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Technocracy & Transhumanism

AI Now Overriding Decisions Made By Human Care Nurses At Hospitals  |  Ethan Huff

(Natural News) Actual human beings are getting phased out of health care in exchange for artificial intelligence (AI) robots that are now reportedly overruling nurses at hospitals.

The life-or-death decisions that have long been made by real people at health care facilities are now being made by computers that have been programmed with who-knows-what to do God-only-knows to patients.

One oncology nurse by the name of Melissa Beebe who relies on her observational skills to help patients in need of emergency care spoke with The Wall Street Journal about the changes she is seeing in the way care is administered due to the AI infiltration.

“I’ve been working with cancer patients for 15 years so I know a septic patient when I see one,” Beebe said about an alert she recently received in the oncology unit at UC Davis Medical Center in California that she knew was wrong. “I knew this patient wasn’t septic.”

The alert Beebe received had been created by AI based on an elevated white blood cell count it observed in said patient, which it correlated with a septic infection. What the AI system failed to recognize is that the patient in question also had leukemia, which can also cause similar elevated white blood cell counts.

“The algorithm, which was based on artificial intelligence, triggers the alert when it detects patterns that match previous patients with sepsis,” the Journal reported. “The algorithm didn’t explain its decision.”

(Related: If leftists are able to program the ChatGPT AI robot into promoting anti-white hate, can the same thing be done to the AI robots that are in charge of people’s medical care at hospitals?)

Being admitted to a hospital in the age of AI is a recipe for early death

The rules at the hospital where Beebe works stipulate that she and all other nurses must follow certain protocols whenever a patient is flagged for sepsis – even if the flag is a mistake based on wrong assumptions made by AI.

The only way to override the AI’s decision is to get a doctor to approve – though if the modified decision ends up being wrong, then nurses can face disciplinary action. The threat of this causes most of them to simply follow orders, even when they know those orders are wrong.

“When an algorithm says, ‘Your patient looks septic,’ I can’t know why,” Beebe, a representative of the California Nurses Association, says. “I just have to do it.”

“I’m not demonizing technology,” she added while noting that, in the case of the aforementioned cancer patient, she was right and the AI was wrong. “But I feel moral distress when I know the right thing to do and I can’t do it.”

While there are arguably some things that AI can maybe, possibly do better than a human being, relying on AI systems to control the direction of medicine and care at hospitals is dangerous business.

Who is to say that the AI machines will not suddenly start targeting certain patients for early elimination if their names come up on a government-created “agitator” list, as one hypothetical dystopian outcome? What about when the AI machines are just plain wrong and hospital staff are too tired, ambivalent, or even apathetic to try to override it and risk their own careers in the process?

“AI should be used as clinical decision support and not to replace the expert,” warns Kenrick Cato, a professor of nursing at the University of Pennsylvania and a nurse scientist at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia.”

“Hospital administrators need to understand there are lots of things an algorithm can’t see in a clinical setting.”

The AI takeover of the world is perhaps the biggest threat to civilization besides globalism.

Overthrow Of The World By Infiltration
How the path was cleared for the agenda of world domination

David Sorensen | Stop World Control 

In the previous post I explained how one fourth of humanity, meaning the Christian Church, has been strategically infiltrated by the cabal in the 19th century, with the purpose of turning Christianity from a victorious movement that transforms the world for the better, into a powerless group of people that wait for an escape.

Understandably many believers find this hard to accept, as hearing it for the first time is similar to the shock we experienced when we found out how the pandemic was planned, vaccines kill off humanity, the news media lie to us, and governments abuse us in the most horrendous ways.

It is always difficult to find out that something we believed to be true proves to be false, or authorities we trusted, turn out to be corrupt.

Our first reaction is often denial, because the shock of the truth is simply too painful. We all experience this at some point. It is called “cognitive dissonance” or the “Semmelweis effect”. New information is rejected, when it challenges our existing beliefs. We need time to process it.
Overthrow the world by infiltration

What we have to realize, is that every aspect of human society has been infiltrated by the cabal. Infiltration is they primary method used to overthrow the world. They position their leaders in the fields of medicine, education, politics, news media, religion, etc.

The Church hasn’t been spared from this, on the contrary: they have focused more on the Church than on anything else, because the children of God are their #1 opponent.

For centuries the Church had no concept of a rapture to escape the world, and leave humanity behind to be tortured by demons. Historically Christianity always was the most powerful force of transformation on earth. Everywhere the first Christians came, they abolished slavery, ended public human sacrifice, cancelled oppression of the poor, built orphanages and established healthcare for all, and so on.

They established medicine, science, education, elections, and so much more.

It’s thanks to the Christians that the world increasingly became a better place. Before, every nation of the world was marked by demon worship, slavery, human sacrifice, sorcery, and all kinds of horrors. Christianity changed all of that, until virtually everyone in the civilized nations had an understanding of a loving God, who wants us to love one another. Before Christianity, this idea didn’t exist, and it was the survival of the fittest everywhere, plus cruel demon worship and human sacrifice, in Asia, Africa, Europe, the America’s, everywhere.

The entire world used to be one horrible hell, before the message of Christ began transforming the nations.

So when the cabal developed a plan to rule the world, they knew they had to first of all get rid of this powerful force of the Church. No better way to do so than by infiltration, and convince them that their own Bible tells them they must allow evil to reign, and wait for a rapture. So that’s what they did: not a visible external attack, but a covert operation from within.

Specific verses in the Bible were mistranslated, taken out of context, and misused to promote this brand new doctrine.

The doctrine of a rapture was forced upon the minds of hundreds of millions of people by very strong mind control methods, used by the cabal, who positioned many of the so called “powerful Christian leaders”. They also promoted international movie productions and popular book series, to further spread this concept. Meanwhile they shut down all opposing voices. Renown theologians who exposed the dark lies of the rapture where silenced, in the same way physicians and scientists are silenced in the fields of medicine.

This is how they always work: push one single storyline onto everyone, while silencing all opposing voices.

I spent many years investigating this, and summarized my findings from Scripture and history in a highly revealing report, that you can find at the end of this post. I invite all who have courage and love for truth, to read this report, as it will answer many questions, and highlight what Christ truly said about this topic.

But first I want to give you some keys that can unlock your mind for the truth.
Keys to unlock your mind
to the truth

God created us to be kings who reign with Him to expel evil, not cowards who flee from evil.

God created us to be heroes who save humanity, not traitors who betray humanity.

God created us to be victors who overcome opposition, not losers who give up when we face hardship.

God calls us to love people, not leave them behind.

God calls us to care for the poor, not abandon them.

God calls us to end corruption, not allow it to rule.

God calls us to slay giants, not run from them.

Christ called us to be the light of the world, not leave the world in darkness.

Christ said we will reign with Him on the throne, not allow evil to reign.

David didn’t run from the giant Goliath, he ran towards him and killed him.

I can go on like this for a long time... The doctrine of the rapture has turned every aspect of the Bible upside down, inside out and the other way around. It has turned victors into losers, conquerors into cowards, kings into slaves, world changers into escapists, an army into a social club, visionaries into blind leaders.
Crippling the billions of Christians worldwide

Nothing crippled the Church more than the rapture doctrine. It was strategically done in order to prepare the way for the agenda of world domination of the elites. If they could convince billions of Christians that the agenda for world domination is the “fulfillment of Bible prophecy”, and is therefore inevitable, they would have cancelled the resistance from these billions of believers. It’s a very clever strategy.

Millions of Christians read the books, see the movies, and don’t understand how the Bible is abused, with verses that are quoted out of context, and words that are mistranslated to push this escapist theology upon the Church.

But as with all deception, there is always the clear voice of truth calling the people to make a choice.

Will we be like Christ, who gave His life to heal, save and restore humanity? Or will we be like Satan, who tells us to leave humanity in the claws of evil?

Will we ignore the cries of suffering people and look for an easy escape? Or will we have a heart of compassion to help those in need?

