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I was told I should keep a journal of the strange things that have been happening around here lately, and I thought that I would try to keep it here. 

Okay...let's see...where should I start...I guess I'll start a couple weeks back with the beginning of a series of weird dreams.  First of all, I haven't been able to recall my dreams very good lately. They are so vivid and have so much detail, that when I wake up, I seem to forget everything. Once in a while I am able to recall one or two parts or a "feeling" of the dream, but that's about it.

Anyway, in the first dream I was abducted and came back pregnant. I'm not saying it was aliens, because I don't recall, but this baby was special somehow. What's really strange, is that I was my age in the dream and still had a hysterectomy. Everyone treated me special.  I remember that I had really really long hair. It was down to my feet. I recall this because at one point I tripped over my hair.

The second dream was a couple of days later. What I remember throughout this dream was that I had been operated on my stomach/midsection. I first realized this in the first thing I remember about the dream. Richard was holding me up in the air (you know, lifting under the arms), and I kept telling him to put me down because I felt like I was going to rip in half. Then I told him that my stitches are ripping, and he put me down. I don't really remember anything else about this dream except that throughout, I kept holding my stomach and/or was aware of stitches pulling. Oh yeah...there was also another part that I remembered; I was in a school-like setting, taking some tests, and in this dream also, I was being treated as special.

 The last dream was about 4 days ago. In this one, the first thing I remember is watching a bunch of people coming out of a doorway and crying. I asked one of them what was going on, and they said: "haven't you heard? Mickey Mouse is dead!" The next thing I remember is lying on my back on a type of doctor's table. There was a white sheet draped across my lower half. (I was in the classic female exam position.) There was a female doctor in a white coat, standing by my feet. She was holding this long, sliver needle. I watched her squirt a little bit of liquid out of the needle, and then she began leaning down toward my vagina with that huge, damn needle saying: "now all you're going to feel is a sharp cold sensation," then she stuck that needle in. That's all I remember.

Now along with these dreams, we have been having strange computer problems; i.e. not being able to connect to the Internet for no reason, toolbars disappearing from our browsers, firewalls turning off for no reason, icons being rearranged on my desktop, that kind of stuff.  Also, my bracelet that I made for protection and have been wearing every day, was cut off my wrist. At least it was "somehow" cleanly "cut" on the side of the bracelet as I slept. When I woke up, it was lying on the bed next to me, still completely clasped.  That's also the night that our dog Anubis, was very restless. He sleeps with us, and that night he kept pacing all over the bed and lying on top of me, finally making me get up, which was when I found the bracelet.  

Well, that's it for now. If things keep on going the way they are, I'm sure that this will be continued....

Dear DreamTime, Do you want feedback--and how would you want it? Through PM or here?

What you wrote was interesting and I would like to respond. I desire to be part of a supportive deprogramming hyperspace community. I think what you're doing is a great idea. You remind me that perhaps I should have a dog or a cat in the house too to keep me alert on other beings in the house--this way I can prevent an activation and an abduction for rituals. I think I do sense them watching me--its creepy and weird. My parrot does make lots of noises--I think he definitely sees things that piss him off-- but I try to put him on UVP as much as I can. So much to do in regards to protection these days!!! Its easy to slip.

I might not be correct at all but here are ideas I can throw at you:I think the dream with Richard might be that he possibly/might be representative of God-Mind or Oversoul and he was supporting you and lifting you up but you could not understand it and wanted to stay grounded. What do you think? Hair is strength. Babies are new ideas. Hysterectomys--now I dont know that one..but I will guess the interpretation that the uterus is the womb and a place of nurturing, truth, honesty, had your own internal nurturing and creative self or abilities removed(in the dream I mean)?Well if anything is removed, its energetically still there according to Stewart and other scientists who've done this research on missing body parts and organs. I remember Stewart said that computer problems pertain to relationship in relating to others outside of self(cuz yeah we have relationships between our alters,right?). Mickey Mouse is obviously a programming or trigger symbol and perhaps the fact that he was dead may possibly be due to the alters related to that program dying? Or that you needed to realize that the Disney programming is  deactivating*Shrugs*.How many children do you have? erm..Grandchildren? Or where can I find the post that you had on your children? Interesting about the bracelet cut. Anyone else in your family experienced something similar?



I forgot to add that I have been getting nasty horrible headaches almost every day and I usually never get headaches. And also, I've been waking up with scratches and sore spots on and behind my ears.

P.P: I don't mind the feedback, but I am really just putting this all down and maybe I'll be able to look at it more objectively. I have 4 daughters and number 6 grandchild will be born this July.

Yes, I realized that Mickey Mouse had something to do with programming. But that "doctor" and that needle were so darn real....

Yes, I think that Anubis sees and senses when things are going on. But let me tell you, it sure does freak me out when I see him getting freaked out. :nod: He doesn't bark (he's a barkless Basenji), but when his bristles go up and he starts running around like crazy or just staring down the dark hall - man he can be spooky.

You know, what I have been wondering is: is it possible to get pregnant in the astral and have your baby taken away - also astrally? I wonder...

