who travelled here in physical ships, or maybe who are time travelers from our own future, or some advanced offshoot of the human race that went into hiding underground thousands of years ago. Overall, I’d say these are in the minority.

Then you have the quasi-physical ones who can tune themselves into our dimension/reality or return to another one where they’re tangible to each other but invisible to us. Again, they are not nonphysical energy beings, but physical beings who have an additional degree of freedom over us and aren’t as anchored in time or 3D space as we are. These are in the majority.

And lastly you have ones that are almost nonphysical, basically energy beings who can materialize a body if they need to but that’s not their primary mode of existence. These are the most advanced.

One thing to note… if something like a cat goes to sleep and exits the body in an OBE, the astral cat will technically be nonphysical and an energy being. However, it cannot materialize itself a physical body, and that’s also not its native state. It’s still on the level of a cat. So we shouldn’t confuse nonphysicality with being super advanced. The nonphysical aliens are advanced because they have transcended the physical body entirely but can materialize one as needed when they need to pop into the lower realms like ours or even the regular alien’s realms.

Demons for the most part are like the cat, in that they are lifeforms on the level of animals, humans but just don’t have a physical body and cannot materialize one. They can, however, materialize an etheric body, but need to scavenge etheric energy to do so, which is what they do when they set up camp in someone’s home and feed off their energy and gain power that way until they gain poltergeist level strength or worse. And they can possess a person, but that’s about it.

So as far as tweaking DNA goes, all interbreeding and hybridization has to be done by the quasi-physical and physical aliens, as only they have physical bodies, technology, and genetic code. On the other hand, nonphysical beings can tweak our DNA indirectly through epigenetic changes that happen as a result of the energy field they emit into ours, and the thoughts/feelings/beliefs they can induce in us. For example, if they can telepathically manipulate a person into being depressed for a long time, or poison their energy field, that might activate a certain dormant cancer gene that was always there but not expressed and so the person develops a tumor. Not saying all tumors are that, but that this is one way it can happen.

But as far as inserting alien genetics in a developing fetus, that requires medical technology and thus physical bodies and infrastructure. So, physical and quasi-physical beings would do that, not the nonphysical aliens.

» Why would I choose to come here to suffer? Doesn’t make sense.

Great question. I think there are different answers for different people.

Some are suffering due to being trapped by prior choices made ignorantly or naïvely. Not just in this life with the consequences of drugs, poor diet, kids and marriage and divorce, etc. but prior lives and the major mistakes made there that still carry effects here.

Some are suffering as an accepted risk of coming here into this lower realm to try and help others out, which means facing many of the same problems they are.

Some are suffering because they lost too much of their light/intuition/self-ness when they became overwhelmed by the amnesia and challenges of being here.

And some, which may include some of the above as well, see suffering as a faster and deeper way to change one’s being and imprint wisdom versus just learning it mentally ‘in a book’ in the higher nicer planes.

I think the issue is that fundamentally, this world does offer the pathway of growth and learning through suffering, just a going to a gym and transforming your body is done through suffering, but there’s no guarantee that you won’t get injured or fail to learn or make a bigger mess or get tricked into adding on extra suffering that you don’t actually need.

So it’s a gamble when we come here. The payoff is we come away stronger, wiser, and more profoundly understanding of self and others and the multiverse. The risk is that we forget who we are, betray ourselves, fall for deception, and get stuck in pointless loops of needless suffering.

Maybe the situation is comparable to movies. Why would anyone go watch a movie about drama, suffering, and adversity? Why not watch a movie that is happy and pleasant from start to finish? Why pay money for stress and tension? People might say, well it’s just a movie and in the end you walk out and you’re fine, so there’s no harm in some tension and release. Your higher spirit would say likewise, it’s just a temporary incarnation into the physical illusion and your consciousness is indestructible so there’s no harm in 70 years of tension and release.

Originally, maybe there was little or no risk. Maybe the only resistance was being in a physical body that ages and needs to be fed and sheltered. But the laws of physics and etheric and astral dynamics that make this restricted “game board” possible, lead to their own problems over time, and beings came about (or possibly invaded from another dimension) who hijacked this place. So now it’s a higher risk endeavor, with higher reward as well, but it can go very wrong.

I believe that the control system, the deception, the trickery—that it’s one half of what’s going on here. The other half is indeed the spiritual playground and gym and school. Both co-exist, and we walk a knife’s edge in life between these two.

The price we pay is through our own soul energy and suffering and time. The reward we gain—ONLY IF WE MAKE THE RIGHT CHOICES—is accelerated growth and wisdom.

The fact that we do grow in life, and that we’re not born as blank slates but have subconscious strengths and weaknesses gained from prior incarnations, and that our lives can have an invisible ordering to it like the hand of destiny that takes us along a positive trajectory… that all shows that this place isn’t solely an energy farm or prison. There’s also a positive layer, but as mentioned it isn’t guaranteed that we actualize that part.

Can someone be tricked and forced into coming here? Yes. Is that the only way someone can come here? In my opinion, no. But I do believe our choices carry binding consequences and if they are big enough, we can die and are forced back into a body at some point to balance the equation and finish things out.

So overall, I think suffering exists for a number of reasons:

It increases self-knowledge, through how you chose to handle and endure it. Sometimes, bearing suffering with dignity gives meaning and purpose even when all else about the situation seems hopeless and pointless.
You have to apply your strength and will to get through it, and that’s an act of consciousness overcoming matter and the world. The latter tries to crush you under its weight, but you’re pushing through despite that. Downside is, you can become calloused and hardened and therefore lose a connection with the heart (or ‘inner child’) as a result but hey we’re reborn as fun little babies so apparently the crotchety hardened crust falls away.
It expands our capacity for what we can endure and do. If we’re in the mission/business of helping others, being discerning and tough lets us do that under conditions that would make younger/weaker souls buckle and run away. That means we can help in ways they can’t.
We pay the price to the Matrix, in the form of our energy, to be here and do what we need to do for our own reasons. It’s like paying rent or a theme park entrance fee. No doubt, suffering feeds various negative forces. And often we pay more than we get in return. But as mentioned, if we can do it with dignity and courage and get strength, wisdom, or some other positive thing out of it in the long run, then it balances out in the end.
So I feel we just need to be smart and make informed choices to minimize suffering, and if we have to suffer, then do it bravely with determination, and squeeze everything we can out of our experiences in terms of wisdom and character gained.

» Do you pray or meditate? How?

I don’t do transcendental meditation, as I tried that for a while in high school and it just caused me to go blank in the middle of conversations and speeches and it took a long time to overcome that habit.

Here are the ones that I think are worthwhile:

Vibe raising meditation. Focus on a positive emotion and get yourself there.
Blessing/oneness meditation. Feel yourself one with the infinite Creator. Bless others, and bless yourself.
Try to fall asleep while keeping your awareness intact. Also known as Wake Induced Lucid Dreaming. This is tough and can lead to insomnia if not careful, so I don’t do it much anymore, but if you can shift into that theta state and hold it, you can do amazing things (heal, remote view, communicate with the Higher Self, lucid dream, and astral project although I don’t recommend astral projection)
Awareness meditation. Focus on your peripheral vision, sounds, feelings, present moment, the space behind you, above you, below you, etc. widening your perception field this way.
Energy movement meditation. Some kind of energy work, like Vipassana or Taoist Yoga per Mantak Chia, or Robert Bruce’s New Energy Ways. I don’t do this one too much but I know it can be very powerful and lead to clairvoyance, at the risk of attracting ghosts/demons and causing heart problems in people prone to that.
I think the first two above are the most important and should be done daily. I’m not a fan of meditating for stress relief. I can get that effect 100x quicker and better by taking a 15 minute power nap.

Also, I agree with Paul Brunton that the purpose of ancient meditation exercises was to still the mind and train it for something more important, which is contemplation.

Therefore, contemplation in my opinion is more critical than meditation (but not mutually exclusive). Just grab a pen and notebook and do some self-inquiry, or ask questions or pose problems on your mind, and think them through, using intuition and logic together to arrive at revelations. This is indispensable.

» Do you believe that smudging with sage is more effective on some entities than others & do you have an idea of the science behind it?

Ok, this is based on my experience and also what Fore wrote. The vacuum as you know is filled with bubbling energy, which is like a sea of energetic noise, but this noise can be biased or made more coherent, meaning it can be patterned to encode information. Certain patterns give rise to physics and matter and energy as we know it. Other more sophisticated patterns give rise to etheric energy/subtle energy fields and such.

That means the space we live in, both generally speaking and inside our homes, can be patterned or conditioned to hold various kinds of vibrations or certain patterns of energy fluctuations. The ones that match the kind associated with life, vitality, growth, positivity, etc. will create a very positive atmosphere.

But demons have an opposite energy field that clairvoyants will sense as dark, red, brown, or otherwise dull and dense and malicious. Aliens (particularly the Grays) have an energy field that’s almost opposite ours, and we would get sick in their presence. Grays and demons have negative energy fields that make us weak, sickly, and depressed if we absorb too much of that.

Well, when demons set up shop in your home, they build a nest near the portal they come through, and this nest is woven from their own dark vibrational energy patterns. It’s a thoughtform of low vibrational etheric energy. If they can saturate a room or home with that same energy, they can more comfortably move around that home/room. They’re always worried about losing energy, and how to gain more of it. If they enter a positive vibrational area, it’s like a salt water fish entering a fresh water area. It’s just not comfortable. Or another way to view it, it’s like a sugar crystal entering distilled water. It starts to dissolve. But if the sugar crystal enters a sugar-saturated solution, it stays together.

And so the demons need to saturate an environment with their energy in order to ‘stay together’, otherwise it has a caustic effect on them. Therefore the vacuum energy/etheric energy field in your room is patterned with their vibrations, if they have done this. When you burn sage, you are introducing new particles by the trillions, each of which has the vibrational essence of the plant in it, which carries the energy of the sun, and these filling a space will therefore, like a magnet waving over an old magnetic cassette tape, have the effect of ‘demagnetizing’ the vibrations that are there from the demon. It’s just one vibration replacing another, which can also be done through positive intention and blessing.

Thus, the cleared space now returns to being caustic to the demon, until they can once again saturate it starting from the portal they came through and the nest they build. If, however, you emit a lot of fear, hatred, lust, etc. those low vibrations can saturate an area and that’s more palatable to demons so you’re then helping to saturate the room for them, and they have an easier time taking it from there.

» How do two people resonate in entanglement (e.g. their auric fields)? Is it the case that their auric fields’ energy signatures resonate with each other?

There are a few things going on there.

For starters, when two people meet and instantly resonate with each other, it’s not all just vibration, but also a subconscious impulse that hey this person is important to be with, and that comes from the Higher Self-knowing there’s a mission or destiny or karma involved here so this is part of the script. A pressure is exerted that makes the next sequence of the script play out like it should. So there can be an affinity or rapport just from that alone. One person might be feeling sad while the other person feels happy but they’ll still recognize each other and get drawn together, which shows that it’s not just “the current resonance in the moment” bringing them together, but something deeper.

On the other hand, we also know that if you hang around a positive or negative person, their energy can bleed into your field and attune you to their way of being. So that’s a kind of induced resonance closer to what you’re probably asking about.

In that case, there’s definitely an energy transfer involved. Because we also know from examples of, say, demons injecting negative energy into you and suddenly you feel angry and irritable, that this etheric or astral energy can carry patterns of vibrations that encode certain emotions. So we’re talking about an energy field that carries emotional information, that can be transferred from one being to another, and induce in that being the corresponding emotion.

So when two people interact or are close, the energy from one will transfer to the other and vice versa. I noticed that there are two kinds of energies, one that requires close proximity (let’s say 3 yards) and another that can be sent mentally around the world just by thinking of the person. The close proximity energy is intense and is involved in lifeforce energy draining, whereas the one sent around the world is more mental/emotional based (though it can also play a part in close proximity as well, in addition to the other thicker coarser lifeforce energy).

The issue is that I don’t know from a physics perspective what the technical difference would be between the lifeforce energy and the emotional energy. I’m not sure that physics has the concepts or math or terms yet to deal with that.

But, from a quantum perspective, best I can put it is like this.

