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Psychology of Totalitarianism & Mass Formation

2023: Fourth Turning Meets Mass Formation Psychosis

Authored by Jim Quinn

    “Four things need to exist or need to be in place if you want a large-scale mass phenomenon to emerge. The first thing is that there needs to be a lot of socially isolated people, people who experience a lack of social bonds. The second one is that there needs to be a lot of people who experience a lack of sense-making in life. And the third and the fourth conditions are that there needs to be a lot of free-floating anxiety and a lot of free-floating psychological discontent. So: meaning, anxiety, and discontent that is not connected to a specific representation.

    So, it needs to be in the mind without the people being able to connect it to something. If you have these four things—lack of social bonds, lack of sense-making, free-floating anxiety, and free-floating psychological discontent—then society is highly at risk for the emergence of mass phenomenon.”

    – Mattias Desmet – The Psychology of Totalitarianism

    “Try to unlearn the obsessive fear of death (and the anxious quest for death avoidance) that pervades linear thinking in nearly every modern society. The ancients knew that, without periodic decay and death, nature cannot complete its full round of biological and social change. Without plant death, weeds would strangle the forest. Without human death, memories would never die, and unbroken habits and customs would strangle civilization. Social institutions require no less. Just as floods replenish soil and fires rejuvenate forests, a Fourth Turning clears out society’s exhausted elements and creates an opportunity.”

    – Strauss & Howe – The Fourth Turning

I recently finished reading Mattias Desmet’s fascinating and illuminating book The Psychology of Totalitarianism, where he examines the mass formation psychosis which swept over the world during the time frame of early 2020 until present day. He explores some of the root causes of this psychological phenomena, comparing it to previous episodes in history, and delving into whether it occurred naturally or was purposely generated in order to implement a Great Reset agenda.

This type of spectacle has happened throughout human history, even documented by Charles Mackay in his 1841 book Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds. It is clear to me aspects of mass formation psychosis played a part in the previous two Fourth Turnings, as both sides in the U.S. Civil War displayed characteristics of those being hypnotized by a narrative, and the German people falling under the spell of Hitler and his rhetorical skills.

As the potentially historic year 2023 unfolds before us, we are confronted with a world drowning in unpayable debt; a global recession/depression imminent; raging inflation at twice the level reported by our overlords; real unemployment at four times the level reported by the government apparatchiks; a government completely devoid of honesty, integrity or responsibility to its citizens; a society dictated by corruption, materialism, narcissism, and bereft of civic and personal responsibility; globalist billionaires and their captured organizations (WEF, WHO, NATO, CDC, FDA, FBI, CIA, DOJ, IRS) actively trying to rule the world through technological and biological means; and insane politicians, generals, and bureaucrats pushing the world towards WWIII, using Ukraine and Taiwan as their trigger points.

In the midst of this hellish landscape, we still have an enormous percentage of the U.S. and global population trapped in a mass formation psychosis trance and unable or unwilling to regain their common sense and ability to comprehend they have been duped, used, lied to, and sacrificed at the altar of the Great Reset.

I feel like I’m in a Twilight Zone episode, waiting for the surprise ending, as I continue to go through the motions of life, getting up at the same time every morning, driving the same route to work, doing the same job, going grocery shopping, doing laundry, reading, writing, and waiting for the bottom to drop out. I think I know what is going to happen, but I don’t, and neither does anyone else, no matter how sure they appear and how well compensated they are for providing “expert” opinions.

I’ve been waiting since 2010 for a financial/economic collapse, but the “powers that be” have been able to create a Potemkin façade built upon debt, money printing, propaganda, and market manipulation, much like Madoff juggling balls for decades (never making one actual trade), giving the appearance of stability and success, until he could juggle no more. Then it all collapses suddenly, just as many of the vaxxed thought they were safe, then died suddenly. The Hemingway quote regarding going bankrupt captures our current state of affairs:

    “How did you go bankrupt?” Bill asked. “Two ways,” Mike said. “Gradually and then suddenly.” – Ernest Hemingway – The Sun Also Rises

US Government Interest Payments

It is projected to rise to over $1.2 trillion per year in the next two years as more debt rolls over at the new higher rates.

That is about 1/3 of all tax revenue. — Wall Street Silver (@WallStreetSilv) January 15, 2023

The reason no one is expecting a sudden collapse is because it hardly ever happens. We are trapped in our normalcy bias cocoon. The stock market goes up for a week. The stock market goes down for a week. The “experts” try to interpret the meaning of each word uttered by Powell or one of his Fed cronies. Elections are held to see which group of corrupt politicians will be in control of screwing us. Biden says something stupid. Harris says something stupid. Trump sells NFT trading cards of himself. Twitter files are released. Covidian cultists continue to deny the reality the jabs are killing and maiming millions, while still pushing the toxic injections on our children.

Drag queen shows for children and transgender deviancy are heralded by satanists. We send another $100 billion we don’t have to an actor in Ukraine so more of his people can be slaughtered. Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, and the rest of the global elite fly in their private jets to Davos to plan their takeover of the world. Climate imbeciles want to ban your gas stove, make you eat bugs, and never venture more than 15 minutes from your hovel. It’s an endless show and we are both the spectators and victims. The daily distractions of life, along with trivialities like social media, sporting events, mass media propaganda, and this government shitshow, keep the masses from seeing the danger dead ahead.

Whenever I’m befuddled by the incontestable idiocy of the willfully ignorant masses, I have to remind myself we are in the midst of a Fourth Turning where reason and critical thinking are far outweighed by emotion and temporary insanity. As a cynical old bastard who hasn’t believed anything a politician, banker or MSM talking head has emitted in decades, it is hard for me to comprehend how the majority are so easily swayed by the web of lies spun by those pulling the strings behind the curtain.

