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The horse, the tree and programming.
The energy of last week was draining for many people, the energy was up in the air, distant and lots of people endured disappointment. Astrologically from the 12th we had Aquarius in sun, moon, mercury and Venus, although it did not last long, it did allow an impact to the global consciousness, it began a wave of thought energy, and you never muck around with the thought process of Aquarius, being so close to Pisces it structured a phase of unknown, doubt and insecurity, but without meaningful understanding.

 Programming is never one, it is blending and merging, however there is always a core link or it would not work; to explain is difficult, here is an analogy-

 Imagine yourself being a big tree for a minute, your personality, soul energy and mind pattern/thought process is the trunk, your roots are your parents and genetics, the branches are your children and your experiences, all of it is connected and all of it has importance to the ‘whole tree’, if your roots die, the tree falls, if your branches fall, you are not protected from the elements.. etc… Yet it goes one step further, where did your seed come from? Maybe a bird pooped it out, maybe the wind carried it, but a great deal of how this tree gained its strength is from how the seed began to seek life.

 A key ingredient to keep programming alive within a personality is not having the ability to withstand the storms, we are not trees, but as human spirits our greatest strength comes from the core, and somewhere along our journey of life, the storms just become too overwhelming for us to remain strong, well so we start to believe.

 An important part of programming is being unable to re-structure yourself to deal with disappointment, to get on top of issues, or simply move on. the energy keeps you locked into the feeling of dissatisfaction, which often turns into self-critical analysis, because when we are disappointed we tend to self-punish on the reasons why we are feeling this way, considering yourself to be a looser, a waste, or simply that you deserve it, and even though you tried with all your heart and soul, you still got the same result as always, you still received the disappointment.

 The major era of your life for programming to be instilled is from 9-18yrs old, and during this cycle, someone told you that you were stupid, ugly, worthless, or worse and then as an adult facing challenges, in a split second the mind retraces the entire life, starting at your childhood and all the people that have let you down, all the experiences go around and around in your mind, this then turns to the whys, and the little bit of optimism that is inside you starts to question your good heart against what you receive, and there is no balance to that equation.

 This is not restricted to specific programming, this includes genetic and societal, and therefore it is global and not marginal, and we are well into the era of communication, so there is no need to feel alone because you could fill a library with books from people and their hardships.

 The whole process of imprinting programming energy is to always have the self-punishment button ready, this has become a ‘life-style’ and when you start to change the way you think, you arrange your life in a more spiritual manner, but you still get the disappointment, so again that button is pushed and for many, they feel that their time will never come, and life has somehow become a jail sentence for their spirit, some type of karma to cleanse the soul.

 In life winning or achieving is always fulfilling, because it feeds the ego, as spiritual travelers we work hard to keep the ego under control, yet even doing this, part of our inner core wants to experience the physical side of life, the desire that comes from the ego personality. Yet constantly having a journey of disappointment, how do we change? How many times must we fall off the horse before giving up and realizing that horse can not be ridden? Are we a failure or are we internally so strong and that is why we receive so many challenges?

 Let me ask you, how do you get the energy to get back on the horse? How do you regain yourself to keep moving forward? Not take the disappointment personally or literally? This is important to dissolving a key ingredient to the programming that is internally within. We are suffering with global sadness, and it is hard to keep optimistic, so how do we do as a collective energy.


How do we create a strong forest globally?

I can relate to this...but I don't know how to create a strong forest.

To create a strong forest, you have to have intention of team work.

Excellent answer veronica, you never cease to amaze me with your philosophy!


Taking the time to understand nature, you gain so much, you learn that humans may be considered the intelligent species, yet we are so low down on the chain of command that is ridiculous.

The forest is collective because the big trees protect the smaller ones while they are forming, when trees become burdened by too many branches, nature sends in a strong wind to release that tension, and so on.

Not take the disappointment personally or literally?

Yes, Intent is the big one.

Astrojewels Wrote:Taking the time to understand nature, you gain so much, you learn that humans may be considered the intelligent species, yet we are so low down on the chain of command that is ridiculous.

The forest is collective because the big trees protect the smaller ones while they are forming, when trees become burdened by too many branches, nature sends in a strong wind to release that tension, and so on.
I agree Astrojewels.  I like to spend time in nature because this is when I feel most alive.  I think that this is because everything is connected for mutual benefit.  So how do we create a forest? I think that we need to learn how to connect with earch other.  Perhaps this Forum is a good start. 