Will we run from the giants, or shall we run towards them to take them down?

The choice is ours.

A Preview Of The Brave New World • The Great Reset Is Almost Here, Are You Prepared?
Global Research  |  Brandon Smith

I want you to imagine, for a moment, a future world in which everything we now know about functioning and surviving within the economy is completely upended. This world has gone fully digital, meaning people live within a cashless society where physical monetary interactions are abandoned or prohibited, replaced by CBDCs.  All transactions are tracked and traced, nothing is private any longer unless you are operating as a criminal within a black market.

Furthermore, government overtly suppresses and micromanages all forms of production. Small businesses are a thing of the past, and only a select group of major corporations working directly with government are allowed to operate.

It’s not just that cash is outlawed and that everyone must rely on a digital ledger, but that government owns the very data pathways and networks we use to transfer funds – the plumbing of the global financial system itself. Much like the SWIFT data network, the globalists have the ability to lock down individual or business accounts. Deny owners access to their funds completely.

In the meantime, AI-based monitoring systems sift through billions of transactions every minute, searching for “anomalies.” The algorithm is designed to identify anyone who wants to remain anonymous.

The internet still exists, but it is a shell of its former self. The population uses it regularly to complete assigned tasks and to access approved research databases. Data providers are severely censored. Cryptocurrencies are not an alternative to CBDCs because any attempt to buy or sell them immediately sets off red flags for the AI watchdog.

Only government approved websites are allowed to exist, with extensive rules limiting what they can do and what they can say. AI chatbots provide the public with most of their data, and the globalists control the parameters of the chatbots. People are only ever exposed to the information that the elites want them to hear. All contrary data is eliminated. It’s not so much banned; rather, it is simply omitted from the record until the people who remember it are gone.
A preview of the brave new world

It might sound like science fiction, but every element of this technology already exists and is currently in testing at the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) and the International Monetary Fund (IMF).

Not long ago, during the Covid pandemic panic, organizations like the World Economic Forum (WEF) began widely promoting a concept called the Great Reset. A new economic paradigm, a revolution in which AI runs everything, humanity is relegated to a limited number of government-issued “vital” jobs, and a new brand of technological socialism rules our lives.

Private property would be cast aside. Citizens would live day-to-day within a “shared economy” in which no one owns anything because everything is borrowed from the collective system on a daily basis. There’s no opportunity for most to acquire wealth, or to store it. There’s no provision for preparing for future needs or crises. The state plans for you, Citizen!

Human beings essentially cease to become active participants in their own lives. Instead, they’re managed en masse by technocratic overlords who live far away in high towers.
“You will own nothing” means “We will own everything”

The Great Reset, or the “Fourth Industrial Revolution” as they sometimes call it, would be the start of a new terrifying age of feudalism. It’s a return to the oligarch and peasant model, a return to enslavement. The average person would only be allowed to work as a means to survive, never to accumulate wealth for the future.

The primary stepping-stone to this dystopian nightmare would be a global digital currency system. Without a cashless society, the globalists would have no power to enforce the other elements of their Reset.

But when and how will they implement this monstrosity, and why would anyone embrace it?

Globalists tend to operate in stages of incrementalism, but sometimes they exploit dramatic crisis events to frighten the population into compliance with policies that would have taken decades to institute otherwise. “Never let a crisis go to waste.”

We saw this clearly with the pandemic; most of the Reset concepts were openly admitted during this time, perhaps because the globalists thought they had it in the bag and there was nothing anyone could do to stop them. This included ample talk of cashless systems to [pretent to] prevent the spread of Covid [flu renamed] on physical dollars.

You know, the same way germ-laden cash spread the Black Death across Europe in the 1400s. Or filthy greenbacks passed Spanish flu from shopper to cashier back in 1918… Of course, the only way to end those plagues was to burn all the money, right?

Nonsense. The Covid window slammed shut – the crisis was wasted.

Today, we must ask, when will they try again?

Fortunately, they’ve actually told us…

Most globalist organizations consistently mention the year 2030 as their timeline for finishing the numerous projects they have in place.  Not just the “Great Reset” and numerous climate and carbon taxation goals. The WEF calls it a social contract to transform our world by 2030. The United Nations simply calls it Agenda 2030.

That’s not ominous at all, is it?

This tells us they want their control grid in place within seven years or less. That would be impossible without a bone rattling crisis of epic proportions. First, though, they’d have to introduce some of the elements of their master plan early, as a trial run. That way, when disaster does occur, the public will be aware of the “solutions” the elites already prepared with crisis in mind.

This process is under way right now.

In the case of digital currencies, crypto has already received wide exposure in popular media. Most people don’t own crypto and most who do don’t use it daily – but everyone has heard of it. CBDCs will be sold as a “safer and more stable” cryptocurrency, Uncle Sam’s bitcoin.

Right now, Australia is the test bed for fielding CBDCs to a national population. Their pilot programs are set to finish this summer and international transactions have been accomplished using the newly-invented “eAUD” currency. Now, of course they haven’t yet revealed a schedule to introduce the eAUD to foreign exchange markets or even to Australian citizens. The point is, the system exists, and can be copied and pasted by any other nation.

It really is that simple.

Even the most deluded globalist knows a few nations including America will never accept a cashless society without a complete collapse of both their currency and their economy. It’s just not going to happen otherwise.

I doubt many Americans would line up to accept such a dehumanizing and enslaving currency even after a total economic collapse.

In other words, only a full-spectrum crisis through the U.S. and the western world could possibly lead to a willing acceptance of CDBCs… A few years of “reconstruction,” a few dozen million homeless and starving in refugee camps would likely serve as the crisis needed. The globalist cashless “solutions” would follow.

If we take the globalist date of 2030 as a milestone, we can expect another crisis even more oppressive, pervasive and destructive of our liberties than the Covid pandemic — in the next 3-4 years.  In order for the elites to get what they want, they need a 1-2-year crisis and a 1-2 year “reconstruction” and I’m certain “reeducation” period. After this, the change would be irreversible.

The longer the globalists wait, the more people become educated on their agenda and the less likely it will be to succeed.

Take steps now to insulate yourself and your family from the socialists’ end game. Make certain you have untrackable, uninflatable and totally anonymous stores of wealth (necessities like food and water for survival, barter goods for trade and physical gold and silver for everything else). When you depend on them for your very necessities, they have you right where they want you.

Transgenesis of Man
Rosanne Lindsay, Naturopath

    Transgenesis – the uncontrolled transfer of foreign DNA into the germline of an animal species. – Molecular Basis of Cardiovascular Disease (Second Edition), 2004

The Transhumanist Age

Nowhere does the Transhumanist Age show its cold, shiny glare than through the cloning of genetically modified animal species. But why stop there? From nano-biotech to frequency-technologies, the biological human is turning into a Cyborg.

    Cyborg:  a being with both organic and biomechatronic body parts. It applies to an organism that has enhanced abilities due to the integration of some artificial component or technology that relies on some sort of feedback to support group, or collective intelligence.

The Cyborg evolution is popularized in films such as Immortals, Terminator, and SheBorg. This multi-trillion dollar agenda operates under the financial influence of government in collaboration with leading global intelligence agencies.

Transgenesis is a transformation in human society that harkens back to the destruction of Atlantis. Modern science says transgenesis began in 1977 when Herbert Boyer and Stanley Cohen first transferred E. coli genes from one organism to another. Then came synthetic insulin, or Humulin, in 1982. Today, Humulin is reengineered for “integrity.” The sordid history of cloning DNA transgenes is Transgenesis.

Thus, Transhumanism is an introduction to the concepts of post-humanism, and of immortality. It is a transition from Human to Artificial Intelligence (A.I.).  A transmutation from emotion to emotionless, from Identity to loss of Identity, and from the Universe to the Metaverse.

