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Swerdlow as a con artist, charlatan, liar, cheat, wannabe, scammer and fraud
Don't see it as 13 years wasted. Learning what is BS helps you identify the truth. It also helps you deal with people who believe in those things.

We are all here to learn and evolve. Everyone is on their own path of learning.
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Yes, that's right. However when emotions are involved and surface- 13 years is a long time to spend realising that Swerdlow, through his constant manipulation of his clients and people that follow him - urge them into sexual deprogramming with him - and they are none the wiser.

Swerdlow fools them using false Hyperspace information and Illuminati-obtained information to make it appear as if it is his own, and lo and behold - people believe that he is some sort of master deprogrammer and can help them.....but tell me one thing all of you reading this - was your life better before being involved with him - or worse?? I would wager that information aside - mostly all of the people are left with a sour experience with him of being used, abused and just that "something isn't right with this guy" - but he keeps telling them "that's the programming sabotaging you - you must break through that". Lies.

Then, people being confused by these false lies further fracture their Mind and ignore their own instincts and intuition which tells them "NO!!" - however the Supreme Truth of Creation that is the Hyperspace levels and God-Creation information lure them in - is that not what bait is? Luring one in with the Truth, the Truth of Creation Eternal - and slipping in other methods of obtaining the persons permission to "work on them" or "scan" them for a reading or consultation.

Behold - the truth is that the moment that people give him their frequency to "scan" or get involved with him- they have literally sold their soul. Yes, that is what they have done. Why? Because now he has your soul, now he has your power - and they start to all of a sudden, experience "programming symptoms" that were once not there. Yes, he blames the programming - but the great truth is that he is actually now controlling them, psychically manipulating them and masking his energy. How many of these people experience breakdowns and serious life problems after getting involved with Swerdlow is in truth a tragedy, however the further sadness is that they will not be able to prove any of this.

Yes, these poor people will not realise that someone proficient in all of this they have just given the keys to their soul to, and he will continue to drain their life force and soul energy until their life collapses in front of them - who do you think will be the first one that they go running to? I say, if the Higher Level Intelligences that govern us did not intervene for most of these unfortunate souls, most would be damaged beyond repair. He lives in a high standard of life and drains people not only of money, but their soul energy to strengthen himself.

The greatest Secrets hold the greatest Truths, and most Truth is right in front of us. He has openly admitted to sacrificing children for their psychic soul energy to empower his own "experiments" in his Montauk book ....burning out their soul energy until they die....what do you think he does now??? That was, and IS his function. READ IT. It's in his own books.

Truth be told - people are left broken, raped, manipulated and lost when they have been with him, and I say that enough is enough. All must know. This must end, as the World approaches a higher level of Existence - the abusers and manipulators cannot survive, truly.

Swerdlow will break people, sexually abuse them until their mind fragments, until they are a shell of a person that they once were. This could happen during sleep and you would never realise, as the Mind remembers - but the conscious memory does not. Behold - if the Higher Level Intelligences and Kuiper Belt Intelligences (who he is NOT in Allegiance with, and NEVER will be), did not intervene - then much would be lost - HOWEVER IN THEIR KINDNESS, GRACE & SUPERIOR INTELLIGENCE THEY WILL COME AT THE RIGHT TIME TO SAVE THE SOUL TO WHOM THEY ARE IN CHARGE OF!!

Ask the many of the ex-clients and friends of his who he has asked to "sexually deprogram", and you will realise that in that sexual deprogramming he urges them to do for their own benefit (of course he will transmit this information into their Minds long before they have asked - making it appear that they have had the idea themselves - he has also admitted doing this in one of his videos - sending telepathic messages to make someone feel as if it is their own thought), that in truth they have now "connected" their soul energy to his and he has placed a metaphorical ball and chain to them - to use them as he pleases, however he pleases. Are we not in a world where if someone has power over another - they have greater strength and can enslave them??

People forget they are dealing with a psychic who now has control of their Mind and Soul.

People forget that Swerdlow is very knowledgeable in how to create a slave.

Does this not ring any bells, as you would say??