I believe that our cells and molecules making up the cells have an associated aura. This aura would at best be called the “wave function” by physics, or the “pilot wave” by scientists like David Bohm who say that subatomic particles are guided in their motion and behavior by an invisible field of vibrating energy called the quantum potential, and this field that guides its motion is called also the pilot wave.

This pilot wave would be the etheric body, then, which takes its instructions from the higher astral body and the spirit, and communicates it down into the cells in order to operate the brain and body and keep it alive and make it move and such.

Now, this pilot wave (or etheric body) would be vibrating with a spectrum of unique frequencies. I suspect that our DNA plays a role in that. DNA is like sheet music where the four amino acids that form patterns spell out unique melodies whenever chemical or electrical energy passes through the DNA, which happens all the time as part of cell function. The melodic patterns somehow resonate us with certain probable futures over others. I don’t know how. But it leads to different bloodlines having different predispositions and destinies. You can overcome that with willpower and training, but by default your genetics play a role in not just your personality and appearance but also what you attract in life. This isn’t about race, but about individual family bloodlines.

When two people get near each other, or interact a lot, I think they exchange pilot wave/etheric energy and if both share the same vibrations, those will be stimulated and grow stronger. So, two people given to misery will commiserate and make each other more miserable. If one person lacks the resonance of another, with enough contact and time, the vibrations can alter the DNA expression and also alter the etheric body itself (as generated by the astral body and spirit) in order to induce new thoughts and feelings in the person that match those of the other individual.

This stuff is too complex and I don’t know enough of the details to form a complete there, but that’s all I have at the moment…

» Would you have any insights or pointers for me on telekinesis?

Telekinesis is a fascinating topic. Here’s my theory about how it works.

So according to quantum mechanics, things are the way they are in our everyday macro world (solid objects that stay still unless pushed or pulled) because these are the most probable, stable, and collectively averaged states of what are otherwise non-deterministic quantum fluctuations.

The more you zoom in, the more jittery (in a seemingly random way) things are. But as you zoom back out, the jitters average out to some stable value like the speed of light, the mass of an object, its hard boundaries, and so on. This is called the classical limit, where quantum physics becomes classical physics.

Mainstream physics assumes that quantum stuff therefore stays in the quantum realm because anything bigger and it all averages out to the boring everyday world we know. Put another way, they don’t believe that quantum phenomena exist at the macro scale in any significant way.

But, they easily could, if the quantum fluctuations were ordered (made coherent). I mean there’s nothing that rules out a pencil on a table suddenly shifting left by an inch without anything pushing it. Quantum physics allows for that to happen. But the reason it doesn’t is because, under random fluctuation conditions, the chance that all its atoms would shift together an inch is extremely low. Physics says it’s so low that it’s virtually impossible, therefore it is impossible.

They assume, however, that these fluctuations are truly random. So of course, probability would be low then. But the situation is similar to how when you turn on a radio, by default you just get static white noise. You might think it’s nothing but a white noise generator. And according to the laws that govern noise, it’s virtually impossible that it would just turn into music by itself. Sure, but extend the antenna and tune the radio and you do indeed get music, using the very same circuitry that picked up nothing but noise just now. For someone who doesn’t believe in radio stations or electromagnetic signals, they’d be amazed that this white noise generator is so improbably producing music. But it’s not improbable if you believe that there can be something that influences the radio circuitry to replicate what’s being broadcast.

Similarly, quantum fluctuations can be random if it’s just various quantum potentials influencing them. Quantum potential is a term that deBroglie and Bohm used to describe something beneath the quantum level that affects quantum fluctuations. DeBroglie believed the quantum potential could change almost like temperature changing in water which determines how the water behaves (liquid, frozen, or boiling).

So in order to change how objects behave in a spooky way (like telekinesis) you have to alter them at the quantum level, using something like a quantum potential field, in order to cohere their otherwise random quantum fluctuations in an intelligent way.

Now we know from experiments like those of Dean Radin that consciousness can influence quantum phenomena. It’s just that the effect is quite weak for ordinary people.

But if you’re not ordinary… if you are someone who has telekinetic powers, you could influence the quantum world in such a way to bend spoons and move objects with your mind.

After studying metaphysics, occultism, mysticism, etc. I find that it’s not that simple as simply having strong enough belief to bend reality.

The issue is that when we speak about consciousness influencing the quantum world, are we talking just one’s thoughts? Or one’s emotions? Or conscious beliefs? Or subconscious beliefs? What about the so-called etheric and astral bodies and energy fields (subtle energy) related to Qi energy and prana? And if emotional or subtle energy, which emotions, and what pattern or vibration of subtle energy? What about its quantity/intensity and duration?

As you can see, there are more factors involved. But I believe there are two main components to it:

The spiritual/conscious “vibration” level.
The amount, intensity, and duration.
The first factor, “vibration” (in quotes because it’s more a metaphor than a frequency in Hz) is measured on a scale between absolute higher divine consciousness and absolute lower illusion-bound ignorance. Emotions can be put on that scale, with suicidal depression being on the low vibration level and loving joy being on the higher end of that scale. But so can subtle energy, with vivifying lifeforce on the high end, and toxic morbid subtle energy on the low end. Same with conscious thoughts and subconscious beliefs. On the high end is enlightenment and liberation, low end materialistic nihilism bound by highly entrenched self-limiting beliefs.

The second quantitative factor determines how much needs to be applied in order to shift/cohere the quantum fluctuations away from their default state, i.e. how much is needed to bend the laws of classical physics. The higher the vibration, the less quantity is needed. Quantity not just in terms of effort and time, but also the density and amount of subtle energy emitted by your body/soul, which acts as a close-range conductive mediator of conscious influence.

So vibration acts like permission level in an operating system. The highest vibration is like root access. With the root login and password, a few keystrokes can change everything easily. But if all you have is guest access, it takes a lot more time and tools to hack away and try to find an exploit. Average people have average abilities because they only have average vibrations and thus average access level.

For whatever access level you have, you need to apply a corresponding degree of effort. For most people, telekinesis is pretty much impossible unless other factors intervene to create a miracle of sorts (like freak environmental conditions that affect the quantum potential so that less input is needed to produce a visible change).

Therefore the most effective telekinesis would involve a state of having:

High vibration in thoughts, feelings, and conscious/subconscious beliefs
High-intensity subtle energy fields, patterned in a way (via your intentions) to move objects. If it’s patterned to make plants grow faster or heal someone of cancer it’s not the same pattern needed for bending metal spoons or moving a chair across the room.
More time of application, more repetition.
If you have less of one of these, you need more of the other.

Further, it’s known that at least with spoon bending, you also have to be in a relaxes state of mind, a kind of “zone” where you’re not trying super hard or focusing in a beta-brainwave state, but are in a more relaxed, accepting, almost child-like wonder state. Effort against resistance is a low vibration state of mind that validates the belief that it’s an immovable or unbendable object, like pushing the breaks while applying the gas pedal at the same time.

Also, strong mental focus and hard concentration seems to amplify the quantum observer effect, where a wave function will ‘freeze’ or ‘collapse’ into a definite tangible state when measured/observed. Quantum physics treats it as an all-or-nothing thing, but experience shows there are degrees of it, and if you can shift into a state of mind that isn’t that focused on one pinpoint of consciousness, likewise what you observe/measure isn’t as locked into a tangible state, therefore it becomes more fluid and thus susceptible to influence via the above-mentioned factors.

And even more, spoon bending is found to be easier when done in a group, in an atmosphere of fun and with other people. It’s as if their combined conscious/subconscious influences, and their subtle energy fields, amplify the ability to alter reality at the quantum level.

As you can see, the behavior and properties of matter are influenced by a variety of factors corresponding to the various energy fields, thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and vibrational qualities of the people involved in collectively influencing it.

If it’s just you, and your vibrations aren’t on the level of some Jesus or Buddha, and if your mind has been programmed with self-limiting beliefs, then your remaining options are increasing subtle energy field intensity, and putting more time and repetition into it.

Increasing subtle energy fields, that’s what a lot of Eastern and occult practices are for. Energy work. Things like kriya yoga, vipassana, Robert Bruce’s New Energy Ways system (his book Energy Work gets into that), the system of J. B. Kerning which German Rosicrucians used to become psychic.

By intentionally moving energy around and through the body and stimulating various parts of the subtle energy system, they activate and grow. As they grow and build up a field of intense subtle energy around you, anything and anyone within that field become susceptible to its influence. If you consciously direct that field outward into a certain distant spot, that spot then comes under your influence, for good or for bad.

A lot can go wrong in this process of building up your subtle energy field (cancer, heart problems, aneurysms, disease) so yes it can be dangerous, in terms of energies going the wrong way or getting dammed up, and that all affecting physical health. The quantum potential affects biological processes as well.

Some people are born with the right qualities of consciousness and/or subtle energy configuration to do telekinesis. Good examples are in the Chinese Journal of Somatic Sciences. Back in the early 80s, before the government cracked down on it, there was a parapsychology craze in China. Because China had such a large population under intense surveillance by the totalitarian Communist Party, they were able to find that tiny fraction of the population that had these abilities, and bring them in for testing.

It appears that the quantum influencing allowed objects to be pushed into and transported through a 4th spatial dimension as well. I suspect that this is telekinesis applied through the 4th dimension. And some examples suggest direct manipulation of reality itself, as if it were a computer program or collective dream that can be rewritten. This is Neo-level stuff.

» How is life a “playground for the spirit” as you say?

Because spirit is immortal but learns, grows, and is amused by lessons derived from experience.

If it’s a fragment of infinite consciousness exploring its own infinite potential, then any path of experience from beginning to end has value, even if it involves suffering.

So think of a video game where you explore but get shot up and die and fight people or find things or whatever… why is it like a digital playground for you? Because you’re safe in front of the monitor, so at the end of it you come away with a memorable experience.

Life is the same way, to the core part of your spirit.

Of course, as humans we are looking at it from the perspective of the video game character and we experience pain and suffering so it’s more real to us, but in the long term and big scheme of things it’s not as serious as we think.

But if there’s something that interferes with freewill, that delays the experience for way too long and creates a cascade of negative effects that impacts our future lives and those of others in a way that even spirit doesn’t enjoy (in other words, like in a sports game where the referee steps in because major violation happened that doesn’t allow the game to continue as is) then there’s intervention from above.

Our world now has some divine intervention going on because darkness has crossed a line in some areas, but other things here are indeed just ‘playground for the spirit’.

I also say that life is a gym for the soul, and a prison for the body. The body’s never getting out of here. It’s a life sentence in matter, literally. It gets old, gets injured, feels pain, and dies.

The soul, however, is what experiences that suffering emotionally and psychologically, and changes in its astral qualities as a result. The astral quantum-attracts life experiences that contain an emotional payload and learning lessons. It experiences the highs and the lows, the joys and the torments, and is fully “in” it like an actor who forgets he or she’s acting and is totally absorbed in the character.

The spirit, even more aloof, is knowingly beyond all this and hence what is a torture chamber for the soul is a playground or amusement park ride for the spirit. We see everything from our ego-imprinted perspective so of course we take it seriously. But from an absolute higher perspective, we’re taking things too seriously here.

The big question that comes out of this is: what of compassion? If we shouldn’t take our own suffering so seriously, why should we take another person’s suffering seriously enough to try and help them? That’s a dilemma for Buddhists and Hindus who are into detachment and seeing reality as an illusion to transcend.

My personal view is that suffering and darkness exist not only to be learned from, but to be fought and overcome, and we should neither be so aloof as to neglect our duty to do that, nor so entrenched in illusion that we feel powerless and overwhelmed. The Bhagavad Gita has a lot to say about this issue and is worth pondering.

» Is it possible for occult forces to target an individual over their lifetime? Why would they do that?

Yes, that is quite common among people who have that extra ‘spark’ of individuality and heart that distinguishes them from the average person. It’s like they shine brighter and that attracts entities like moths to a flame.

As far as being targeted over a lifetime, and spiritless humans as vessels, there are really only two types of beings that do that a) aliens and b) demons.