Fortunately, Posthumanism is not yet a thing, since humans are not yet a thing of the past.
Hiding in Plain Sight

The transgenesis of humanity is hiding in plain sight. The development and deployment of injectable nanotechnologies not only target human DNA, but also human microbes, and human minds. The purpose of vaccine nanotechnology is gene therapy. Once injected inside the body, nanobots are self-replicating based on the use of plasmid DNA.

As thoughts are planted in the psyche through predictive programming, and then accepted as normal across the human collective, these collective thoughts determine what makes up the future. That’s because thoughts are things. The mind is influential.  As such, thoughts are seeds, one step away from sprouting a reality near you.

From graphene to hydrogels, to graphene-hydrogel combinations, all inorganic, nanotechnologies are made to be directly injected into organic organisms for the purpose of cellular transmutation. Add to this, frequency technologies, and the human body becomes a walking, talking battery-magnet for energy storage and ongoing manipulation by the nano biotech industry leaders.

Where are the medical ethics discussions for eugenics programs that protect human health? What about the Precautionary Principle against slave-making?

These ideas are long buried in PDF files on the internet going back a decade. They are described as “guidelines,” and “theories.” By design, there are never concrete boundaries, especially when talking about “progress” in the material mainstream.

Protection of biotech vaccine technologies can be traced to the 2016 National Biodefense Strategy Act. Because this Act still lingers as Senate bill, S2967, in Congress, it could be altered to include the many new concepts being hatched in the mammalian transgenesis business model.
Image by <a href="">Thor Deichmann</a> from <a href="">Pixabay</a>

Who’s Who Of Trans BioTech

1). self-amplifying mRNA vaccines (aka DNA vaccines) and shedding via breakthrough infections Ex: VARIVAX package insert

    Due to the concern for transmission of vaccine virus, vaccine recipients should attempt to avoid whenever possible close association with susceptible high-risk individuals for up to six weeks following vaccination with VARIVAX.

2.) monoclonal antibody injections (RelCoVax, and Novovax)

3). implantable and transcutaneous hydrogel biosensors

4). 3-D microarray transdermal patches (Luciferase)  [See photos of hydrogel]

5). whole parasite vaccines (See Hybrid insects program under DARPA)

6). nasal swab drug delivery vaccine tech

7). genetically modified bacteria for vaccine production

8). CRISPR RNA gene-edited plants, animals, and Human Germline geome editing (not regulated as GMO)

    Gene-edited sheep and goats, generated using these tools, provide valuable models for investigations on gene functions, improving animal breeding, producing pharmaceuticals in milk, improving animal disease resistance, recapitulating human diseases, and providing hosts for the growth of human organs. – Frontiers in Genetics, 2019

9) biometric digital IDs for Central Bank Digital Currencies
Creating GMO Bacteria

    Advances in synthetic biology enable the precise manipulation of bacteria for diverse purposes. –Pharmacological Research, 2017

Image by <a href="">Victoria_Regen</a> from <a href="">Pixabay</a>

Researchers claim they seek GMO transparency. But such a concept is too little and too late, since DNA is now being cloned and chemically synthesized using bacteria.

Food products from GMO bacteria are commonly used in Industrial food enzyme production, animal food and medical substances. Biotechnological drug manufacturing, relying on GMO bacteria, such as Escherichia coli and the yeasts Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Pichia pastoris, is an industry standard.

It is common knowledge that GMO crops create antibiotic-resistant super bacteria. Further, GMO crops (Bt) are still failing to increase crop yields after promises made decades ago.

Genetically engineered bacterial vaccines are now available for polio, tuberculosis (T.B.), and antibiotic-resistant bacteria. It is also known that COVID-19 mRNA vaccines contain excessive quantities of bacterial DNA.

    A DNA copy of the gene for the spike protein is inserted into a bacterial plasmid. This is a ring-shaped, double-stranded DNA molecule which can exist in a bacterial cell independently of the cell’s own chromosomal DNA, and which can also be copied and passed on to both daughter cells when that cell divides. –

Scientists are always looking for new ways to manipulate and modify bacteria. In 2020, scientists created Franken Bacteria programmed to produce living concrete.

Remember, bacteria outnumber human cells by 10:1. Bacteria make up the human body’s many microbiomes, including gut, skin, lymphatic, brain, etc. As human beings, connected to Nature, it makes sense that our multiple microbiomes resemble the diversity of Earth’s microbiomes.

What could go wrong by playing host to Franken bacteria that are unnatural to the body? After all, there is plenty of evidence showing that mosquitoes are genetically engineered and patented.

Unfortunately, transgenic mosquitoes did breed in the wild, despite a kill-switch gene. The result? Contamination of the natural mosquito population. In 2018, all attempts to control the Franken mosquitoes in Nature failed, miserably. And still, another open-air release of GMO mosquitoes occurred in 2o22, as if it were the first time.

    The average attention span of the modern human being is about half as long as whatever you’re trying to tell them. – Meg Rosoff

Scientists have had to resort to using non-GMO bacteria to control mosquitoes. So far, the first trial has been a success. Non-GMO bacteria suppressed mosquitoes, but only if the bacteria and the mosquitoes are both non-GMO.

Score another for Nature!

While GMO mosquitoes have been bred for disease resistance for decades, Nature always has the last word.

Another man-ipulated mishap?

The 1998 Journal of Clinical Microbiology states that ticks and biting insects have been infected with the etiologic agent of Lyme disease, or Borellia bergdorferi. The CDC acknowledges that Lyme disease from multiple vectors is on the rise in the US, but offers no explanation and no solutions.
Creating Cancer

Whole Parasite Vaccines?  What could go wrong?

Tumors analyzed for pathology often show worms and parasites. Parasitic invasion by a nematode worm can be mistaken for cancer in women presenting with breast lumps.  [Ann Trop Med Parasitol. 2011 Sep]. How are parasites described in the body?  According to 2006 research in Astrolos Radiol:

    “The larvae enter the lymphatic vessels of the mammary gland, causing lymphangitis, fibrosis, and disruption of lymphatic drainage.” In late, inactive phases, the larvae appear on mammography as serpiginous calcifications. – Rustagi V, El-Feky M, Knipe H, et al., “Breast filariasis.”

The information slowly worming its way out into the public, shows that parasitic infestations can represent “cancer.” All cancers are, in fact, parasitic infections (with high levels of candida), even if not all parasitic infections present as cancer. Parasitic worms cause cancer. which represents an acidic tissue environment, perfect for parasites.

It is no secret that the American Cancer Society knows that cancer reflects parasitic infections. Even the CDC publishes the fact on their website that cases or parasitic infections are misdiagnosed as cancer.

    Scientists at the CDC have discovered cancer cells originating in a common tapeworm may take root in people with weakened immune systems, causing cancer-like tumors. The report, in the Nov. 5 issue of the New England Journal of Medicine, raises concern that other similar cases, if they occur, may be misdiagnosed as human cancer.

Just Add Frequencies
Image by <a href="">Gerd Altmann</a> from <a href="">Pixabay</a>

If the growing list of injectable trans nanotech is not enough by itself, just add frequencies.

Injectable nanobots are designed to work with frequency technologies, by design. Nanobots self-assemble in the body under programmed commands.  They have similarities to electrolysis rods used in batteries as well as biosensing devices.  Compare this to “self-driving” cars. Are you really in control? Are you hackable?

The direct effects of using “frequency therapeutics” mean negative health effects to the nervous system and brain receptors, hormone receptors, and all cell receptors in between. This is not limited to only a physical level. Got ringing in the ears?

For instance, an Editorial published and retracted in the July 2020 J Biol Regul Homeost Agents, suggested the creation of COVID symptoms within cells using 5G frequencies. You can read it here, in full: “5G Technology and induction of coronavirus in skin cells.”
Sound Science

Sound, or frequency, medicine is the core of homeopathic medicine.  There is evidence of efficacy in clinical studies of Homeopathy, but much of it has been suppressed or buried.

