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Benjamin Fulford Reports
Benjamin Fulford — October 2nd 2023: Khazarian Mafia takedown intensifies despite 45 day US budget truce

The undeclared civil war in the West is intensifying despite a 45-day budget truce that keeps the US Corporation in business for now. The important point to note is that no money is being sent to Ukraine; meaning the Khazarian mafia has no political bribe money from that source.

“Now that the fake Biden show won’t be sending more funds to the Ukrainian laundry, this may end rather quickly. Without the US aid, Europe will fold very fast. They want out as well,” CIA sources say.

In any case, MI6, CIA white hats and Asian secret societies are now fully on the warpath.

Here for example is the MI6 reaction to reports Meghan Markle,-who sources say replaced Hillary Clinton as “Queen” of the Satanists in the US- was going to be “appointed” Senator for California to replace the deceased Diane Feinstein:

“We don’t have any interest in her because the interregnum means the British Royal family is all fired. A common bit*h who along with all of the Queen’s family contributed to her death amongst many…They are all up for the chop and good riddance to bad rubbish. A bunch of money-grabbing creeps.”

It turns out Markle, who denies being a Satanist, turned down the job. Nonetheless, public confirmation of a change in UK power can be seen in British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak countermanding orders to send British troops to Ukraine.

We are also hearing from Asian secret societies that a purge has begun in Japan and other parts of East Asia. Here is a message from the Asians:

The Asians’ goal for 2024 is to put a definitive end to the indescribable evils and chaos generated by the polluting cacophony of men whose insatiable appetite is only matched by their propensity to destroy everything around them.

Let us start with the situation with the US budget. The first thing people need to understand is the current US system is broken and cannot be fixed, only replaced. The US government has, according to the St. Louis Fed and others, about $250 trillion in debt and unfunded liabilities. That is $735,000 for each man, woman and child in the country. It means if everybody spent their entire income without eating, paying rent etc, to pay down the debt, it would take 23 years.

The chart below illustrates how Americans have been living in debt, ie out of touch with physical reality since 2006.

This next chart shows that only 22% of US economic activity is based on physical reality. The rest are YouTubers, “financial advisers,” lawyers, etc.

My own experience is a metaphor for what the American and other Western people will go through as the bankruptcy of the corporate dictatorship takes place. At Forbes, I was given a high salary and only had to produce 18 stories per year. The combination of high wages and low work quota was soul-destroying and I was a decadent hedonist as a result. Last year as a freelancer I wrote well over 100 articles and published four books and felt great with plenty of time for play. This is what the entire West is about to go through as the fiat money heroin is cut off.

In case you don’t think it will be cut off, take a look that what is happening to the Federal Reserve Board fountain of fiat. They are being forced to lay off hundreds of staff due to unprecedented losses.

This means all the political kabuki theater in Washington DC is going to end soon.

The other thing to note is the fiat system has been sucking money out of the average American since 1971 when the US dollar was taken off the gold standard. In those days, before the KM took over the auto workers union, the average car assembler earned enough money to own a house and car plus support a family.

Now, the average income earner, who makes $71,214 a year, cannot afford the median-priced home in 99% of the 575 counties examined.

That is why nothing short of a revolution, followed by a jubilee, will restore prosperity and order to the average American and other Western debt slaves.

Make no mistake, a revolution has already begun in the worst way possible, with chaos and disorder as mobs rampage. In some recent signs of this Target has been forced to close nine stores across four states because of theft and crime. Meanwhile, mass looting is taking place in most US cities with Philadelphia being the most recent example.


The only hope seems to be martial law. However, the other thing to understand is the US military is now in fact working for the Chinese, whether they realize it or not. This is because the Chinese are paying to support US military operations around the world. In the real world, it is mostly Chinese, Japanese and Saudi Arabian money that is financing the US government and its operations around the world. “We decided it is cheaper to feed a guard dog than it is to fight a hungry wolf,” Asian secret society sources explain.

In a sign of this world military change, China and Saudi Arabia will hold joint military drills next month “aiming to deepen practical and friendly cooperation between the two militaries and improve the level of practical training for the troops.”

By the way, if anybody thinks the US would win a war against China, the US military just leaked the news China can build new naval vessels at a rate 232 times greater than the United States. The same applies to tanks, missiles, etc.

Also, the sudden floods that hit New York City after the fake Joe Biden threatened the world with weather warfare is a clear sign the US military does not have a monopoly on weather weapons.

Of course, the presence of nuclear weapons means that in reality any total war between China, Russia and the US would just destroy the planet so neither side expects to fight the other. Instead, they are likely to reach some sort of deal.

The US military under the new leadership of General Charles Q Brown is now expected to transform itself from an enforcer for Satan-worshipping oligarchs into a planetary protection force. Their new job will be to protect the weak and the vulnerable.

Of course, there is going to be a reckoning first. The US military under the traitor Mark Milley tried its’ hardest to kill 90% of humanity in order to keep its’ satanic overlords in power.

It has now been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt the US military carried out a bio-weapon and electromagnetic attack followed by the use of toxic vaccines in an attempt at genocide on a planetary scale.

The graphs below show excess mortality in Germany and Japan following the forced injection campaign. Similar numbers are being seen in other countries like Canada and the Untied (deliberate typo) States.

The link below connects you to over 2000 peer-reviewed scientific papers proving the toxicity of the gene-altering toxic injections.

Public prosecutors around the world are encouraged to use them when filing charges against local vaccine criminals.

This is mass murder on a scale not seen since World War II.

In Japan Professor Takayuki Miyazawa from Kyoto University -one of Japan’s leading virologists- is raising the alarm after discovering evidence strains of Covid have been manufactured. Other scientists have pointed out the mass deaths caused by vaccines. Underworld figures and right-wingers are planning to take matters into their own hands if the police do not prosecute the proven vaccine mass murderers there, various sources say.

A lot of oligarchs are also going to be facing justice soon. In one of many signs Google is criminally responsible, YouTube removed a very good video with Mike Tyson where Robert F Kennedy Jr. says “The real money is not in the vaccines. It’s in the remedies being sold for the injuries from the vaccines”.

Another proven criminal is Bill Gates who asked President Trump ( 2017) to not investigate his ‘vaccines’…(quote)…“That’s a dead end…that would be a bad thing…don’t do that…” he showed his guilt. Now that the truth is out – get the nooses out

“The Vax weakened the immune system and 50% of them died through bacterial pneumonia building up in the mouth and lungs due to the masks.

The remaining deaths were caused by other vax side effects… zero people died directly of the Spanish Flu. Sound familiar?”

By the way, Polish intelligence have informed us about a certain Dr. Demetre Daskalakis the “simianpox coordinator” in the White House. He is Biden’s highest-paid employee, known for his desecration of Christ and obsession with Satan and the occult. Daskalakis, who turns 50 later this year, joined Biden’s staff less than a year ago. In that short period of time, he earned $260,718 – the highest salary in the White House, not including the president himself. Why haven’t we heard of him before?

Also, Elon Musk just posted this video on X about vaccines not being effective. Another video shows all the vaccine companies moving their headquarters to Ukraine.

The evidence is no longer deniable. War crimes tribunals are now inevitable.

The individuals illustrated below will all face the death penalty if found guilty by these tribunals.

These people know they are doomed now that their plan to kill 90% of humanity and permanently enslave the rest has failed.

[Below is the remaining portion of Fulford’s update this week]

This probably explains the following description by an Indian diplomat of Justin Castrudeau’s behavior while he was in India in September:

“My wife saw him at the Delhi airport and said that Trudeau looked depressed and stressed. We don’t know the reason. I don’t know the reality, but social media and some ‘credible rumors’ suggest that his plane was full of cocaine. He also missed the President’s dinner as some people say that he was not in his senses due to the drug consumption. So, seeing this nothing can be said about what goes on in his mind.”

What is almost certainly going on in his mind is his upcoming death by firing squad.

Trudeau, true to Nazi custom has been “burning” all books published in 2008 or earlier because they do not fit his regime’s propaganda standards for public materials.

Trudeau further proved his guilt by inviting Yaroslav Hunka -an SS Galicia Nazi- to speak to great applause to the Canadian Parliament. Hunka’s forces were responsible for at least 1.5 million deaths in the Ukraine during World War II.

In case you do not know, Adolf Hitler wrote in Mein Kampf about enslaving and then killing 90% of humanity. In other words, the Nazis were Sabbatean Frankist Jews, or what is now referred to as the Khazarian Mafia.

The Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs, which represents Jewish federations across the country, said it is deeply troubled by the incident.

However, in a sign many of them are still brainwashed, they added “Canada’s Jewish community stands firmly with Ukraine in its war against Russian aggression.”

Here is the thing, the so-called leader of Ukraine, Vladimir Zelensky, has proven time and time again through his actions that he is a Nazi. Look at this stamp he issued commemorating Hunka as just one small piece in a mountain of evidence.