Alien targeting comes with a lot of abduction activity, and it’s rarer than targeting by demons because aliens are fewer in number and are quite busy so they can’t be with you 24/7 whereas demons have nothing better to do than harass and feed off the living all day and night.

So you have to distinguish whether it’s mostly demon, or mostly alien.

Demons mainly aim to corrupt and cause suffering and moral defeat.

Aliens mainly aim to nullify threats and turn gullible types into puppets for their disinformation to deceive the public.

So the alien targeting is more sophisticated, subtle, strategic, and long-ranging (more of a scientific and political and tactical air to it) whereas the demonic agenda is way more ‘anti-spiritual’ and opportunistic/predatory in its nature.

Both wage psychological warfare to wear you down if you’re a threat or ‘food’ for them. I’m talking about negative aliens here. The positive ones are more spiritual and helpful while keeping as low a profile as possible, so the complete opposite.

Spiritless humans are mostly empty vessels. Things can jump into them and speak through them, or manipulate their emotions and thoughts very easily. If they already have broken programming (in the sense of being narcissists or bipolar or borderline) then the entity pulling their strings doesn’t need to put much effort in, just wind them up and watch them do their thing.

As to why a person would be targeted over a lifetime, that’s a multifold thing.

First, there is an element of needing, wanting, or requiring it at a spiritual curriculum or karmic level. That is, there’s an opportunity to fight, grow, and become wiser by facing the risk of this kind of opposition. But all that is, is opening the gates to let in the monsters. The monsters themselves have their own agenda and it’s not good, so it’s not like they’re working on your behalf for your own good. They’re very dangerous. But like riding a horse at a rodeo, there’s something to be gained from it, potentially.

Second, negative forces dominate much of this world. They think they own and run this place. When you come here and function as a force for good, or are too intelligent for them to easily predict and control, they get miffed and feel “Houston, we have a problem” and go to work on the person. The reason they can’t do more than they’ve done is that we do have protection, and there are rules here enforced by higher positive (angel-like) beings… but as long as they play by the rules, they can do some pretty tough things. And if they make their moves right and get to a “check mate” situation then protection can’t prevent what’s about to occur, because rules are rules, and that’s why bad things happen in our world.

» What questions should I pose to ETs to figure out what kind of entities (good or impostors) they are?

Easiest thing is to ask them if there is a negative alien presence on Earth, and if so, who are they, what is their agenda.

Then ask if there are negative aliens that pose as positive aliens. This is the magic question. If so, ask how to differentiate between genuine positive aliens and the impostors.

Ghosts/demons will give bullshit answers that don’t square with research. And negative aliens pretending to be positive obviously don’t want to answer that question, so they’ll deflect or give a set of criteria for discernment that’s laughable.

These questions are similar to sussing out a date or potential friend by asking what do you think about the right to bear arms. If they say guns are gross and should be banned, bye bye.

In terms of whether they are quasi-physical or interdimensional, physical aliens (human-like) that are phased out will (according to contactee Fore, but I’ve experienced some of this too):

leave a warm seat if they sit on it
block air or sound from a floor fan if they get in front of it
seem like a person is there, just invisible
However, energized poltergeists can also be quite tangible. They just don’t have humming ships parked overhead.

What both have in common is that they are near the physical, staged in the etheric realm very close to it. Just that the alien has an actual physical body that’s phased out in that realm, whereas a ghost just has an energy body in the etheric that can affect the physical if they intend it telekinetically.

As for figuring out if they’re from another planet or the future, can’t really tell. It’s not like you can verify it either way.

Main thing is just figuring out their purpose/agenda, and whether they’re astral beings pretending to be aliens, or actual aliens. And if actual aliens, whether they’re messing with you with a B.S. story or outright disinformation, or whether they’re really on the good side. The questions about neg aliens and impostors can help with that, as it gets right to the heart of it.

» If I have freewill how can I use it?

Mostly it involves:

Doing something with conscious awareness, instead of reactive/mindless/programmed behavior. That includes being more informed in your decisions. Awareness alone is what can activate freewill. Because without it, you’re being operated by something else.
Using your willpower to go against some negative impulse, whether not doing something you feel pushed to do, or doing something you don’t feel like doing because you’re being lazy. It’s unpleasant, but you’re using freewill because it’s your consciousness pushing against everything that society, biology, and occult factors are pushing you to do or not do.
Going on correct intuition or inner guidance. In this case, yes you’re following something else, but that something else is (when done correctly) your own spirit, therefore it’s still you. Maybe it knows something your blind ego-based brain doesn’t. Maybe the latter is what’s acting without much freewill, and in obeying this inner knowingness you’re actually enabling true freewill.
You can also think of it in terms of time. If an influence comes from the past and pushes what you will do next, like your social or biological programming, then that’s less freewill. If an influence comes in the present or from the future, like say feedback from your intuition or precognition, now you have choice and may do something that determinism says you weren’t going to do. But determinism is cause-effect from the past. If you do something that interrupts that, or goes against it, that’s freewill.

By the way, you can use freewill in bad ways. Not every impulse you are under is bad. Maybe your spirit or higher positive forces don’t want you go somewhere right now because you’ll be in danger. You can use your freewill to ignore that. You can use it to ignore conscience, empathy, etc. So it’s a double edged sword.

That’s where willpower can go wrong. Willpower is best used against that which impedes your mission, purpose, spirit, heart, etc. like if you’re being a lazy ass and need to stop procrastinating on something important. Willpower is dangerous in that it can substitute for heart/spirit as a motivator, to where you can become soulless but hard as a rock in your will and succeed in life in a material/physical way, but at the cost of losing your creativity and synchronistic flow.

» Do you think ancestral karma exists? And if you do, what does that mean for the spirit?

Yes, and I think it’s encoded in our genes epigenetically. You might know about epigenetics, but Dr. Bruce Lipton talks about it. Where certain genes are turned on, others turned off, and our own life experiences and consciousness pattern can affect that, and those then get passed on to children.

Ancestral karma has to be genetic because our individual souls might jump between races or even planets. And DNA doesn’t change much, but epigenetics definitely does, so that’s why I mention it.

Lipton says that you can change your epigenetic patterns by changing your mindset/perception/beliefs. So that’s how you’d clear it.

If you come from a bloodline of abused victims, you might carry that tendency in you. If you can identify that, write out the opposite behaviors which are more empowering, and reprogram yourself with those by thinking of them often and “acting as if” they were true until they become natural, well then, I think your epigenetic pattern would change along with it.

Sometimes it’s as simple as being convinced that you are free of them. If someone has a healing system that claims to get rid of your ancestral karma, and it involves let’s say sprinkling water on your head… then if you do that and believe it, even if it doesn’t anything by itself, that belief will carry forward in new patterns of thought (of feeling that you’re finally free of ancestral karma) and that changes the epigenetics over time.

» I’m wondering if you’re familiar with the rising tide of people talking about the “Reincarnation Truth”, and have thoughts on the premise?

I’ve discussed this before but will elaborate on it again. Buddhism also teaches that we must become free from the endless cycle of karma and rebirth. So the idea isn’t new, it’s just a new trendier take on it. The devil’s more in the details and how we apply this.

I do sense, however, that there’s a big level of demon-sourced disinformation involved in the “Reincarnation Truth” and “The White Light Is a Trap” idea.

The idea came about in modern days with the help of Major Ed Dames, a.k.a. “Doctor Doom”, a remote viewer who was a frequent guest on Coast to Coast AM with Art Bell in the 90s. One day he decided to remote view the white light seen in NDEs. His takeaway is that it was a lucifer-like “false light” and a trap. This shook a lot of people up, as it was such a contrarian take on it all.

The problem with this is that Ed Dames is known for tapping into disinformation, and remote viewing has zero safeguards against telepathically-fed disinfo. All it cares about is that consistent results, which can be verified correct if it concerns some physical thing like viewing the Eiffel Tower or something, but regarding alien and metaphysical subjects it’s very easy for aliens and demons or similar to telepathically influence a remote viewer to get a consistently false impression.

Now, why would they want to deceive. The answer is that if you look at the subject of possession, hauntings, entity attachments, etc. like the works of Dr. William Baldwin and Dr. Shakuntala Modi, there’s a recurring theme of earthbound souls who haven’t moved on. They become stragglers here in the etheric plane, near our physical plane, where they become ghosts or parasites that feed off people’s living energies.

Further, they are often working in the service of demons, similar to how kids who runaway from home and wind up on the streets may end up working for gangs or mafia as pickpockets. There’s a whole occult industry of these deceased humans preying on living humans, and taking a little of the energy for themselves while passing the bulk on to their demon overseers.

That industry needs lost souls to recruit from. One way to do that is to convince people to be scared of the light (as demons are) and turn away from it and go into the darkness. Okay, so you get these bitter, paranoid, beat-down people who just want to escape the system turning away from the light and probably becoming earthbound entities who, if they want to avoid dissolving into the light, need to grasp on to anything living to maintain a connection here.

I’m sure there are correct ways of side-stepping the light, but it’s risky and no one truly knows what they’re talking about regarding it. The Tibetan Book of the Dead at least brings up the idea of there being multiple lights and which ones to avoid.

I think what matters more is your state of consciousness and intention/desire when you die. If you focus on releasing all attachment, frustration, guilt, remorse, regret, etc. and only focus on love, gratitude, devotion to the divine, and being spiritually free as the sovereign being that you are… then you’ll gravitate to wherever that brings you.

Whereas if you see the light and mentally give it the middle finger with a gruff “fu*k this system” attitude, well even if you turn away from the light you’ll probably wind up in a lower astral “free for all zone” where you get your freedom but are in the presence of other alienated disgruntled deceased people and it’s probably a dark and cold place, energetically-speaking.

The other thing is that the people into this theory haven’t done enough research into things like Theosophy, Anthroposophy, Rosicrucianism, Hermeticism, Hinduism, and Buddhism to get the time-enriched data provided by these.

My view is that reincarnation and physicality is a double-edged sword. We are not born as blank slates. We come here with talents, biases, and prejudices already present at the core of our being, even if we don’t consciously remember the experiences that went into them. This contradicts the idea that all reincarnation is a pointless trap due to our memories being wiped each time. No, we come here with something and that’s what we get tested on, and it’s what gets refined.

And the fact that there’s a testing and refinement process that potentially builds something good and lasting in us proves that reincarnation isn’t just a pointless trap, but has a spiritual curriculum to it.

However, it’s a bit of a choose-your-own-adventure book in that you can make really stupid choices that bring on stupid consequences, so the experience can become a trap and a prison if you choose unwisely. People wind up in that situation and then take no responsibility (or aren’t aware of their role in it) and want to just blame the entire system for being a trap and they are just the innocent victims.

Not so… there is freewill, there are lessons, there are consequences, and there are temptations and traps, risks and rewards, potential for growth or setback.

Hence the entire thing resembles an educational RPG video game where it’s possible to make bad choices and wind up on tedious side quests having to grind your way back to the main narrative.

What complicates it is that there are indeed demons, negative aliens, psychopaths, etc. who profit off you taking those painful side quests. That’s the part of this whole thing that’s a trap.

But I don’t believe the entire thing is a trap, or there would be less meaning, good, lessons, and growth in this lifetime.

I think we are as free as we choose to be. And we end up being as free after death as we are in life. If in life we are slave to addictions and false belief systems (like the Catholics are) then we’ll continue that programming after death, for a while until we run out of astral energy and fade into the light all the same at that point.

» What version of Gnosticism do you subscribe to?

None but my own. I don’t put too much faith into the myths of the old gnostic sects, and treat them as I would channeled sources because essentially that’s what they are.

I’m going more on empirical data and philosophy. Plato and the Egyptians viewed the Demiurge as neutral or positive, that much is certain. But many gnostic sects viewed it as evil. The version in my Gnosis series makes the most sense to me, in that both can then be right.

It’s possible that Yaldabaoth/Demiurge in the Sophia story is specifically the Corrupt Demiurge, and that a neutral demiurge existed prior to that under a different name in that story (if at all).

Sophia was the last of the aeons who fell, so that puts her in line with the Lucifer archetype, and her fall is associated with the creation of the blind fool demiurge, i.e. the corrupted one.