Australia’s NHMRC did a homeopathy review, twice. One report was released in July 2012, and one was released to the public in March 2015. The existence of the first report was not disclosed to the public – it was only discovered through Freedom of Information (FOI) requests. The second report published in 2015 was based on a “rigorous assessment of over 1800 studies.”

Unfortunately, the Homeopathy report was buried and the NHMRC’s final government report claimed, “no reliable evidence from research in humans that homeopathy was effective for treating the range of health conditions considered.” The Smithsonian also attempted to disqualify the results.  In other news, Australia recently opened its first needle-free patch vaccine patch facility.

    It’s human responsibility… If I have the education and the ability to see something alarming and a threat to all humanity. There is no way out.
    Always question what so-called experts tell you.
    Solidarity demands you step forward and come out when you see something going wrong.
    If I see a car heading for a child on the street, I have to do something. I cannot just turn my back and say bad luck.
    – Prof. Dr. Arne Burkhardt, Pathologist, investigator of COVID vaccine injuries and deaths

With all the focus on a material world, who is guarding the spiritual body? What happens when an organic human becomes inorganic?
Human Initiation & Steiner
Image by <a href="">Stefan Keller</a> from <a href="">Pixabay</a>

The transgenesis of the human species is upon us, complete with neural network hookup to the Metaverse. A connection to the Meta-Collective will provide “users” a new biometric digital ID to use digital currencies. Then, the transformation from human to cyborg will be complete.

Will humanity avoid a path that regresses the soul to a divergent timeline? Or is humanity ready to rise to a new level of Consciousness?

Is humanity doing the Cha Cha?

    One step forward and two steps back.

One thing is clear: Humanity is undergoing  a spiritual test, an initiation.

    Everything people do in this respect is under the influence of elemental spirits. They are always involved and helping us in this. People are not taking the initiative on their own in this field — they are guided. – Rudolf Steiner

Rudolf Steiner described this time of initiation as a bifurcation of Earth.
Image by <a href="">Pexels</a> from <a href="">Pixabay</a>

Such initiations have been ongoing through the Ages, since humans first “fell” to Earth. To attend Earth School for soul lessons is to experience the “I” of Individuality, unique, but also connected to the Collective Consciousness.

Steiner suggests that the Ages are identified as Dark Ages and Light Ages for spiritual reasons. In a Dark Age, there is an inversion. Humans are tested on what was learned during the Light Age. Everything is dense during this “might-is-right” Dark Age, an Age that asks us to integrate, consolidate, push for transparency during corrupt times. The Darkness asks us to heal any trauma to anchor the soul in the body. It asks us to think independently.

As the Light Age comes, the Aquarian Age, a new Golden Age, density shifts. All the darkness rises to the surface.

Some Initiates are well known, and come with a message for all. They sacrifice themselves to raise Consciousness.

    The Kingdom of Heaven is Within – Christ Consciousness

Humanity does not evolve through hybridization and cloning. The idea that science can genetically manipulate humans into a higher form is the new Transhuman religion. A “religion without revelation.”

Still, the initiation cycle happens on an individual level, by your choice, and by your soul. All humans have a Higher Self to consult. As we each go through our lives, we face many spiritual challenges that shape the soul. As new frequencies are attained, the soul reaches a higher plane. Eventually, all souls “graduate” to reach a higher Consciousness.

    This will be an unpalatable truth for people who never tire of making great speeches on the tremendous advances made in modern civilization, for they see things in abstract terms and know nothing of the rise and fall which is part of human evolution. – Rudolf Steiner,

Image by <a href="">Avi Chomotovski</a> from <a href="">Pixabay</a>

For initiation purposes, humans can access higher dimensions through “guides” or higher spiritual beings. While some entities in the lower dimensions may connect at a psychic or a spiritual level, they cannot initiate humans. The initiation process happens only through the higher spheres of Earth.

Because humans are energy, that energy can be manipulated if they are not aware. Fortunately, there are things to do to protect your energy.

The challenge is to develop a spiritual practice, to be self-aware through meditation or prayer. And choose wisely.

Technocracy’s Control Freak Agenda Is Rapidly Moving Forward
Sam Fenny

The future is here, and if you enjoy being dominated by control freaks you are going to love it. “Digital identification” is one of the primary areas the globalists are focusing on right now, and as you will see below, the radical changes that are now being proposed are extremely scary. But most Americans have no idea that any of this is happening. Instead, many of them are obsessing over the relatively meaningless dramas that our corporate news outlets are constantly pushing. Meanwhile, the globalists are achieving their goals at lightning speed, and there is hardly any resistance at all. The following are 8 signs that the futuristic control freak agenda of the globalists is rapidly moving forward…

#1 Starting in September, the EU will “mandate” that all member states offer a “digital identity wallet” to all of their citizens and businesses…

The European Union will mandate digital identity under eIDAS 2.0, which will go into effect in September 2023 and ensure all Member States offer a digital identity wallet (DIW) to citizens and businesses. According to the European Commission, “At least 80% of citizens should be able to use a digital ID solution to access key public services by 2030.”

#2 A system of “digital fingerprints” for Americans has suddenly become Barack Obama’s biggest issue…

Former President Barack Obama suggested in a new interview the development of “digital fingerprints” to combat misinformation and distinguish between true and misleading news for consumers.

Obama sat down with his former White House senior adviser David Axelrod for a conversation on the latter’s podcast, “The Axe Files,” on CNN Audio. During the interview, Axelrod noted he’s seen “misinformation, disinformation, [and] deepfakes” targeting Obama.

#3 A UN policy brief that you can find right here is proposing a global system of digital identification that is linked to our bank accounts…

Digital IDs linked with bank or mobile money accounts can improve the delivery of social protection coverage and serve to better reach eligible beneficiaries. Digital technologies may help to reduce leakage, errors and costs in the design of social protection programmes.

#4 The World Health Organization has adopted “the European Union (EU) system of digital COVID-19 certification” and plans to transform it into a “global system”…

In June 2023, WHO will take up the European Union (EU) system of digital COVID-19 certification to establish a global system that will help facilitate global mobility and protect citizens across the world from on-going and future health threats, including pandemics. This is the first building block of the WHO Global Digital Health Certification Network (GDHCN) that will develop a wide range of digital products to deliver better health for all.

“Building on the EU’s highly successful digital certification network, WHO aims to offer all WHO Member States access to an open-source digital health tool, which is based on the principles of equity, innovation, transparency and data protection and privacy,” said Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, WHO Director-General. “New digital health products in development aim to help people everywhere receive quality health services quickly and more effectively”.

#5 Federal agencies in the United States have been purchasing massive amounts of information about U.S. citizens from data brokers, and we are being warned that such information could potentially be used for “blackmail, stalking, harassment and public shaming”…

Federal agencies are secretly accumulating mountains of data that could be used for “blackmail, stalking, harassment and public shaming” of American citizens.

That allegation doesn’t come from a pink-haired civil-liberties fanatic — it’s in a new report for the nation’s chief spymaster, Avril Haines.

#6 It has been revealed that the Pentagon has been using very creepy online tools in order to “covertly track, locate and identify anyone expressing dissent or even dissatisfaction with the actions of the U.S. military and its leadership”…

In a shocking report published by The Intercept on June 17, details have emerged of a U.S. national security surveillance strategy to covertly track, locate and identify anyone expressing dissent or even dissatisfaction with the actions of the U.S. military and its leadership.

The measures, undertaken by the Army Protective Services Battalion, fall under their remit of safeguarding top generals from “assassination, kidnapping, injury or embarrassment.”

#7 As I discussed yesterday, the UN has developed a global fact-checking system known as “iVerify” in conjunction with big tech companies and Soros-funded organizations. The goal is to be able to police “disinformation” and “hate speech” all over the planet…

The United Nations has unveiled an “automated” fact-checking service to counter so-called disinformation and hate speech on the internet in a project partnered with Big-Tech and Soros-funded organisations.

