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The Gathering of Medicine Women for Peace
A little gem found at the back of a book.  I found it very interesting, maybe you will, too. - GR
The Gathering of Medicine Women for Peace

[/b] The call to medicine women

[/b]We wrote this chapter to call medicine women together for world peace. We realized that the horrors of world crisis calls for the emergence of the medicine woman. If you are a medicine woman, a sacred healing priestess, an oracle, a dreamer, come forth and heal. In a gathering of medicine women, come together, see each other, join your powers. Change reality and heal as one huge force of feminine energy. This is a new time, suddenly the woman is called to come forth; she is called as medicine woman to change the earth again, to reestablish balance and world peace. 

Who are the medicine women?

Medicine women are everywhere. A medicine woman is inside every woman. The medicine woman is the wise woman who resides within each and every woman. The medicine woman is the healer, the teacher, the lover, the giver, the mother. The medicine woman's spirit is deeply connected to the earth, to family, to friends, to animals, to the environment, to nature. A medicine woman is a woman who can see the earth deeply; she can see the earth moving through her seasons. She can feel the wind, know when nature stirs, recognize the beauty inherent in the nature of her life. The medicine woman emerges within our bodies; she is part of an ancient clan of women called the ancient mothers of the earth. These mothers gave birth to us generations ago; they are the grandmothers who still walk within our bodies. They are the ancient bones who have made our bones. 

How do you know if you are a medicine woman? 

The wise woman within you has a clear voice. She has spoken to you during your days of despair and pain. She was with you during your own birth and the birth of all your children. She holds you strong, steady, and still. She has a way of exhibiting herself in your life. She comes forth in mothering relationships with other women, in spiritual practices, and also through your work. If your position involves taking care of people or animals, you are tapping into the ancient knowledge of the earth. You may be a mother; you may rub the body of a child after a long day; you may be a body worker, a physician, a caterer, a pharmacist. These careers are all ways of expressing your medicine woman knowledge within.

Go on a vision quest to get in touch with the voice of the medicine woman. The medicine woman is in you as a vibrational  energy that resonates in your body. The energy is exhibited individually since every woman is different. The medicine woman comes to us like a dream; she appears in the memories of our minds; she dances when we dance, she sings when we sing. She becomes stronger when we stand in a circle of other women who are medicine women, who see each other, recognize each other, and wake each other up. The medicine woman is a state of mind, a state of body; she holds the fluidity of our spirit. 

 The first step is to meditate throughout the day [/b]

 Devote one hour each day to this goal. We do not need to even stop our lives to do this. We can be washing dishes, driving carpools,and healing at the same time. Devote yourself to world peace. The momentum will get larger and larger; the vibrational energy of the earth will shift. We can shift consciousness worldwide. Women can pray for world peace while they do other things. Women are experts in doing more than one thing at once. Be practical, keep order, and at the same time work on healing the world. 

Guided imagery with the ancient mothers of the earth 
The medicine woman stands in the center of the circle of women. Around her are the ancient mothers of the earth. Imagine yourself in the center of a circle. In the circle you are surrounded by the ancient mothers of the earth. They are from all over the world; there are old woman from Africa, Celtic women, old women from Sicily. In your mind's eye, see the old women from the different places of the world. See a community of women from the world's spiritualities; see Christian, Buddhist, Hindu, Jewish, and Islamic women. All these women of the world are the ancient mothers of the earth.

These women call to you; they call to you to give birth to world peace now. They are your own ancient grandmothers. They look to you as their granddaughters; you are their way of being. It has taken a long time for this to happen. It has taken this long for you to get the power to take over the world. Many of the ancient women came from little villages; they did not leave them their whole lives. You travel the earth weaving webs of peace. We are part of a lineage of ancient mothers. As we become ancient mothers, our mission is to protect our children, all the children of the earth. All children are our children, all children are our concern; the earth is our family. 

Medicine women heal with Her energy [/b]

Mary says:

I have a vision of women whirling in the nighttime sky. We expand from our bodies and become tall. There is a large energy moving outward, embracing us in our aura. We women use our auric fields of energy as a force to envelop others with love and compassion. One way to do this is by prayer. You pray directly to the target with energy, not your energy, but Her energy. Use the life force. We have infinite resources available within our feminine spaciousness. We are large and bright. As medicine women, we are illuminated in the light of our world. We are awake. Presence is our power; all we have to do is be present and see through oppression, evil, and greed.