The Jewish organizations now need to denounce, on the record, the genocide of Ukrainian men carried out by Zelensky in cooperation with Yevgeny Prigozhin of the Wagner group and others.

Zelensky’s men forcibly grabbed hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian men off the streets and sent them to be killed by artillery. Russian FSB sources confirm Zelensky and his generals gave precise artillery coordinates to Prighozhin in order to ensure the Ukrainian men were killed within four hours of arriving at the front.

The defenseless Ukrainian women and children left behind were then sold off as sex slaves or for organ harvesting. Over 60,000 children were tortured to death in order to harvest adrenachrome. 

The Russian Foreign Ministry is actively collecting information on Kyiv’s crimes against minors, the Ministry’s Ambassador-at-Large in charge of overseeing the Kyiv regime’s crimes Rodion Miroshnik has said.

The Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) and the State Bureau of Investigation are scrutinizing General Valerii Zaluzhny.

commander-in-chief of the Ukrainian Armed Forces for high treason. High-ranking officers have already been interrogated, including Joint Forces commander Lieutenant General Sergei Naev, and Andreii Kovalchuk, former commander of the Southern Zone.

Zelensky cannot return to the Ukraine because he faces certain arrest and execution.


There is also now a reckoning about to take place in the former Yugoslavia, where similar crimes were carried out decades ago by Bill Clinton Rockefeller.

Fake US National Security Council spokesperson John Kirby confirms a “large Serbian military deployment along the border with Kosovo” has been taking place over the past week. It includes advanced artillery, tanks, and mechanized infantry units, he said.

Since most countries in the world do not recognize the criminal state Kosovo, nothing is going to stop the Serbians from destroying the Satanist nest there, Serbian intelligence agency sources say.

Human slavers are also being rounded up in the West.

For example, a school coach and three Disney employees were among 219 people arrested in a human trafficking sting in Polk County, Florida.

Dan Andrews, Premier of Victoria, Australia, who presided over some of the world’s longest and most draconian COVID lockdowns, has officially resigned. In reality, he is under arrest and will disappear from the scene, according to Australian intelligence.

There is also a mass populist revolt against the Satanic ruling oligarchy and their slave political actors.

In Slovakia, Russian-leaning populist Robert Fico just won another election. Fico tapped into anti-mask sentiment, as well as halting military aid for Ukraine

In Germany two-thirds of the population want the country to accept fewer migrants as skepticism about immigration is growing

No wonder they want to ban the AFD party in Germany. Imagine MP Bernd Baumann, having the balls to stand up and say this here.

In Poland, an estimated 1.5-2 million people staged massive protests in favor of changes in the management of Poland, organized by the Civic Coalition, with slogans like “We want normality and we will hold fraudsters and thieves accountable.”

In Israel, tens of thousands of people rallied nationwide on Saturday night against the government’s judicial overhaul for the 39th week,

In Sweden, the prime minister summoned the head of the military to discuss how the armed forces can help police deal with an unprecedented crime wave caused by hundreds of thousands of military-aged male “asylum seekers” from the Middle East and Africa.

The Swedes are starting to take the law into their own hands. A 26-year-old taxi driver from the Middle East was reported for raping a 14-year-old girl in Sweden – then he was found hanged in a nature reserve. Now the girl, her boyfriend and three of his brothers are suspected of the very painful murder.

This is not about economic refugees seeking a better life. As evidence, The World Economic Forum (WEF) has taken control of several American military bases in Panama and is orchestrating the flood of migrants that are heading toward the U.S. southern border in their millions.

It also sure looks like England has been conquered by migrants. All a part of the KM-WEF agenda.

that’s a lot of Muslim immigrants.

This has nothing to do with race, by the way, it is about immigrants obeying local rules and laws as you can see from UK Home Secretary Suella Braverman saying: “Multiculturalism has failed.”

As we mentioned at the top of this report, military white hats in the Pentagon, the CIA and MI6 are promising they will finally take action. The baton is in your hand now General Charles Q Brown. If you disappoint us, the consequences will be the greatest disaster for Western civilization since it began all those thousands of years ago. All you need to do is obey the law and arrest the mass murderers, no matter how powerful or influential they are.

Benjamin Fulford — October 9th 2023: Cult of Ba’al stages mass sacrifice of Jews and Palestinians in doomed attempt to get money

The massive so-called attack by Hamas against Israel last week proves the Khazarian Mafia just don’t get it. Like the boy who cried wolf, they have lost the ability to fool and manipulate the world with staged incidents.

The mass sacrifice to Satan last week of Jews and Palestinians by would-be God King Benyamin Netanyahu is a glaring example. Despite posting horrific and heart-wrenching images of suffering Israelis in their corporate propaganda press, nobody was fooled (except for a small remaining pocket of cool aid drinkers).

Here is the real story of what happened behind the scenes according to Mossad, MI6 and Russian FSB sources.

The head of MI6, who happens to be Jewish, said “The KM have always used the Jewish people and Judaism as a human shield for their satanic and nefarious purposes. They are a deeply rotten, well-known and well hated bunch of creeps. We went on false flag footing nearly instantly after hearing about it.”

Mossad sources agreed noting the Gaza Strip and West Bank were so thoroughly monitored by the Israelis that not even a grain of rice can enter there without them knowing about it. In other words, the massive attack on Israel by Hamas had to have been orchestrated by Netanyahu and his minions.

A Russian FSB source described the situation as follows:

About 60 people including Biden and his son, Hillary and her team, they all know they will go to jail if they lose the Ukrainian war. So, to save their asses they need some “victory” and Ukraine is not suitable for that while China-Taiwan is too risky so, they chose to destroy the Palestinians…Hamas is part of the plan of moving Israel to the land of Ukraine. Basically, the war in Israel and Ukraine is one. The Zionists want to have a bigger land far away from Iran and other Muslim countries so the Ukrainian territory was chosen to relocate Jews there after the destruction of Israel…In the past 18 months, about half a million Ukrainians died. In the war 3.5 million Ukrainians migrated to Europe and 2.5 million to Russia. So in total, the population has been reduced by 6.5 million. The population of Israel is 9.3 million so the war in Ukraine will be over in 2025 when another 3 million die. Then the new Khazaria will be built on the spilled blood.

This will not be allowed to happen. The UN Security Council had an emergency meeting about the attack and, even though they did not issue a statement, they agreed Israel did not have a casus belli (justification for war).

The reason the attack was staged at this time is because the KM money laundering via Ukraine has been cut off. The KM were hoping to use this Gaza show to get sympathy money to buy time until 2025 when they are planning to stage some sort of horrific atrocity, MI6 sources say.

Another reason Netanyahu rushed the attack was because Iranian intelligence scored a major coup. Iranian intelligence sources inform us “The confidential information of Netanyahu’s office is in the hands of Iranians,” As a part of their intelligence hoard they obtained a “list of personal information and pictures of Netanyahu’s opponents that he kept with him, including Ehud Barak, Benny Gantz and Ehud Olmert,” the sources said. “We have also obtained special information from the list of foreign journalists who received bribes from Netanyahu’s office; This list includes European, American and Israeli journalists, and all the special information and amounts they have received are stated in it. All personal pictures and confidential files were removed from Netanyahu’s office through an electronic memory and are now with Iran’s security institutions and will be published,” they add.

So in other words, Netanyahu needed to fake an emergency in order to anoint himself as God king of Israel before this embarrassing information leak became widely known.

The real question, of course, is why that mass murderer Netanyahu is in charge of Israel instead of in jail or hell where he belongs.

Another bit of embarrassing information is that Hamas is claiming Ukraine sold them the weapons (US-funded) that they used in the attack against Israel.

Then for some reason, they are putting out a story about $6 billion that went to Iran and was then used to fund the attacks in Israel. Since the fake coup in Russia by Yevgeny Prigozhin was also a $6 billion show, it is a good bet to predict there will be one more $6 billion show in the near future to complete the Satanic 666 number the KM like so much.

Regardless, now that the big Hamas performance has ended in failure, there has been a lot of backpedaling by the Israelis. Just as this report was about to go live, for example, we were sent this video of an attack being staged like a movie.

We also got contacted by an Israeli whistleblower who told us their entire Iron Dome anti-missile defense was a fraud. Israeli scientist and award-winning security expert Dr Motty Scheffer says “Today, there is no missile which can intercept other missiles or rocket-propelled grenades, and the Iron Dome is a light audio system which blocks Israeli public opinion and, of course, itself. In fact, all the explosions that we have seen in the atmosphere are self-destruction. The Iron Dome did not launch any rocket that could intercept at least one missile fired from Gaza.”

So the Israelis are trying to say it was all fake. Unfortunately, their track record shows they do real mass murder along with the theatrics.

Next, the corporate propaganda press in the West started coming out with crocodile-tear “feel sorry for the Palestinian stories” coupled with calls for a two-state solution.

The map below of ever-shrinking Palestinian land shows you this has always been lip service meant to buy time.

