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NATO Plans False Flag | Communism in America | Deceptive Patterns of the Deep State
NATO Plans False Flag in Black Sea to Launch WWIII
The Globalists need a scapegoat to blame for their destruction of America
Greg Reese
Jan 5, 2024

Just about every major government has been guilty of false flag operations to foment war. America has been guilty of several, but here are just a few...

Civilian passengers were murdered when a torpedo hit the Lusitania. Investigations revealed that explosives were inside the ship, which was operated by war profiteer J.P. Morgan. This event is what brought Americans, who were not previously interested in getting involved, into World War I, where they lost over a hundred thousand sons and daughters.

They were also not interested in getting involved in World War II, but after breaking Japanese encryption codes, the US government knew of their plans to attack Pearl Harbor. But the big banks were funding both sides and expected massive profits, so they let it happen to encourage Americans to sacrifice nearly half a million of their children in the second world war.

In August of 1964, the USS Maddox and the Turner Joy knowingly lied about being fired upon by North Vietnamese ships. For two hours they fired at nothing and maneuvered as if under attack. President Johnson was aware of this deception but kept it secret to initiate war against North Vietnam. And to sacrifice over fifty thousand Americans.

About three thousand people were murdered on 9/11 in the most notorious false flag in US history. This was used as a catalyst for the endless destruction of several nations that continues today.

Professor Stephen Starr, associate of the Nuclear Age Peace Foundation, was recently on Russia’s Soloviev live where he discussed a plan being suggested by NATO forces in Germany that stinks of plans for a false flag operation to usher in World War III. They have suggested a scenario wherein Russia sinks an American cruiser in the Black Sea. Followed by the United States attacking Russian ships with nuclear warheads. Which would then be followed by a Russian nuclear strike against NATO headquarters and a major US nuclear attack on all of Russia. They suggested more than three thousand strikes within one hour and the destruction of all major cities in Europe and the United States. Professor Starr said this would result in a hundred and fifty million tons of smoke and soot that would block out seventy percent of the sunlight in the Northern Hemisphere and last about ten years.

It’s important to note that it’s been NATO forces alone who have been provoking war with Russia for decades. Surrounding their border with missile systems and bio-weapons labs, and overthrowing Ukraine with C.I.A. Colour revolutions. The facts show that Russia has been given no choice but to defend themselves against deceptive Western aggression.

The anti-human globalist forces that hold a firm grip on America are clearly trying to destroy it from within. If they wanted America to win a world war, then they would not be murdering US troops with the deadly Covid shots. And they would not be manipulating them to castrate themselves under the guise of transgenderism. The globalists want the United States to be plundered and destroyed but they need a scapegoat to blame it on and they’ve clearly chosen Russia for that role.

During the American Revolution, Catherine the great of Russia unofficially supported the colonies by trading with them. Russian ships began delivering hemp, sail linen, and iron to American ports as early as 1763. During the war of 1812, Russia attempted to join as a third-party mediator in support of American independence. In 1863, Russia sent military fleets to New York and San Francisco to put pressure on the British and fight them if necessary. They patrolled the American shores for 10 months.

This Russian support of a sovereign America is undoubtedly what led to the Bolshevik revolution of 1917 when the country fell into communist rule for sixty-nine years. Today Russia has asked for peace but the evil powers that want endless war can not survive unity between the East and the West. False Flag operations are the modus operandi of the globalists, and war, mass murder, and division is all they desire.


Communism and depopulation in America come under the guise of being “patriotic” and accepting your own vax-termination out of fear of Covid-19 and its variants
By Clark Barnes
December 26, 2023

I once had a favorite meme I would push out as kind of a tongue-in-cheek that said “When exposing a crime is treated as committing a crime, you are ruled by criminals”. Seemed pretty funny at the time.

Today, not so funny. In fact, what we are experiencing is very real.

Let’s take a look at the definition of tyranny according to

1    An oppressive or severe form of government
2    An unrestrained use of authority or power
3    A state ruled by, or government of, an absolute ruler
4    Excessive severity
5    Cruel and unfair treatment by someone in authority

What we lack in the world, not just the United States, is a system of checks and balances. Governments are out of control as they care very little about the laws they have established unless it relates to you the citizen, and they certainly give complete disregard for the voting system as we are finding out they have been manipulating the outcomes to meet their agenda for quite some time.