People should know that as long as he has control of them, if they are subservient and pay him "dues" over the many years, he will reward them by not being as "harsh" with his control - however behold - he will trick them further into selling their soul by giving more information and thus, they fall deeper into enslavement and persecution. If someone tries to escape - he will literally drain their life force to the point that he could potentially kill that person. He doesn't do this alone - he has others working with him in sexual ritual circles and sexual rituals are then performed to sacrifice the person. Do not let it be you.

Truly, they do not know.

People MUST NOT give him permission to access their energy and stay clear - however behold; if it is written within their Destiny, then that course cannot be altered. It will be a long hard road, but take comfort in the fact that their struggles will give them strength & a Higher Intelligence is guiding them. If you take just one thing away from this - it is to listen to your Higher Self/Intuition - it will guide you to safety. Trust in it!

As Time unfolds on this physical plane - many will come to this information for salvation and guidance. It WILL become a source of validation for many out there suffering, who do not know what is going on, and are confused in their dealings with this manipulator. I am simply here to deliver the message.
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I understand what you're saying but it seems like a never ending  nightmare merry go ground , as soon as one group of people wake up and realize they have been scammed, then you have another group sucked in going to their over priced seminars ect and informing everyone that  all the victims who speak out against them are just  people set in place to sabotage them, they really have it mastered on how to turn things  around,all we can do is hope more people wake up ,once you start to question anything you have the horribly demonic ,vile souled hag wife of his tell you  that you should stop reading all the negative stuff on the net and its your fault for feeding into it , they are BOTH incredibly manipulative  liars and they  know it,also I wish people would stop fearing them or him . I'm a Empath Warrior  and very Intuitive  and they  especially Stewart has always known this. Ive been able to get under his skin and trigger him ,exposing his weak mind,he's a very weak man on a  spiritual level  and  easy to trigger if you say certain things ,they say they dont care about whats on the net,but read blogs and sites  and always respond on their videos to certain things. I can see and hear the agitation in their voices ,its funny to watch .  He is  actually VERY jealous of authenticly  intuitive  people ,so is his wife ,anyone who spends any time around them  quickly learns they  both have the Intuitive ,Psychic powers of a flea . Like most predators in the  Univserse they (try to in my case and succeed in others) suck the vibrant god like life force out of true oracles of God,it gives them a thrill to defeat the light!  They are both hell bound after they leave their bodies unless they  are willing to  accept the  conseqeunces of their predatory ways on earth and agree to soul healing and   soul evolution 
They usually use  the ruse that people are "jealous of them" this is very common in narcissists to make themselves feel  speacial  and superior ,news flash  Stewy and Stone face , good people arent envious of conartists liars and  pyschopaths ,theres nothing  admirable about your horrible energy,smarny attitude , lack of empathy over your victims  and arrogance  and ugliness both of you project from the inside out. and FYI you two are the biggest backstabbing  phoneys ever,theres not one member who has shelled out 1000"s of dollars  who you havent trashed behind their back, you two are the biigest fakes around and many people lnow this but this isnt shocking I read in a study people from Saint Joseph Michigan are very insincere and BTW Polly couldnt stand Janet  she thought she was a nasty controlling person .
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I spoke with Stew on the phone once, and his info on the Dracs was absolutely stunning. No one else spoke similar to what he told me. Even though Stew may have lost his mind and is now a sellout, there is nothing close to what he told me

(11-26-2019, 07:27 PM)19376976 Wrote: I spoke with Stew on the phone once, and his info on the Dracs was absolutely stunning. No one else spoke similar to what he told me. Even though Stew may have lost his mind and is now a sellout, there is nothing close to what he told me

A lot of it is BS. That's why you don't hear it from anyone else. The same is true for Icke.

(11-27-2019, 01:17 PM)Richard Wrote:
(11-26-2019, 07:27 PM)19376976 Wrote: I spoke with Stew on the phone once, and his info on the Dracs was absolutely stunning. No one else spoke similar to what he told me. Even though Stew may have lost his mind and is now a sellout, there is nothing close to what he told me

A lot of it is BS. That's why you don't hear it from anyone else. The same is true for Icke.
I agree with you Richard.