The real motive for this call is to try to derail the deal Gulf monarchies like Saudi Arabia are reaching to fund the US military in exchange for protection. This deal involves Israel absorbing the Palestinians into the Israeli state. Doing so would cut off the big money laundry of “aid for Palestine” that the KM has been using for years.

Speaking about money laundering, Ukrainian officials are now starting to release exact bribe numbers received by US officials as kickbacks for Ukrainian aid. The list is below:

Note that former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy allegedly got $42 million. This would explain why he betrayed his fellow Republicans and allowed the Washington DC circus to finance itself for another 45 days. I guess the DC clowns were hoping the Hamas show would then fool the world into letting the whole farce continue even longer.

There is another Ukraine angle that is starting to emerge: cocaine. Russia’s president Vladimir Putin says the FSB [Federal Security Service] found five kilograms of cocaine along with ten billion rubles during an investigation into a plane crash that killed top Wagner commanders.

Recall that Wagner Chief Prigozhins’ Chabad death cult partner Vladimir Zelensky is famous for his cocaine use. Then recall that another supporter of the Ukraine genocide, Justin Castrudeau of Canada, was also found with large amounts of cocaine in his plane at a recent G20 meeting in India.

Cocaine from South America has been one of the main sources of income for the Nazis since the end of World War II. The former head of MI6 told us the KM Nazis bought 1000 miles of coastline in Patagonia where they plan to hide out after they destroy the Northern Hemisphere in an all-out nuclear war. That war is now planned for 2025, multiple sources agree.

That is why cutting off the money laundering via the Ukraine and shutting down the US Corporation before then is so important.

The Ukraine has definitely been cut off. The US Congress has ended all new funding for Ukraine.

Then the UK government followed by announcing it would no longer send either arms or money to the Zelensky regime.

Next in line came Poland with their government also cutting the criminal state of the Ukraine off from all support.

Another Ukrainian neighbor, Slovakia, joined the club by putting pro-Russia Prime Minister Robert Fico’s populist party back into power vowing to stop sending weapons to Ukraine

Finally, the Nazi EU was also forced to admit it could no longer support the crime regime that is the Ukraine.

This prompted Putin to declare that Ukraine will “only last a week,” without foreign help.

The last place to support the mass murdering criminal Zelensky is his fellow mass murderer Justin Castrudeau of Canada.

He is not expected to last long either. The man is so hated he cannot appear in public in Canada without being attacked.

[Below is the remaining portion of Fulford’s update this week]

He is also flaunting his corruption. Look at him wink at the new Speaker of the House at the Canadian Parliament to see what a creep he is.

No wonder Putin calls Castrudeau an idiot or a villain.

Even the ladies in his regime appear to know better. Look at the faces of his Nazi handler Christia Freeland and Zelensky’s wife Olena in the video below.

“She knows exactly what kind of corruption, the slaughter of innocent men, trafficking of innocent children and other monstrosities her husband is involved in… she knows it’s coming to an end and they will pay the ultimate price,” a Mossad source comments.

By the way, Olena recently spent $1.1 million in a single shopping spree at Cartier according to Polish intelligence. So, this is apparently where at least some of the aid money went. This information was leaked after she had a Cartier employee fired for “having a bad attitude,” the sources say.

“It’s already game over for Zelensky. Where will he go and hide? There is about a 98 % chance he will have an accident. He has already been tossed under the bus,” the Mossad source says.

There is a similar chance the US Corporation itself will get tossed under the bus. The numbers say it all.

The chart below shows total US Debt hit a record $33.442 Trillion, up $275 Billion in ONE DAY.

Financial institutions are also mathematically doomed. US Treasury bonds with maturities of 10 and 30 years have fallen respectively by 46 and 53% since March 2020.

That sort of loss explains why just four banks: JPMorgan Chase Bank, Bank of America, Wells Fargo and Citigroup’s Citibank accounted for $4.185 trillion of uninsured deposits, or 59 percent of all uninsured deposits at all 4,645 federally insured institutions.

Citibank, after getting the largest bailout in US history in 2008 now has $1.34 trillion in uninsured deposits.

Since these banks own the Federal Reserve Board and the US Treasury, this might explain why their headquarters are now covered up in white plastic.

    Add this for thought.
    I don't know if this means anything at all, but putting it out there. I bike ride often in DC and noticed both the Federal Reserve and the US Treasury building, next to the White House, look like this:

    — Quantum (@QuantumQlink) September 28, 2023

The financial crisis is also affecting Main Street. US commercial Chapter 11 bankruptcies have gone up 61% in the first nine months of 2023, according to Epiq Bankruptcy, which provides U.S. bankruptcy filing data.

No wonder the fake Joe Biden is no longer even pretending to be president as you can see from the exchange below:

Journalist: “What’s your advice to the next house speaker.”

Joe Biden: “That’s above my pay grade.”

He’s telling you he is an actor without telling you.

Note his eyes and the line of the mask.

Of course, going bankrupt is the least of the worries for the families that own the US Corporation. Getting hanged is their real worry.

For example, according to Russian President Vladimir Putin, Klaus Schwab Rothschild is a “globalist terrorist” who is holding humanity hostage. During a speech in Sochi, he warned that the days of this elite are numbered.

In the US, Senator Rand Paul says Anthony Fauci should be in prison for being a traitor.

That is too kind. The corpses of thousands of children killed by Dr. Anthony Fauci in illegal medical experiments have been uncovered in Hawthorne, New York, strengthening the case to have the former NIH director charged with crimes against humanity and crimes against children.

The details are in the video linked below.

It is not just Fauci.

A Russian government spokeswoman says Coca Coca-Cola company is implicated in the purchase of children from Ukraine. They also claim black market organ harvesting has taken place on a large scale there.

All Deep-State minions will be publicly exposed and prosecuted. Mass murder by vaccine will the crime will most likely get them executed. Here is a fraction of the evidence for this.

Official data released by Canada’s government shows that 74% of triple-vaxxed Canadians now have Vaccine Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (VAIDS). Yes, that’s AIDS caused by the vaccine.

Compared to the natural immune system of their unvaccinated counterparts, the data reveals that the double-vaccinated population across Canada has now lost on average 73% of their immune system capability.

The triple-vaccinated population across Canada has now lost on average 74% of their immune system capability.

So much damage has now been done that the figures show the double vaccinated population are on average 3.8 times more likely to be infected with COVID-19 and 3.3 times more likely to die of COVID-19 than the unvaccinated population, The Exposé reports.

In the UK as well, 92% of deaths were due to COVID-19 in 2022 was among the triple vaccinated, government data shows.

The data is available on the ONS website

Russia is also involved. Sputnik V vaccines with a substance other than the one tested were delivered to Slovakia “The Russian Fund is of the opinion that Slovaks had no right to test the vaccine in laboratories that are not part of official European Union facilities.”

Now it turns out the elite themselves were not taking the vaccine they were forcing on everyone else. This has been proven in New Zealand and elsewhere.

Here you can watch WHO Terrorist boss Tedros (who says he did not take the vaccine) congratulate the Nobel Prize winners whose mRNA tech has enabled “safe and effective” injections against COVID.

He is going to regret these words and the Nobel Committee will be held responsible for rewarding mass murder.

Many are already trying to weasel their way out of responsibility.

“The Biden Administration is rewriting the history of COVID. Today, the head of OSHA claimed “We didn’t demand that anyone be fired” despite issuing a worker vaccine mandate for 84 million Americans that was struck down by the Supreme Court. “

Oh so much backpedaling going on now. They are slippery eels trying to wiggle their way out of the noose which awaits them. WE WON’T FORGET – YOU WILL ALL HANG

You can be sure the KM will try some more horrific stunts to try to avoid justice. One stunt is sure to involve all those military-aged men they have smuggled into the US and Europe.

In the video below an Uber driver says a middle-aged male migrant told him he is a soldier whose salary is paid by the UN. He was given a credit card, ID and told to live in the US and wait for further instructions.

Next, look closely at all the invaders found in Europe recently. They all have the same clothes and shoes. None of them paid for their ‘boat trip’ passage to Europe. It’s all financed directly by the U.N via the NGO’s.

These men need to be rounded up and placed in detention before they get their UN “further instructions.”

The other thing the KM is doing is threatening the world with their weather and earthquake weapons.

We have been informed a high-energy neutrino device in Antarctica caused three major earthquakes on October 6 and 7, 2023

Maybe someone should remind the KM that nuclear weapons can reach Antarctica.

There is much that we cannot report yet but, keep an eye out for public arrests and resignations of very senior people. If you see the likes of Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab being paraded in handcuffs in front of the cameras you will know justice is finally being done.

Like failed bank robbers, the Khazarian Mafia seize hostages in desperate bid to avoid justice
By Benjamin Fulford
October 16, 2023

The events in Israel are in every sense a hostage-taking event by Khazarian Mafia criminals seeking to avoid arrest and war crimes tribunals. They are also trying to start World War III as their get-out-of-jail-free card. They are doomed to fail.