It’s really a question of whether there could have been (ever was) a physical-like realm that was not Heaven/Pleroma but was under its rule, e.g. the Garden of Eden. If yes, then something must have created that realm, something similar to what created today’s physical world, but something still allied with the divine. Either it’s God directly, or it was delegated, and in the latter case it would have to be a neutral or positive demiurge-like thing.

Another question is whether this physical realm can become spiritualized, whether heaven can be made to be manifest on Earth. If yes, then it would make more sense that the physicality-generating function of the Demiurge is neutral but can be purposed toward evil or good depending on the nature of that Demiurge.

If physical existence is inherently and irredeemably evil, and there’s no hope for spiritual advancement but to get out of here and return to the Pleroma, then yes that would mean there never was a neutral/positive Demiurge, as whatever created physical existence is serving evil ends, period.

I don’t believe that, however, because mind over matter has been demonstrated by esoteric masters and so the chains of matter, including aging and death, aren’t absolute limits. I see it possible for consciousness to win over matter and spiritualize it, extending the reach of heaven down here into this realm. Which may simply be a restoration of matter’s original purpose before a corruption of the Demiurge took place (concurrent with the Fall).

» Whenever I go to turn on a light switch, these light bulbs burn out immediately. My ears have been ringing a lot lately.

These two things are likely related.

The light bulb issue may be due to electrons in the wiring being held back momentarily, then let go, which causes a surge in current that would burn out a bulb. What holds them back would be a fluctuation in a relatively strong etheric energy field being emitted by you or an entity in the vicinity. Etheric energy alters physics slightly, so electrons would be affected.

Similar thing happens in classic UFO encounter stories where a ship passing overhead causes a car to stop, and then restart right afterwards. It’s as if the electrons in the starter coil became frozen, then unfrozen.

I’ve had it happen myself a couple times, with the lightbulbs. It’s definitely some kind of physics glitch that’s tied into our consciousness and/or etheric energy field being in an anomalous state.

There are people who experience this, along with burning out wristwatches and electronic devices like DVD players and such. It’s a known phenomenon.

The ear ringings, as was explained to me by the contactee Fore and which makes sense and fits my observations, is that when the etheric field of your head gets remotely activated and distorted by an entity (usually alien) doing a remote scan, it telekinetically causes changes in blood pressure and blood flow in that region. The strongest ear ringings may come with inflammation and hotness of the ear for that reason. Likewise, qi gong masters demonstration intense energy output may pop blood vessels in their eyes for similar reasons.

It’s also possible for alien activity, abductions, alien scanning, etc. to cause etheric energy activation in you. So you may not be naturally psychic, but if it does a remote scan, it has to pump up your field to get a better reading, so after that you’ll have a psychic ‘afterglow’ of sorts where you’re artificially pumped up and that too can come with blowing out lightbulbs or reading people’s thoughts sporadically.

So if you haven’t already, look at whether you have any alien activity in your life, or any reason why they’d be interested in you. If it’s not alien, it could be paranormal (ghost, demon, or maybe angelic type beings but less likely) entities trying to worm their way into your life, your head, and your energy field. That, too, can come with etheric energy activation and associated psychic/psi phenomena.

Whatever the case, you’re on someone’s radar due to non-average qualities. If you began your awakening recently in life, that’s always a time period that attracts attention. Attention from the good guys because it’s like a spiritual birth that needs tender care, and attention from the bad guys because it’s also when the future is most in flux and you’re most easily derailed (and most in need of derailment because they want you to stay asleep). Those times can therefore come with paranormal activities as well.

Keep an eye on it, and beware of entities approaching you in dreams, or when you’re in a relaxed or hypnagogic state. If they are deceptive they will try to obtain permission to invade your further, and will then start loading you up with B.S. disinformation by stroking your ego and telling you a fanciful tale of how everything works. This happens more often than I would like. Just mentioning it because you have general weirdness going on.

» You mentioned the Higher Self is like a game player and the lower self is the avatar in the game. But, the avatar isn’t really conscious, yet the lower self has its own consciousness.

Right, the metaphor has its limits. Lower self is only an avatar in the sense that it resembles the essence of the Higher Self and exists in a limited world doing its own thing, but is under the influence of the Higher Self’s synchronistic arrangements and intuitive nudges.

Better metaphor would be if the Sims game were a VR game where the player can arrange things and then put on the VR goggle and experience the character through its eyes and make micro-choices within the situation arranged back when the goggles were off.

Even more accurate would be, when goggles are on, there is no memory of being outside the game. And even more accurate is, player’s consciousness is split, partly existing inside the game with no memory of outside, and outside the game arranging the Sim’s situation, simultaneously.

The key point is that lower and Higher Self are functionally independent (separate things) but coupled in terms of influence.

For example, when you get psychic impression, intuitive revelations, or even dream messages from the Higher Self, you can get those while simultaneously being fully aware of your own self-awareness—but you don’t sense or feel that YOU are the one who created those. They seem to come from an outside source beyond you.

Therefore, whatever it is, it has a mind of its own. You can defy its advice and will, and it can do things that you don’t want to have done (like an accident or illness that forces you to slow down in life and re-evaluate your priorities).

So in terms of function, Higher Self and lower self are independent. But both may be two instances of the same ultimate consciousness.

Imagine if you got in a time machine and went back 5 minutes. You’d meet your past self. This past self has a mind of his/her own, and you do too, but you are the same person ultimately, just two different instances. If one of you then went to live in Thailand for 20 years, and the other lived in the suburbs of California for 20 years, and then met again… your personality would diverge because your circumstances are different.

So imagine if two instances of you had one be born into spacetime as a human, and the other into or stayed within time-space (spirit/astral/hyperspace)—how would you differ, if you were the same at the core but had entirely different environments? That’s how I see the higher and lower self being like two sides of the same coin but with the capacity to act independently.

» How does demonic possession work? Give me the hard science, if you will.

Science doesn’t believe in demons, but if you mean occult/4D science then it’s like this:

Our astral and etheric bodies are meant to allow just our own spirit to interface with our physical body. But that only happens if the body is strong and awake, if the etheric body is full of life, and the astral body is attuned only to spirit/divinity. I’m using old mysticism terms here because it’s a simple model that works well enough.

As long as these are all strong and you are fully here and present, then no simple demon or alien can possess you.

If the physical body is weak, then spirit has a harder time getting through to it. That can come from being on drugs, alcohol, sick, injured, or being tired or starving.

If the etheric body is weak, then likewise. That can come from being drained by energy vampires (by the demon itself or someone who is an energy vampire). It can also come from not breathing enough, from a weak body that fails to generate enough metabolic energy and therefore lifeforce energy, or not getting enough sleep.

If the astral body is weak or rather corrupted, then same. This comes from having a victim mindset, having no willpower, or the opposite of having dark and evil thoughts and feelings. Whether you resonate with predator mode or prey mode, either way you resonate with the demonic realm and less with spirit. That weakens the connection to spirit.

And if the spirit isn’t fully there in the body, same. This happens from being mindless, spacing out, mentally tired, or fragmented from having gone through trauma. An ungrounded, spacey person lacking self-awareness has an absent spirit.

So demons look for weaknesses to be able to get a foothold in a person.

Simple everyday example: in a moment of mindlessness a demon (or an alien) can exert a telepathic push to, say, make you forget to take your keys. So you get locked out of your home or car and have to pay a locksmith to get you back in. That’s the lowest level example.

The next step up would be to inject negative energy into you. You suddenly feel cranky and angry. This only happens if your astral body has enough latent anger and crankiness in it to be stimulated and activated. So already there must be some corruption in the astral body, which is normal for humans. So you get angry and say mean things to someone, and damage the relationship. Demon is happy it caused that.

Next step up would be the demon messing with your thoughts, emotions, and also sleep and dreams, and feeding on your energy. As a result you get nightmares, loss of sleep, and risk depression and irritability. Your physical body then gets weakened, etheric body too, astral body more corrupted as you shift into darker states of mind, and spirit therefore loses its grip.

Next step up is where the demon gains enough of a foothold into your etheric body that it can start messing with your brain directly. That means injecting visuals and voices and physical sensations like electric shocks and pokes and squeezes, which some victims may misinterpret as TI targeting by directed energy weapons.

So then you’d start getting schizophrenia symptoms. Or maybe it hovers about you as a dark shape offering to help you if you let it in. Or poses as a female ghost calling for your help, luring you into the attic where it has set up its nest. If you say yes, it then has permission (as given by angelic entities because you chose it) to jack even deeper into your being. So the voices increase and you lose your sense of independent thoughts and feelings.

Next step up is where it has almost 90% control of a person. The person’s consciousness feels far away, like a passive observer, while strong impulses and automatic thoughts/words/actions come out of them. The demon bas displaces the resident spirit and taken the wheel, so to speak. This only happens after a lengthy period of stalking and weakening by the demon of the intended target, and a bonding with the demon at the etheric and astral levels.

Full possession is when the person isn’t even conscious anymore, or has been kicked out of the body. Then the demon has full control and is looking through the eyes, speaking through the mouth, and living through the physical body of the person. Because demons are anti-life and have a toxic etheric energy field that kills plants and animals and humans, the host body will get sicker and sicker and die…unless it gets replenished with etheric energy from other living humans.

So this person is now a walking energy vampire. And presumably, if they reach elite status (like celebrities and politicians and secret society types) they may engage in ritual sacrifice, drinking blood of babies, harvesting their loosh energy through torture and so on, in order to maintain their youthfulness while having a highly toxic high level demon operating in their bodies. The adrenochrome lore is just the physical part. There’s a lot being harvested at a subtle energy level to feed the demon or reptilian.

Aliens in an out-of-body state can possess humans. Or just telepathically remotely influence them. Deceased humans, or their astral shells, can possess us too as hitchhikers. Usually there has to be an astral weakness or resonance that binds them with you, like if they were drug addicts were craved it even after death and you’re a living human who has a strong craving for it. Dr. William Baldwin’s books, and Dr. Shakuntala Modi’s books, are the go-to for that subject of entity attachments.

» Could you expound on the metaphysical significance of ethnic groups?

It ties into Sheldrake’s theories about the morphogenetic field. His field is specific to a species, but as you may have guessed there’s a spectrum of energies some more general and some more specific. It’s kind of like radio waves, where noise from a malfunctioning transformer can appear across all frequencies, whereas a finely honed transmitter only shows up in one frequency band.

DNA is the modulator of our etheric energy field. I suspect it allows our aura and biology to be scanned by advanced black ops technology. But sure, there would be a race-based version of it too, as well as ones for specific bloodlines, and finally one just for yourself (which keeps the cells in your body dancing to the same tune and thus coherent and healthy).

It’s all bundled together and interacting:

types of souls that incarnate into one race over another
evolutionary tendencies encoded into the DNA (instincts, habits, abilities)
nature of the etheric energy field emitted by that DNA
etheric/astral energy field emitted by the souls in those bodies
thoughtform entities created by these people via their shared culture, mythology, religion, traditions…
karma they have all incurred by their individual and collective past actions
telluric energies from the ground, and nutrition of the soil and sea, that influences them based on their geography
I will say that the boundary between races is fuzzy along all these factors. You can indeed have someone who’s mostly been black in their incarnations now be Caucasian or Asian, if special needs require it. Or if a white person migrated to USA in the 1700s, by now their soul has been imprinted with the culture and energies of North America. So it’s not 100% clear but, just general statistical groupings.

The volksgeist (racial oversoul) exists but is fuzzy at the edges. I mean, there are plenty of white people now who think, act, and idolize the culture of blacks, and some blacks who do that with white culture and white volksgeist.

What many don’t realize about genetics is that what we call ‘race’ is only based on external appearance. It doesn’t account for inner biological differences like heart shape, or the shape and size of various brain anatomy. You could have someone who looks white, but maybe 15% of their brain is derived from their grand uncle who came from Africa and it happens to be the key 15% that shapes their personality, biases, and talents. Or vice versa with a black person whose European grandmother is the source of their not fitting the mold of their siblings. That’s why racism based on appearances is a fallacy, and in the end it’s content of character that counts.