They want to believe “experts” because thinking is hard, and the latest NFL playoff game starts in 30 minutes. We’ve become a nation of unserious, unintelligent, uncurious, unthinking worshippers of technology, entertainment, and infantilism, as described by Neil Postman in his 1985 book comparing Orwell dystopian vision to Huxley’s dystopian vision. It seems we are now caught in a vise between both visualizations of horror.

    “When a population becomes distracted by trivia, when cultural life is redefined as a perpetual round of entertainments, when serious public conversation becomes a form of baby-talk, when, in short, a people become an audience, and their public business a vaudeville act, then a nation finds itself at risk; culture-death is a clear possibility.”

    – Neil Postman – Amusing Ourselves to Death: Public Discourse in the Age of Show Business

    “Americans no longer talk to each other, they entertain each other. They do not exchange ideas, they exchange images. They do not argue with propositions; they argue with good looks, celebrities, and commercials.”

    – Neil Postman – Amusing Ourselves to Death: Public Discourse in the Age of Show Business

Huxley warned us over 90 years ago, before TV. Postman warned us almost 40 years ago, before the internet, 24-hour cable TV, smart phones, or social media. They were prescient in their warnings, but unheeded. Their prophecies tie in perfectly with Desmet’s theories on why the world has been overcome by this mass formation psychosis. Essentially, Desmet argues our society was sick before the onset of covid. The technological “advancement” of our world has led to people leading meaningless lives and working bullshit jobs.

The rise of the administrative state where hard fulfilling jobs (farmers, craftsmen, builders) have been replaced by finance and administrative paper pushing jobs where human interaction is drastically reduced and their worlds revolve around rules, regulations, and impersonal dogma, has created tens of millions of depressed, anxious, neurotic people seeking something to make their pitiful lives worthwhile. The most meaningless administrative jobs steadily increase and are rewarded more generously, while the hardest workers struggle to put food on the table. Industrialization and specialization may be efficient from a corporate profit standpoint, but it has been dehumanizing from a psychological standpoint.

The Enlightenment brought about a transformation of a world built upon religion, superstition, and small communities into a world built on science, reason, and industrialization. The fear and discomfort, once inflicted by the clergy and nobility, with the dread of judgement day, transformed into a false hope of a scientific created nirvana. As the centuries have progressed the social connectedness of humans has deteriorated, with isolation and lack of social relationships leading to anxiety, depression, and loss of purpose.

Humans used to depend on each other and live for each other, but are now relegated to being nameless, faceless automatons among the masses. Half the workers in America find their jobs meaningless. A 2013 Gallup World Poll found that 63% of workers sleepwalk through their jobs, while another 24% are disengaged, actively demoralizing, and demotivating their coworkers. Only 13% love what they do. Most people just feel like a cog in the machine, as Desmet contemplates.

    “The worker became, as they say, a cog in the industrial machine, lubricated only by the thought of wages due. Labor changed from a cumbersome but inherently meaningful existential task into a disembodied utilitarian necessity.”

    – Mattias Desmet, The Psychology of Totalitarianism

As work became nothing more than a means to earn wages, in order to consume and amuse themselves, the rise of mass media has further contributed to the decline in sincere social connections, as TV and the internet have further isolated millions and allowed those constituting the invisible government to propagandize whatever narrative suits their malevolent purposes.

Those in power don’t want neighbors congregating, mates gathering in pubs, joyous festivals of friends, or anyone sitting around kitchen tables figuring out how they’ve been screwed over by those they elect to represent their interests. Their plans depend on a populace living in constant fear of something, or they might inadvertently turn their attention to their looting and pillaging of the world’s wealth. Fear is the basis for the mass formation psychosis currently consuming the world.

Decades of psychological deterioration of the masses due to their pointless occupations, meaningless lives, mass media and government school indoctrination, and feelings of purposelessness, despair, and anxiety set the foundation for the onset of this covid driven mass formation psychosis. The free-floating anxiety infecting hundreds of millions around the globe was seeking a conduit to channel their fears and fantasizing about becoming part of a crusade for the greater good.

All that was needed was a virus with a scary name, a billion-dollar marketing campaign, a narrative spun by a well-compensated media, corrupt politicians and Deep State actors seeking to depose a president, and a plethora of unethical “experts” willing to sell their souls to Big Pharma. Once the covid narrative was connected to their free-floating anxiety a global swindle was born.

    “Free-floating anxiety is the most painful psychological phenomenon someone can experience. It’s extremely painful. It leads up to panic attacks, to all kinds of extremely painful psychological experiences. What people want in this situation is something to connect their anxiety to. They’re looking for an explanation for the anxiety. And now, if this free-floating anxiety is highly present in a population, and the media provide a narrative, which indicates an object of anxiety, and at the same time, describe a strategy to deal with this object of anxiety, then all the anxiety connects to this object and people are willing to follow the strategy to deal with this object, no matter what the cost is. That is what happens in the beginning of mass formation.”

    – Mattias Desmet – The Psychology of Totalitarianism

Fear and anxiety are the lifeblood of a mass hysteria event. An already psychologically damaged populace was primed to react insanely to an entirely overblown “crisis”, spurred on by bad actors who sought riches, notoriety, acclaim, and the ability to impose authoritarian measures on the masses as proof of their power and supremacy. This unjustified fear about a flu virus has resulted in far greater problems which should really be feared. The onset of this psychological tsunami of fear has resulted in the rise of a dictatorial state, with presidents, governors, mayors, and lower-level tin pot totalitarians issuing decrees, mandates, and commands with the threat of imprisonment, loss of jobs, fines, or beatings as the immediate consequence for not obeying.