Our rights to free speech are all but gone and our ability to assemble peacefully is now seen as extremism. Think about it for a minute, when Patriots assemble to voice their concern, they have to worry that either the assembly will be infiltrated by people seeking to create a negative image of them, or those same people causing violence, thus putting Patriots front and center as targets by their own government.

By now, if you haven’t been vaccinated for Covid, then you know that the vaccine is much more dangerous than the virus. In fact, if you know anything about anything they put in vaccines today, then you know that Covid was just an excuse for ushering in communism in America, and a depopulation scheme that’s got 150 million people set up like bowling pins, getting ready for the “big knockdown.”

Most important to realize, and it’s not too late for the unvaccinated, is that the spread of fear of Covid was needed to establish government authority initially, that way they could further violate our constitutional rights and order us around — to wear masks all day, social distance, shut down our businesses and only buy products from huge corporations that fund the fake war on Covid-19.

It’s a fake war, and “they” (Democrats, CCP and Globalists running DC) want your support.

You see, governments all prefer populace support for a war, whether it’s a kinetic war, a fake war on “terror,” or a fake war against a “killer virus.” The irony of it all is that this time the enemy isn’t foreign at all; in fact, it’s every American.

There’s always a cover for the real insidious agenda. There has to be for everyone to buy in. Of course, 9/11 was cover for Halliburton’s embezzling of $5 billion and the constitution-and-privacy-crippling Patriot Act. The War in Afghanistan was cover for the US takeover of the opium trade for the heroin-based epidemic of highly-addictive, health-destroying prescription painkillers.

Now, Covid-19 and the Delta Variant are cover for a communist takeover of America and the depopulation/ sterilization campaign that can wipe out at least 50 percent of the US populace with one “booster” shot. Call it the “kill switch.”

10 Steps To Tyranny

1    Create a new human disease (virus) that kills off the weak and immune-compromised (complete).
2    Spread Covid-19 around the planet (complete).
3    Create “vaccines” for that virus that cause blood clots and life-threatening myocarditis (complete).
4    Spread so much fear about Covid that at least 70 percent of the planet (or at least the USA) gets inoculated (only at 50 percent now).
5    Spread fear-mongering propaganda of a new “variant” (called Delta) that’s even “more deadly” and “more contagious” than the original virus (just begun).
6    Blame all vaccine injuries and deaths on the new “Delta Variant” (just beginning).
7    Require every vaccinated person to get their “Delta Variant” inoculation, which either instructs the recipient’s cells to produce billions of toxic protein prions that drive the patient insane and cause heart failure, or the vaccine contains the ultimate “payload” of virus-mimicking pathogenic proteins that overdose the recipients’ immune systems, killing them.
8    A new mass event “occurs” that cripples all communication between the populace, and the Chinese Communists start “herding” in from our southern border.
9    Another mass shooting event “occurs” that’s made to look like a Trump supporter who is “anti-vaccine” and right-wing extreme.
10    All guns are confiscated from all remaining, unvaccinated Americans and the Republic is lost.

Getting vaccinated to death is considered “patriotic” because the country is being run by communists right now, who want to eliminate at least 3/4ths of Americans using domestic bio-terrorism (deadly vaccines) and move a billion Chinese here from China.

Just as Hitler used propaganda to sell his motives as helpful for society and Germany’s economy, the CDC and CCP are “selling” everyone on vaccines, masks, social distancing and lockdowns, in an effort to end America as we know it. That’s why Joe Biden just told everybody that Americans getting vaccinated is the most patriotic thing you can do.

9 Deceptive Patterns Behind the Deep State Use of an Emergency Crisis
Paul Philips
January 7, 2024

Keeping the masses in a constant state of fear through a deceptive indoctrinating mainstream media with the help of manipulative paid-off leading politicians and their stifling politics are essentials in establishing the Deep State shadow-government’s manufactured emergency crisis scenario.

It’s all part of the PSYOP controlling the masses:

The Deep State and their war on the control of our minds: When the psycho-spiritual is controlled on the battlefield every aspect of the enslavement duly falls into place.