Each individual has a unique toolbox provided by their genetics and ancestry. Souls choose whether that is appealing to them. It’s like people choosing sedan over pickup truck or SUV. It fits their needs. If you survey what people choose compact cars, and what people choose trucks, you’ll find definite demographic differences. Same for the souls that incarnate into whites versus blacks or other races. Statistically, yes there would be a difference overall.

I’m half white, half Asian. I was born and grew up in Germany until second grade. Culturally I’m German-American. Energetically I’m Teutonic/Nordic/Celtic. I think that the soul is the ultimate decider of what they resonate and align with. Genetics is your computer hardware, not what data you have on it or what you do with the computer.

» Can you give me the history of humanity from when we fell from a higher density and when the current version of us was engineered to now?

Here’s one version:

Aliens already here in the Matrix modify the body of our ape ancestors (1 million – 300 thousand years ago)
It becomes a tempting option for us in the higher ethereal planes.
We take the bait and incarnate into these bodies, and enter into a cycle of karma.
Ape ancestors rapidly evolve due to higher souls being born into them, plus genetically increased intelligence
More genetic engineering occurs by other alien groups in the thousands of years that followed.
Lots of genetic experiments, different species and races being created (including Neanderthals, bigfoot, Denisovans, cone skull people, etc.).
Some humans taken off world, or created there to begin with. White people are an example.
Some of those are brought back to Earth after their own planet/environment becomes unviable (planet blowing up).
On Earth, they or others are given alien technology and become societies like the Lemurians or Atlanteans.
Cataclysm happens, major setback in progress.
Survivors are those who retain tech, or those who become savages or remain savages as from before the cataclysm.
Advanced survivors eventually come out and civilize the savages all over the world (Sumeria, Egypt, China, America).
Alien technology still exists among the survivors, used to build Pyramid/Ark/megaliths.
Cataclysms happen again, but not as bad as before.
Technology and knowledge get degraded again, alien tech starting to get lost or malfunction or hidden away.
Aliens are then forced to go dark, by some higher alien or angel type overseer group.
Humanity is left to develop on its own (publicly), with alien manipulation only happening in secret, or occasional sightings.
Human groups consorting secretly with aliens become secret societies.
These elite groups gain power, manage human history from behind the scenes.
Various alien groups come and go, and competing ones manipulate their human proxies to steer human history their way.
Everything from then until now is managed by competing alien factions, towards some big conclusion coming up for us in our lifetime. The Great Reset vs Great Awakening is part of that.
» Also can I ask you what do you think the ultimate truth is?

The simple one, that this is all one Mind experiencing itself in a multiplicity of forms, and that the only thing that’s real is consciousness and everything else is a prop to advance the storylines.

But, this truth may be absolute yet there is so much between our level of illusion and that absolute. So much, that it almost becomes meaningless in practice. This understanding of oneness doesn’t help us survive without food, deal with a home invader, or wars, or aging. That’s because those are the consequences of rules we agreed to enter into, by coming here into this mini-game called life on Earth as a human.

There are illusions nested within illusions.

For example, just theoretically, let’s say the sky is fake and our solar system is actually inside a black hole bigger than the orbit of Pluto. And that outside of that, there is no physical universe as we know it, but the scarred battlefield of a war fought by aliens countless aeons ago.

Even if that were true, it’s still under the umbrella that we are all one consciousness experiencing its own infinite potential. It’s just that our assumption that the universe is likewise vast and as we see it, is but a fairytale, and we’re one step below the reality where the solar system is a quarantined bubble of life in a torn up spacetime continuum.

I’m just saying this out of pure speculation, to illustrate my point that we may intellectually grasp (and even feel with our hearts) that All is One, but we don’t know or remember the context of our current situation, so Eastern enlightenment is a kind of enlightened ignorance only.

So ‘ultimate’ can mean either the absolute truth, or it can mean the biggest secret we don’t realize or know. The latter is much harder to figure out.

» I just wonder what’s your thoughts on Neville Goddard, and how those the info he shared integrate yours?

I like Goddard a lot, but there are two catches to what he says:

1. You can manifest desires, but where are those desires coming from? Because our psyche is made of lower and higher aspects, and if we manifest from the lower then we’ll attract lower along with the thing we desire. It will pollute it, and contribute to its ultimate failure and regret. So we have to analyze our own motivations as well, not just accept them blindly and get hung up solely on manifesting our impulses.

2. You don’t necessarily need to visualize or intend for anything specific. It’s possible to hold just the attitude or vibration in you, without expectation of any specific outcome, and attract corresponding experiences that amplify it further. This is, in fact, ideal because it leaves the “what” up to the Higher Self or universe, which is wiser than the specifics you can intellectually wish for. Also, this method doesn’t require any grasping or attachments or thinking about the future; you can be anchored right in the present.

Also I suspect that reality creation involves thoughtforms/egregores/tulpas, and that reality may itself be a structure made of such things, which pin our consciousness into the illusion of a 5-sense physical reality via their grip over our minds.

» What do you think about the Prophet Muhammad, the Koran and the religion of Islam?

My understanding is that his family rose to power during a time of political, economic, and climate upheaval by taking advantage of the situation.

I’m not sure if he was pushed into prominence as part of a secret political agenda (likely) or did so organically as a charismatic spiritual person who just attracted more and more followers.

But if it was a political agenda, it was to consolidate power in the region by doing for the scattered moon-worshipping tribal Arabs (who had been in the region since Sumerian times), what Judaism did for the Hebrews a thousand years earlier.

That is, the goal being to consolidate their varied beliefs and history into a single new narrative and religion that they could rally around, and be controlled by.

Same thing happened with Christianity, likely for the same reasons, in the first centuries A.D. Nowadays we have Mormonism and Scientology, which uses the same formula.

Islam incorporates true wisdom, as do all the other religions, but we also have the Sufis. And for Christianity, we have Inner Christianity. Neither Sufism or Inner Christianity, in my opinion, actually comes from Islam or Christianity. Rather, they are gnostic/pagan/Rosicrucian systems adapted to these religions.

Culturally, Islam is stuck in the middle ages. In my experience, Muslim fundamentalist men tend to be quite sour, dour, misogynistic, and regressive. This is a relic from their ancient roots, the difference being that they hold on to it much more faithfully than Christians do regarding the cultural/ritual practices of the Old Testament.

» What can you tell me about the real space program and how extensive it is and how I might investigate this subject further?

Since it’s ultra-classified there’s little if any way to verify it, but Richard Dolan’s done a number of presentations about the secret space program (breakaway civilization) and in my opinion he’s the most levelheaded and well-researched UFOlogists talking about this stuff. So I recommend checking his vids for more on that.

Personally, I’ve come across too many anecdotes of antigravity already being part of black ops development since the 50s. The mystery airship sightings of the 1890s may have been early antigravity experiments by secret/private research groups.

But once you have the means of antigravity, you can also bend space and time and go superluminal. Which naturally leads to an SSP and breakaway civilization.

I would stay away from what Corey Goode, Andrew Basiago, Wilcock, and people like them have to say about it. Basiago seems delusional or pathological. Goode I think is making sh*t up to keep the audience hooked. Wilcock trusts the wrong sources. SSP has become a hot topic and so all the disinformers, scammers, and delusionals are jumping in that bandwagon and the noise is getting crazy.

That’s why Dolan is a good starting point, as he’s aware of the noise out there and goes on more reliable sources. You’d think that Michael Salla is similar, but he comes off more like Wilcock or Alfred Lambremont Webre these days.

The thing about the SSP is that you can’t do what they do without running into aliens, and since aliens are the pros at this, they’ve probably taken control of the SSP decades ago and so the black ops and SSP stuff is by now an extension of the alien agenda, unless a part of the SSP aligned itself with positive aliens (which is definitely possible). If the latter is true, I think that’s what Trump is acting on behalf of, hence his talk about wonder technologies on the way and the best being yet to come.

» According to the Yugas, everything happens according to a divine plan, so there’s evident forces at play that balance light and dark energies and continue the meta development of human experience on Earth.

If we take “Darkness has a divine purpose” at face value, we might think it’s therefore wrong to fight darkness, wrong to overcome it, wrong to awaken and struggle for freedom.

But, in fact, that is its very purpose. The weights in a gym are not there to keep you from moving, but be moved against so that you become stronger. Darkness has a purpose, which is to be overcome.

I don’t believe the divine actually creates and puppeteers dark forces’ every move. Rather, it allows their existence and movement as a byproduct of this multiverse having individuality freewill and physics in it. Freewill allows for personal choice to go with, or against, divine harmony and balance.

Those who choose to go against it, who seek to harm and exploit others and increase imbalance, join the dark side. They do so out of a deep seated ignorance and spiritual weakness.

The Yugas affect many of the factors that go into the well-being of civilizations. It’s probably a combination of the thinness between here and other realms, the ‘vibrational’ quality of the subtle energy fields in our environment, and their strength or intensity.

You can imagine, therefore, that if the veil is thinner between here and the dark astral realms, and vibrationally the environment is further removed from the higher spiritual realms, that therefore dark forces have an easier time accessing this place and messing things up, plus we feel dimmer. In turn, we get more oppressed. Our minds aren’t as bright. It takes more effort and fight to stay bright. And physical, political, social conditions begin to suffer more, just as plants wilt when lacking sunlight and water.

But it’s in precisely these conditions that the positive soul experiences a tougher test. Dark forces, likewise, face opposition and trials in being unable to defeat the spirit in others. In fact, through hardship and loss and seeing spirit triumph again and again, they might have an epiphany that undoes their deep-seated ignorance and converts them back to the right path.

So both light and dark stand to gain from each other. Just that if it were dark 100% of the time, or light 100% of the time, or if each existed solely in its own realm, then there would be slower progress and less novelty. The interaction, and especially the rise and decline between one and the other, acts as an engine that drives forward the evolution of individuals and collectives.

That said, because of the freewill factor, I don’t believe everything goes according to plan all the time. Darkness can overstep its place. That’s why there are angels or other divine entities that intervene on an individual personal level, according to the rules of this place, which factors in karma, lessons, choices and contracts.

And that’s also why I think more positive souls have been born during this time, to help turn things back around to the light, because it may have gotten a little out of control here.

Lastly, a very important concept to consider is that this is not just a cosmic game, but a gamble. Not everything positive is guaranteed. A gamble is where you agree to the risk of losing, but not to losing per se, in order to produce the potential reward. This means that we agree to risk oppression by negative entities here, but we don’t agree to succumb to the oppression necessarily. We only agree by being weak and passive and ignorant and giving away our power once here.

And so if you personally, or if we collectively, face a negative force that’s very challenging, yes that may have been fated or allowed or agreed to as a potential risk or learning lesson, but now it’s up to us to face that challenge and do what is cosmically asked of us, which is to overcome it and stand strong in our spirit and grow thereby. What’s really happening is that the infinite within our finite selves is experiencing a new aspect of its own infinite potential, and growing closer to manifesting that infinite potential.

» I have come across you use the term “the end is imminent”, or something to that effect. Could you expand upon that thought please?

Sure, the end being imminent refers to the convergence and crescendo of various factors:

climate cycles
solar cycles
comet cycles
the cycles behind rise and fall of empires
the moral and spiritual decay of mankind
the Hindu and Mayan time cycles
political and financial corruption
economic indicators pointing to system collapse
geopolitical factors trending towards war against China
various prophecies, be it Native American or Biblical or Egyptian, etc.
what we can glean from certain souls being born at this time, with what missions, and what those entail
what aliens have told abductees, or prepared them for, regarding a time of cataclysm and great change
and if none of that happens, we still have the technological singularity to deal with, where technology outpaces the human brain and becomes godlike and takes over our lives
Seems like everywhere I look, things are hitting a critical point in the coming years. Only good news is that this opens up an opportunity for something new and better, but not without much suffering for many in the meantime. A difficult birth.

Five years ago, the thought of COVID and lockdowns and mandates, etc. was unthinkable, but we made it past that point. I think we have a list of further ‘shocks’ still to go.

What I’m pretty sure we’ll be seeing:

war with China
total financial meltdown of the world economy
cyber-attack, electric grid outage for a period of time
setback in mainstream technology by 20-50 years minimum
the arising of a new class of wonder-technologies, based on a new science
mini ice-age and/or supervolcano that causes famine and riots
geomagnetic field collapse by 2050
aliens showing up
if things get really bad, a dark age lasting 300 years
humanity becomes more spiritual in the end, after it’s all over
» What do you think of the Tartaria conspiracy theory? Some basis in truth?