This absurd terrified reaction by the masses has destroyed millions of small businesses; severed the bonds between family, friends, and neighbors; wrecked our economy; handed unlimited power to corrupt malicious politicians; provoked societal chaos; empowered deviants to gain cultural traction; destroyed the health of millions through the collapse of immune systems; and will trigger both civil and global warfare in the immediate future.

The truth is mental health has been declining for decades, as meaningless jobs, government school indoctrination and dumbing down of the populace, technology creating generations of socially awkward shut-ins, cultural decay, corporatism, and the ineptitude and corruption of political leadership, have created an atmosphere of hopelessness and angst. Depression, anxiety, suicides, drug addiction, and a slew of psychological disorders infected the world before this virus ever appeared.

Over 13% of adults take anti-depressants, with almost 25% of women over 60. The results are similar for Europe. A general malaise had settled across the world as we entered 2020. The latent fear and anxiety in society, combined with little knowledge of viruses and inadequate critical thinking skills, created a perfect storm of social panic and a willingness to believe whatever they were told by people who proclaimed to know the answers and pretended to be experts. The covid cause provided the fearful with meaning in their otherwise woeful lives.

The covid narrative gave frightened people purpose to their existence. They became mentally intoxicated they were part of an army, fighting to defeat this evil virus for the greater good of humanity. Once this belief took hold, the central mechanism of mass formation was firmly in control, and they would believe whatever they were instructed to believe. They became myopically focused on their imminent deaths, unless they masked, social distanced, locked down, and obeyed every dictate of their covidian savior – Saint Anthony Fauci, a petty life-long government bureaucrat playing out his totalitarian Napoleon complex fantasies, while reaping Big Pharma riches and Big Media accolades.

Once the covidian cult was formed, it no longer mattered whether the narrative was blatantly wrong. It didn’t matter that masks didn’t work, social distancing was a farce, lockdowns were worthless, ivermectin worked, ventilators and Remdesivir killed people, or the survival rate for anyone under 70 years old was 99.9%. It wasn’t about facts and reason. The covidian cult had a purpose and they didn’t want to go back to their wretched pointless lives. Desmet describes this process of mass formation psychosis.

    “This process yields a psychological gain. Firstly, the anxiety that previously roamed through society as a tenebrous fog is now linked to a specific cause and can be mentally controlled via the strategy put forward in the story. Secondly, through a common struggle with “the enemy,” the disintegrating society regains its coherence, energy, and rudimentary meaning. For this reason, the fight against the object of anxiety then becomes a mission, laden with pathos and group heroism. Thirdly, in this fight all latent brewing frustration and aggression is taken out, especially on the group that refuses to go along with the story and the mass formation. This brings an enormous release and satisfaction to the masses, which they will not let go of easily.”

    – Mattias Desmet – The Psychology of Totalitarianism

Desmet believes the masses and the leaders they choose to follow are spellbound by the ideologically produced storyline, both under a form of hypnosis which is exceedingly difficult to interrupt. The hypnosis is deepened and fostered by the relentless mass media propaganda spewed across the airwaves and internet by organizations benefiting from the panic and fear.

The Deep State corporatocracy which has replaced our Constitutional Republic takes advantage of every fabricated “crisis” by expanding their wealth, power, and control over a populace which has been indoctrinated to believe the lies, misinformation, and propaganda pronounced by the overlords they are told to worship and obey. I think Desmet accurately assess the percentage of people enthralled by the narrative and completely under the spell of the false plot. Approximately 30% of people are completely hypnotized, with 40% to 60% not hypnotized but choosing to go along with the crowd, and a minority of 10% to 30% who resist the narrative and actively push back.

Considering only 30% of the adult population didn’t let themselves be injected with the untested, experimental, Big Pharma enriching gene therapy, which was guaranteed to keep you from catching covid according to Fauci, Walensky, Biden and numerous other “experts”, it seems like Desmet’s estimates are pretty accurate. Only 10% have been vocal dissenters. These were the people fired from their jobs, censored on social media, and canceled by friends and family. The mass formation A team were the 30% posting selfies of themselves with masks, shields, vaccine cards, and any other virtue signaling BS showing they were part of the cult, saving the world from this evil virus.

They were also the Karens berating the unmasked, screaming at people closer than six feet, turning in neighbors for breaking the rules, and wishing death upon all the unvaxxed. The cowardice of middle 40% has been the most disappointing aspect of this overhyped flu faux pandemic, as they dutifully submitted to the whims of the cultists – wearing their masks, locking down, avoiding human contact, obeying the totalitarian dictates of politicians, believing absurdities spouted by blustering bureaucrats, complying with un-Constitutional mandates, and sheepishly lining up for jabs that didn’t keep them from catching covid, spreading covid, being hospitalized with covid, or dying from covid. These sheepish followers are the pitiful descendants of the German prison guards who claimed they were only following orders during WWII.

In Part 2 of this article I will attempt to relate this mass formation psychosis phenomenon to the waning years of this Fourth Turning, and how they will intertwine and impact the final outcome of this crisis.

2023, Fourth Turning Meets Mass Formation Psychosis (Part 2)

Authored by Jim Quinn

In Part 1 of this article, I laid out the mass formation psychosis theory postulated by Mattias Desmet in his book The Psychology of Totalitarianism and how totalitarian minded politicians and bureaucrats manipulated the masses by creating the covid crisis. Now I will focus on how this will impact the Fourth Turning we are currently trying to survive.

Decades of social indoctrination and degraded ability to think critically has left most people hopelessly unable to resist the vitriolic opinions of those under the spell of coronavirus mass formation. Even though they didn’t necessarily believe the covid narrative, especially when it became clear only the very old (especially when tyrant governors inserted infected patients into nursing homes) and the very obese actually died with covid, these people still went along. Even the CDC admitted only 6% of deaths were attributable to covid alone.