In response to what they brand as “online information pollution”, which they claim is a “global challenge”, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) has launched its iVerify platform to counter alleged disinformation and hate speech online.

#8 The IMF is publicly admitting that it is constructing “a global CBDC platform” for all of the national central bank digital currencies that will soon be rolled out…

During a presentation at a conference in Morocco, Kristalina Georgievahe the managing director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) announced that the global body is “working hard on the concept of a global CBDC platform.”

Georgieva declared that Central Bank Digital Currencies need to be interoperable between countries, noting “If we are to be successful, CBDCs could not be fragmented national propositions.”

“To have transactions more efficient and fairer, we need systems that connect countries,” Georgieva continued, adding “In other words, we need interoperability.”

If you can read through that entire list without becoming extremely alarmed, I don’t know if there is any hope for you.

The globalists are building a worldwide digital control grid which would potentially give them unprecedented power over the lives of every man, woman and child on the entire planet.

Under such a system, if you insist on being a rebel, your access to the digital system could be revoked completely.

What would you do then?

How would you survive if you could not buy, sell, get a job or open a bank account?

The extremely advanced technology that we possess today has allowed us to do a lot of really good things, but it also has the potential to be used to impose tyranny on a global scale.

We must resist these changes that the globalists are trying to impose on us.

Unfortunately, most Americans are not even talking about these changes, and that is because the mainstream media is telling them to focus on other things.

The Apocalyptic Phase of Technocracy And Transhumanism

    This essay is from a scholar in Moldova who offers a view from outside the United States. It is crucial to understand how citizens of other nations view the global takeover by Technocrats and Transhumanists. — Technocracy News & Trends Editor Patrick Wood

A double inadequacy to the new realities: a false alternative and a sterile legalism

Iurie Roșca

1. Adherence to the religion of covidism as proof of loyalty to the globalists

In the present essay I will refer to a double inadequacy to the new realities, determined by a series of spiritual, economic and technological factors. Namely, to the false alternative to the globalist system, which is claimed by a number of countries united within BRICS, and to the ineffectiveness of the legalistic resistance practiced by those who try to oppose the system.

I personally follow the alternative media in four languages, English, French, Russian and Romanian. Especially after the launch of the special operation of murder by injection, genetic modification, and mind control, which was carried out under the code name "Covid-19 pandemic". More than three years have passed since the beginning of this sinister farce that has revealed a new geopolitical reality, which escaped our attention until then. Namely. All states visible as a geopolitical weight have demonstrated their absolute obedience to a single world command center.

The only states that tried to resist the total aggression of the globalist-satanic forces under medical pretext paid with the lives of their own leaders. And to their credit, all without exception were African black. In this sense, see the suggested material at the bottom of the page[1]. We could add to these examples Sweden and Belarus, where the authorities avoided terrorizing their own populations with draconian restrictions and destroying their own economies with lockdowns.

Otherwise, the USA, Canada, the EU countries, Russia and China, along with the other BRICS countries, have proven to be led by some puppet governments, controlled by a single power center that we can call without no exaggeration World Government acting through UN affiliated agencies like WHO.

As I have shown in several recent articles[2], the common denominator of all states subject to the globalist command center is the UN with its policies established by Agenda 21 and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

We list here once again only the main elements of the Great Reset as the end of human civilization and the entry into the apocalyptic phase of TECHNOCRACY and TRANSHUMANISM, which aims at two major priorities, DEPOPULATION and CONTROL, promoted everywhere in the world, without the states claiming to represent an alternative to the "collective West" to show major disagreements:

· The organization of false pandemics such as Covid-19 in order to introduce lethal serums, impregnated with components such as spike proteins, nano-particles, fluorescent substances suggestively named luciferase, cells from aborted human foetuses, etc., all together producing irreparable genetic changes, an increased huge mortality rate, including among minors and young people, spontaneous abortions and sudden deaths, widespread developing of cancers and AIDS, as well as a sterilization of the world population.

· Adherence to the climate myth, which imposes the falsehood of global warming, the greenhouse effect as a pretext for the total destruction of the world economy by banning traditional fuel (oil, gas, coal), as well as by imposing the "green economy", the "carbon footprint ” etc;

· Promoting the policy of eliminating liquid money and imposing central bank digital currency (CBDC);

· Establishing a total surveillance system through the massive use of surveillance cameras, facial recognition programs, QR-codes, digital wallets, etc.;

· Total digitization of society;

· The massive introduction of AI and robotics that will cause, in addition to total surveillance and control, global unemployment of colossal proportions;

· Genetic engineering aimed at reshaping the entire creation, from plants and animals to the human being, including animal and human cloning;

· Human augmentation through the fusion of physical, digital and biological within the Fourth Industrial Revolution;

· Convergence between the scientific disciplines of Nanotechnology, Biotechnology, Information Technology and Cognitive Science, abbreviated by the acronym NBIC;

· Prohibition of normal consumption of meat of animal origin under sanitary pretexts (swine flu, avian flu, gas emissions in cattle as a cause of global warming, etc.);

· The imposition of insects and worms under the title of foodstuffs.

It is well to remember that at the present time there is a rapid transition from the "civilization of money" (Valentin Katasonov) to the "civilization of techno-science" and posthumanity. In this sense, all the predictions of Jacques Ellul about the "betrayal of technology" accurately materialize. The obsession with the conquest of nature by man has turned out into the conquest of man by technology.

The list of nightmare realities listed above could be continued. For example, the artificial conception of children, the sexualization of minors, the legalization of pedocriminality, the LGBT revolution, etc. It is true that a number of Muslim countries, China and Russia oppose sodomy and the destruction of the family, but given the devastating force of mass culture promoted by modern technologies and the total cognitive war waged by globalist power centres, a certain desynchronization in the degree of societal depravity will be overcome within a decade or two at the most. The West has become global, managing to contaminate the entire world with its diseases.

The dynamics and scale of the phenomena listed above is downright diluvian or, more precisely, literally apocalyptic. From this perspective, a correct and deep assessment of this international reality is required, which does not fit into the classical geopolitical schemes, overcoming the horizontal cleavages between states and groups of states. Also, an inventory of the methods of struggle of the resistance movement against the techno-scientific tyranny that is being established with lightning speed is necessary.

To test the degree of loyalty of any state and state leader to the globalist power center that we generically call the World Government, it is enough to undertake the following intellectual exercise. Let's project on them the reading grid proposed above, which will develop with maximum precision the true nature of the respective political regimes and the dignitaries in the state hierarchies.

The first exercise. Did the respective state/leader join the global genocide under the cover of the fake Covid-19 pandemic or not? And here – oh, what a shocking surprise! – we find in the same collection of puppets of the World Government Donald Trump and Joe Biden, Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping, Justin Trudeau and Narendra Damodardas Modi, Emmanuel Macron and Ursula Gertrud von der Leyen, Vladimir Zelensky and Viktor Orban.

From this it emerges that any existing conflict between the "collective West" and Russia/China/BRICS - ideological, diplomatic, economic or military - is secondary in comparison with the common agenda imposed on them through globalist organizations such as the UN and the WHO. And that's because – utmost attention!!! - the forceful deployment of a tsunami of the globalist agenda will cause some huge transformations on a world scale that will accelerate the arrival of the terminal phase of human civilization. All the dystopian novels and horror movies with predictive programming functions will not only become reality faster than we anti-System dissenters can imagine. If there is no radical shift, no major break in the international order, humanity will face an inexorable extinction. Then even atheists and freethinkers will suddenly remember the Apocalypse and cry out to God. For the simple reason that they will see with their own eyes these transcendental realities inaccessible to modern man.

What should a state/political regime/leader of an independent nation do?

1) To firmly denounce the crimes against humanity which is the operation of mass assassination of humanity under the cover of the Covid-19 pLandemic?