To understand what is really happening though, we need to step back and look at the big picture because what is going on is truly biblical. It is the end of a multi-thousand-year attempt by a Satanic cult to enslave humanity. It is also about the liberation of the Jewish people from thousands of years of Babylonian slavery.

Let us start by pointing out that nowhere in the Bible do they mention the Star of David. Calling it that is an insult to the true descendants of King David. That is because in Acts 7:43 and Amos 5:26, it is mentioned as the star of the sacrificial cult of Molech and Satan, the sworn enemies of King David.

Clear evidence we are dealing with an ancient Satanic cult came when Turkish police confiscated Torah Scrolls decorated with Satanic Illuminati symbolism that were stolen from the 2000-year-old Synagogues of Satan in Syria.

After investigators carefully unraveled one scroll they discovered a picture of a ram’s head inside what appears to be a pentagram. There are more Torahs found in Syria in 2018 featuring Satanic symbolism such as the demon Baphomet, Illuminati triangles with the all-seeing eye, blood libel, serpents, kabbalah hand signs, owls and many other things. It is interesting to note, by the way, that the Rockefellers are descended from Syrian Jews.

This cult takes over societies and forces them to work against the interests of their own people. To understand what happened to Western Christian society and to the Jews long ago, please watch this 8-minute video of a parasitic wasp at work.

The wasps start by taking over the brain of their host by injecting pleasure-causing chemicals to make them accept their parasites. The parasites then start by enriching their hosts until they are ready to subvert them and suck them dry before moving on to another host.             

It is an exact metaphor for what happened to the United States and many other Western countries.

When I first asked Asian Secret Societies to help liberate the West I told them “You would never have surpassed us (in GDP) if we had not become infected by these parasites.” They were warned they were being groomed as the next host.

Polish intelligence provides us with a good case study from S. Wysocki’s book “Jews in the history of Poland” of how a society is subverted.

The carving out of the Jewish state from Polish lands was proposed by, among others, Jakub Frank already in the 18th century. “Brothers and fellow believers! We need the country to become our kingdom (…). Try to remove Poles little by little from all the more important positions and concentrate all threads of social power in our hands. Everything that belongs to Christians should become our property, The Israeli union will provide you with the necessary means for this. In order to carry out the plan to wrest Galicia decisively from the Christians, all our rich people have signed up for considerable sums. Baron Hirsch will give, the Rothschilds, the Bleichreds and the Mendelsons and others will give (…).”

The other thing to understand is they are willing to take many centuries if necessary to take over a society in order to prevent their host from realizing what is going on.

The recent pandemic and vaccine crimes, for example, were planned for more than a century in advance. It started with the Rockefellers taking over the medical associations back in the 19th century. There was also a report describing the planned pandemic by the Rockefeller-controlled World Bank in 1975.

What is now happening in Israel, Gaza and elsewhere has been planned for at least a century. Freemason Albert Pike wrote this BEFORE WWI:

The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences…between the political Zionists and the leaders of the Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other….We shall…provoke a formidable social cataclysm…Then everywhere, the citizens…will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity,…will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer.

So the events in Gaza, the mass murder via vaccination, the huge influx of military-aged male migrants into the West, the collapse of social order in the US, etc. are all part of a long-term plan to enslave humanity.

That plan is now failing because the people are waking up. They know there is no American Government, nor any other Western government. There is only the Khazarian Mafia and the world governments they control.

This is definitely coming to an end. High-level intelligence agency officials from Mossad, MI6, the P3 Freemasons, etc. have reached an agreement to

This is definitely coming to an end. High-level intelligence agency officials from Mossad, MI6, the P3 Freemasons, etc. have reached an agreement to prevent the planned World War III with pinpoint assassinations and arrests of top Satanists. People like Klaus Schwab Rothschild, David Rockefeller Jr. Bill Gates are merely the public faces of secret controllers. It is those secret controllers, whose names we are withholding for operational security reasons, who are being targeted along with their Bill Gates-type frontmen.

This is being said publicly as well. Russian President Vladimir Putin called Schwab a “globalist terrorist” who is holding humanity hostage. In a speech in Sochi, he warned that the days of this elite were numbered. Putin believes that globalists, including Schwab, are “legitimate military targets” because they are trying to illegally seize power.

Schwab, of course, is freaking out. His World Economic Forum is calling on world governments to make the viewing or sharing of alternative media online a ‘criminal offense’.

A memo issued by the WEF calls on its Young Global Leaders to lay the foundations for coercing the public into trusting the mainstream media again. Part of that coercion includes criminalizing the consumption of non-mainstream sources.


In other words, they have lost the ability to control the world narrative and know this means their doom.

The events in Israel are also to distract from KM’s defeats on all fronts.

Hunter is out of the news

Border is out of the news

Ukraine is out of the news

Speaker drama out of the news

Biden Crime Family is out of the news

Worldwide illegal immigrant invasion is out of

the news

Horrible economy is out of the news


Another point to mention is that we contacted Japanese diplomats and Israeli citizens who are actually in Israel and they agree that most of what we are seeing in the news is fake and is being orchestrated from outside of Israel.

Here is what a Mossad source had to say: “The Israeli-Gaza situation is on hold….There must be a lot of high-level negotiations taking place outside the country as you said, this Op is being run from outside Israel.”

Here is some of the evidence we are dealing with a massive BS storm:

Israeli Crime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu proclaimed “Hamas terrorists bound, burned, and executed children…“They are savages. Hamas is ISIS,”

In case you didn’t know, ISIS stands for Israeli Satanic Intelligence Service; not to be confused with the Jewish Mossad.

Next Israel’s President Herzog says: “Not Since the Holocaust [burnt offering to Satan] Have so Many Jews Been Killed in One Day”

Then Israel’s Minister of Defense Yaov Gallant, told troops massing for a ground invasion of the Gaza Strip “We have abolished all the rules of war. Our soldiers will not be held responsible for anything. There will be no military courts.” Even Adolph Hitler didn’t go that far . . . .

No wonder a sign that says “Israeli gov’t putting Hitler to shame” was spotted among anti-Israel protestors.

The KM hypocrisy is now out there for all to see. In case there is a misunderstanding, when Russia does it to Ukraine, it’s a war crime. But when Israel does it to Gaza, it’s all okay? Nothing to see here folks. Just the Satanic KM at work.

The Corporate propaganda media has also lost all restraint. The New York Times posted a photo of a “crucified child” to justify killing Palestinian children! This was instantly debunked: Look at the American/Canadian electrical outlet in the image.

Also, CNN journalist Sara Sinder who announced on air that “babies and toddlers were found with their heads decapitated” has now apologized for spreading false information.

Another example: A fake photo of the “horrors of Hamas” created by an artificial intelligence and shared by American columnist Ben Shapiro and the Israeli prime minister himself originally showed a dog.

We also see a fake video of people supposedly trying to enter Israel at the Lebanese-Israeli border

In another hoax, the EU’s Ursula von der Leyen rushed to a “bomb shelter in Israel” as part of a fear porn staged for the sheep.

As we mentioned last week, the KM have cried wolf so many times that no one believes them anymore.

A Jerusalem Post poll shows that 86% of Israelis blame the government for the Hamas massacre and say Netanyahu must resign.

“We know that Egypt warned the Israelis three days earlier that something like this could happen,” said Michael McCaul, chairman of the US House Foreign Affairs Committee.

Now it has been confirmed that Netanyahu ordered the Israeli military to STAND SILENT for 7 HOURS during the Hamas invasion.

The Israeli military knows that these attempts to provoke war with Israel’s neighbors would be suicidal. In the event of a war in the Middle East, Israel would be in great trouble. Its 170,000 active soldiers are opposed by around 1.6 million soldiers from the Gaza Strip, the West Bank, Lebanon, Syria, Egypt and Iran.

Fortunately for Israel, its neighbors are not falling for the KM’s mendacious psychodrama. Even Hezbollah, Hamas’ closest ally, has made no attempts to “open a second front.”

Instead, the Jews will finally take long overdue revenge on their satanic overlords. Pulitzer Prize-winning American investigative journalist Seymour Hersh, quoting an unnamed “veteran of Israel’s security apparatus with insider knowledge,” said: “Netanyahu is finished. He is a dead man walking. He will only remain in office until the shooting stops .. . Maybe another month or two.”

This can be read on US President Donald Trump’s Truth Social:

Bibi Netanyahu is the operational head of the Khazarian mafia.

The Khazarian Mafia (KM) is a globally organized crime syndicate that has deeply infiltrated and hijacked the political institutions of the United States of America.

Our own Mossad sources say that the original Netanyahu is long gone and that his avatar and those who control him will disappear “very soon.”

We hear that Joe Biden’s presidential avatar and his controllers will also disappear “within a month,” according to CIA sources.