Based upon research like the Milgram Experiment, we know average people will obey authority without question, even when they know their actions are causing pain. The conformity research done by Solomon Asch explains why a huge percentage of the global population just conformed to what appeared to be a majority opinion. Asch’s experiment had 8 test subjects, but 7 of them worked for Asch. They asked them which line was the same length as Exhibit 1. The 7 Asch employees answered C. Only 25% of the case subjects consistently answered A. They were cowed into giving a patently absurd answer due to peer pressure and lack of faith in their own judgement.

When you have 30% of the population as true believers of the covidian religion, with their savior Fauci, prophets Walensky, Birx, Gottlieb, Biden, the pope, a slew of Big Pharma paid priests for hire, Hollywood elites, low IQ athletes, and a highly compensated mass media campaign of fear and loathing, the 40% in the middle really had no chance to not be pulled into the vortex of pandemia. From the outset they were inundated with data like Neal Ferguson’s Imperial College model of death. Putting up a scary chart, even though it was based on absurd assumptions, is considered fact by the lazy, non-thinking masses.

Shutting down the world was based on this worthless fraudulent model. Add some fake videos of dead people piling up in the streets in China, with media talking heads declaring hospitals being overrun (even though nurses had time to do coordinated dance routines on Tik Tok), and graphics on CNN, MSNBC, and Fox showing cases rising (based on a faulty PCR test set too high), and Fauci knowingly lying about the effectiveness of masks and the ineffectiveness of ivermectin and hydroxychloquine, and you’ve got panic.

Cases were not sicknesses. Covid deaths were deaths from something else, while testing positive for covid. The average age of “covid” deaths was 83. The overall survival rate was 99.7%. If you were under 70 it was 99.9%. If you were under 40 it was 99.999%. It was nothing more than the annual flu, with a multi-billion-dollar marketing budget, paid for by the same taxpayers who were locked down and out of work.

Anyone with the gall to dispute the narrative with factual data, sound reasoning, and pointing out the cure was worse than the disease, became an enemy of the state and subject to intolerant attacks, cancellation from society, and censorship on par with the worst totalitarian regimes in history. The physicians’ principle of Do No Harm was discarded for the almighty buck. The measures taken to “defeat” a relatively benign virus wreaked havoc upon the world economically, socially, and psychologically.

The damage they caused and the unintended consequences they unleashed will have a profound negative impact on the world forever. The animosity, mistrust, fear, and suffering created by those running this shitshow will fuel the coming chaos, havoc and war which always arrives during the waning years of a Fourth Turning. The 30% still firmly under the sway of their mass formation psychosis will never hold Fauci, Biden and the myriad of covid cronies responsible for their crimes against humanity. As Desmet explains, everything can be rationalized by the covidian cult.

    “Another consequence, that is very typical for totalitarian states, is that people become radically intolerant for dissonant voices. Because if someone tells another story, if someone claims that the official story is wrong, then this person threatens to wake the people up and they will get angry because they’re confronted with the initial anxiety and the initial psychological discontent. So, they direct all that aggression at these dissonant voices, at the other voices. And at the same time, they are radically tolerant for their leaders, for the people who pronounce the mainstream narrative. These people can actually cheat and lie and manipulate and do everything they want, but they will always be forgiven by the crowd because the crowd seems to think that they do it for their own sake. That’s also part of the mechanism of mass formation.”

    – Mattias Desmet – The Psychology of Totalitarianism

Being wrong means nothing to those who have latched onto a narrative that gives their lives meaning. This is what explains how seemingly intelligent people could believe an utterly absurd narrative, built upon falsified data, inaccurate statistics, and irrational hype. Subjective conclusions pronounced by those who benefited from those conclusions are not objective facts. The last two years have been a far greater psychological calamity than biological catastrophe. The mental illness which has infected the masses has opened the Pandora’s box of totalitarianism and a surveillance state never envisioned by Orwell in his worst dreams.

The lockdowns and vaccines have caused more death than they prevented. Suicides, overdose deaths, deaths due to preventative healthcare not accessed, deaths by ventilators and Remdesivir, deaths due to not allowing doctors to prescribe ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine, and now sudden deaths from the Pfizer and Moderna jabs are all verifiable and factual, but no empathy from the covidian cult is forthcoming for these victims. As Desmet points out, once the mass formation began it encouraged various factions to keep it going for their own self-interest. The cult never wants it to end.

    “But this is also being constructed by politicians who are under pressure from public opinion and feel compelled to act decisively, by leaders who have lost control of society and are now able to regain control because of the virus, by experts who have to hide their ignorance and choose the flight ahead, by academics who see an opportunity to assert themselves, by the inherent tendency in man for hysteria and drama, by pharmaceutical companies that sense a golden opportunity, by media that thrive on sensational stories, through testimonials of unique cases in which the course of the disease was exceptionally difficult.”

    – Mattias Desmet

So here we are in early 2023, with the mass formation psychosis still thoroughly intact, authoritarian measures still in place, anger building among all three factions, as the 30% dissenters have been proven right without being given credit, the hypnotized 30% who were wrong want more restrictions and punishments, and the go along to get along 40% are slowly realizing they were duped and experiencing massive regret. We face a multi-pronged situation which is likely to result in a tragedy of untold proportions over the next few years.

Having a major segment of your population proud of their willful ignorance and believing their opinions based on emotions and what they are told by mass media, is as valid as someone who basis their judgement on critical well researched thought and factual data, sets the stage for tragic denouement to this Fourth Turning. The superficiality of the citizenry, celebration of deviancy, financial illiteracy, unserious culture, technology obsession, and devastating level of governmental, academic, media and corporate corruption, are a perfect recipe for the fall of the American empire.