There’s a secret civilization that arose around 8,000-10,000 years ago, that survived various cataclysms and built megaliths around the world including the Great Pyramid. They founded the Mayan civilization, Sumeria, ancient China, and Egypt. They were extremely smart, started the Bronze Age, but by the time the Iron Age came around they got their asses kicked by Egyptians and various others, and eventually fragmented and split off to India and western Europe (like Ireland, around 1500 BC).

Some of their later descendants formed secret societies to keep the tradition alive, and some of that splintered off into freemasonry.

So by the time you get to the 1800s, some of the skilled stone masons were clued into that tradition and designed things inspired by that. They’d been doing this since the 1200s when the first Gothic Cathedrals were made, using construction techniques imported from the Middle East when Templar archaeologists found ancient ruins underground built around the time of King Solomon. King Solomon’s temples were built by this ancient secret civilization, whom we sort of know as the Phoenicians but they go by many other names including the original Vedics, original Druids, and Trojans.

Ok so that’s where I think the truth ends and B.S. begins with Tartaria. I don’t buy the global mud flood + history reset + all the buildings being power generation and redistribution centers. Their shapes definitely improve on etheric energy inside and outside the buildings, but not like what the Tartaria theory proponents claim.

Also there was an actual Tartarian people that Russia wiped out and tried to bury, but I think they’ve been conflated with the ancient secret civilization, probably as disinfo to cover up the true origins and nature of the latter. Tartaria conspiracy is the Flat Earth of architecture/archaeology. Careful with that one.

» Can you explain everything that happens in between death and birth for the average spirited human?

It depends on the person, as to what stages are gone through and how quickly. Some people skip some steps. But generally:

As you die, your vision fades out and you can’t move, but you can still hear.
Then you may find yourself outside the body, a total OBE.
At that time, it’s possible to have a very quick “life flashing before my eyes” moment. This isn’t the life review, it’s just the “film being pulled out of the camera” (natural consequence of etheric body being severed from the physical, or at least coming out of it more than usual). Not everyone gets this.
If you’re attached to the physical, you’ll hang around for 3-7 days, as a ghost, able to see people grieving over you.
Then you lose energy and destabilize from the physical (unless you suck people’s lifeforce energy, then you can hang around indefinitely but as a parasite, and potentially turn over time into a demon).
Once you destabilize, you fade out from spacetime and enter a dream-like astral environment. It can look just like Earth, and people can be there. It’s more a temporary fake reality that dead people have dreamt up to adjust to life on the other side.
When you’re really ready, you fade out from there and move into the light, and leave your human personality behind. Then you do the full life review from a higher state of consciousness, with full understanding and guilt and love cranked up, and the guilt you feel is what seeds karma for the following life.
Some people get stuck at the astral level, the lower astral planes, for a very long time because they’re addicted to base emotions. Some become earthbound ghosts who feed off the living and hang around scenes of murder and debauchery.

Some people skip the astral and go straight into the light at death. Or, they go there and get turned back and then wake up in the body again, per a Near Death Experience. Which, by the way, is interesting because if the white light is such a trap then why would any being there say no it’s not your time yet, go back and go do something positive with your life? Wouldn’t it want to capture and eat the soul while it still has the chance?

When we go to sleep each night, during dreamless stage 4 delta wave sleep, the spirit + astral is gone and goes to the afterlife spirit realm including possibly up to the impersonal ‘life review’ stage, basically like a Higher Self state, to review and plan current progress in life. We don’t remember this. But some of that trickles into dreams, which come out as symbolic aspects of the dream.

For the most part, what you focus upon during and after death sets the trajectory for what comes after. Best thing to do is focus on the highest divine good, on your own consciousness and self-awareness (so that you remain lucid), and on the desire to be free and spiritually sovereign.

» What’s your opinion of the entire moon-recycling center idea that David Icke and similar proponents of that theory keep saying? Is it true in your opinion?

I think there’s truth to it, but it’s not as one-sidedly evil as he makes it out to be, any more than college is evil for making money off kids and not caring if they flunk out.

The Moon does play an important role in what’s going on here. To use another metaphor, it’s like an astral airport for arrivals and departures. Souls don’t go to the literal rocky dusty surface of the Moon. I think what we see is just the physical skeleton of something that has higher dimensional or astral/etheric layers associated with it, possibly even symbolically so.

By symbolic I mean, imagine if while sleeping your blanket falls off and the air conditioner comes on. In the dream, you find yourself in a blizzard and it’s cold. You see snowflakes and clouds. But these are symbolic of the air conditioner. I suspect that our waking reality is similarly symbolic in many ways, and the Moon is that for something occurring “more literally” in the astral planes or hyperdimensionally somehow.

So after death, souls go to one of the various astral planes in accordance with their mentality and vibrational qualities, via a process of resonant attraction to others with similar vibes. If they were tortured souls while alive, they’ll be tortured souls while dead. The middle part of that whole complex of realms is essentially symbolized in the Moon. The higher astral/spirit realms are beyond the Moon, and the hell worlds or lower astral planes are lower than the Moon and closer to Earth. This is what Plutarch quoted in his book on the moon 1500+ years ago.

» How can alien abductions can be stopped?

If an abduction is in the middle of starting, you can do any of the following:

Stay calm and think of a higher spiritual power, Jesus Christ if you are Christian, or higher divine forces if you need something generic, and ask them to protect you and remove these being who are not welcome.
If you’re paralyzed, try hard wiggle your toes, then foot and legs, and you may break out of paralysis.
Think in your mind a high pitch, like a shrill whistle or opera singer trying to break a wine glass, and maintain that as long as you can.
Don’t get scared, but start cycling your thoughts and feelings rapidly through different memories, ideas, words and phrases, music, etc. to make it unpredictable and hard to track. Grays can’t paralyze you until they synchronize with your mind and take control of it. By cycling through random thoughts they lose that ability, then can’t paralyze, and therefore abduction is called off.
If one hasn’t happened yet, and you want to stop them in general, you can do this: Put up a surveillance camera (maybe with infrared light) watching you as you sleep, or use a voice-activated digital recorder or app. Aliens never want to be caught on film. They’ll try to glitch the power or corrupt the file if needed but typically they’ll wait until you forget to charge the batteries or don’t bother to turn it on, indicating they are deterred by an active camera or recorder regardless.
Before going to sleep, intend/pray to that higher spiritual power that you be kept safe all night and have a restful sleep, and that demons and aliens and ghosts be banished from your premises.
If you know an abduction is going to happen tonight, because you’re getting all the signs of it (ear ringing, seeing alien faces faintly when you close your eyes and relax, or hearing odd things on the roof top or outside the house) then run/drive away from there and stay away all night. Helps if you have another person who can keep watch. Aliens want you to be asleep majority of the time. This is the brute force approach. If you can stay awake, lights on, music going, maybe webcam or camera recording, aliens won’t risk it because they need you sedated for their own safety.
» Can being in a relationship be an STO act?

Yes, it can, keeping in mind that as humans we are still biologically STS and so our STO tendencies can only be stretched so far given the limitations of our biology and culture.

I think the biggest challenge is simply finding someone that could reciprocate that STO-ness. Because if the partner is very STS, then two things can happen, either:

a) You are STO in the wrong (ignorant and weak) way where you’re so ‘nice and helpful’ to her that she just exploits your kindness, or becomes disgusted with you because she wants some STS guy who scares her and thereby turns her on (which is a mindset mainly found in low-consciousness abused women).

b) You are STO in the right way, doing whatever’s needed to help her spirit without feeding her shadow, and that may mean being quite firm and even cutting her out of your life if all she wants to do is feed on you without ever helping herself. That ends the relationship as she can’t get what she wants to feed her sick subconscious wounds.

But if you find someone who appreciates kindness and respect, and who is committed to love, and has a spiritual touch, then it’s possible to have a more STO relationship.

» How does visualizing a yellow rose lead to lucid dreaming or whatever it is that Theun Mares is talking about achieving?

The German philosopher and mystic Goethe once described an experience where he visualized a plant while relaxing. After doing this for a bit, it suddenly took on a life of its own and began to grow and present itself very vividly. Rudolf Steiner mentioned this anecdote of Goethe.

What’s happening, of course, is that the visualization serves as a hand rail as the mind slips into a hypnagogic or even a lucid dreaming state. On an etheric level, you are creating a thoughtform of it, which carries momentum and self-preservation such that it doesn’t dissolve as quickly as your casual thoughts do. In this way, it Goethe’s imagined plant maintained its presence as he slipped into an altered state.

The “Wake Induced Lucid Dreaming” technique you can read about on the net, is basically this.

So that’s what the yellow rose does. It could be anything, but ideally something positive or with emotional meaning. Emotions can serve as another hand rail, and not to mention a thought form is more filled out when imbued with emotional energy.

Steiner had an exercise where you create in your imagination a symbol, like a plant or a cross with roses on its arms, or whatever gives meaning. That is pretty close to Mares’s method.

Now, when two people focus on the same thoughtform, it binds them via resonance. If there’s a psychic being out there who does that, or at least watches for it, it will detect you focusing on the yellow rose, if that’s what it is. And so with Mares recommending yellow rose, it helps his students share that common meaning/thoughtform and more easily find each other or at least vibe with each other, and may attract whatever higher entities are watching for it, as it’s a psychic beacon on that particular ‘frequency’.

» I’m a teacher and have been trying to work the curriculum to empower my students to actually think for themselves. Do you have any tips?

For building independent thinking and critical thinking, a lot of it starts with knowing how to spot logical fallacies, lies, propaganda, sophistry, etc.

I remember in my classes, we were taught about arguments based on ethos vs logos vs. pathos and that was a good start, but didn’t explore logical fallacies that much, which I wish we had. Blind trust in authority and emotional thinking is why so much for the world is going down the wrong path. If a student can see the problem with trusting authority too readily, or the problem with falling for a piece of propaganda aimed at the heart strings, they’re already ahead of the curve.

I find that trying to spot what’s wrong with a statement or theory is more productive than simply looking at the dozen reasons why it’s right, because you can pick and choose supporting ‘evidence’ that ignores that few counter-examples proving it wrong. So spotting the flaw, the ulterior motive, the contradiction, what’s being left out or ignored… that’s an important component of critical thinking.

That said, the simplest exercise is to pose a juicy question and allot 5/10/15 minutes for a student to ponder, brainstorm, write out possibilities, think them over, and come up with an educated guess or opinion about it. This combination of introspection, reason and intuition really gets the brain going.

If afterwards they see/hear what other people came up with, they get to enjoy other perspectives and maybe realize what they themselves missed, or perhaps they see what’s missing in those other perspectives.

That’s just one example. By juicy question, I mean something that makes you think, something that elicits “Huh… that’s a good question.”

Or it can be something more abstract that simply engages thought.

Convenient one is a question about the differences between similar things, like: “What’s the difference between a genius and a savant?” Or any two closely related words. Discernment often involves zooming in to distinguish between two similar but different things, where one might be conflated with the other. Sloppy thinking ignores these.

Logical fallacy examples are good too, asking students what’s wrong with this argument. Ideally, they’d be able to spot these more when they see the news and social media headlines.

But the key being: focused thought on a topic, digging within oneself for ideas, analyzing what comes through to ensure it checks out, and distilling it all down to one or more statements that can be shared with others. That’s a full sequence from problem to solution, with intuition and logic forming the steps between. This is what critical thinking tends to entail.

I only mention this because that’s what I’ve done. I read or watch or experience things, notice the unanswered questions or problems or paradoxes, and let that be my question that I ponder on, specifically in my notebook. If I were just casually chatting and walking I wouldn’t be able to drill so deep to break through to a good answer. It’s the depth that matters most, and generally people don’t want to go there or say it hurts to think or throw their hands up. But a little at a time, especially if made enjoyable, builds the capacity for depth of critical thinking.

» What can we have to be most prepared for a nuclear conflict? I’m not paranoid, but just thinking about it as a possibility.