Bearing this in mind, during the use of an emergency crisis declared by the Deep State, there are a number of recurring deceptive patterns planned to entrap the masses. Power, profit and political gains for the Deep State’s total global domination agenda are the ulterior motives:

Not an exhaustive list, but here are 9 recurring deceptive patterns during the result of an orchestrated emergency crisis PSYOP.

Emergency Crisis Psyop

1 – Crisis management team meetings associated with people in high places construct assimilations for training drills based on the idea of an imaginary emergency crisis. Not long after the crisis happens for real!

For examples, do you think it was mere coincidence that Event 201 preceded the covid-19 pandemic? And what about the 7/7 London bombings training drills? The latter imaginary crisis handling scenario had occurred only days before it happened for real in the same area! -Yes, I know this happened a while ago, but it should not be forgotten and is just as relevant as ever in principle.

“This is how they will CANCEL the 2024 election” Whitney Webb exposes the WEF plan – Redacted

In the above video researcher Whitney Webb exposes the recent assimilations, training drills carried out by U.S intelligence agencies in anticipation of a devastating cyber-attack. Is this an indication that a devastating cyber-attack will happen for real? Will it be a false flag used to cancel the November 2024 U.S general election, allowing the Democrats to stay in power…?

2 – When the crisis is declared democracy is suspended: Unelected bureaucrats step in with their authorised top-down waves of order/instruction; mandated protocols in the name of an emergency.

3 – Using fake props and settings to manipulate the collective perception of the masses into believing the constructed theatre of illusion, the “bogeyman” causing the emergency crisis can have alternative explanations, or be fake or grossly exaggerated as it is rigged by design…

4 – In line with 3, a number of claims made in support of the official line do not stand scrutiny as they are riddled with irreconcilable errors, contradictions and inconsistencies. Take for instance the climate change “crisis.” There have been many climate change predictions that never came true.

However, the fear mongering mainstream media propaganda machine is in full-swing. While bought off and controlled purported “experts” chant the official line’s mantra; manipulating data, abusing science, distorting facts or downright lying, or making things look even more scarier while many have no idea that this is going on.

5 – Reactions to 4: Those aware and savvy enough to see right through the false official line may be met with officialdom censorship and gaslighting, or ridicule from the compliant and gullible mind-controlled masses unquestioning in their blind following…

6 – Lack of evidence to support the official line is a classic example of the Emperor has no clothes. As in the case of fake diseases. None of these diseases and their claims stand scrutiny.

For example, COVID-19 has never really been shown to be purified, isolated and identified. No proof for its existence the whole house of cards should have come tumbling down, but unproven diagnostic testing with inherently false positives continually rolled out with mega-sales on test kits. -How can any diagnosis, case, treatment, COVID statistic or crisis handling report have validity based on something that was never proven to exist?!

A massive deception in the crisis theatre of illusion PSYOP is the “one disease or syndrome equals one micro-organism causation” lie. Don’t fall for this. There is no disease. No contagion.

As in a number of cases such as AIDS and the zika virus, the causes could have been explained without a “virus.” Immune compromising poverty, toxicity, abnormal child development and related circumstances would have sufficed.

7 – While the Deep State and their associates act under the guise of “we care for you” claiming the crisis orders/mandates are “for your own good,” in actual fact, their solutions cause more harm than good.

That’s because the it was never really about solutions. Ultimately, it was about manufacturing a crisis based on false circumstances to bring about controlling agendas; making huge power, profit and political gains; hitting the masses on multiple levels…

Example: The COVID-19 vaccine was never about promoting health. It was about destroying health while using the deflecting distraction of blaming ill-health on an “epidemic” instead of the real causes: poverty, environmental toxicity, depression, stress and the harmful medical treatment … as the mega-bucks roll in for those criminals using fairy-tale stories to cover up their crimes.

8 – Besides the appointed handlers the Deep State and their associates hold the masses accountable, telling us to do our bit towards fighting the crisis when they are the ones who caused it to begin with.

Example: They tell us that we must contribute to getting inflation down during a financial crisis when they are the ones who caused it by excessive money printing…

9 – The crisis is never resolved. Fake diseases, fake wars, fake climate change, fake money and engineered financial crises, etc. will continue until the masses wake up and push back against these same old scripted PSYOP agendas.

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