The mass formation needs an object of fear to keep its intensity at a hypnotic level. First it was masks and lockdowns. Next it was the vaccines and destroying the lives of anti-vaxxers. Next it was Putin and Russia as the evil antagonist. Then it was climate change and banning gas stoves. Everything these people believe is based on absurdities and purposeful ignorance of facts. The societal woes which allowed this to blossom have not dissipated and until our culture undergoes a wrenching reset forced upon it by an inevitable financial collapse and likely global conflict, our chances to survive as a nation are slim.

This is what must happen during a Fourth Turning. The existing social order is swept away and replaced by something better or worse. We will either continue down this path towards global totalitarianism, where you own nothing, are under government surveillance 24/7, ask permission to travel more than 15 minutes from your home, accept your regular booster shots, and are tagged like cattle through social credit scores tied to your use of their central bank digital currencies, or the minority of resisters and critical thinkers recapture control and steer this ship back towards liberty, freedom, sustainable local communities, and lives which regain meaning and purpose.

Where I disagree with Desmet is regarding his opinion the leaders (Fauci, Gates, Soros, Schwab, Biden) being followed during this mass formation psychosis event were also under a self-hypnosis driven by their ideological beliefs. He doesn’t give much credence to the “conspiracy theorists” who believe this was an engineered event to promote the Great Reset and introduce authoritarian measures upon the masses. As one of those “conspiracy theorists” I no longer believe in coincidences.

Fauci stated in early 2017 Trump would face a deadly pandemic during his term, when we hadn’t experienced a real pandemic in decades. Fauci illegally funded the gain of function research at the Wuhan bio-weapon lab. Gates, Soros, and Fauci ran the Event 201 pandemic simulation in October 2019, a few months before covid. Pfizer and Moderna already had their gene therapies (which had failed miserably in previous trials) waiting for the green light from those running the show. The Build Back Better campaign was orchestrated across the world in every western country. I could go on, but it is plainly evident this plandemic was not organic but coordinated by the global elite.

Our best hope is for the vocal 10%, who refused the jabs, have defied the overlords at every turn, and understand the dystopian path we are being herded towards, can slowly but surely convince their fellow 20% of unjabbed and the middle 40% on the fence to join them in a mass resistance to the Great Reset/New World Order being jammed down our throats by the Davos elite, shadowy billionaire globalists/satanists, the captured pliant corporate media, bought off Soros installed politicians and bureaucrats, and thousands of feckless apparatchiks around the globe, saying anything they are told for a buck.

Unless we can break this mass formation psychosis, this Fourth Turning will surely end in our enslavement to a totalitarian global state and the horrific consequences for humanity if we let it happen. Desmet’s advice for humanity reminds me of Andy Dufresne’s quote from the movie Shawshank Redemption, “It comes down to a simple choice, really. Get busy living or get busy dying.”

    “Don’t let freedom – especially the right to speak freely – be subordinated to the fear of any virus. Generations and generations have fought and given their lives to realize a certain freedom. Show that you are worthy of that freedom. If you want a life worth living, you have to be able to accept a certain amount of risk. Don’t give up everything for a sense of security that may eventually turn out to be false.”

    –  Mattias Desmet

The core elements of this Fourth Turning (debt, civic decay, global disorder) are still driving this crisis, as they juxtapose and feed on each other, creating the environment and atmosphere for the coming storm, in which the hundreds of millions still entrapped in this mass formation are perfect fodder for those seeking to capitalize on their inability to comprehend facts and reality. This is how the totalitarians hope to succeed in creating a centralized global techno-gulag, where they control 8 billion people (while culling billions to make their prison more manageable), and are arrogantly sure their “science” based pronouncements from on high will be implemented flawlessly, leading to a utopian world – for them.

It is this hubris that will lead to their downfall. Everything they do and propose makes the world a worse place. Their ludicrous ideas, assumptions, postulations, and beliefs cannot and will not succeed, either through utter failure when implemented or by armed resistance from those unwilling to bend the knee.

I find a distinct relationship between mass formation, totalitarianism, and Fourth Turnings. Evidence of mass formation and support for totalitarians among populations during the Civil War Fourth Turning and Depression/World War II Fourth Turning is obvious to me. A major percentage of the Northern population was convinced their abolition of slavery cause was just, and therefore allowed Lincoln to ignore Constitutional civil liberties and ultimately override state’s rights, while consolidating more power at the Federal level.

A majority elected FDR four times, supported his socialist New Deal programs, and patriotically died on his behalf in a war he helped provoke. Simultaneously, the German people became enthralled and mesmerized by the rhetoric of Hitler and his promise to undo the treachery inflicted upon the German people at Versailles. Stalin convinced a major percentage of Russians to kill and imprison tens of millions of their fellow citizens, and then fought Germans to the death on Stalin’s behalf.

It appears 2023 could be a tipping point year in this Fourth Turning, much like the 15th year of the last Fourth Turning (1943-1944) when the tide turned during WWII with the Battle of Stalingrad and Normandy Invasion. Biden’s corrupt administration appears to be imploding. Inflation, rising interest rates, a $31 trillion national debt, $200 trillion of unpayable obligations, a USD that has lost 97% of its purchasing power, out of control surveillance state agencies running amok, broken education system, rampant worship and promotion of deviancy, ghetto crime rampaging in every major urban city, transferring $120 billion to the Ukraine (actually US arms dealers) to instigate WWIII, provoking China over Taiwan, and allowing unelected officials at non-governmental organizations (WEF, WHO, UN, NATO, World Bank) to impose their rules, regulations and mandates on our lives, has set the table for the disintegration of our financial, political, social, and cultural institutions. The downward spiral, decades in the making, is irreversible at this point.