2) To immediately leave the World Health Organization and to denounce any relationship with GAVI, the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization.

3) To cut off all cooperation with Big Pharma by denouncing all agreements with transnational corporations producing vaccines.

4) To cancel any mandatory vaccination of the population, from new-born children to the elderly.

5) To initiate criminal investigations against dignitaries who have established relations of complicity with the criminals of the globalist elite in order to commit mass murder.

More than three years after the outbreak of the Covid-19 plandemic, has any state taken such measures? Obviously, not. And then why so much enthusiasm in international circles of resistance against American hegemony over Putin's Russia, Xi's China, or the BRICS? I am trying to answer this question.

1. Our Western friends in the dissident network hate the ruling system so much that they fall into a state of blind adoration of these aforementioned countries and their formal leaders, even reaching states of idolatry.

2. That confusion is fueled massively by the official discourse of the front men from the East, who contest "Western values", claiming to defend alternative civilizational values. That is, intellectuals in the anti-Western resistance fall into the trap of official rhetoric and make no distinction between words and deeds.

3. In any conflict between two parties we are tempted to take the side of one of them. It is the syndrome of the spectator of a football match or of a voter in the confrontation between the government and the opposition. In such situations, it is difficult to accept the idea that the respective political fauna presents no positive figure.

4. The propaganda of capitals such as Moscow, through RT, Sputnik, etc. is quite effective in maintaining the illusion of an alternative to the West. This is also maintained by the fact that the studios of the respective media company existing in Western countries constantly invite the intellectuals banned by the mainstream media, and the embassies take care of their presence at all worldly events.

5. Moscow resorts to the old strategy applied during the 1920s-1930s by the Comintern, which knew how to flatter and corrupt a large number of Western intellectuals who turned into trumpets of the Soviet regime, "alternative" to the capitalist one.

6. At the moment, a whole series of rebels engaged in the fight against the System have settled in Moscow or make regular visits there, turning nolens-volens into neocominterns in the service of the Kremlin.

7. Having a remarkable critical spirit and displaying a commendable power of analysis in their articles, public lectures and books, our Western friends often show an astonishing blindness to the realities of Russia or China. To discuss with them the nature of political power, the structure of state institutions, the decision-making process, the structure of the national economy, the editorial policy of the dominant media in these countries, etc. it is impossible. People are willing to endlessly cultivate their own illusions when they simply do not have to follow a vision agreed by their Eastern sponsors.

2. Climatism as a weapon of mass destruction in the hands of globalists

Now a few words about the climate myth and its implications for the establishment of the New World Order. I will not go into depth on the subject, instead I would recommend a series of books on this subject of exemplary academic value:

    François Gervais: "L'urgence climatique est un leurre", "Merci au CO2: Impact climatique et conséquences: quelques points de répères", "Impasses-climatiques-contradictions-discours-alarmiste"; Christian Gerondeau: "Le CO2 est bon pour la planète: Climat, la grande manipulation" "La religion ecologiste", "La voiture électrique et autres folies: la religion écologiste"; Tim Ball; "The Deliberate Corruption of Climate Science"; Calude Allegre: "L'climate imposture"; Rémy Prud'homme: "L'ideology of warming", "Warmism as an ideology: soft science and hard doctrine", "Le mythe des energies rénovéables", Marc Morano, "Climate Change", "Green Fraud".

Here we recall a trivial truth, known to everyone in the intellectual milieu of the anti-globalist dissidence. The de-sovereignation of the states is an old plan of the globalist elites that has been fully realized. And if we know that the world is run by some networks of influence, by secret societies and transnational corporations, why do we limit this axiomatic truth only to the Western space?

We also recall the fact that the diversion of global proportions with a major strategic stake rightly called "ecological religion" or "global warming ideology" was imposed on the states as a result of the deliberations of the Club of Rome created by the Rockefeller clan in order to substantiate the theory of depopulation. This bogus theory became international convention following the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro in 1992, which was held under the auspices of the UN. Thus, climate change has become an international norm, and the concept of Sustainable Development has migrated into several acts of the same UN. Our camp understands very well the purpose of these projects - the establishment of the New World Order. But does any country oppose this strategy? No. How, then, is it to be explained that we see all too well how this plan is being implemented in the West, but miss the fact that the same thing is happening in the East?

What should an independent and patriotic state/government have done to reject the globalist agenda based on the religion of environmentalism?

1.    To denounce all the international conventions adopted within the UN and ratified by the member states, which give a legal appearance to the climate myth and the treacherous strategy called Sustainable Development?

2.    To initiate an official debate at the international level, with the involvement of honest experts in the field, to denounce this diversion that aims to reduce the population and establish a world tyranny.

Has any state or its leader shown any intention to withdraw from international commitments that nullify national independence, destroy the economy and lead to mass depopulation? No. And if this is the case, why do we prefer to have a selective approach to this major problem of humanity as well?

Or, say, which state (group of states) with claims to independence could afford to abandon the World Trade Organization and the Bank for International Settlements? Not one? Then what kind of economic independence could we talk about? But precisely economic independence determines political independence. Not to mention the widespread obsession with the dependence of a national economy on foreign markets and foreign trade, any idea of economic protectionism or proximity economy being forgotten by both small and large countries.

In the same vein, we emphasize that the exit from the deadly embrace of the Globalist System goes through the decisive and official rejection of the plan to eliminate liquid money (cashless society), of the technocratic obsessions that are becoming a legal norm and a practical reality such as "15-minute cities", "smart cities - smart thigs - smart bodies - smart minds" etc.

Under these conditions, if globalization is a destiny, an inexorable law in the sense of progressivism as the only vision of the world, why would we show such zeal for the cultivation of civilizational, religious, or ideological differences? All of these passes into the background, to be dissolved permanently in the cauldron of technological, economic and cultural globalization. The uniformization, homogenization, dehumanization, and entry into the terminal paradigm of the two twins of evil – technocracy and transhumanism (Patrick M. Wood[3]) appear as inevitable, as a predestination that would end the history of mankind in a tragic and accelerated way.

3.    The inadequacy of the methods of political struggle under the conditions of tyranny

Given the new international realities and taking into account the fact that the globalist dictatorship has suppressed all legal rights and freedoms, a fact that was fully seen during the fake Covid-19 pandemic, we must admit that the traditional methods of political struggle have become totally inoperative. The sanitary tyranny imposed by the globalist hyperclass is accompanied by unprecedented terror against those who do not accept the official line. Methods of establishing a global totalitarian regime range from censorship on dominant digital platforms, to stalking, public stigmatization and ostracism, to outright assassinations, which are presented as heart attacks or car accidents. The thoughtcrime and the imposition of "single thought” (Fr: Pensée unique) is not only the prerogative of the Chinese regime but extends equally to the Western space and Russia.

In these conditions, considering the accelerated pace of imposing the New World Order, the individuals and social groups representing the Resistance find themselves in a total deadlock. Recourse to the old methods of political struggle in the new conditions has no chance of success. To make use of democratic and legalistic methods under conditions of state terror is as absurd as it was in Russia after the October 1917 coup or in Nazi Germany after 1933.

Creating parties, participating in elections, organizing street demonstrations, collecting signatures, sending e-mails or petitions to dignitaries, all these have no longer any purpose in the new conditions. Worse, the entire work of informing and awakening societies to reality, which we, the anti-System militants, do has a limited impact and cannot produce a reversal of the situation. This is because of the control over the collective mind exerted for decades by mainstream media and mass culture, by manipulation and perception management, by social media and hedonistic individualism.

And the endless appeals of some activists to the civic conscience of the citizens who are called to wake up have limited impact, falling within the margin of error not disturbing for the globalist power. Faced with a total inefficiency of legalistic methods, the solution that remains is to resort to political violence. But this option also seems to be taken into account by the world oligarchy. "Governance through chaos" (L. Cerise) is exactly what it aims for.

