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The Archon-Slave Diet
The Archon-Slave Diet
The archons have been using carbohydrate-based slave diets for millennia to control humanity. Ancient and modern slaves eat mostly grains. Population reduction is achieved through increases of diseases such as cancer. Oxygen reduction through various means such as face masks, EMF, low quality food, chemical pollution and environmental destruction. Since humans are just food energy farms to the psychic parasites, they have sought to suppress human's innate spiritual powers and knowledge so as to maximize the control of their archon death cult, brotherhood of El (the serpent). When the original hunter-gatherer humans were genetically modified for the purpose of mining gold as slaves, the archons started feeding them grains and created agriculture. Scientists who research outside of the Matrix Control System are now discovering all the horrendous effects that a high sugar diet causes. B12 (cobalamin), K2, D3, colloidal silver, ivermectin etc. are all shunned in favor of synthetic vitamins, allopathic antibiotics and toxic fluoride-based drugs such as SSRIs. Obesity and disease are directly correlated with high sugar diets.

According to Jay Weider
"The archons could possibly also be the fallen angels, Annunaki and/or Nephilim. They have been on Earth for at least 6000 years. They created the original cultures of Mesopotamia and Sumeria. They put humans on the grain based diet, and we stopped eating the foods that hunter gatherers would eat, and we started eating foods that actually weren't very good for us. And what do these foods do, these high grain diets? They keep us kind of sleepy and passive.

One time I went to Alcatraz to do a tour, and the person that was leading the tour said "Well every night, the final thing that we would do before we sent the prisoners into the cells, is we'd feed them a big huge pile of mashed potatoes or spaghetti, or pasta." I raised my hand and said "Well why do you do that?" He says "Well we found that it pacifies them."

And I went bingo, there we go, this is why the grain diet is here is because it's pacifying us. Heavy starches and sugars which really we're not meant to eat at all, and if you ever looked into what those foods do to the physique of the human body: cavities, plaque in the arterial walls, I mean it's just really bad for you. You just want to go to bed after eating a big plate of pasta, no energy. I think the archons did that on purpose just like Alcatraz. I really do. I think a lot of the things we have are done on purpose by the archons. Their mission is to keep us just on life support, never help us get better, keep us weak and down on the (loosh) farm, so they can control us and feed off of our energy."

The Diet of Slaves by Tocharus
Time marches on, and the more things change the more they remain the same. Whether people learn from the mistakes of history is up to them knowing of them in detail, both in cause and effect. Today we’re going to discuss the many slightly varied diets of slaves throughout the world. Despite the geographically unique foods of the world, the diets of many slaves across different locations and eras have remained strikingly similar, Even today, the diet of modern slaves has remained true to their ancient counterparts.

In ancient Greece many slaves were fed a diet consisting of beans or legumes, vegetables, grains, and in very special events the offal of their masters. Offal if you’re wondering are the various organ meats deemed unworthy of being eating.

In ancient Rome the slaves were fed mostly bread, vegetables, porridge, some local fruits, and the occasional cheap wine to keep them sated and docile, with meat again being very rare for consumption.

The gladiators of ancient Rome were almost entirely forces of slaves forced into the colosseum for various combat events. The slaves had roughly a 1 in 8 to 1 in 10 chance of dying each time they fought, so the stakes were high and conditions were brutal. These gladiators had the nickname of barley men or barley eaters, and you guessed it, primarily consumed barley, wheat, and beans. The diets of gladiators was a bit unique, since in their case they were fed food not as a bare minimum, but at an excess to make them fatter so as to protect their deeper veins from fatal wounds from combat, as these slaves were seen as an investment of entertainment. So in short, they were fed a vegetarian diet so they could be beaten upon and suffer for longer.

I could continue with further examples, but the story is mostly the same wherever one looks, the slaves are fed a mostly vegetarian diet because it’s cheaper and keeps them docile but able to work. Meats of all kinds are rare and generally not of the desirable variety. If there is any luxury provided to the slave it usually comes in the form of alcohol so as to qualm their angry spirits and douse their souls in a soothing stupor so they will not rise up.

If any of this sounds familiar you should look around. Meat, even in wealthy nations has increased in price with soaring rates. Propagandized institutions continue to promote the idea that meat, dairy, and eggs are unhealthy for people as they casually push a diet of meat substitutes, soy, bugs, alcohol, and drugs to keep you satiated, but why?

The simple answer to all of this is that in manner regards, the average modern man is a slave, not a chattel slave, but a peon or serf tied to where he is born, dying with nothing to his name but debt. Diet should not be your only concern, but it is an incredibly important part of every man’s well being and greatly influences his way of thinking and what he is capable of.

Over the last few years there has surged a recent push to substitute normal meats with the cheaper bug meats, but does anyone actually know the negative health effects of these bugs on the human body? If you don’t I suggest you continue reading, because it’s quite awful. In a study of 300 insect farms, 244 of them contained parasites. Even if you’re lucky enough to eat from the 56 insect farms out of 300 that don’t contain parasites think again, because chitin, the hard outer layer of insects is indigestible to humans and unlike fiber has no health benefits. It just worsens asthma, increases inflammation, and rare forms of several types up to and including a type of spinal cancer called glioblastoma.