Will all of these lit fuses ignite their powder kegs simultaneously in 2023? Probably not, but a few will explode, producing unintended consequences and start a process of falling dominoes and chaos for the average human on this earth. Having already ruined the livelihoods of tens of millions across the globe, destroying thousands of small businesses, igniting inflation not seen in forty years, causing food shortages, and making our lives far worse, the sudden deaths of children, mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, and friends from their mandated gene altering, spike protein inducing therapy should be the last straw and provoke a violent response from the awakening masses.

After the collapse of our warped, dehumanizing, immoral, irresponsible, greed based system, building back better is not going to mean what the Davos elite think it means. All the trappings of modernity will fall away and we will be left with the task of daily survival, based upon our hard work, strong supportive families, like minded neighbors, intelligence, wisdom, local community collaboration, and the promise of a more meaningful and useful life. Building personal relationships with people you trust, preparing for crisis now, growing food or befriending farmers, improving your health, making sure you are armed and trained in using those arms, and readying yourself for when courage, honesty, fortitude, and guile will be required to insure a better future for your children and their children, is essential.

I’m just an average guy, like most people reading this article, trying to understand what is happening, why it is happening, and what will happen next. We are three-quarters through this Fourth Turning Crisis, with the nastiest, bloodiest episode lying ahead. I’m more prepared than most, not as prepared as many, and wondering whether it will even matter if the madmen and psychopaths controlling the levers in this world decide to destroy it. All I can do at this point is to proudly count myself among the 10% vocal resisters to those attempting to destroy our society and hope my efforts and the efforts of others make a small contribution towards breaking this mass formation psychosis.

    “The risk of catastrophe will be very high. The nation could erupt into insurrection or civil violence, crack up geographically, or succumb to authoritarian rule. If there is a war, it is likely to be one of maximum risk and effort – in other words, a total war. Every Fourth Turning has registered an upward ratchet in the technology of destruction, and in mankind’s willingness to use it.”

    – Strauss & Howe – The Fourth Turning

Here’s to an uneventful 2023, but I’m not counting on it. Good luck and Godspeed. Our choices will matter.

Mass Formation Psychosis: From Covid to Ukraine

There are two ways to be fooled:
one is to believe what isn’t true,
the other is to refuse to believe what is true.
– Soren Kierkegaard

There is a Latin proverb, “Repetitio est mater studiorum.” It means, “Repetition is the mother of learning.” The more we are exposed to something, the more likely we are to accept or learn it.

Repetition is also the mother of propaganda, mind control, cult programming, groupthink, and mass formation psychosis, all of which create a hypnotic state, of people unable to discern truth, use common sense, think for themselves, or see beyond a narrow band of perception-based reality even when presented with verifiable facts.

When people are exposed to a message over and over again from authority figures or celebrities they admire, even if it has no basis in reality, many will come to believe it without question.

Over the last two years, we have seen an unprecedented number of otherwise intelligent people fall prey to a zombie-like state of compliance and submission to authority that they can’t snap out of, or don’t seem to want to, as if under hypnosis and awaiting the hypnotist to snap his or her fingers and wake them up.

The problem is the hypnotist, in this case, doesn’t want the people to wake up.
What is Mass Formation Psychosis?

Mattias Desmet, author of The Psychology of Totalitarianism and professor of clinical psychology in the Department of Psychology and Educational Sciences at Ghent University in Belgium, calls this bizarre hypnotic state “mass formation psychosis.” He is considered the world’s leading expert on the subject.

His theory has caught on like wildfire to explain the insanity and irrational behaviour of millions of people worldwide regarding the COVID pandemic – and now the Ukraine crisis. Desmet, whose work was recently attacked by mainstream media “fact-checkers” and scrubbed by Google after it was exposed to millions of listeners of the December 2021 Joe Rogan Show (show #1757), likens this to “a madness of crowds” that subsumes a large segment of the population into psychosis.

In an analysis of Desmet’s theory, “Understanding the Psychology Behind the Covid Pandemic” by Dr Joseph Mercola for, mass formation psychosis explains how the German people came to accept the atrocities of the Nazi party in the 1930s and how so many people around the world came to support medical apartheid and hatred for the unvaccinated over the last two years, even calling for them to be rounded up in camps and forcibly injected.

This same brand of psychosis is evident in the jump-on-the-bandwagon obsession with support for Ukraine in a global crisis that has been painted repeatedly by the US and their allies as having only one truth. Ukraine good. Russia bad. Support Ukraine. Destroy Russia. Hatred of the filthy unmasked and unvaxxed is now directed at anyone who asks if the media’s version of the Ukraine crisis is fact-based or who questions the narratives pushed by powerful forces shaping world events, such as the World Economic Forum, which proudly proclaimed the COVID pandemic as phase one of their Great Reset.

Guess what phase two is?

War and the economic destruction so they can “reset” and “build back better.”

There are four basic conditions for mass formation psychosis:

1) Lack of social bonding. Lockdowns during the COVID pandemic ensured that people couldn’t get together and compare notes about what was happening. The media hammered the public with messages of guilt, fear, and shame that turned friend against friend, family member against family member.

2) Losing meaning and purpose in life and constant exposure to circumstances that do not make sense. Think of this as non-stop gaslighting and the confusion it can cause, making people feel they are, as Dr Mercola wrote, “sleepwalking through life.”

3) Widespread free-floating anxiety and discontent. Make people anxious and miserable, but keep them off balance as to why, and they become jelly in your hands.