Another thing we need to be reminded of is that the war in Ukraine ended in total defeat for the KM. There are now mass surrenders of Ukrainian troops as the plan to create a greater Khazaria implodes.

Now Oleksii Mykolaiovych Arestovych, a former officer of Ukraine’s Supreme Intelligence Directorate, admits: “The national idea of Ukraine is built on lies.”

By the way, this map shows what the KM planned to do with Russia. They should have learned from Hitler and Napoleon not to mess with Russia.

The American people have now stopped funding these lies. As Colonel Douglas MacGregor says of the great people’s movement he leads: “We’re tired of hearing this talk about Republicans and Democrats. We’re tired of the one-size-fits-all party. We’re bringing Americans together around us larger traditional values like fact-based news, “Share God, country and family. We want to end these senseless interventions overseas and restore the rule of law. We give in to criminals and that is destroying our society.”

The US military has your back, Colonel.

As does the United Auto Workers. On Wednesday, they shut down Ford’s (FN) largest plant worldwide and stopped production of lucrative pickup trucks without warning – a blow to Ford that could quickly erode the automaker’s full-year profits.

They are fighting against the KM’s theft of hard-working Americans’ money. Over the last four years, auto companies’ profits rose 65%, while auto workers’ wages failed to keep pace with inflation, rising just 6%. GM CEO Mary Barra earned nearly $29 million in 2022, 362 times the average salary of a GM employee. “There’s a sense that the system is fundamentally unfair to the workforce that does all the hard work,” Harry Katz, a professor of collective bargaining at Cornell University, told CBS News.

The KM debt slavery system is collapsing. Major US banks continue to close branches across the US. Bank of America closed 21 branches in the first week of October, Wells Fargo closed 15, while US Bank and Chase reported closing nine and three branches, respectively. In total, 54 branches were closed or scheduled to close in just one week between October 1st and 7th.

The pharmaceutical industry is also imploding. Only 2 percent of Americans have taken the new “Covid” vaccine. Shares of Pfizer have fallen to a 10-year low, and it is quite possible that the company will soon cease to exist while its managers go to prison for war crimes.

Secret documents obtained by the Russian military make it clear that there is a connection between the Doherty Institute in Australia and Ukrainian bioweapons laboratories.

An official new study from Japan concludes that all Covid variants were developed in biolabs and intentionally released to the public.

The Japanese police are now investigating war crimes committed by the Ministry of Health and Welfare, the pharmaceutical companies and their KM controllers. The same thing is happening in the UK. War crimes trials are now a certainty.

Of course, the KM will not go quietly into the night. There are secret armies of hundreds of thousands of military-aged men ready to wreak havoc across the United States and Europe. ISIS has a large presence in Venezuela, and many Venezuelans crossing the wide-open US border are actually ISIS fighters.

A British army veteran reports mysterious UN-supplied containers are being delivered to migrant hotels in the UK.

Now the fake, rubber-masked KM Pope Francis is also pushing for chaos by saying Israel has the right to defend itself. What he doesn’t mention is that Israel must defend itself against Satanists, not its Arab neighbors. .

Now the Christians are fighting back. Archbishop Carlo Vigano has denounced the heretical papacy of the false pope and the infiltration of the authentic Catholic Church by the Deep State Freemasons who plan to split off into a “New Church” to cooperate with their “New World Order”. They have gone completely against all moral teachings and now allow the marriage of “sodomites” and protect their pedophiles from prosecution.

While the West struggles with its satanic contamination, the rest of the world is leaving it to dust by, among other things, ushering in the Hydrogen Age with virtually free energy.

India and Saudi Arabia have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) for grid connectivity, green/pure hydrogen and related supply chain.

China has just launched the hydrogen fuel cell demonstration vessel Sanxia Qingzhou 1 (Three Gorges Hydrogen Boat No 1), which completed its maiden voyage

Most of the world is attending China’s Belt and Road Forum this week,

If the West doesn’t get rid of its satanic parasites, it’s only a matter of time before we’re all answerable to the Chinese bosses.

Benjamin Fulford — October 23rd 2023: While the West struggles with mental illness; the world moves on

Like a squid shooting ink to avoid predation, the Khazarian Mafia is spreading Palestinian fear and loathing porn in order to avoid bankruptcy and arrest. It won’t work. Most of the world is not paying attention to the hysteria the KM are trying to generate. They know exactly where the real problem lies.

The real war going is not between Israelis and Palestinians, but between white hats and Satanists. White hat special forces are now in Israel with shoot-to-kill orders against any person who goes against the rules of war and chivalry by attacking non-combatants. They understand very well that the Satanists are pretending to be both Hamas and Israeli soldiers. The Satanists’ job is to stage horrific incidents on both sides in order to incite Israelis and Arabs into killing each other.

This is the age-old method of trauma-based mind control. Members of slave races are traumatized and then misdirected by their tormentors into attacking the Satanists’ intended targets.

Listen to Emir Weitmann, a member of Israel’s ruling Likud Party, threaten Russia on RT television to see an example. He is a classic victim of the sort of trauma-based mind control the Jews have been subjected to for thousands of years. After witnessing atrocities against people he loves, he has been fooled into thinking Russia was at fault. He cannot see the real perpetrators hiding in his own society.

The Satanists also use lies, computer graphics, theatre and other tricks to amplify the effect of their crimes. However, they do carry out real crimes. We are getting credible reports of truly gruesome events taking place in underground tunnels built by the Satanists beneath the Gaza Strip and inside Israel. It has reached the point where even the corporate media is now talking about fighting inside tunnels.

The head of Mi6 says he was shown evidence of (warning graphic report):

“Mutilated bodies from Israel which had all been severely tortured and burnt and it appears to be Satanic blood sacrifices….Babies were disgorged with their intestines cut out –in front of the bonded with plastic zips hand behind their backs parents and they were all shot dead after their bodies were hacked with sheer brute force.”

Another very real crime was the destruction of a hospital in Gaza by an Israeli missile. A comparison between the sound of a US-made JDAM bomb and the sound of the Al-Ahli Hospital strike in Gaza proves this.

Destroying hospitals is an old Satanic trick calculated to provoke outrage and a reaction.

Rest assured the perpetrators of these crimes are being put down like rabid dogs by special forces. That is the real reason elite US troops are in Gaza and Israel.

At the same time, most Jews are now fully aware of the criminals who have been tormenting them for so long.

Listen to the following two orthodox Jews speaking for the majority of their people when they say they want to live in peace and friendship with their Arab and other neighbors. Unlike Satanists and their brainwashed slaves, this is how real Jews think.

The mass protests by Jews in Israel against their own Satanic government is another sign of the Jewish awakening. Last week at least 500,000 Israelis protested outside the Defense Ministry shouting “Bibi is a Murderer” and calling for Netanyahu to resign.

The Corporate propaganda media is also being called out. Here you can see CNN reporting from Palestine being told, “You are not welcome here, genocide supporters! fu*k CNN.”

As a result of this awakening the bigger goal of the Satanists or Khazarian Mafia, to start World War III, is failing miserably.

Despite all the provocations and psychodrama taking place in the Western corporate media, Israel’s neighbors are not being fooled.

Iran is a case in point. As evidence, the KM are trying to use the Gaza show to start WWIII, the fake Biden administration ended a missile embargo on Iran last week. They say Iran will now be able to freely sell missiles to other countries, including Russia, and import spare parts for missile development and production. How suspiciously timely

We have previously reported how -according to the sons of the Shah of Iran- the Bush administration sold neutron bomb-tipped missiles to Iran and encouraged their use against Israel. So, you can see the KM are hoping to make another holocaust or mass sacrifice of Jews to Satan to then blame on Iran.

The Iranians are not taking the bait. Iranian government sources contacted us to say they will not play into the Satanist’s hands by having Hezbollah and Iran attack Israel. Instead, they will wait for the West to begin war crimes tribunals against the perpetrators of the atrocities. They know full well the Satanists pretend to be Boko Haram, ISIS, Al Qaeda, Hamas, etc, and that none of these entities represents Islam.

“The Arab world has long accepted Israel’s existence and is no longer seeking to destroy it…. even Iran does not question Israel’s existence and the Palestinian issue is no longer a key agenda item in terms of Arab-Israeli relations,” Russian expert Sergey Demidenko notes.

That does not mean the Arabs will do nothing. Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammed Shia al-Sudani joined Iranian officials last week in threatening to cut off oil to the US and Western Europe unless they end the Israeli/Palestinian terror show.

“Instead of actively working at Palestinian-Israeli settlement, these [KM] morons are providing the neo-Nazis with full-scale aid, pitting the two closely related peoples against each other. What can stop America’s manic obsession with inciting conflicts all over the planet? Looks like, nothing short of a civil war on the US territory,” says Russian power broker Dmitry Medvedev

The other aim of the Satanic hysteria being generated over Gaza is to distract from many much more important real news events that are taking place.