Humans were not made to eat bugs en masse. Humans have for their vast history not been vegetarian. Humans have been molded to the diets of hunter gatherers and in general, the closer to their diets you can get, the better.

To put this into perspective, humans and their ancestors have mainly subsided on diets rich in meat and bones for the last 2,500,000 years, owing our large brains almost entirely to these nutrient rich foods. The agricultural revolution occured only 12,000 years ago, and we owe most of our shrinking jaw size, impacted teeth, cavities, and shortened stature to grain heavy diets.

I do not advocate a meat only diet for most, as its just not feesible for the entire world, and in truth some humans have adapted to these modern diets in some ways, or more accurately, regressed into eating mainly grains, vegetables, and fruits. For this reason I suggest a diet adapted to local foods, with meals rich in meats, dairy, and eggs from local sources.

If you eat as a slave, you will begin to think and act like a slave. The elites of the world will continue to feast on expensive meats and dissuade you from feeding your family what makes them strong and healthy. Do not become what they wish for you to become. As always, I’m here in the abyss with you brothers.
John 316
Liked by Tocharus
So true. I eat about a pound of beef a day, sometimes raw, sometimes cooked, with 1/2 to 1 gallon and raw milk and maybe a dozen eggs a day. 180lb @ 5‘11, muscular, ripped, and it’s easy for me to maintain this. Most everyone else around me weighs far less and struggles to even maintain what muscle they have. Add in a layer of fat and low energy, it just sounds miserable to me. People have no idea they are eating a slave diet. ‚I eat a lot of meat‘ nowadays usually means a little steak a few times a week or a couple meat balls in their slave-ghetti. And then if they work out, they supplement the complete lack of protein with nutritionally devoid synthesised protein powders. People need to know. It’s so sad.
Jerome V.
Liked by Tocharus
I've thrived the best on an all-animal-food diet. My icon pic is from when I was 65. I especially loved when I was able to live on farm-fresh grass fed A2 cow's milk. Of late, I often enjoy over a pound of beef and 8-12 eggs per day. Getting expensive, though, as the Poisoning Slavers attempt to secure their position over us. Besides attempting to prevent us from eating strengthening foods, they also poison us in myriad ways. I'm eager to find ways to share your article far and wide - it beautiful, and should help open some eyes.

Awareness Research Reveals Sugar Doesn’t Just Feed But Causes Cancer by Sayer Ji
Reflect On: The average American consumes their body weight annually in this cancer-causing substance, and yet hospitals freely feed it to their cancer patients, seemingly oblivious to the harm it does. Hospitals feed cancer patients sugar and high carbohydrate diets for a simple reason: they are abysmally ignorant of the role of nutrition in health and disease — hence their burgeoning growth, packed rooms, and ‘return customers.’

Even though the science itself shows – at least since the mid-20’s with Otto Warburg’s cancer hypothesis — that tumors prefer to utilize sugar fermentation to produce energy rather than the much more efficient oxygen-based phosphorylation* – hospitals have actually invited corporations like McDonald’s to move into their facilities to ‘enhance’ their patient’s gustatory experience, presumably to provide comfort and take the edge off of the painful surgery, radiation and chemo treatments erroneously proffered to them as the only reasonable ‘standard of care.’

But the times are changing, with new research requiring these medical institutions to reform their dietary strategies, at least if they wish to claim that their interventions are in fact ‘evidence-based,’ as they so often claim.

Study Reveals Sugar Doesn’t Just Feed But Causes Cancer
A groundbreaking study, uncovered by one of our volunteer researchers at Greenmedinfo, is the first of its kind to identify sugar, not only as fuel source for an already existing cancer, but as a primary driver in oncogenesis – i.e. the initiation of cancerous characteristics (phenotype) within previously healthy cells.

Published in the Journal of Clinical Investigation and titled, Increased sugar uptake promotes oncogenesis via EPAC/RAP1 and O-GlcNAc pathways, researchers addressed a common perception (or misperception) in the cancer research community regarding sugar’s relationship to cancer: namely, “increased glycolysis (sugar based metabolism) is frequently viewed as a consequence of oncogenic events that drive malignant cell growth and survival.”

Contrary to this conventional view, the new study “provides evidence that increased glycolytic activation itself can be an oncogenic event.” That is to say, the activation of sugar-based metabolism in a cell – driven by both the presence of increased quantities of glucose and the increase glucose receptors on the cell membrane surface (i.e. “overexpression of a glucose transporter”) – drives cancer initiation.

Moreover, the study found that “Conversely, forced reduction of glucose uptake by breast cancer cells led to phenotypic reversion.” In other words, interfering with sugar availability and uptake to the cell causes the cancer cell to REGRESS towards its pre-cancer structure-function (phenotype).