I think so that its possible for them to impregnate you and then they take your unborn-undeveloped fetus for rituals? Or they cultivate it somewhere else(Watched too many X Files episodes)...How do they do this, I would not know. Maybe they physically take you without you knowing and impregnate you without you realizing this. My imagination says they also could take you away maybe within the first tri mester and take this kid away. But would they really want something under four months of age in the womb? *Shrugs*.I wonder if that was possible--I should ask before assuming!!!

Well P.P., I did the asking for you because I felt that was what has been happening to me.

I asked Janet if it were possible to be impregnated on the astral level and then have the fetus taken from you also on the astral level, and she said YES...they do impregnate and take the fetuses on the astral level.

That, to me, explains the "dreams" I've had lately.  You also explains another strange thing that I found out about myself and I just, kind of overlooked it.  I had gotten into palm reading a little while back because I have this course on it and I found it really interesting.  Anyway...when I was checking my palm for how many children I (would) have, I saw a bunch of lines (at least 14) where there should have only been 4 (for my children). I thought I was reading it wrong, but I guess maybe I wasn't.

So, now I know why I'm still important to "them." I still say it's because of my blood.

Boy...the least they could do is let me see these "babies" I've created for them...

Thanks for asking for me DreamTime.
I have never really had a boyfriend or anything so no way of me getting impregnated this way--and I have often wondered if I was taken away and impregnated--and the child was taken out of me. I think they did this to me definitely when I was 17, 19 and 20. I don't know if they've done this recently at all to me. I wonder if they can even do this to someone at an even younger age? Younger than 14? I haven't had any dreams like you had(erm I did have this feeling that I had children and killed them--that someone stabbed me or I even stabbed myself--also had a dream when I was 8 years old that I had to give my child away to someone else--at the age of 8 who can even get pregnant and give birth without experiencing menarche?)) but I have had these impressions of fearing that I could get raped and have a child so I took a self defense class to prevent such a situation..and even didn't drink alcohol in front of males for that matter. Also,strangely enough, I used to read about nutrition for pregnant women--I was only 15 or 16 when I lectured my pregnant teacher about her nutrition. Some of my specifically programmed female friends would sometimes think they're pregnant but then realize it was a false alarm....

Does this make us breeders? Yeah no fair. I'm not even married and they take my unborn kids away from me--who I never get to see. I never even got the chance to physically experience birth. I think the Illuminati want to kill me off in a car accident before I turn 30. They do discard us around that age,right? Unless we're viable for them--you and Richard apparently are still being used by them,right?? Thank God that if the Illuminati really fertilized me...that they took the fetus out before I even noticed it--otherwise my parents would have disowned me if they saw I was pregnant with no explanation for it. Funny--most of my female relatives are pregnant at this moment. Three babies are due over the next three months.One was born Dec last year and another one will be due towards the end of the year.

About your self palm readings--I used to study palmistry too but I never practiced it in depth or anything to really know if I was accurate--This is what I do know---so maybe we can compare notes: I do know that the region on the palm underneath the mercury(pinky) finger represents female issues, careers, communications and conception of children. Apparently some lines means that the woman can be a teacher or a doctor(if she has four prominent vertical lines on the mercury mount). Children lines are on the mercury mount too--they should be straight vertical lines on this mount. My mother said a vedic astrologer told her that she would have four children and she didn't believe him...she had just me and my brother. Don't know if you can count pets. lol. The vedic astrologer did say some things that turned out to be true though,..this was before I was born or something like that. *shrugs*.

*hates it when my brother and father pace around the house--probably having conversations with their alters while they're at it lol*

Relationship lines--they're vertical lines on the very very edge of the mercury mount that stem from even the back of the hand...and there's that heart line too which starts usually a few millimeters a centimeter or two beneath the mercury mount.(I wrote that as to not confuse you with the children lines,etc.).

That's all I know!! I didn't study vedic or chinese palmistry. Just general western palmistry. I do have a book on this but am too lazy to run upstairs at the moment to fetch it.

Hmm - I just found the concept of astral impregnation very interesting.  There was an entry about this in the original Monarch Diary, where she was astrally 'impregnated' for a ritual event.  Since I was 11/12 years old, I had this overwhelming desire to experience pregnancy.   I was never very interested, (at that time), in what followed, but I felt that there was something missing in my life.

When I first came across Expansions and learnt about programming, and time bending, one of the first things I thought of was "where's my baby been taken?"  I just had this feeling that I really had a daughter out there somewhere.  I did a GSS exercise, and saw a little girl with blond curls who looked like me, but I was confused if maybe it actually was me, (after a friend said it could be me), although I didn't go that far back I think (for me to be young enough).  I've kind of bypassed this whole issue for a couple of years now.

I know I've been used a lot astrally, and I would notice through my teens that I'd develop these non-physical 'connections' to males.  In hindsight it was a programming/ritual function - but it could have easily been related to astral 'creations' like you've mentioned.