4) Widespread free-floating frustration and aggression. Without a discernible cause, the powers-that-be will happily tell you the source of your frustration and where to direct your aggression, whether it be the unvaxxed or Russia, Russia, Russia.

Over time, these conditions destabilise people, leading to their acceptance of government-as-saviour and, eventually, totalitarianism. Single-minded obsession, whether COVID, vaccines, or the Russia conflict, keeps people distracted and fighting with each other. Meanwhile, those in power take more power.

According to the US Department of Defense (DoD), psychological operations, or psyops, use propaganda and psychological tactics to influence emotions and behaviours. The root of any psyop mission is behavioural change. One technique is “nudging,” described by the DoD as “any attempt at influencing people’s judgement, choice, or behaviour in a predictable way that is motivated because of cognitive boundaries, biases, routines, and habits in individual and social decision-making interests, and which works by making use of those boundaries, biases, routines, and habits as integral parts of such attempts.”

Mass formation psychosis is the result of one giant, global psyop.
Plot Pivot

Between January and March of 2022, the mainstream media narrative abruptly pivoted from “COVID will kill us all, get your vaccine” to “Stand with Ukraine or Russia will nuke us all.”

It was like COVID vanished overnight and we woke up to war drums beating over the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Soon, every media outlet was prophesying the coming of World War III and the evils of Russian President Vladimir Putin attacking the “weaker, smaller” neighbouring Ukraine.

From the US President Joe Biden and heads of NATO nations, it was an all-out assault on a public still reeling from COVID, and the narrative was clear from the start – Ukraine good, Russia bad. Fear of a virus changed hands to fear of a world war, like a relay racer handing off the baton.

On social media outlets, profile pictures of people wearing masks or proudly proclaiming their vaccination status immediately switched to blue and yellow Ukrainian flags and #IStandWithUkraine. The same hostility those people had toward anyone who refused masks or the experimental gene therapy injections was now levelled at anyone who questioned the Ukraine/Russia war narrative. Censors targeted in-depth historical analysis of the situation lest anyone learn about the dynamics in the region that dated back decades and longer.

The new object of global hatred was to be Vladimir Putin, and media portraying Putin as positive or even neutral was being scrubbed from the Internet along with negative coverage of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy. The cult of COVID was now the cult of Ukraine, and its members began calling for the end to anything Russian, from actors to athletes to products.

Twitter exploded with calls for those who didn’t stand behind Ukraine’s president and military (as opposed to standing with the Ukrainian people) to be banned or censored. In some countries, Meta, the new name for Facebook, permitted users to post calls for violence against Russian officials and citizens, as warmongering replaced virus fearmongering.

Meanwhile, the US Congress gave Zelenskyy a standing ovation after he pled for billions of American dollars and weapons in aid. [On 1 April, he also received a standing ovation after his address to Australia’s federal parliament, with the government pledging over $100 million in military aid.]. Actor Sean Penn demanded that Zelenskyy, a former actor and comic, speak at the Oscars (it didn’t happen), just as evidence emerged the US government had been financing bio-labs across Ukraine. Timing is everything.

Memes and cartoons of superheroes bowing down to Zelenskyy appeared on social media, including one of him wearing a Superman shirt and cape. The worship took on absurd new heights with people making Tik-Tok videos of love songs for Zelenskyy and selling T-shirts and coffee mugs with his face on them. Zelenskyy was the hero fighting for democracy, and you dare not bring up his rather non-democratic banning of political opposition parties or the evidence that his security services staged ‘Russian war crimes’.

The long history of Ukraine’s corruption in collusion with American politicians or the fact that many of them, including President Biden, had children who sat on the boards of Ukrainian corporations and oil companies, was called pure conspiracy. If you dare mention the Pandora Papers, millions of pages of leaked documents that reveal hidden wealth, tax avoidance, and money laundering by the world’s elite – including 38 Ukrainian politicians, the most out of any country – you are cast out into the wilderness.

This is not to say that Putin is the “good guy” in this conflict. One astute Twitter poster suggested it was like a battle between a devil and a demon, but the devil was being portrayed in Western legacy media as a hero because the West benefitted from the devil and not the demon. Gone was the idea that there are two sides to every story.

In an interview with Peak Prosperity, Desmet said that solidarity is crucial in mass formation. “That’s the real reason why people buy into the story, even if it is utterly absurd. It’s not because they believe in the narrative. It is because the narrative leads to a new social bond… It is a form of mental intoxication that makes people willing to do things that are clearly wrong and utterly immoral up to and including voluntarily killing their own families and themselves, if told it’s for the greater good.”

As COVID paranoia was receding into the background, the powers-that-be needed a new fear for the people. The Ukraine-Russia conflict is a great excuse to manufacture justification for implementing the Great Reset, the totalitarian wet dream of the World Economic Forum.

In fiction, this is called a “plot pivot” or plot change. A new viral pandemic had suddenly swept across the global stage – only this one infected minds, not bodies.

Mind viruses are a masterful psyop tool because if you infect enough members of the public, they spread your version of the truth for you.

In Thought Contagion: How Belief Spreads Through Society, author and former Fermilab physicist Aaron Lynch discusses the theoretical and mathematical models of how ideas are transmitted throughout a culture or society. For Lynch, an idea is something encoded in human neurons or other media but takes on a life of its own as it evolves and spreads, often creating a whole new belief set.

Memes also count as mind viruses and, according to Richard Brodie in Virus of the Mind: The New Science of the Meme, they spread “by influencing people’s minds, and thus their behaviour, so that eventually someone gets infected with the meme. If a meme is in your mind, it can greatly or subtly influence your behaviour.”