This is moving forward. Men bring organization, clarity, and linear placement of thoughts. This is essential for bridges of communication. Women whirl. As we whirl, we sprinkle stars from .our own bodies. All people are born of this energy. Spiritual women twirl in the sky and give birth to stars. Light flows from within these stars and causes the birth of it all. 

As medicine women, express your dreams 
It is time for medicine women to express their dreams. There is a dream in every woman. For Mary it is to be a dancer. In her deepest dreams, she dances across the nighttime sky without limits. She moves freely as a transparent spiritual body; she is limber; she has no limits. "This image is freeing. It allows my spirit to soar and merge with Her. In my dream of being a dancer, She moves into me. By evoking Her, I invoke the deep, powerful, and ancient feminine force. When I feel large in visionary space, I feel swirling energy spiral through me; her life force goes in me. I feel as if I am being penetrated; she goes inside me and I get larger. It is an empowering expenence as we receive . "

 The medicine woman acts with integrity and a full heart. She feeds the world and feeds her soul. If you do not feed your soul and if you do not receive abundance in return, you need to reevaluate your life. The medicine woman clicks into the flow. What energy or force moves through her in what she does? It is like plugging into the right circuit; it comes through you and becomes accessible to the world. Truly powerful, you become a transformer. The light of love and peace flows through you.

Women have lunar cycles in their bodies; they have the moon within their bodies. Their bodies also move with the energy of the earth. They have seasons in their bodies. As they live their lives, they respond to winds, weather, and colors. These changes are reflected in their bodies.

When I see a medicine woman, there is an intimacy of knowing her soul, of touching her soul, and reaching out woman to woman as an act of love. It is being friends before we are friends. It is seeing someone's beauty or breath. It can happen with ordinary people. It happens when you look into someone's eyes and see a beautiful person. If you want to fall in love, you can fall in love in that moment. This is intimacy. 
     Women can fall into the wonderful experience of caring or being cared for. Women can do this at any moment. A mother can care for a child, a nurse can care for a patient, and a makeup artist can make a connection in a department store just by touching your face and looking into your eyes. This is the power of women. These connections are made in giving and receiving. One woman is the giver and the other woman is the receiver. 

The commitment to heal the earth

One of our students wrote this after 9/11: 

      Breathe in, breathe out, regardless of whether bombs are showering down. Look to the sky with certainty. This is all happening for a reason. Learn. you chose this time to come to earth. There is purpose here for you to serve. Break free from the petty distractions that enchain you. Time stands still for the soulsearcher. Break down the barriers of your mind. Finding the keys to enlightenment is deep and divine. Life is too webbed and complex to wrap your mind around it. Simply let it permeate your entire being, drenching your pores with experience. You can either see the light in life, or wait and see the light that accompanies death. This is the light that shines from within you, so you choose.


If you were the enlightened one, she was no one else but you, and you were asked to give what you have to share in. this important moment, what would you say?

Commitment is a simple act. You feel it resonating within your body like an essential vibrating energy. You hold on to it and know that it is an essential truth in this world, in this lifetime. It comes to you as an essential commitment to life, a feeling, a certainty. When I saw it, I felt my commitment strengthen. I felt shock and then it felt as if a wall had torn in the world, a cluster of souls were taken, a sacrifice was made to illuminate something. You have to have the ability to see what is illuminated. It is based on your own ability to see and be awake. Commitment holds true to what you understand about the world; it holds true in the moment.

The open woman 

Take a long walk down a winding road. Let the wind blow in your face; feel your body moving through time; take in the sensual experience of being alive. Make a commitment in the deepest place in your soul you can reach. Be open like the open woman; everything flows through her.