Under these conditions, only God's intervention in history can overturn the current state of affairs and open a brighter perspective for humanity. But the West, which has become global, has betrayed God, is proud of its own spiritual blindness, and persists in the error of self-sufficiency of autonomous man. Even the vast majority of us, the anti-globalist and sovereignist militants, have definitively secularized ourselves, having a horizontal perception of the world. And this unlike our enemies, deeply attached to Satan, who know well who they are fighting. Therefore, as we said in the previous article, while the Satanists have allied themselves with the prince of this world, we, their enemies, refuse the alliance with the King of heaven and earth, Jesus Christ.

Under these circumstances, when we find ourselves betrayed by all statesmen, disenfranchised, incapable of political violence, and strangers to the divine source, what remains for us to do?

I would say let's continue our daring work and determined affirmation of the truth despite all the risks. Let us expose traitorous statesmen and politicians, let us encourage followers to prepare for a long and sacrificial struggle. But also, to be in a full state of alertness. In the art of war as in boxing success depends on intuition and maximum utilization of the opportune moment. My boxing coach used to teach us like this: "When you're in the ring with your opponent in front of you, don't close your eyes. You risk missing the most interesting moment". That is, getting a coup de grâce

and being defeated.

4.    War as the terminal phase of the world or an opportunity and a new beginning?

There may be no other way out of this historical impasse than war. We don't want it. But if the globalists have already provoked it anyway, let's hope that the enormous sacrifices, which seem hard to avoid at the moment, result in a new beginning for humanity. A solution hard to accept for today's demasculinized, hedonistic, and narcissistic generations. But another way to wake up from the state of lethargy, to re-masculinize, to resettle societies on the foundations of moral virtues, hierarchies and honour seems to not exist.

The war that is currently raging on only on the territory of Ukraine, would deserve a separate article to investigate its origins and implications. Until then, however, we note that this war forged and initiated by the Atlanticists, by the USA that embodies absolute evil, is only a link in the long historical chain of offensives of the Anglo-Saxons, of the thalassocratic civilization against Russia as a continental, tellurocratic civilization. The goal is obvious: the destruction of Russia as a state, its territorial dismantling, its denuclearization, and its removal from history. The prime target of the aggressors is Orthodoxy and Russia’s immense natural resources.

In these conditions, obviously, our sympathies are on the side of the victim of aggression, which is Russia. Except that they do not necessarily extend to the leadership of this country impregnated with foreign influence networks and lacking a leader who would be up to the great challenges of today's historical moment. The dynamics of the last three years, since the establishment of covidist terror, as well as the sixteen months of war have revealed the true face of the Russian rulers. From obedience to globalists and dependence on the oligarchy that controls the country's economy to the shocking inability to deal with a major crisis like war. Plus, a massive presence of elements hostile to the national interest in the state and propaganda apparatus, a situation that could be characterized by two complementary terms: "fifth column" and "xenocracy". But we hope to return to all this in more detail in another article.

Moreover, the war fits perfectly into the globalist strategy that seeks to depopulate, devastate nation states, destroy the economy, pauperize the masses, and cause generalized chaos, all representing the preconditions for the establishment of the New World Order.

In other words, given the new international circumstances, the current international political-legal and economic-financial system seems to be unreformable. And a possible resettlement of the world on some new, fairer, and more human bases, becomes possible only after a new world war. Only a post-war peace could remake the world. But that comes with the hard-to-avoid risk of the world disappearing in a nuclear meltdown.

In any case, even without self-annihilation as a result of the use of weapons of mass destruction this hyper-technological civilization is heading headlong towards an inevitable collapse.

In such cases, we Christians say, "Thy will be done, Lord!". Not because we are fatalists, nor followers of predestination. On the contrary. Christian optimism is the key to the invincible character of the religious man.

A State of Martial Law: America Is a Military Dictatorship Disguised as a Democracy
John Whitehead

    “What country can preserve its liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance?”—Thomas Jefferson

The government is goosestepping all over our freedoms.

Case in point: America’s founders did not want a military government ruled by force. Rather, they opted for a republic bound by the rule of law: the U.S. Constitution.

Yet sometime over the course of the past 240-plus years that constitutional republic has been transformed into a military dictatorship disguised as a democracy.

Most Americans seem relatively untroubled by this state of martial law.

Incredibly, when President Biden bragged about how the average citizen doesn’t stand a chance against the government’s massive arsenal of militarized firepower, it barely caused a ripple.

As Biden remarked at a fundraising event in California, “I love these guys who say the Second Amendment is—you know, the tree of liberty is water with the blood of patriots. Well, if [you] want to do that, you want to work against the government, you need an F-16.  You need something else than just an AR-15.”

The message being sent to the citizenry is clear: there is no place in our nation today for the kind of revolution our forefathers mounted against a tyrannical government.

For that matter, the government has declared an all-out war on any resistance whatsoever by the citizenry to its mandates, power grabs and abuses.

By this standard, had the Declaration of Independence been written today, it would have rendered its signers extremists or terrorists, resulting in them being placed on a government watch list, targeted for surveillance of their activities and correspondence, and potentially arrested, held indefinitely, stripped of their rights and labeled enemy combatants.

This is no longer the stuff of speculation and warning.

For years, the government has been warning against the dangers of domestic terrorism, erecting surveillance systems to monitor its own citizens, creating classification systems to label any viewpoints that challenge the status quo as extremist, and training law enforcement agencies to equate anyone possessing anti-government views as a domestic terrorist.

A 2008 Army War College report revealed that “widespread civil violence inside the United States would force the defense establishment to reorient priorities in extremis to defend basic domestic order and human security.” The 44-page report goes on to warn that potential causes for such civil unrest could include another terrorist attack, “unforeseen economic collapse, loss of functioning political and legal order, purposeful domestic resistance or insurgency, pervasive public health emergencies, and catastrophic natural and human disasters.”

Subsequent reports by the Department of Homeland Security to identify, monitor and label right-wing and left-wing activists and military veterans as extremists (a.k.a. terrorists) have manifested into full-fledged pre-crime surveillance programs. Almost a decade later, after locking down the nation and spending billions to fight terrorism, the DHS concluded that the greater threat is not ISIS but domestic right-wing extremism.

Rounding out this profit-driven campaign to turn American citizens into enemy combatants (and America into a battlefield) is a technology sector that is colluding with the government to create a Big Brother that is all-knowing, all-seeing and inescapable. It’s not just the drones, fusion centers, license plate readers, stingray devices and the NSA that you have to worry about. You’re also being tracked by the black boxes in your cars, your cell phone, smart devices in your home, grocery loyalty cards, social media accounts, credit cards, streaming services such as Netflix, Amazon, and e-book reader accounts.

The events of recent years have all been part of a master plan to shut us up and preemptively shut us down: by making peaceful revolution impossible and violent revolution inevitable.

The powers-that-be want an excuse to lockdown the nation and throw the switch to all-out martial law.

This is how it begins.

As John Lennon warned, “When it gets down to having to use violence, then you are playing the system’s game. The establishment will irritate you—pull your beard, flick your face—to make you fight. Because once they’ve got you violent, then they know how to handle you.”

Already, discontent is growing.

According to a USA TODAY/Suffolk University poll, 7 out of 10 Americans believe that American democracy is “imperiled.”

Americans are worried about the state of their country, afraid of an increasingly violent and oppressive federal government, and tired of being treated like suspects and criminals.

What we’ll see more of before long is a growing dissatisfaction with the government and its heavy-handed tactics by people who are tired of being used and abused and are ready to say “enough is enough.”

This is what happens when a parasitical government muzzles the citizenry, fences them in, herds them, brands them, whips them into submission, forces them to ante up the sweat of their brows while giving them little in return, and then provides them with little to no outlet for voicing their discontent.

Our backs are against the proverbial wall.