It’s always a possibility, and can escalate very quickly. Did Americans think last year that we’d be close to war against Russia this year? Probably not. Same with COVID, people in 2019 didn’t think it could happen anytime soon.

The best book for nuclear war prepping is: an online version there, and a PDF as well.

Nuclear war has three effects, the initial blast and thermal damage, the radioactive exposure during explosion and in the couple weeks afterwards from the fallout, and the longer term loss of food/water/supplies access due to destroyed infrastructure.

Surviving the initial blast is impossible at the actual impact site, but best chance is anything underground with a lot of overhead cover. Basements, underground parking garages, drainage pipes if no other choice, and sewers. To get into a sewer you have to be able to remove the manhole cover, which is not easy, however, and requires tools. Of course a natural cave is good too.

For radiation exposure afterwards, you need to avoid touching or breathing in radioactive particles.

For anything that does get into your body, for the thyroid as you know, you need “iOsat” brand potassium iodide pills. That’s to protect the thyroid against absorbing radioactive iodine, which would cause thyroid cancer.

If radioactive cesium and thallium are ingested, Prussian blue in pill form is a chemical that binds to those particles in the intestines to keeps them from being absorbed by the body, so that they can be eliminated via bowel movement. This is for ingested radioactive particles. It doesn’t remove it from lungs when breathed in.

Ionizing radiation in general causes oxidative damage, among other kinds of damage. Therefore antioxidants like Vitamin C, stabilized alpha lipoic acid, and all the vitamins and minerals needed for cell membrane integrity and tissue health can help with that. Vitamin C is cheap and you need it anyway in a survival situation so picking up a couple kg to have on hand is a good idea.

The safest thing would be to prepare for 1-2 months of staying indoors. Radioactive fallout loses most of its radioactivity after about 2 weeks, so 2 weeks is the bare minimum one would need to stay indoors with windows closed. A slight draft for fresh air is fine, just don’t want to keep windows open to where dust can get in. Radioactive fallout landing on the roof of a building will make top floors unsafe, so the lower and deeper you go into a building the less radiation exposure you’ll receive.

Thus, food, water, toiletries, daily essentials (toilet paper, trash bags, buckets), medicines for months would be needed. I say at least 2 months because after it’s over, there would be no stores or transportation in the local area and you’d be on your own until military relief supplies can come in. Also note that since power and natural gas will be unavailable, during winter it will get really cold too so have heavy duty blankets and/or sleeping bags like the military surplus ones used for winter/arctic conditions. Doesn’t hurt to get a cot and an inflatable camping pad as well if you’re setting up living quarters in a basement.

If you’re going to a fallout shelter, at least have the camping pad and a sleeping bag (even just a medium weight one in that case) so that you can sleep on the floor if needed.

If you have to go out into the fallout for some reason, you’ll need a gas mask (or at minimum a silicone half face mask like the respirators made by 3M with an N95 or better filter cartridge, goggles, and either a full nuclear-chemical-biological suit or disposable Tyvek suit or if nothing else a hooded rain jacket or waterproof parka and rain pants that cover most of the body. Gloves, rain boots too, that can be taken off before going back inside. Ideally you would hose yourself off before going inside to decontaminate.

They also make radiation dosimeter badges, that way you can track your overall exposure. Clip that on at the start of it and by the end you’ll know how much damage you’ve received.

So the two biggest dangers are being caught in the initial blast and radiation, or else breathing in or ingesting radioactive particles in the air during the 2 weeks after the explosion. If you can avoid those two things, you can survive it. Make sure you have a battery powered radio and batteries to know when supplies arrive and where they are, as internet and cell towers will be gone.

The bigger challenge is hanging in there with enough food/water/supplies to last until relief supplies come into town, and what happens in the years afterward if industry is decimated and food can’t be distributed.

» Can the past be changed?

Changing the past directly and literally is very rare and difficult. For example, I’ve heard of stories where say a little girl cuts her finger by accident but is so pure in belief and intention that she closes her eyes and imagines it never happened and then looks and the cut and the blood is gone. That’s a miracle-level change of the past.

But things like bringing back someone who died, or undoing a regretful past event, it would be nearly impossible. If you did bring someone back from the dead, you’re looking at a Pet Sematary situation since their soul may have moved on but now you just have an empty shell being occupied by who knows what.

However, here is what you can do.

You can remove the cumulative imprint that the past has left in your mind, specifically in your subconscious. That is, you can remove the past’s scars and traces in your mind so that your future is no longer affected by that past.

Like if you had a terrible father who abused you and you carry the mental scars from that, and it’s ruining your ability to make friends or find a partner, that’s an example of the past’s trace still active in your mind in the present which is impacting your future. If you re-imagine the past, like that your dad was great and you had a wonderful childhood and he was there for your graduation and has only ever supported you, then that begins changing the traces in the present, and if you energize this alternate past enough in your imagination and feelings, you’ll start pulling in the life of the alternate self that had that past. That is, your confidence and luck increase, and you find it easier to make friends and live a well-adjusted social life.

Or, if a person’s been angry at you for something you did long ago, you can re-imagine the past that it never happened and that they’re cool with you. Then after a bit of time, the person may change their attitude and act like it never happened. If you ask them, they might say yes, I remember you did that thing but I’m not mad about it anymore, I let it go. This shows that the past didn’t change, but the present changed in the sense that they’re no longer mad, and the future becomes more like the one where it never happened.

» What’s with the white light after death? Angel-like beings often tell NDE’ers they have a mission and need to come back.

It depends on what it is he has to come back for. My mom had an NDE ten years ago, from a heart attack due to stress from a bad custody battle situation. She was suicidal and her heart gave out that night. She was dead for at least 20 minutes. As she was dying, she heard my young siblings crying and felt horrified at leaving them behind, even more in being paralyzed and not able to respond to them. Then she floated out of her body and went toward the light.

The light said, “This emotional pain you feel is what you’d feel if you did commit suicide. Do you really want that?” She said no. So it said, “You can go back, your time is not yet finished.” Then she came back to life on her own with paramedics around her (yes, her heart began beating on its own after 20 minutes). And during those ten years she became way more spiritual and helped out friends, neighbors, many Christians in town to adopt a more wise and spiritual perspective. She died for real last year, about ten years after her NDE. So she had a second chance, a decade to do a lot of good. I wouldn’t consider that a trap, but a bonus round to have positive impacts.

I think if we’re all going to die anyway, there’s little motive for the white light to tell a person to come back and do good things with their life before their time is up. If it’s a predator wouldn’t it want to kill them right then and there, stick them in a baby body again to get abused, instead of staying behind and spiritually uplifting people? If this is the same light that other people talk about and fear, why would it do that? I see more logic to it being benevolent than the fearful outlook believes it to be.

» I’ve never seen you go into depth about sexual energy.

Sexual energy as we know it is mostly a biological impulse and process with some basic (etheric/astral) processes accompanying them. Only animals orgasm. Neither plants nor ‘angels’ orgasm. It’s an animal function. If you’re biologically programmed for it, you can experience it.

The craving for sex is an animal craving like hunger or thirst. One can add atop that some higher aspects like love for a partner, just as a meal can be lovingly shared between friends or lovers. But at the foundation it’s an animal act that’s centered in the root chakra.

Tantric practices can even it out with some higher chakra activations but we must keep in mind that higher beings can do the latter even more intensely without ever going through physical intercourse and physical orgasm.

Which means that, for many people, sex is subconsciously an attempt to achieve this kind of higher spiritual/psychic fusion with another person, but the body acts as a wall keeping them apart (due to the lack of psychic ability). This means sex can be a poor substitute for what is really desired at the core level, which is temporary psychic fusion, and the falling short adds to its addictive property since it’s never permanently fulfilling at a deep enough level.

On the etheric side of things, sexual energy actually starts as non-sexual raw lifeforce energy that enters your system via the root chakra. If it’s not sent up to the higher chakras for creative purposes, it builds up on the lower chakras and reinforces the biological sex drive, and that’s what we normally know as sexual energy but the latter, libido/lust, is more of a derivative product rather than the original energy.

Now, the biological impulse for sex can build up in a person unless it’s transmuted. If it builds up, is ignored, suppressed, etc. it can lead to dysfunctions which can be psychosomatic (medical, physical problems) or psychological problems (armoring like what Wilhelm Reich talked about) or outright perversion like with those Catholic priests displacing the suppressed impulse upon little boys since they were programmed to not think sinful thoughts about women.

So if a person can’t transmute it by channeling raw creative energy into artistic/devotional/divine pursuits (like the kind that fill them with metaphysical rapture and make them forget all about sex let alone eating, etc.) then if they instead have sexual impulses but forcefully suppress it, then that just leads to pressure build up that becomes more and more annoying if not dangerous. That means it can backfire and twist a person up.

Hence some kind of release is necessary for those who aren’t transmuting it. The trick is that there’s an optimal and minimal level for that, where if you do it even more then you’re creating unnecessary thought-forms and feeding and addiction. Like compulsive porn watchers—thoughtforms are created and surround the person and compel more of the same act, and over time this can corrode the soul like termites eating the walls.

Ideally, it would be transmuted to where it doesn’t build up in the first place, hence nothing to suppress… but if it does build up, there has to be a healthy, loving, moderate, and conscientious release of it. Fetishism and perversion deviate the energy into dark occult thoughtforms that cause other problems in life, so that has to be minimized.

» What is this “split in humanity” that everyone’s been talking about?

The New Age community gets ahead of itself and promises a timeline/realm split is right around the corner… and so, after months and years go on, they eventually have to say that yes it’s finally here (since people are getting impatient) and then they always fall back on the “The split is complete, but you might not notice it because your memories have been altered with it” or similar to justify the fact that we’re still here.

As far as I can tell, the split is a big thing that starts small many years earlier. It starts with polarization. People parting ways, people finding their own paths more. Think about what Covid has done, or Trump, etc. there are family members who aren’t talking with each other because of that. This is how it starts. As time goes on, more catalysts happen to separate the population out from each other. Eventually though I think reality could fray and split in an undeniable way, but we’re not there yet.

As far as systems crumbling, there’s no doubt that an underlying spirit of rebellion, reformation, and awakening has taken hold among the spiritually sentient people. The rest are as programmed as ever though, as they act like background characters anyway. But a shift has taken place on the astral/psychological level that’s leading to cultural changes which will reflect in political/economic changes. The pressure is building. We’re in for times of revolution and upheaval as old world governments fall and new populist ones take their place. The old is hanging on through fraud, coercion, and propaganda but things are chipping away at that.

My main point is that the actual true timeline/reality split hasn’t happened yet, and I think we’re only about 10-15% there.

It’s always been known, since people have started talking about the Shift or Split or Nexus or Wave (whatever you want to call it) that in the time leading up to it, the old system crumbles and the new reality is born with many birthing pains.

So we’re in it now, the breakdown of the old system, just as predicted… and people are freaking out about it, both complaining that life sucks now and that it’s taking too long. But to me, everything’s on track.

Polarization will keep increasing until the system snaps and a phase shift occurs. A wildcard natural disaster event (or cosmic irradiation by etheric energy shockwave) could happen at any time, but I feel it will occur at a logical point in the sequence of historical events, i.e. when the time is right.

» What is the detail of difference between spiritless human and spirited STS person?

The difference between spiritless and STS spirited person, is that the latter is spiritually asleep, while the former is spiritually dead.

A spirited STS person (the average ones, not the ultra-psychopaths in power) will still have a karmic curriculum to go through. That includes pre-arranged lessons and connections with people. There will be an invisible helpful hand orchestrating their life through suffering and drama to forge them in the fires of life. They might still get symbolic dreams even if they ignore it. They might still get a synchronicity trying to wake them up, even if they ignore it. And their actions carry karmic consequence.

Whereas a spiritless human has none of that. They’re the ones who do evil and keep getting away with it, because there’s no point in sending them a punishing learning experience if there’s nothing in them to retain the lesson beyond this life. The only thing they learn is how to adapt to avoiding pain and getting caught next time, which is a mechanical learning not a spiritual learning.