Mary says: 

There is a woman inside of me; I can feel her echo of the Spirit Lovers. She is visionary, mystical; I feel her existence. I see her face; she opens up my heart. I let her go in. Her spirit goes inside me, and I become large. Spirit is separate, in service to spiritual beings; she is the manifestation of love. She is the manifestation of the earth, the mother, the pregnant fairy woman. She is a real spirit looking for and returning to spirit. I stand behind her and go forward when all we have to do is go inward.
            Create the open woman; open wide, let .her voice come through you, otherwise you are outside of yourself. I open my life to allow love to flow in. I do not close anything; I keep everything open. It does not define any place in the external world for love to flow. I open within myself and the movement of love begins to flow within myself. It connects me with God, and with the rhythms of the earth. In love, the most important thing you can do is open your life and allow creativity to flow.  

The medicine woman’s dream

The medicine woman dreams of connectedness and of being the earth. She dreams about healing the earth, about knowing what to do, and about doing it. She dreams about astral travel, energy, and healing. She has accurate dreams about what she needs to do now. It is her role as a medicine woman to heal the earth in this crisis.

            Healing is about love and about peace. It is an experience; it is about now; it is about doing. The world crisis has given each of us a new opening. Like an illness, it is a time for suffering, reassessment, readjusting priorities, quick spiritual learning, and action.  Everyone's energy changes to spiritual energy in a moment; it suddenly becomes denser, more intense, and more alive. When a person is near death, they are more alive, more real, and more spiritual than when they are shopping.

            People are slowly realizing that the solution to this world crisis is a woman's job. Women are sensitive to emotion and energy. They have a nurturing instinct that includes appreciation for the earth and its animals. They know about children, and the weak, oppressed, and innocent. Women do not cause war or go to war, but women have son's who are taken.

            The world is now populated with increasing numbers of women that see. These seers-priestesses of old, witches, oracles, healers-know the future and the present, they know about energy and healing. It has been a long time coming. It is a reaction to the patriarchal system that has oppressed them for millennia.

            Now women need to heal. They need to become the spiritual healers again as they were for thousands of years. I speak to all women: You are the earth. Your body needs to be healed. Clear the parasites from the earth. Do this with energy and love. With your energy you will change the structure of the earth. You have been through it all; you have done the necessary suffering and developed skills to make you a healer. From your mothering, you know how to care for everything.

            There are three stages of shamanic healing. First, get rid of the illness; suck it out and throw it in the fire. Second, rest in the void of perfect openness. Feel the energy; let healing begin. Third, use healing energy from the Creator.

            This is the time to turn up the volume. Do work each week with energetic connections. It looks like war is imminent, but it's really an opening. It is a losing of everything and then it is necessary to say a prayer to move energy. Each person who prays changes the whole world. Each person who prays for peace creates peace. The earth is calling out for healing. Words have been spoken that are like a toxic poison. The world prays, speaks, and calls for peace and healing.

            The world crisis is the wake-up call for the woman healer to emerge. The terrorist attack on the world trade center was highly visible. I saw it; all the women on the planet saw it. The Hopi elder Thomas Banyacya told the story of man and woman walking. In ancient times, man walked ahead; woman and children walked behind, so man could protect them. Then man and woman walked ahead and protected the children. Now is the time for the woman to walk ahead. The woman must walk ahead to save the earth and clean up the mess we are in. If she stands beside her husband in this crisis, we go to war. Look into your own heart. Do you want to send your young son to die? Do you want to take him and us to where all you see is your death? The goddess gave her only son to die for the world- it's been done. Her son said, "Forgive them father, for they know not what they do." And they were forgiven.

            We are an idealistic generation of free, educated, and powerful women. We will change the world; we will change human consciousness. We will move toward new creative ways of peace through communication; we will make change in balance with the earth and the animals.






Samuels, Michael, and Mary Rockwood Lane.  Ã¢â‚¬Å“Appendix 1”.  Shaman Wisdom, Shaman Healing: Deepen Your Ability to Heal with Visionary and Spiritual Tools and Practices. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley & Sons, 2003.


I'm beginning to think that I am also in the wrong place.  Any suggestions for forums that are into personal growth, peace, ecology, love & gratitude, social justice, metaphysics, the oneness of energy, and making the world and the future a better place?

Please, let me know if you truly have a lead on a forum that will be a better fit for me.


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