We’ve been losing our freedoms so incrementally for so long—sold to us in the name of national security and global peace, maintained by way of martial law disguised as law and order, and enforced by a standing army of militarized police and a political elite determined to maintain their powers at all costs—that it’s hard to pinpoint exactly when it all started going downhill, but we’ve been on that fast-moving, downward trajectory for some time now.

When the government views itself as superior to the citizenry, when it no longer operates for the benefit of the people, when the people are no longer able to peacefully reform their government, when government officials cease to act like public servants, when elected officials no longer represent the will of the people, when the government routinely violates the rights of the people and perpetrates more violence against the citizenry than the criminal class, when government spending is unaccountable and unaccounted for, when the judiciary act as courts of order rather than justice, and when the government is no longer bound by the laws of the Constitution, then you no longer have a government “of the people, by the people and for the people.”

Brace yourselves.

There is something being concocted in the dens of power, far beyond the public eye, and it doesn’t bode well for the future of this country.

Anytime you have an entire nation so mesmerized by political theater and public spectacle that they are oblivious to all else, you’d better beware.

Anytime you have a government that operates in the shadows, speaks in a language of force, and rules by fiat, you’d better beware.

And anytime you have a government so far removed from its people as to ensure that they are never seen, heard or heeded by those elected to represent them, you’d better beware.

The architects of the police state have us exactly where they want us: under their stamping boot, gasping for breath, desperate for freedom, grappling for some semblance of a future that does not resemble the totalitarian prison being erected around us.

The government and its cohorts have conspired to ensure that the only real recourse the American people have to express their displeasure with the government is through voting, yet that is no real recourse at all.

Yet as I make clear in my book Battlefield America: The War on the American People and in its fictional counterpart The Erik Blair Diaries, what is unfolding before us is not a revolution. This is an anti-revolution.

We are at our most vulnerable right now.

When Dissent Ends, Transhumanism Reigns, and Digitization Rules, Humanity Will Cease to Be Human

Gary D. Barnett

    “The only thing worth globalizing is dissent.” ~  Arundhati Roy

Self-defense comes in many forms, but all defense of self begins and ends with dissent, non-compliance, disobedience, saying no to any and all rule, and never allowing aggression against mind and body; mental or physical. Without dissent, defense is not possible, because when voluntary compliance is the prevailing behavior, whether sought, desired, or not, all defense mechanisms are effectively disarmed. In other words, silence in the face of injustice, immorality, terror, or tyranny, creates a condition of weakness, submission, and irresponsibility, which are all the fodder of indifference. When you say nothing, when you do not say no, when you take no action against evil, you commit evil. By not speaking out, and by not responding, you have spoken loudly, and openly committed an act of cowardice. The ultimate blame lies not just with the aggressor in this circumstance, but also equally with he who hides and remains silent.

In “Beyond Good and Evil,” Friedrich Nietzsche wrote:

    “He who fights with monsters should be careful lest he thereby become a monster. And if thou gaze into an abyss, the abyss will also gaze into thee.”

This is an accurate description of the phenomenon of becoming what one lives, so if you live in a state of indifference, ignoring the evil around you, accepting it in order to avoid conflict and responsibility, you become the evil you have chosen to ignore. The dark abyss in this circumstance, is created by your own inaction against it.

What we face as a society, is the most tremendous threat ever perceived or active in the history of mankind. Do you scoff at this seemingly ‘bold’ pronouncement? If so, you are already fooled, and a major contributor to the vast problems rampant in our world today.

Instead of the State just singularly seeking war, the continuance of the bogus Federal Reserve System, isolated government corruption, communism, fascism, or any broad-based totalitarian assault on certain segments of society, we are all being bombarded from a thousand different directions at once with all these atrocities and many more, including attacks on our freedom and sovereignty, on our minds and bodies, and on every aspect of our being.

Due to the colossal advances in technology, which in many more ways than not are being used against us in order to build a literal transhuman world run by technocratic means, we are facing what could be considered a technological Armageddon, where all control over humanity will be isolated in the hands of the most powerful few. To accept this, to treat it as normal or eminent, is a most fatal error, and one that could determine our fate in perpetuity.

When humanity ceases to exist in any natural form, when male and female become one, when transhumanism and mind control are inescapable realities, when perversion is commonly accepted, the presence of life that we have all known to be magical and a wonder, will have disappeared.

The world being designed is not a world of love, hope, and dreams, it is a nightmare of horror, and those pursuing this downfall of man have already lost all human characteristics. They are monsters, so we must fight and defeat them without becoming monsters ourselves.

There is a reason that the children, beginning in infancy, are targeted by State indoctrination, drugs, chemicals, bioweapon injections masquerading as ‘vaccines,’  insane propaganda, distraction, gross perversion, and are pulled away from family mentally and physically throughout their lives. This, in and of itself, if allowed to continue, will guarantee mind destruction of multiple future generations, and that will secure a fully dumbed-down, compliant, and obedient proletariat mass in the future. At that point, total control by the technocrats over humanity will have been achieved.

While technology has the capability to accomplish many great things, in the hands of these monsters who seek universal control, it can also be used to destroy us. Many refer to this technological phenomenon as ‘artificial intelligence,’ (AI) but there is no such thing. This false terminology is being used against us, as machines are not intelligent, they are programmed by intelligence, or so it is believed. When man becomes a machine, real intelligence ends, and a programmed society of slaves is the result.

AI is ‘defined’ as:

    “perceiving, synthesizing, and inferring information–demonstrated by computers, as opposed to intelligence displayed by humans or other animals.”

Intelligence is defined as the ability to learn, reason, and understand, so honest intelligence cannot be artificial, and machines are still machines. The transhuman digitization of man will mean the end of all traditional life as we know it.

The bulk of this society, has already succumbed to a digital world, and relies on what is falsely labeled ‘social media’ as parent, family, and friend, disregarding the natural state of personal communication, love, companionship, debate, and the grandeur of nature.

At this point, the future is not owned by you, but is owned by your masters. All privacy has disappeared, and most all private and financial transactions are captured and data-based. Every aspect of life is now tracked, traced, used, surveilled, restricted, censored, taxed, and every activity imaginable requires licensure (paid permission slip) by the State.

You are already a slave, whether you realize it or not.

The plot continues to thicken, as centrally-controlled digital currencies (CBDCs) are being rolled out around the world, which will allow for most every individual to be fully contained and regulated. This will lead to mass restrictions as to what you are allowed to do, where you may travel – if at all, what food you must eat, what medical care you may or may not receive, what State stipend you will be allotted, how much energy you will be permitted to use, and on, and on.

Everything in your existence will depend on behavior modification; in other words, do as you are instructed by the State technocratic rulers, or lose everything, as your entire life will be technologically sanctioned.

It is imperative to understand that everything you think you know about technology, and technological advances, is likely at a minimum, 20 years behind. Every so-called new discovery and new technology recognized as such, are not new at all. What the military has now, and is working on today, is unknown to most all except the very few at the top of the pyramid of power.

To understand and grasp this concept, should strike fear in the hearts of man.

The internet, and therefore, the internet of things, was not discovered and implemented by some computer geek, but was designed and created by the military through the “Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency.” (DARPA)

Getting to this terroristic time in our history was no accident, and was intentionally planned long ago. We have little time left to stop this totalitarian hell that has been created in order to destroy what we know as the human race.

Will you continue to sit on the sideline, keeping your eyes closed, your ears covered, and your mouth shut, or will you stand up and defend your freedom and life, and that of your family?

The only solution, as I have often said, is through active dissent. Say no to the State, disobey, do not comply with any tyrannical order, and do so as individuals en masse.

No one can do this for you, but it can and should be done by many independent freedom-minded individuals. Asking someone else for a solution for the masses as a collective, is worthless, and exposes apathy at a level that if practiced by the herd as it has been for so long, the end of humanity will surely be our destiny.

    “Has there ever been a society which has died of dissent? Several have died of conformity in our lifetime.” ~ Jacob Bronowski, Science & Human Values

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