So STS humans still have residual/latent/background spirit activity in their lives, and are on a track of evolution that extends beyond this lifetime, and this results in metaphysical phenomena (dreams, synchronicity, intuition, karma, destiny) even if only at a low level in their lives, whereas spiritless have almost none of these things.

The only time the spiritless do have some of the metaphysical, is indirectly, like if they live in a haunted house, or if they’re being manipulated by higher powers for/against a spirited human in their surroundings; like if a spiritless mom has a spirited daughter that must survive but just came down with a deadly illness but is ignoring it, a higher being might yell telepathically to get the daughter to the hospital now. It’s only done for the sake of the daughter, not because the mom is necessarily spirited and connected to higher beings.

» Where does spirit come from, actually?

From all I have read and observed, our individual spirit is essentially a crumb or holographic fragment projected forth from very high metaphysical beings. These beings are on the order of archangels or cosmic archetypes. Demigods, basically.

So just as we humans can create thoughtforms through focused thought/emotion that then have some autonomy, likewise we are like thoughtforms created by even higher beings. The nature/type of that being, has some bearing on the nature/type of our spirit, in terms of archetypal correspondence.

It’s like how the archetype of “Taurus” in astrology comes with certain personality traits. Well, the nature of these higher demigod beings has a similar bearing on the core nature of the human spirit that is projected from them.

As an animal evolves more and more, it’s not that it develops into a full spirit. Rather, spirit from above incarnates into that animal soul and gives it something extra, and from that point on the combination then goes on to reincarnate, possibly as a human, with a continuity in spiritual evolution from lifetime to lifetime.

In other words, spirit never ‘evolves’ from below from the ground up. It’s always ‘acquired from above’, sent down by those higher beings.

The spirit, then, when it incarnates into a human body, clothes itself with etheric, astral, and biological form that has certain temporary personality traits and talents that are more like costumes needed for that lifetime. The core spirit has individuality and unique traits too (derived from a combination of the archetypal nature of the higher being it came from, and its history accumulated over prior lifetimes). But these traits of a spirit are deeper and more generic and spiritual in nature than the quirky and colorful personality traits of the human ego.

I don’t think a spirit can die. I can enter a human form and leave a human form, but is itself eternal and indestructible. I suspect it can merge with the higher cosmic archetypal being again, not as a form of death but more a form of awakening like if you dream you’re a politician but then wake up and you’re you again, the politician didn’t die he just merged with the ‘true’ you in that case.

» Do you have an idea or thought as to exactly how those in the 4th density receive and assimilate loosh, fear and sexual energy for nutrition?

In Dr. William Baldwin’s book “CEVI” there’s one account (hypnotic regression) where a client tapped into beings in another realm collecting this energy via etheric cords or tubes that plug into a person and suck up the life force energy. Same or another account mentions these going to vats somewhere, to be processed and shipped elsewhere. There’s a whole energy economy ‘out there’ apparently.

The Fourth Way material, and Boris Mouravieff’s Gnosis books, speak of a substance they euphemistically call “hydrogen” but really it’s loosh energy. They talk about the different grades of it, the chemistry of it, and how our own internal systems can purify it from low grade to high grade. Mouravieff also mentions how the Moon is a receiving station for this energy and feeds on the Earth like an embryo feeding on the nutrient of the mother. Rudolf Steiner spoke of a similar thing about the Moon, except that it’s not the physical Moon that’s doing it, but rather entities associated with the archetype of the Moon.

Clairvoyants who have observed psychic vampirism in humans generally describe cords connecting the parasite to the host, attached at chakra points but most often the solar plexus and root/sex chakra. I think cracks in the aura from trauma (emotional, physical, chemical) can be feeding points as well.

Contactee Fore, who was psychic and experienced this many times himself, said that ghosts or phantoms (phantoms are ghosts that serve demons) would stand near his bed and stoop over him, or float above him, to soak up the emitted lifeforce energy. One time one of them stuck its hand into his chest and ripped his aura open, like busting a steam pipe, and began feeding on the energy pouring out. It caused him pain and weakness for a long time until I think either an alien or angelic being helped heal it.

Another psychic I personally knew, said he would watch alien ships (invisible to physical eyes) park above hospitals, stadiums, and churches with feeding tubes going down to harvest the generated energy from people in these places.

There’s one kind of energy that can be tapped just by being in physical proximity, and another kind (maybe a higher grade of it) that can be done at a distance but requires ‘entanglement’ between target and harvesters, and by entanglement, I mean one thinking of the other or sharing a common vibe. So like if there’s a demon-possessed guru in India that you worship, your devotion to him will send energy there, but it couldn’t feed on you otherwise as it’s too far away… versus a psychic vampire friend you have who can simply sit next to you on a couch saying nothing and will drain your energy due to being so close.

» What exactly are and what is the difference between dimensions, densities, frequency, and realms?

Frequency − a measure of how divine or spiritual your consciousness is, meaning your spiritual polarity.
Density − a measure of how sophisticated/complex/sentient your consciousness is.
Realm − your particular sphere of experience, as determined by your physical choices (which put you where you are) and frequency + density (which determined what part of reality you tuned into and/or attracted).
Dimension − In a strict science sense, means a degree of freedom like x, y, z, or time. But in a more casual metaphysical sense, means the particular environment you’re in.
Dimension is almost the same thing as a realm. The difference is, realm is looser and fuzzier concept that is more theme-based, like you and I can be in the same dimension (the 3rd dimension) and cross paths physically but if we’re in different realms then that just means we don’t vibe with each other, barely interact, don’t ‘get’ each other, and aren’t part of each other’s life stories.

Realm is more like a ‘theme of experience’, and dimension is more like the environment or world.

If our realms are extremely different enough, however, then we’ll also be in different dimensions. Being in different dimensions is an extreme version of that, where we don’t even see each other or at least one doesn’t see the other as we’re not even in the same spacetime anymore.

» Do you know what causes Murphy’s Law?

Murphy’s law is caused by any number of things:

1. Pure statistics, but it should happen less often than it does, so it’s not ‘just’ chance.

2. Astrology, where Mercury Retrogrades, full moon, and new moon, especially can up the probability of bad things happening like accidents, misunderstandings, fights, bad news, and things breaking.

3. Negative entities trying to screw you over, and they can do it most easily when it’s something that has a possibility of happening, thus if it can go wrong (per Murphy’s Law) it will go wrong (because the entities take advantage of that and nudge it into happening).

4. Reality creation by your own subconscious, which is saturated with negative self-talk and negative programming, and the deep beliefs or mindset you have about things; for example, if you get obsessed with the idea that you’re cursed, then more and more things will happen to validate that belief so your life turns to hell.

5. Karma, if it’s obvious instant karma, like you took advantage of someone or betrayed your conscience, and now you fell and twist your ankle and spend six weeks healing from that.

I don’t think it’s AI/demiurge directly, but rather the various entities and forces (like astrological forces) within this reality/matrix that cause things to happen here. But, the negative entities serve and feed into the demiurge, so in a way it is that, but just not directly, just as the good things in life like miracles and blessings are via Higher Self or angels or positive discarnate humans and not the infinite God him/itself directly.

» Is there a correlation between heavy metal music and sort of embracing our shadow side?

From what I can tell, the shadow consists of two key parts:

1. The part we equipped ourselves with when incarnating here, to provide the fuel/fire we need to break through inertia and resistance. This part isn’t always socially acceptable, or fit within the parameters of our socialization, but it serves a higher purpose in the end, depending on our particular goal or destiny for this life. For example, an aspiring dancer might need extra sexuality in their shadow, whereas someone who becomes a hero taking down a mass shooter needs a killer instinct in the shadow.

2. The part induced within us by the Matrix Control System trying to beat us down and twist us up, to steer us away from fulfilling our potential. Usually centered around fear, shame, self-hatred, predatory perversion, Oedipus and similar complexes, and depression. These can give rise to creative expression which are only good in the sense of being cathartic but can easily stray into degeneracy and nihilism.

Metal is mostly a shadow-based genre. Which isn’t bad, but does mean it spans the full spectrum of the shadow from the highest noble ‘power’ aspect to the deepest subhuman, guttural, animalistic, or demonic aspects.

It can be pleasurable either in resonating the good part of the shadow we need, or being cathartic for the ultimately negative part of the shadow we’re dealing with, or it can be pleasurable in the same way a serial killer gets off on torturing someone which is obviously and objectively bad. Remember there are different parts of us, and what feels good to one part may feel repugnant to another, so “feeling good” isn’t a singular indicator as it really depends on which part it feels good to, and whether that part is truly us or some demonic graft.

There’s also a physiological benefit to metal. There are vids of babies falling asleep to the sound of a hair dryer blowing. SHHHH is white noise, and for some reason it equilibrates the brain. Distorted guitars and cymbals in metal are sources of noise, and the beat is often similar in effect to drumming your fingers or tapping your foot when you’re focusing on a task. Both together, can make it easier to concentrate or do creative work when that part of the brain is being occupied by the noise and beats. Meanwhile, the music itself can be energizing.

I think on a cellular level, metal isn’t healthy. In those famous experiments, rock music played to plants and cows made them less healthy and productive. But we’re more than just cells; we also have an astral body and spirit, and just as physical force is bad for plants and cows but serves a positive purpose for a soldier or construction worker, metal can serve a purpose on a psychological and astral level in being a motivator or a cathartic outlet.

» Isn’t service to others a chump’s game when everyone around you, including throughout history, is service to self? What if it is in itself a trap?

Humans are composites of higher and lower, light and darkness, and it matters which one you serve.

If someone’s operating from their lower half, meaning they are driven by their ego or shadow, their strongly STS parts, and you “serve” that in a blind and dumb way, then you’re feeding that, enabling it, and it will grow stronger at the expense of the higher part retreating or being cut off.

Conversely, if you do ‘tough love’ with this person, meaning denying their lower half the feeding it wants, and instead aim your actions at whatever strengthens their higher half and weakens or disciplines their lower half, then you’re serving in the correct way. You’re then restoring balance and enabling true free will for them. Otherwise their true core is being held hostage by the demonic, robotic, or animalistic impulses of the lower half.

So service should ultimately serve the light within a person, not their darkness. Sometimes yes you end up helping the lower half to indirectly assist the higher part. For example, someone’s starving and asks you for money or food. If you feed them, you’re feeding their animal body which is technically STS in nature… but in being full, if they can then think more clearly and feel energized enough for them to act more like their better selves, then you’ve ultimately served the light within them. On the other hand, if they were lying and wanted money for drugs, you’d have been enabling their dark side once again.

If you were to write a little inspirational book, you might think what’s the point if everyone around me seems STS. The answer is that it’s not everyone, and not everyone is purely STS all the time. There are certain people who, at certain times, have a pang of intuition or compassion or inspiration that comes from the spiritual. Maybe they come across that book in that moment, and it inspires them so much that they commit to being better people and not get beaten down by the dark impulses. So in that way, you helped stoke the spiritual fire in them. Even if they aren’t saints yet, even if their current state is still STS, you nudged them toward the STO destination.

Where you are right now, and where you’re going, are two different things. You can be on the south side of town but walking north, or south side of town walking further south. We may all be on the south side of town overall, but some of us are heading north toward STO. Those are the ones worth investing in.

So we have to consider not only where a person is in terms of their darkness:light ratio, but what direction they are moving. Some want to grow their light. Some want to grow their darkness. Someone who’s hit rock bottom and wants to turn their life around for the better, is more promising than someone in the vanilla middle zone who doesn’t care and is in fact slipping from apathy and ignorance.

And, we have to discern which part of them is light, and which part is dark, and make sure not to feed the dark part at the expense of the light. If the light in someone cannot be reached, then there’s nothing you can do for them other than deny their darkness its freedom to grow and exploit. In extreme cases, like a psychopath who’s an immediate danger, that can mean putting them down like a sick animal. If that saves an innocent life, such use of force has an STO-like effect in terms of preventing something that would have increased imbalance.

I agree with Montalk about the Matrix books. It seems like shortly after M4 was released the deep state infiltrated trufax and created the disinfo manifesto known as M5. Montalk's books are much better successors to the original Matrix series. The themes in M3 especially are becoming more relevant since PSYOP-19 started.
- Hissil

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