For example, a huge piece of news the KM is hoping to distract us from is the revival of the pre-World War I German Empire. The news that German agent Donald Tusk has taken over Poland is not being reported by most major outlets.

What this means is that Germany is poised to take over Latvia, Poland and the non-Russian part of the Ukraine. In other words, the old agreement between the Czar of Russia and Frederick the Great to divide Europe along the Dnieper River is being implemented again.

However, the biggest piece of news they want to distract us from, of course, is the end of Babylonian debt slavery and the implosion of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA CORPORATION.

As the corporate media tried to divert everyone’s attention to Israel, the US CORPORATION announced it ran a deficit of $1.695 trillion, up about $320 billion, in the fiscal year that ended September 30th.

As the chart below shows, investors outside of the US are dumping US Treasuries even as the Corporation offers junk bond interest payments of over 5%.

The American people aren’t buying either so, all that is left to the corporation is to cook its books with imaginary numbers.

The same is happening with banks that have been forced to shut over 2000 branches in the past year. That pace is now accelerating rapidly. The fact is the big banks that own the Federal Reserve Board are now bankrupt as is the FRB itself.

If you still do not understand about Babylonian debt slavery, listen to this expert explain why the banks are con artists who fooled people into selling them debt slavery contracts disguised as loans.

The funny money the FRB created by enslaving the American (and other) people went to a giant casino where each dollar of “real money” (ie backed by a debt slavery contract) was turned into a thousand dollars of “derivatives.” This sucked the livelihood away from 99% of Americans and turned the USA into a third-world hell hole. Look at this 6-minute video (start at 2:25) of a deserted Beverly Hills etc. to see for yourself what the US is like now.

Take a look at what the Chinese financial system is planning in order to understand what a government that actually works to strengthen its’ own country does.

China’s financial system will continue to…serve the real economy…, loans that supported the manufacturing sector expanded by 38.2 percent year on year, while…loans to small and medium-sized technology companies rose 22.6 percent year on year. More efforts will be made to increase financial supply in…advanced manufacturing, strategic emerging industries, and science and technology enterprises… to accelerate the development of a modern industrial system.

As things stand now, China is about the win the battle for control of the planet. While the West was dealing with mental illness in the ruling class

China was hosting 75% of the world’s countries at a victory celebration on the tenth anniversary of its’ belt and road initiative. The Chinese brag “More than 150 countries and over 30 international organizations have signed Belt and Road cooperation agreements” that invested $1 trillion for more than 3000 projects that created 420,000 jobs, lifted 40 million people out of poverty, and is expected to boost world GDP by 7.1 trillion dollars per annum.

Even the Taliban have signed up now for the BRI initiative showing that China won the Afghan war without firing a single bullet. “We have everything they need, such as lithium, copper, and iron. Afghanistan is now, more than ever, ready for investment,” said acting Afghan Commerce Minister Haji Nooruddin Azizi.

Now California wants to secede from the US and join China. Governor Gavin Newsom just went to China on Monday saying “California and China hold the keys to solving the climate crisis. As two of the world’s largest economies, our partnership is essential to delivering climate action for our communities and beyond….Our decades-long work together proves what we can accomplish together – cleaning the air, accelerating the transition to electric vehicles, protecting people from extreme weather and conserving lands and oceans.”

[Below is the remaining portion of Fulford’s update this week]

“There is definitely something going on behind the scenes. You have heard the rumor that China is or may have already taken over California,” CIA sources comment.

Of course, the KM is still trying to convince the rest of the world to put money into institutions they control like the World Bank and the IMF, but they are being rightfully ignored by the vast majority of countries.

The U.S. is now warning nearly 100 countries that Russian intelligence is opening a new front in its efforts to destabilize democracies by amplifying doubts about the legitimacy of vote counting and elections, senior government officials said Friday.

Translation: the US is trying to counter isolation by installing puppet governments around the world.

“They cannot come to terms with the fact that they are not achieving their proclaimed goals and are losing their position as hegemon,” Russian Ambassador to Washington Anatoly Antonov comments.

We keep hearing the US military white hats will declare martial law to restore order, freedom of the press, democracy and the rule of law. They also need to return control of the financial system to the elected representatives of the people, meritocratically selected public SERVANTS and genuine capitalist entrepreneurs. So what are they waiting for? The time is ripe.

A leaked US Military email shows they are worried that the troops aren’t siding with Israel. Also, by a spread of 52% to 48%, a majority of all Americans oppose giving weapons and supplies to Israel.

The American public is also ready since 68% of them do not trust the news meaning the KM cool aid drinkers are now down to only 32%. ..

This percentage is shrinking. Tucker Carlson, for example, is teaching the sheeple stuff like the fact George Floyd was not murdered. This is old news for us, but it is waking up plenty of cool aid drinkers.

Many are in a state of open and anarchic revolt. For example, after House Republicans held a two-hour hearing on the rise of violent crime in Washington, DC, a staffer for Sen. Katie Britt (R-Alabama) was robbed at gunpoint. Before that Rep. Henry Cuellar (D-Texas) was carjacked in the Navy Yard neighborhood, about a mile from the US Capitol Complex. And in March, a staffer for Sen. Rand Paul (R-Kentucky) was stabbed multiple times in the crime-ridden metro area.

Also, even though Jim Jordan was unable to get the position of speaker of the house and thus be in a position to unseat the fake Joe Biden, he apparently has the support of 95% of the people.

Then there is strong evidence Donald Trump is the Commander in Chief of the US armed forces. Take a look at CIC Donald Trump’s security team in the sky. You don’t see the fake masked Biden fly protected like this.

So why doesn’t he act?

The story we are being told is: more about the KM crimes still needs to be revealed.

For example, the CIA sent us a video of Barack Obama handing out government rewards to various swamp creatures. Every award recipient is on Epstein’s flight log… including Obama.

They also sent us a of Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu’s son, Yair, taken at a luxury hotel in Miami. He’s Just chillin…

More importantly, the excuse we are being given is that the white hats are waiting for full exposure of the KM vaccine mass murder before the situation will be ripe for martial law.

That exposure is now impossible to hide. In the US patriot activists report that “After 2+ years we achieved the nearly impossible feat of getting a court with authority to stop the shots to hear IOJ and our Chief Scientist Dr. Mike Yeadon (former VP of Pfizer) out about the WHO, FDA and States many violations of Nuremberg Code from the illegal use of the Covid-19 nonvaccine biological agents.

In Canada, Ontario resident Dan Hartman filed a $35.6 million lawsuit against Pfizer over their son Sean’s vaccine death

This comes as Health Canada confirms that SV40 simian virus (removed from Polio jab for causing cancer) is in the Pfizer Covid vaccine!

The Swiss are also now taking action against the Satanic entities around Lake Geneva incuding the WHO, Gavi and the World Economic Forum.

The lawsuits keep piling up. Soon Pfizer executives will be hunted down in the streets and executed by the people.

The market has worked it out – Unsafe, ineffective & unnecessary and carrying a huge liability. At the height of the Covid Vaccine Mania – on 10 Sept 2021 – Moderna shares were trading at US$449.38. Last week they closed at just $82.37 – down 4.23% on the day, and down 54% this year and down 81.7% since their peak.

The criminals are trying to pretend it never happened. For example, real-life Bond villain Bill Gates got caught in a major lie when he claimed last week that he never promoted slave masks.

His real crimes go way beyond that.

The US food supply has been flooded with depopulation drugs with the intention of quietly and deceitfully sterilizing the majority of the human race, according to a Gates Foundation insider who has admitted that Bill Gates’ mRNA vaccines, mosquitoes and food production are part of a multi-pronged eugenics attack on the human race.

Not only are the KM trying to kill us, but they have been suppressing our technological advancement for more than a century.

Although Elon Musk appears to be working with the white hats these says, his electric cars are an example.

It has been revealed that the world’s largest electric vehicle charging station, owned by Tesla at the Harris Ranch in California, is powered by diesel generators. You see it is still all about centralized control of energy and the fight seems to be about who is in control at the center.

What they don’t want is decentralized free energy. That is why I expect they will try to suppress the following recent technological break-through;

The road-legal world’s first off-road solar-powered vehicle has a top speed of 145 kilometers (90 miles) per hour. On a sunny day, its battery range is around 710 kilometers (441 miles) on roads, and around 550 kilometers (342 miles) off-road, depending on the surface. In cloudy conditions, the team estimates the range could be 50 kilometers less.

Ask yourself, who benefits every time you fill your gas tank or charge your electric car? They are offering us a good shepherd instead of one who is planning to slaughter us right away. What we really want is to be released from the human-animal farm our ruling class has locked us into.

Benjamin Fulford — October 30th 2023: Fake President Biden declares World War III but he has no army

The theater of the absurd that now passes for “government” in the United States is sinking to new lows as money and time run out. The latest black joke is a so-called official “White House” declaration of war. It reads in part as follows:

…militia groups have conducted numerous attacks using unmanned aerial systems and indirect fire… A United States contractor suffered a fatal cardiac incident while moving to a shelter during one of these attacks. …

In response…United States forces conducted targeted strikes against facilities in eastern Syria…I directed this military action…pursuant to my constitutional authority as Commander in Chief.”