I agree that a forum is a good start, but it does have its down side, a forum only provides written communication.


How do you begin to build a strong Forest? That is a very good question Craig! Everyone is different, and this is where we must all start, by first accepting that we are not the same, and really at the end of the day who wants to be?

Putting your life into the form of a forest, you must firstly analyze what type of tree you are? This is hard because most people do not want to put themselves into the ‘trees that need support category’, everyone wants to be the tallest and strongest tree, but if a forest was built like that, how would it withstand challenges?

There is an old saying that there is no ‘I’ in team, this is true but there is ‘me’ and this is the biggest problem in the world, 80% of the human population is competing with someone or wants to be someone else, that is the first stop- stop comparing yourself to someone else or their life.

There are so many factors that inhibit us to truly shine, each day we are frequency targeted, drowning in emotional turmoil and really the world is not in a good place as we speak, and many tend to take on all the burdens of the world.

Just like veronica has mentioned, teamwork is essential, and it is the only place to begin to understand your own personal forest, the team is your forest, this includes all the people that you interact with and your life style.

Awesome read as usual AJ...I love your mind..I truly do.

How do we get back on the horse....I guess how do we stay on the horse...who wants to fall off anyway..hahaha..

A.J. I think first of all humans must learn to rise above there emotions...your chart it describes is not you. I feel that is why Astrology works so well, it goes to the root of the problem whether you understand it or not, it IS your problem perhaps layers of denial make 20/20 vision of it difficult but that does not fix the prolem.
I have learned four things that I honestly think have helped me to learn how to control my emotions..simple commands but powerful.

Always be Impeccable With Your Word

(this means be on time and if your not going to be, call. in life, for appoinments whenever just be known as a person of your word. This involves a strong view of yourself and a practically Earthy way of dealing with things...very Saturn like I think...This is a very Virgo like trait as well but essential if we are to rise above our emotions. We must pay attention to how and why we do things...we are a result of what we do. I have all kinds of issues with this one but I am getting better with time, it takes application of our Virgo energy I think in all area of lives that it touches by Sign or House,...other wise it can be found in the other Earth Signs and Houses.. then I guess it would have to be found the the fixed Energies of Aqua/Leo;Tau/Scor by Signs and Houses....don't you imagine A.J, The book The Four Agreements described it best by saying basically that it  means to speak with integrity. Say only what you mean. Avoid using the Word to speak against yourself or to gossip about others. Use the power of your Word in the direction of truth and love)

Do Not Take Things Personal

(simply said...quit taking things people say or do personal. Its your ego thats hurt...seperate yourself from it and you will notice that alot of the things people say about you are things that they themselves do and dont like about themeselves...not are a projection of it to them...if you see this which is always a huge dissappointment cut that person out of your life immediately..and you will notice an improvement in your energy levels, IE: you emotional life will improve...If you do see that it is not the people in your life it is indeed you that has been taking things personal..then man up..admit it to yourself and grow...simple as that...its easier though than getting hit over and over by that same Karmic bus and having to deal with dissapointment after dissapoinment because you keep making the same mistakes right basically nothing others do is because of you. What others say and do is a projection of their own reality, their own dream. When you are immune to the opinions and actions of others, you won’t be the victim of needless suffering. )