Much of what Stewart Swerdlow has obtained is in truth not even his own information. Do you wish to know who has the real information....?

All of you.

Yes, all of you who hold the special keys of Creational-Eternal within you, who hold the Celestial information with your DNA & Genetics, who hold the truth of God-Mind Creation and It's Laws within your Soul....this is why you have the craving, as I did, to know more about it. Then, who do you turn to on the internet who resonates with what you are looking for...? Swerdlow.

Since he first stole the Hyperspace information, and then all the other Off-World & Extra-terrestrial information you can find and then put it all together to make a personal story in his books that he was "special" and visited by Aliens when only a small child, used in Montauk rituals and has close-contact with Sirius A beings who "thanked" him for providing genetic material to create a copy of him - you all MUST realise that this is imprinting upon you to make him believe he is genetically superior - when the truth is in fact that it is the people that he steals from and the souls he takes that hold the true special gifts. 

He has mastered the art of making it out like he knows what he is saying & doing - when in fact he is just a step ahead of the manipulation and con that unsuspecting, good-willed clients will inevitably spend thousands of dollars on - that will get them nowhere in life.

Case in point; behold - He has always used this trick in the past to sell his big seminars that it is PARAMOUNT that each person attend because he has extremely important, vital, life-saving information that can help save you and the planet due to the upcoming alien/Kuiper Belt invasion that is about to come! Oh yes! In his own words he has said on his website & to many, many people "this is it! This is the year where everything will happen! (Add the year here 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 - my, oh my - that was a big one wasn't it? 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019...... does this now make sense to any of you?)

One of his long term ex-clients Polly even said she's finally had enough - he was simply rehashing the same garbage to her year after year, telling her the same thing - that it's very important for her to know this information, the time is now coming this year, etc etc....well, the only thing that's happened is that she's lost a small fortune on false promises and now thousands and thousands of dollars were wasted, (yes this is how her and others have got conned).  

If you want to test him then ask a question about something specific; something that he hasn't rehearsed a thousand times before. When I asked him such things I would not get a satisfactory answer - in fact it didn't even make sense to me what he said. Oh, how I wish I would have listened to my Intuition back then which was telling me "No!!!!"  But, that is the trick isn't it - he makes you think that you can't even trust your own mind, your own thoughts, your family & loved ones (who he convinces you are "handlers/controllers") - so the only person that you can turn you inevitably becomes him.Very clever and manipulative.

Trust yourself. Trust your Soul. It will guide you correctly.
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Oh yes,the you must come to this  seminar. All those people  spending 1000s to hear a bunch of crap that won't  change  their  life one way or another.  Polly was sick of the Swerdlows  in the end,she didn't  want that book of her experiences out there anymore and asked  them to stop selling  it,guess what the slime ball said in one of his blogs after she died that he was going  to resurface  the book . She would  not be happy. She couldn't stand  Janet.
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(12-14-2019, 03:16 AM)Lizzy Martin Wrote: Oh yes,the you must come to this  seminar. All those people  spending 1000s to hear a bunch of crap that won't  change  their  life one way or another.  Polly was sick of the Swerdlows  in the end,she didn't  want that book of her experiences out there anymore and asked  them to stop selling  it,guess what the slime ball said in one of his blogs after she died that he was going  to resurface  the book . She would  not be happy. She couldn't stand  Janet.
The news about Polly was very sad news. I lost contact with her and this forum shortly after my own destructive experiences which almost ended my own life. Much of what she said in her last communications was that she was fed up of being lied to and conned into more and more seminars and events, and more importantly information. I believe her soul was taken from her in the final days. I am sorry not to have said good bye properly.

I now share with you more of the truth of what happened to me, as I know that this information will become invaluable to those seeking correct guidance and clear direction, as all of you have also so kindly offered the world. Bear in mind that this is simply my truths and experiences, please yield from it what value it is worth to you, and save yourself.....thus, I will explain in brief...