So, someone died of a heart attack because he got scared by drones and this is an excuse to declare war.

The only problem is the fake Biden does not control the US or any military. The real military is not going to be fooled by the Satanists into destroying the planet by starting an all-out nuclear war.

This last desperate attempt to start World War III comes as white hats score major victories on multiple fronts.

The biggest is probably the announced resignation of Swiss President Alain Berset, one of the leaders of the Octagon group. according to Mossad and other sources. His removal means the World Economic Forum, the WHO and Gavi are all about to lose the diplomatic immunity given to them by the Swiss government. This will open the way for war crimes tribunals for mass murder via vaccination.

The other thing that is going on is that white hat special forces are fighting a fierce war in the network of tunnels underneath Israel and the Gaza Strip. It is only a matter of time before they get to the person many say is the head of the snake: Benyamin Netanyahu. The photographs below show, that most of his public appearances are by an avatar, However, the real Netanyahu is still around and hiding deep underground. He is being hunted down by anti-Satanic Israeli and US special forces, Mossad and Pentagon sources claim.

The rabbit hole in Israel apparently runs very deep. “Clear records of tunneling operations extend back more than 4,000 years – Assyrian carvings show engineering units belonging to Sargon of Akkad (who reigned between 2,334 and 2,279 BCE) undermining the walls of enemy cities,” Prof. Joel Roskin, a geomorphologist and geologist at Bar-Ilan University told the Jerusalem Post.

That is very interesting because Sargon credited the Anunnaki for his success in building the world’s first Empire, centered around where the fighting is now taking place.

Professor Roskin says the area is home to “complex, multi-story underground caverns and tunnels with rooms, halls and warehouses.” MI6 reports fierce fighting now going on in these complexes. We will let readers know if we get any credible reports of the capture of “Anunnaki” controlling the Netanyahu, Biden, Putin, etc. avatars.

There are certainly many credible reports of underground bases being taken out around the world. The sign of this is earthquakes with depths of 8 and 10 km, bearing the hallmarks of having been caused by explosives. These indicate a Deep Underground Military Base (DUMB) has been taken out. Many such quakes have been reported in Iran, Australia and elsewhere in recent days. There was also one with an epicenter under San Francisco’s international airport on October 27th, the United States Geological Survey said. The quake struck about eight miles beneath the airport at 6:38 p.m. local time, it said.

Satanists are also being removed above ground. One who is being taken out is EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen. European Council President Charles Michel is leading the attack against her because she refutes EU calls to end the humanitarian crisis in Gaza.

The Hungarian and Slovak Presidents are also attacking her by blocking efforts to launder countless billions of Euros in bribe money via the Ukraine.

Readers can help speed the removal of this Nazi Satanist by signing the petition linked below.

In Canada meanwhile, the traitor Justin Castrudeau cannot appear in public without being attacked. If you look at his bodyguards in the video below you can see by their demeanor they are most likely not Canadians.

Here is a message to the real Canadian military and intelligence community: If you do not arrest this mass murdering criminal it is only a matter of time before you will be court-martialed for treason and executed by firing squad.

Speaking about execution by firing squad, there is a major purge going on in China that is slipping under most people’s radars. Chinese intelligence sources say “very many” top leaders were killed at a hotel before, during and after the 20th National Congress of the Chinese Communist Party that ended on October 22nd.

Most notably Li Keqiang, a member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of Communist Party of China central committees and former Premier was killed because he was responsible for the mass murder of many Chinese via vaccine, the intelligence agency sources say. The official cause of death was “sudden heart attack” at age 68.

His death follows the firing of China’s Defense Minister Li Shangfu, another member of the Tang dynasty Li family. Their symbol is the green dragon.

The Chinese intelligence source warned though to not read too much into all this because “purges happen all the time in China.”

Regardless, the Chinese are still not planning to fork over any more money to keep the Rockefeller-run Biden circus afloat. That is why fake US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken is looking so unhappy in this photo taken after his meeting last week with Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi. Blinken knows his Rockefeller bosses are headed for the gallows and him along with them. Without more Chinese bribe money they won’t be able to pay their FBI protective goons.

Colonel Douglas MacGregor says Blinken,is now trying to push the US into war with Iran with promises the US will support Israel in destroying Hamas. Blinken is leading us into “Armageddon,” he warns.

Of course, as mentioned above, the US military is not taking the bait.

That is why the US political puppet theater is trying to move away from the entire Biden show. The Satanists are now trying to stay in charge with a Trojan horse known as the new speaker of the house Mike Johnson.

At first glance, Johnson appears to tick off all the right-wing boxes. He has consistently voted against aid to Ukraine. He is a staunch ally of President Donald Trump. He says the 2020 election was rigged. He has been actively involved in investigations into Biden’s crime family. Also, the corporate propaganda media attacks him viciously.

“They are crying, they are hand-wringing, they are bed-wetting over [in the swamp] because we have an honorable, righteous man…He’s going to do great things for the country,” representative Matt Gaetz says of him.

Sounds good right? The only problem is that he failed to tick the biggest box and that is to be against the Satanic plan to kill 90% of humanity. As soon as he got in office this Zionist fanatic told Sean Hannity: – “We can’t allow Putin to prevail in Ukraine” – US “boots on the ground” may be required to “stand with Israel” – Supports Israel directly attacking Iran and calls Russia, China, and Iran “the new Axis of Evil.”

In a related move, the Satanists are running Ukraine talks in Malta using “all means, including fraud, blackmail and threats, in order to lure in as many countries as possible, especially those who have a neutral position on the Ukrainian crisis,” Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said.

We also see multiple reports Vladimir Putin is preparing a “massive” retaliatory nuclear strike to wipe out Russia’s enemies.

In other words, the entire Washington DC circus is still trying to pull a Hail Mary pass and usher in Armageddon by starting a Gog versus Magog war between the G7 and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization.

The Russians are having none of it. “Putin died on Thursday at around 8:40 p.m. and is now in a freezer in Valdai,” Russian political scientist Valery Soloviei told Polish intelligence. Let us see if that means they finally give up the Putin avatar show.

The other point to make is that the whole political show is just a movie being played on our screens. The US Army has fenced off the entire DC Government District with metal fencing & concertina wire.

    "ISRAEL WILL BE LAST" What Did That Q-Drop Mean?

    It's All About A Contract! "Israel was created by The Khazarian Rothschild Mafia Banksyers in
    1948 but their contract as an independent sovereign nation expires the end of October 2023. (day after eclipse no coincidence) They…

    — Ariel (@Prolotario1) October 26, 2023

The Washington Times, which is actually based there, reports the  Government Accountability Office surveyed two dozen federal agencies and found they averaged a roughly 80% vacancy rate during the study period earlier this year.

Just how long the fake show will continue on our screens is questionable, CNN has just announced it will be closing its headquarters in Atlanta in the wake of plunging viewership and a lack of money. This means the entire AT&T communications center there is being taken over by white hats.

Something has also happened at Google which has now stopped criminally censoring the truth about such things as toxic vaccines and stolen elections.

[Below is the remaining portion of Fulford’s update this week]

30+ Israel lies debunked in 3 weeks

No dead babies

No burnt babies

No beheaded babies

No children in cages

No raped women

No ripped breasts

No paraded captives

No tortured captives

No mutilating dead bodies

No “Global Day of Jihad” No planned cyanide attacks

No Hamas coming through US border

No all-female Israeli unit killing 100 Hamas

No October 7 was not “unprovoked”

No Biden did not see pictures of dead babies

No Pro-Palestine are not “pro-Hamas” rallies

No small blasts do not prove Israel did not bomb the hospital

No “misfired” rocket was destroyed by Iron Dome before the hospital bombing

No “misfired” rocket trajectory does not align with the IDF version of events

No “misfired” rocket can’t be both fired from the cemetery and southwest of the hospital

No Hamas charter published in 2017 is anti-Zionist,

not anti-Jewish Fake baby crib photo

Fake blood splatter photo

Fake booby-trapped school bags

Fake Al Jazeera journalist twitter account

Fake audio tape about bombing hospital

Fake AI-generated images of Hamas leaders

Fake “official Al Qaeda material” on dead Hamas fighters

Fake antisemitic controversy over Greta’s toy octopus

False titles for Palestine protest chants

False labels on a Gaza 4-year-old baby martyred in airstrike as a doll

False crisis actor accusation by using old pictures of West Bank raid survivor

False crisis actor accusation by using old pictures of Thai children in ghost costumes Yes many Israeli civilians were killed by crossfire at the festival, not by mass shooting

Yes many Israeli civilians said Hamas was kind to them during attacks and as captives

Yes many Israeli civilians were killed by Israeli tanks at kibbutz

    30+ Israel lies debunked in 3 weeks

    No dead babies
    No burnt babies
    No beheaded babies
    No children in cages
    No raped women
    No ripped breasts
    No paraded captives
    No tortured captives
    No mutilating dead bodies
    No “Global Day of Jihad”
    No planned cyanide attacks
    No Hamas coming thru…

    — Propaganda and co (@propandco) October 28, 2023

Now Mosab Hassan Yousef -the son of the founding leader of Hamas- says it is not Muslim but is rather a globalist psy-op designed to “terrorize the world into accepting forever wars in the Middle East.”