My viewpoint is different now though.  I don't allow those involuntary hooks to be created, and I'm not in a huge hurry to have a baby, though I think it will be a great experience some time in the future.

Hi P.P.

Actually....I didn't specifically ask that question for you. I asked it because I, myself, was wondering if it was possible as I had wondered if it was happening to me. So, when you were wondering also, it was like killing two birds with one stone. :big grin:

I really don't think you have anything to worry about in as far as your parents are concerned. If all of this is happening on the astral level, there will never be any "physical" signs that this is going on. So, unless your parents are floating around in the astral watching you, no one will ever be the wiser. 

Take me for instance, I had a hysterectomy about 15 years ago or so, but evidently, on the astral level I am still "whole" and they are still messing around with me. Although, I'll tell you, I can't for the life of me figure out what in the heck they find so important about me.  I'm not famous, I'm far, far, far, from being rich. As far as I know, none of my relatives are famous - although, I guess you could call some of them "well off." It just boggles the mind - at least my mind it does.

Hey DreamTime and Monica

DT: lol well okay Thanks for asking for yourself as well and for sharing with us what you learned about this situation.(Being silly).

Didn't know you had a hysterectomy--females have implants in the uterus or is that the vagina(standard array--but we could have elsewhere along with standard array),right? Unless I'm mistaken,I remember somewhere in one of the study guides that sometimes organs are removed because of the implants malfunctioning or not being up to date or causing problems in the area(well thats obvious!),right? So maybe this is the situation with you(not trying to pry into your health or anything!).

I know this is a stupid fear--about getting caught with a bulging belly and not knowing how it ended up there(and no not because of over eating and insulation issues)--I had that fear so many times and I even entertained the idea of what I would do if abortions weren't allowed--if I could hide the pregnancy or something. I really think this has happened to me more than once--definitely in high school--i also wanted to be able to give birth when I was 11. I think if my parents did see this happen in Astral, they wouldn't disown me cuz then they'd know that it was something I didn't have 100% control over--that somehow I had been a victim of fetus implantation and extraction. They'd understand unless they were programmed to punish me for that*shrugs*. Women get the blame in this weird messed up society. Let's change it!!!!

Monica: interesting how you interpreted that about Butterflies monitoring also.. People who were monitors in my past were probably also specifically programmed.I get the feeling that NY has an extremely high concentration of us specifically programmed folks. Most of or even all of my friends are specifically programmed and not many know this. I have told them vaguely about what they are but I don't know if I could prove it to them and its okay. I didn't want to hide and I didn't want them to know what I knew about them either.I have another way of interpreting Washington. Well Washington DC is the headquarters and US Capitol. Washington is basically "washing town". So was the original GW(first evil US Presidude) from a town where they did laundry and what objects that could now be interpreted as dishes as a profession? lol(sorry being silly here and sort of asking something that I know I could have read about on US presidential history). Also the obvious meaning of washing is to remove the dirt and external pollutants on in this state..they definitely wash up many things here. Do they do it over there too in the place you were born in?

Did you ask Stewart if he could confirm you as a moon child? But maybe did you do the Green Spiral Staircase for in utero(I'm sure you did though!) information where they inserted demons while you were in the womb to fragment you? What about Computer of the Mind exercise--put in a query for Rituals and Moon Child? I still am learning how to get my mind ot do that exercise--I haven't done anything to retrieve innformation about myeslf from there. I did have some strange visuals before trying it out. I did the InnerChild Exercise successfully.

When you said non-physical connections to males do you mean the energetic sex or fantasizing of a relationship with them? In that case, I've had those as well....

The Illuminati want their slaves in all different places. I have ideas why they want me--will go into that at another time.After reading up on programming and mind control, I realize that I have too many clues screaming at me about why they could want me. I just never thought about it before though..I shrugged it off.

 DreamTime: I'm trying to see how to maybe help you determine why they would want you aside from your genetic and family connections. You have psi abilities,right? You are probably used in the astral and simultaneous existences,right? Star Trek programming like me? aunt (who initiated me in reiki) gave me an anubis card for my own protection a few years back. I was 19 at the time of my reiki initiation--she gave me that card----and I thought maybe she was trying to tell me my dog may have been an incarnation of Anubis(not really knowing anything at the time about spirit entities and egyptian /hindu deities being demons,etc)...I had a dog for four years and he died when I was 16. After his death, I kept seeing him and the white bird I told you about in my dreams. My dad lost that bird by accident--she flew out of the house. I kept continually seeing that dog and my bird in dreams for many years..even saw animals that resembled them. I also used to think a dog was watching me before I went to sleep and I had thought that it was my departed dog or even Anubis...but then I freaked out and disconcerted about why something like that would watch me.......

DT: I think the dreams you said felt real may really be tried pale orange over it,right?

  We live in astral simultaneous with Physical and all other realities.  Here on the physical plane when one gets their arm cut off, technology, (Kirlian photography) still picks up image of gone arm, the person even will feel an itch .....  You girls could feel baby being missing along with personality?  Or is the soul of the baby not inserted at this point....   This is all Facinating.

  I cried last night.


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