This is the knowledge imparted by the Off-World Intelligences (Kuiper Belt Armada), who wish for all who are ready to come into Knowledge, it is very important and these few seeds of wisdom will sprout forth huge trees as your awareness increases of them:
The basic laws of Creation state, that nothing comes for free in this world. Anything, and everything that you can imagine comes at a cost.
The laws of Creation-Eternal are always what the Laws of Physical reality are built upon, for what use is a house built upon sand? It will only fall.

Just as you must buy food, clothing, and any items of value, so must every other item of value - whether it is an exchange of information, or an act of kindness done towards you. (Yes, that is why you feel obligated to reward another when they offer a kind service to you). This is the law of balance within this world and of nature itself.

Information, high level information especially - comes at a cost. What are you sacrificing within Self to receive this information from Swerdlow?? Beware - once you have fallen into his trap and received the information, or used his tools, you open yourself up for his control of you. This is the reason why people start losing their minds and a semblance of Self once they have broken the laws of Creation and used his work. Now, he owns your soul.

You received on this forum information from one of his seminars which was "leaked" - and many read it.

However, that was a trap. The information was a hook - and those whom read it, were trapped and a portion of their soul was automatically traded in exchange for this information. Now, he has a portion of their soul, control over them and can use this to enhance his life, while simultaneously their's collapses in some manner.

Behold; your Soul is extremely valuable, more so than anything else in this world. Do not trade it in.

When swerdlow was in prison, he recounts in his books how he tried to "help" the prisoners within. Those who understand The Higher Laws of Creation know that he sacrificed them to save himself. The unknowing victims were simply pawns that he manipulated.

All of this information is right in front of your eyes, for those who have the sight to see.

Further; how he used the children at Montauk for their Soul energy to enhance his own psychic powers and many were sacrificed for his ultimate gain - how have none questioned this? Wake up.

Why would children need to be sacrificed if, as he claims, we have "unlimited powers of the Mind"???  

Why has he not mastered all of these powers himself FIRST, before teaching them to the people??

Do not allow your Souls to be used, likewise. Do not allow him to take your Soul energy, to benefit himself and leave you in true sadness and a shell of yourselves, because unless Destiny wills it - you will end up like his former clients - many of whom have already died (Polly, Roger, his numerous clients who "did not listen" to his advice and died - HELLO!!!!!  Does this ring any bells?? They died!!)

Without Soul energy, your core essence - humans depart from this world. Do not allow him to steal your Soul energy by giving him permission to access to your Soul, because once he has it - he will drain the life force from you without you even realising it. Hence his rationale then becomes "it seems like a programming sabotage - you need to do more deprogramming." NO - you were fine before all of this - it is truly him and him alone causing it.

Listen to your intuition. 

You must align your will to your Higher Self/The Greater Part of You which has always guided and directed you in Life. It is that voice inside of us that in times of past has guided us correctly, if only we followed it. Through practise, prayer and speaking internally to oneself, they can attain mastery of this. You will soon realise that just as you obey and respect the wishes of your Mother/Father as a child, Manager/Supervisor at work, or Elder within your community - it is the same and always has been, since the beginning of Time.

Once you have attained some proficiency in this, listen and follow the commandments, almost as they were given in times of old. This may sound Biblical in nature almost, however you will soon realise that true power does not reside in us alone, none of us are an island alone - however we are all from a Higher Angelic Intelligence which attempts to guide us into righteousness.

Do you believe that you alone command the sun to shine upon you? That you command the great oceans of the Earth to directly nourish your body? No.
Great Power is not subservient to you, in as much as the sun and the stars are subservient to you, they must be respected - however you must also realise that you are also a part of the great power and Creation yourselves.
This is why the Atlanteans respected nature and Creation, until a few of them mis-used the great power they had access to.

Higher Intelligences created Life on this planet - and they are to return. They deserve the honour and respect of mankind. You will hear about them in Myths and Legends of old, because they understood the power that came forth from these beings, who were also in Service to Creation and the Management of the Universe. This is part of the Laws that Kuiper Belt Armada wishes for us to understand - so that we can be freed from victimisation and enslavement and move forth into the greater, grander scheme of things.