Do No Assume Things

(don't assume they are talking about you!...simple as that...if they are and it needs to be dealt with life has a way of bringing it to your knowledge but cross that bridge when you get to it...and at this moment live in the moment you are and keep walking and think about something else...your mind will forget that they stopped talking as soon as you came out of the door..never mind it was your bosses office and they are the reason you got wrote up in the first place...why are people always doing mean things like that?...............or for a change of thought consider romance.... that your boyfriend is telling you that you dont really love him in a heated argument after you bring up the fact that it kind of bothers you that he doesnt like to talk about his feelings... or your girlfriend is telling you that you only are about yourself and that you are selfish because you wont her to find a goal in life and start working towards it...we have all been there I think ...and the good news is eventually you wont have to do this exercise because you truly wont care and as a result you wont be in the situation will know instantly that this person does not really love you and you will stop giving them chances to break your heart because we only let people treat us as bad as we treat ourselves and usually we end up having to put them out of our life until they have proven whether they deserve to be there again ...whatever that proof is too you that they are worthy to try and love you again....because you will realize that your love is precious......because you will have had time  to really work on yourself and make changes in your personality to help you vibrate to a higher frequency...and you will be able to do this because you will have stopped assuming that you know what people are thinking and saying unless they say it. And or show it... and you will have learned how to use the Energy of your 3rd Chakra of communication .What we think we understand about what someone says, how someone looks at us, what someone means by what they do, etc, may often not reflect reality at all, and more often than not lead us to think badly of ourselves or of others, and reinforce not being impeccable with our word....if you get good you can read actions as well too, but still things cannot be assumed unless they are said or clearly communicated in a way that makes the assumption a fact for both parties....IE for me having a tendency to just fall head overheels for people before I knew how they truly felt I had to learn how to wait until they tell me they love me and then decide how I felt rationally..till then I had to enjoy getting to know them and keep my emotions out of it... its kind of cold...but it protects my tender heart and helps me weed through bad soulmate relationships...and so my emotions are not impacted for bad in relationships in this way they are protected...and I have shown the Universe that I love myself my soul as it were more than I love this lifetime on Earth..Im aware of my own continuity....go on try it...see how this thought pattern raises your frequency as you make changes in your life..
In any case (because I know I ramble sometimes) the goal here is to find the courage to ask questions and to express what we really want. Communicate with others as clearly as we can to avoid misunderstandings, sadness and drama.

Always Do Your Best

(whatever that is...concern yourself with it and create something beautiful in this world..transform your corner of it and watch how it will grow as corner touches corner.....I for one enjoy doing my best...its why I am here I whatever opportunities life affords me to do my best I am learning how to really show up.. and do it...and not procrastinate...or not prepare sufficiently...or not do something you know we all have that something we do to  shoot ourselves in the feet...either consciously or subconsciously we do it...there is a component of evil to that aspect...i am convinced of it or either is a source of the dogma surrounding it, rationally I guess it is just part of what perfection is composed of. Astrology again works well here because it can usually be used to nail these things, these patterns and help us overcome them....but this aspect helps us learn to show up and do easy task for us with all we have to fight against. Now keep in mind your best is going to change from moment to moment; it will be different when you are healthy as opposed to sick. Under any circumstance, simply do your best, and you will avoid self-judgment, self-abuse, and regret.

But just maybe.... if enough did...wouldnt it be interesting.
Curiously these four principles were the embodiment of the Toltec Wisdom.


I am so glad you took the time to post this ORBM, it is truly inspiring, good point about not falling off the horse but I think the test for many of us is do you walk away or get back on? I am continually asked “why me” this would have to be the question I have been asked more in my life than any other!

We are always tested with our limitations, I don’t have an answer why that is, but it just is.

Yes we do need to rise above our emotions and yes astrology is like an instruction manual, however many people have placements that make the doing of this incredibly difficult, this is why I always say that programmed people ‘always’ have strong energies of the water element, it is so diverse and can be manipulated.

Interesting about the Saturn connection and what you say, I will look into that, yes your word is so important and it is a trait that is slowly fading in our modern society. I agree with all that you have said, integrity is essential.  

I do not take things personal but a lot of people do, this is one of the most difficult mountains to cross for so many people, and I would say that assuming actually falls into the same category, because those that do take things to their core assume a great many things about other people.

I never see your words as ramble and it is funny because I always think I am rambling…..

Wise words, always do your best what else can you do? the expectations on us are so high in today’s world and praise is not given for trying, it is only given for winning or achievement. This reminds me of an interview I was listening to a few weeks back.

To cut it short- The last winter Olympics an Australian speed skater won because the four competitors all fell over, and the interviewer asked “did you deserve to stand on the podium to receive the gold because you really did not win” silence for a moment and then he said “yes, I deserved the gold for all the years of getting up at 4am, training, working and dedicating my entire life to this competition, so yes I deserved it” well that actually brought tears to my eyes because so many of us never receive anything for actually trying!

Well who is rambling now….

You need to post more because your words speak volumes of energy.

as a quick aside I saw something on the skater that made me laugh - someone said "he deserves the medal - he was the one that stayed on his skates" - can't argue with that!

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