The mass media engages in this kind of diffusion, and when an idea or belief reaches a tipping point, infecting a large enough group of people, society accepts and promotes it as reality.
The Global Cult

Mass formation psychosis is like a global cult – insidious, pervasive, sick, and dangerous. These are the cult conditions as we move from the cult of COVID to the cult of war:

    Opposition to critical thinking (only the official narrative gets media time).
    Isolate members and penalise them for leaving (block, censor, ban, deplatform).
    Emphasise special doctrine (trust the science!).
    Declare loyalty to leaders (don’t question Bill Gates or the WEF’s Klaus Schwab and cheer for Zelenskyy).
    Dishonour the family unit (gender division, war on the family, hatred of traditional values).
    Cross boundaries of behaviour, i.e., personal ownership (the powers-that-be shut down your small business but kept big businesses open).
    Separate from the Church/God (God is dead, we are your new Gods now). 

Although cults operate in isolation, mass formation psychosis plays heavily on group dynamics. As a member, an individual often gives up their core identity to become a part of the group and goes with the direction of the group, even against their own values and integrity.

It is especially frightening because of the capacity for violence those caught up in it have for the “others” they have been repeatedly told to hate or see as the enemy. Twitter abounds with calls by social justice warriors for the death of Putin or all Russians (can we all just stand compassionately with the people of Ukraine and Russia who are caught up in this chaos?). These same people attack those who refuse to wear masks or vaccinate as if it’s acceptable to call for the deaths of people as long as you are on the right side of the chosen narrative.

In 1972, social psychologist Irving Janis, author of Victims of Groupthink, coined the term “groupthink” to identify what happens when a group makes decisions because of group pressures and expectations, often leading to a deterioration of “mental efficiency, reality testing, and moral judgment.” Groupthink ignores alternatives and often promotes irrational actions that dehumanise other groups. “A group is especially vulnerable to groupthink when its members are similar in background, when the group is insulated from outside opinions, and when there are no clear rules for decision making.”
Power Tools for Mass Hypnosis

Guilt and shame are powerful tools used to bring down dissenters. Throw in fear of being punished by both the “cult leadership” and your own brainwashed friends and family, and the control is complete. This explains why we see so much virtue signalling. People want to belong to the group, so they make symbolic gestures stating their position, all meant to show the world they are obedient, compliant, and good.

In 1961, American psychiatrist and author Robert J. Lifton, who focused on the psychological implications of war and political violence, outlined in his book Thought Reform and the Psychology of Totalism the eight marks of a true “mind control cult” which are at play in today’s mass formation psychosis:

    Milieu control – Milieu is French for “surroundings, environment.” Mass formation psychosis demands that the media show one narrative and censor anything that goes against it. This way, people never see what is really going on, only what the ruling elite wants them to think is going on.
    Mystical manipulation – Mass formation psychosis plays upon our desire to look virtuous and be one of the good guys. Compliance becomes sacred. Dissent becomes sacrilegious.
    Purity – Purity of body and mind, and avoidance of all things “evil,” such as those crazy conspiracy theorists who dare to ask about vaccine side effects or access to on-the-ground eyewitness reports from Ukraine. Ban them from family gatherings!
    The Cult of Confession – “See something, say something” calls to snitch on those who did not mask or get vaccinated. Now, those same virtue signallers label friends and family who question the official Russian/Ukraine narrative as “domestic terrorists.”
    Sacred science – The ideology of the cult is sacred and the one true moral vision for the ordering of human existence. Because it is sacred, it is not questioned. TRUST THE SCIENCE!
    Loaded language – The prolific use of phrases designed to end a controversial discussion or terminate debate. You either accept it, or the discussion is over. Words are chosen to induce psychological force. “Wear your mask or you’ll kill your gramma and stop being so selfish!”
    Doctrine over people – Doctrine rules over actual human experience. Common sense perceptions are altered to fit the doctrine, as in gaslighting.
    Dispensing of existence – Think of the global elite’s plans to use both COVID and war as methods of depopulating the useless eaters and bottom feeders.

It doesn’t matter if the topic du jour is COVID, masks, vaccines, protests, Ukraine, food shortages, digital wallets, universal basic income, or a potential cyberattack that will no doubt be blamed on whoever the enemy of the month is (currently Russia but check back in a few months). What matters is that enough people are hypnotised and infected with a mind virus so powerful that it spreads until they believe up is down, evil is good, and war is peace.
Waking From the Hypnotic State

Can you just say no to mass formation psychosis? It’s much harder than that. People often, but not always, wake up when they become aware of the damage something is doing to themselves, their families, and loved ones. They wake up when something happens that affects them directly, such as the mandate of outrageous new rules that shuts down their businesses. It often boils down to personal experience, such as the Twitter troll who calls others evil anti-vaxxers getting red-pilled when his or her own child suffers a vaccine injury.

Sadly, many people never wake up, or they do, but only after much damage has been done on the individual and collective levels.

Cult deprogrammers point to five essential debriefing steps which work for those under the spell of mass formation psychosis:

    Discredit the leader and other authority figures.
    Present contradicting ideologies and expose hypocrisies.
    Look for a breaking point when the person seems to be emerging from their brainwashed reality.
    Encourage self-expression and allow the person to open up and voice their anger, fear, and criticism of the cult/group.
    Identification/Transference – when the person begins to identify with someone or something on the other side and shuns the cult/group leader.

Another way to break the psychosis is with humour. Funny memes or videos that ridicule the hypocrisy and inconsistency of the narrative grab attention more than a serious essay or barrage-of-facts. It’s about getting someone to re-engage in independent thinking so they can join those already awakened or who were never asleep to begin with, and put an end to the insanity.

Hopefully, enough people snap out of their stupor before the next plot pivot or narrative shift because once you see this in action, you cannot unsee it. No one can control an awakened mind.

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