Swerdlow is using KBA information to bait people in, they should not listen, as he imprints people to make him appear superior to them. You can think for yourself how he does this. The greatest sales tactic employed is URGENCY - and what is more URGENT THAN AN IMPENDING ALIEN INVASION which he has been talking about will arrive in his promotional material since at least 1990???  It is now almost 2020!!!!!!

The new order that he has joined; SMOKH (Sacred Medical Order of the Knights Templar) ............. this I will not comment at this time, however, behold - much has already been said above.

Greater truths you will realise you have within you, which is what he really wants. The true value and jewels are deep within you - access the store house of your own Soul and their RELEVANCE NOW. Do it yourself.

Because as you ask - you will receive. Just listen for the answer, because of what you ask, it will not go unanswered.

(12-28-2019, 12:08 PM)rskiller Wrote: Information, high level information especially - comes at a cost. What are you sacrificing within Self to receive this information from Swerdlow?? Beware - once you have fallen into his trap and received the information, or used his tools, you open yourself up for his control of you. This is the reason why people start losing their minds and a semblance of Self once they have broken the laws of Creation and used his work. Now, he owns your soul.

You received on this forum information from one of his seminars which was "leaked" - and many read it.

However, that was a trap. The information was a hook - and those whom read it, were trapped and a portion of their soul was automatically traded in exchange for this information. Now, he has a portion of their soul, control over them and can use this to enhance his life, while simultaneously their's collapses in some manner.

Behold; your Soul is extremely valuable, more so than anything else in this world. Do not trade it in.


Please elaborate on this.. on high level info being at a price

Swerlow Basagio Bradley are all hoaxes; I did an interview with Bradley; The two Penny's one legit, the other a hoax; I found out later the woman who interviewed me was Luciferian; I found out a year later;

I was born into MKULTRA; My actual family are the Mengeles as in Joseph, my actual family; I was raised by the Mengers who ARE the Mengeles; My aunt and uncle have their photo on the internet on a biography re Joseph WITH Mengele, angel of death.

I look like Irene Mengele; my murdered brother David looked like their son Rolf; My brother John David McEntee, TEI, looks like Joseph; David wrote a book entitled the whistleblower; it is on the copyright office. Never published, shelved; It was about the Vatican, Bush and my evil family. They murdered him on a high satanic holiday, Grand Climax on Mission Beach in San Diego; his mission ended; Mine did not; I was Mrs. Mission Valley International; James Clappers family member Colleen, won the contest I was in.

I WAS at Montauk, Area51 and Langley; caged and sex trafficked as a child to Gleason, Nixon, Billy Graham, etc. I remember nothing of MARS.

I was born into MKULTRA; My actual family are the Mengeles; I was raised by the Mengers who ARE the Mengeles; My aunt and uncle have their photo on the internet on a biography with Mengele, angel of death.

Eleven from Stranger Things is based upon my life; I married Dr. Steve Xenos whose name means Stranger; I had a band named Stranger.

Fiona Barnet wrote 600 page book; gave it away for free; Too many have died for the truth.

I ask for nothing; I say do not believe anything I say research the truth; I was tortured and erased for 58 years; made homeless a year and held in a crazy house another year; At 60 I was released.

CIA said my brother David was crazy; he was not; said my mother was crazy, she was not; said I am crazy; I am not, Protocol is kick you out of workforce; say you are crazy; make you homeless; frame and jail you; assassinate your character invalidate any testimony.

My website is Shepard Entertainment Endeavors, SEE, because I do SEE now; I endeavor to expose Satanic Hollywood. My number is on my web

I do not answer unless you are in my contacts; if you wish to speak with me text my phone, say who you are, I will text you back and then we talk.

; [Image: ea4c8df822e1cafeadf7ce28c5ab3109.jpg][Image: 91418f52f78544990e57487fb4e83352.jpg][Image: 17a16c7d18a9ab6353094ed89a627e9f.jpg][Image: a2f873547029f7243d51c5da5356806c.jpg][Image: f2f0358649dee25dc2cee0df1ea8e050.jpg][Image: e312f4456c7247bb0c74297a79c45aea.jpg]

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