What Are The Implications of This Research to the Diet?
What this new research indicates is that sugar – of which Americans consume an astounding 160 lbs annually (imagine: 31 five-pound bags for each of us!) – is one of the primary causes of metabolic cell changes in the body consistent with the initiation and promotion of cancer. And, the research indicates that removing it from the diet, and depriving the cells of it, could REVERSE cancer. Why is this so surprising? It’s because Americans have been lead like lambs to the slaughter to think of “prevention” as “early detection,” focusing not on identifying and removing the well known nutritional and environmental causes of cancer, rather, to spend their time, energy, and money on cause-marketing campaigns focused on “finding a cure” — as if one didn’t already exist right in front of our noses, or more aptly, on the end of our forks.

Hidden Sugar, Crouching Cancer
It has been estimated by the USDA that the average American consumes 200 lbs of grain products annually. Why is this relevant to the question of sugar in the diet? Because refined carbohydrate products – e.g. crackers, bread, pasta, cereal – are actually ‘hidden’ forms of sugar. In fact, puffed rice causes your blood to become sweeter (and presumably feeds more cancer cells sugar) than white sugar, as it is higher on the glycemic index. Adding the two figures together – annual per capita consumption of sugar and grain-based products – we get a jaw dropping 360 lbs of sugar (both overt (table sugar/high fructose corn syrup) and covert (grain carbs) annually – all of which may contribute to promoting the ideal metabolic situation of cancer cells: aerobic glycolysis.
This is one reason why the ketogenic diet – that is, a fat- and protein-focused diet devoid of carbohydrate, both in simple (sugar) and complex (grain product) form – has been found so useful in the most aggressive of cancers: including brain cancer. Once you ‘pull the rug out’ from under the sugar/carb-craving cancer cells, they are forced to either undergo programmed cell death (apoptosis) or re-differentiate back into non-cancerous phenotypes.

If It’s So Bad For Us, Why Do We Eat So Much?
One of the primary reasons why we eat sugar and carbohydrate rich diets is because they are addictive. Within minutes of consuming sugar/carbs our body goes through a neuroendocrine roller coaster. Your brain can not survive very long without glucose, the fundamental energy unit of the cell, and will ‘freak out’ if deprived of a steady stream of this ‘nutrient’ within only 2-3 minutes. The endocrine system, on the other hand, perceives the danger of high sugar – namely, glycation associated damage to protein and lipid structures within the cells of our body; think: blood caramelizing, getting sticky, and gumming up the finely tuned works – and will release hormones such as insulin, adrenaline and cortisol, in order to try to get the elevated sugar in the blood and tissues under control. Insulin forces the sugar into storage within the cell, both as glycogen and as fat, but often does its job too well, causing available glucose levels in the brain to be depleted – setting off a vicious cycle of ’emergency signals’ telling the body to release more cortisol and adrenaline to increase the levels of glucose in the blood. This, of course, will result in additional insulin production and release, causing the same cycle to be repeated over and over again.

This seemingly endless vicious cycle is responsible for the insatiable cravings a high carb/sugar diet generates – not to mention the fructose-based hedonic effects generated in the brain that modulate both opioid and dopamine receptors in the nervous system (not unlike alcohol), and the pharmacologically active peptides in many gluten-containing grains, which also drive addictive behaviors and an almost psychotic fixation on getting carbs at each meal.

No wonder we have an epidemic of cancer in a world where the Westernized diet prevails. Certainly, we do not mean to indicate that a sugar/carb-rich diet is the only cause of cancer. There are many other factors that contribute to cancer initiation and promotion, such as:
Chemical exposure
Radiation exposure
Chronic stress that suppresses the immune system
Vaccines containing hidden retroviruses and cancer causing viruses
Natural infection with bacteria and viruses that are cancer causing
Lack of sleep
Insufficient nutrients (lack of methyl donors such as B12, folate, and B6 will prevent the body from ‘turning off’ (methylating) cancer-promoting genes

Even though cancer is a complex, multi-factorial phenomena, with variables we can not always control, one thing we can do is control what goes into our mouth. Sugar, for instance, does not belong there if we truly want to prevent and/or treat cancer. And don’t forget, carbohydrates that don’t taste sweet on the front end – bread, crackers, cereal – certainly convert to sugar in the body within minutes post-consumption.

In a nutshell, if you are concerned about cancer, have cancer, or would like to prevent recurrence, removing sugar and excess carbohydrates is a must. Not only is it common sense, but it is now validated by experimental research.

Additional Research
Note: another recent study found that Candida albicans (yeast) also contributes to cancer initiation and promotion. C. albicans thrives on sugar, lending additional support to the notion that sugar (consumed excessively) may be a primary driver of the cancer epidemic in those consuming the modern Western diet. For information on sugar alternatives that are not synthetic toxicants like Splenda (sucralose), read my latest article on the topic: 4 Sugar Alternatives That Won’t Poison You.

*Note: Cancer cells prefer to ferment sugar as a form of energy even when there is sufficient oxygen available to the cells to do so; hence Warburg’s description of cancer metabolism as ‘aerobic glycolysis’ or the so-called ‘Warburg effect’

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