Hamas is also sitting on a stockpile of Western weapons that had previously been shipped to Ukraine.

Revelations like this mean so many Jews have woken up to the truth that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has been forced to admit he would “have to give answers” for security lapses exposed in the deadly October 7 attacks by Hamas.

The answer he will be forced to give is that “Israel’s 9/11” was an attempt to avoid bankruptcy by starting a war just like the original 911 was for the US,

“Israel was created by The Khazarian Rothschild Mafia Banksters in 1948 but their contract as an independent sovereign nation expires at the end of October 2023. (the day after the eclipse no coincidence) That means that the timing of the war is completely planned strategically to coincide with the time they could be dissolved with the rest of the central bankers and all the other bankrupt corporations,” Mossad sources explain.

An Asian royal offered this explanation:

The reason why the Zionist bankers must take over Persia is that they need the Central Bank of Iran in order to save their financial system. The Central Bank of Iran has untold reserves in gold and holds the Imperial Crown jewels, both of which the country has been accumulating for eons. The modern version of the Central Bank was created in 1960. This is why they keep antagonizing Persia, the latest is to get the country involved in the Gaza-Israeli conflict. The Zionist bankers need a war. It won’t happen. Russia and Persia are protecting each other.

Israel is now incorporated and registered in the UK. They filed as a new business entity in February of this year. Their registered address is the Israeli Embassy in Kensington, London. The beneficial owner of the company is the Israeli Knesset in Jerusalem.

We have talked to the Jewish head of MI6 who claims to be the new owner. He says they will soon rebuild the third Temple on the site of the original temple built by King David. They say the site is nowhere near the Al Aqsa Mosque.

If this is true it means the Jews have are being liberated from thousands of years of slavery. We shall soon see.

Regardless, there are countless signs the old order is collapsing. Last week the world’s oldest central bank, Sweden’s Riksbank went bankrupt. The now insolvent central bank needs at least SEK80 billion or US $7 billion (about 1% of Swedes’ GDP) to get back in business. The Swedes would be better off to just pull the plug.

Another central bank struggling to survive is the one in Argentina. Their puppet economy minister Massa, who was responsible for 140% inflation, has “defied expectations” and beaten libertarian candidate Javier Milei. Milei promised to scrap the peso and close the central bank. In other words, the Khazarian mafia is trying to steal the Argentine election in order to keep their debt slavery racket going there.

Something similar is happening in Mexico. Last week it was hit with a weather modification weapon.

President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador accused his opponents of trying to exploit Hurricane Otis ahead of next year’s presidential election.

A Senior Mexican source says the KM is trying to impose a “Jewish” woman as president. He says he met her and “She did not look like a human being.”

Similar struggles are taking place in many countries as the KM fight a losing battle to keep their puppets in power as their rule collapses.

We are also seeing major corporate collapses. This is especially true of the pharmaceutical industry.

Johnson & Johnson is planning for bankruptcy as it faces over 500,000 thousand lawsuits linking baby powder to cancer. Other pharmaceutical companies are facing similar lawsuits for other cancer-causing products.

Now the vaccine lawsuits and war crimes trials are coming.

New Zealand is a Crime Scene: In one clinic, in one day 30 people were COVID-19 injected and all 30 have died.

Similar stories are emerging from Canada, the US and many other countries.

“They will all be tried found guilty of crimes against humanity and executed,” CIA sources promise.

It’s class action lawsuit time. Here’s a list of 90 lawyers that you can contact if you want to sue the vaccine manufacturers:

There are also going to be lawsuits over missing children. Polish intelligence informs us:

We know a lot about various models of “child protection” because Ordo Iuris experts have been saving families from the hands of heartless Norwegian, German, Dutch, Belgian and Swedish officials for years. Even newborns are separated from their breastfeeding mothers if officials notice behavior that they consider disturbing, such as an irregular lifestyle, frequent trips abroad of the child with its mother, or… a baby’s diaper being too wet. Each of these stories has been documented in litigation.

This sort of thing has been going on in the US as well to the tune of 40,000 missing children every year. It is time for a reckoning over this too.

The days where they can drag people out of Hillary Clinton rallies for asking about Bill’s trips to Epstein Island are ending.

    I was DRAGGED OUT of a Hillary Clinton rally for asking about Bill’s trips to Epstein island!

    — Alex Rosen (@iFightForKids) October 27, 2023

There is also an electric vehicle purge coming. In a victory for auto workers, Ford is halting $12 billion in EV investment, saying they are too expensive

“People are finally seeing reality,” Toyota Motor Chairman Akio Toyoda said.

Speaking about reality, we are also now getting closer to the truth about mass shootings staged by the KM in an ongoing attempt to seize firearms from Americans.

It seems the tinfoil hat people were on to something. Look at how many shooters heard voices before taking action.

The technology to make people hear voices in their heads that nobody else can hear has been around at least since the 1970s. In the video below you can watch a college professor bounce sound waves carrying music that can’t be heard aloud but can be heard in your head. This experiment was carried out at a university using equipment that cost a few hundred dollars, Look at the students’ reactions.

Of course, governments have been using this technology. Now I feel bad I dismissed all those people who came to me with such reports in the past as delusional.

Finally, here is a video sent to me by the Russians just as this report was about to go live. It shows Donald Trump being obsequious to the Crown Prince of Morocco Moulay Hassan. Morocco controls 70% of the world’s phosphate supply needed for all agriculture. The Moroccan Royal Family crest features two lions of Judah, meaning they are crypto-Jews. If the Hassan family tries (God forbid) to engineer a starvation crisis, they will be eliminated permanently from the human gene pool.

Benjamin Fulford — November 6th 2023: US and Israel headed for some sort of mega black swan event

The signs are multiplying that the US and Israel are headed for some sort of mega black swan event. The result will be that both countries cease to exist in their present format. That is because the Federal Reserve Board -the fountain of power for the Satanists- is on the verge of collapse. If it goes, then everything under it, such as the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA CORPORATION, the BIS, the World Bank, the IMF, the UN and 90% of the world’s transnational corporations will also collapse and come under new management.

The signs of FRB collapse are manifold. As we have previously noted, the FRB interest rate of 5.25% has mathematically doomed at least half of all US Banks because it has devalued all the zero or close to zero interest stuff on their books. The FRB is now resorting to fraudulent accounting to hide the resulting bank run.

This was seen when deposits at most of the big US banks (owners of the FRB) were “delayed” by the FRBs Automated Clearing House (ACH), network.

This apparently allowed the FRB to use “seasonal adjustment” fakery to turn a $33 billion deposit outflow (bank run) into a $52 billion inflow. This trickery has magically boosted deposits by $168 billion since April. Since FRB rules allow 1000 times leverage, these fake deposits back $168 trillion worth of “financial instruments.” In other words, the whole financial house of cards rests on a foundation of fraud.

The US banks are also now stealing people’s money outright as well. Many bank customers are getting letters saying all of their checking and savings accounts are being closed. The explanation, if there is one, is something like “Per your account agreement, we can close your account for any reason at any time.”

This is happening in Australia and other KM-controlled countries as well.

The KM are also now pushing desperately to outlaw cash and force us into a digital prison. The new FedNow inter-banking communication system is “possibly unconstitutional” and “threatens the very freedoms that all liberty-loving American citizens should hold dear,” says Bitcoin Magazine Editor Mark Goodwin in response to an FRB attempt to silence his publications’ criticism of this system.

These moves are connected to the upcoming November 15th deadline for the US government to “raise the debt limit.” We are hearing the Chinese and other creditors to the US are determined not to let the US “government” circus show continue any longer.

This financial trouble is why a political or military-type mega black swan event is probable. In the past, the FRB has responded to crises of this nature with events like 911, Fukushima and most recently the pandemic and vaccine global genocide attempt.

One possibility is some sort of holocaust or mass sacrifice to Satan is being planned for Israel. We are getting credible reports from foreign diplomats based there that large portions of the country have been evacuated to Ukraine. These coincide with reports from Russia that roadblocks have been set up in the Ukraine and only people who can prove they are Jewish are being allowed past them.

Mossad sources further claim Israel as a corporation has expired on October 31st. Also, China has removed Israel from its maps.

In response, Netanyahu has appeared showing a map of Israel minus the Gaza strip. The last thing left for Israel to do is wage a Great War.

“Israel is a global terrorist organization. That’s exactly what they are, but It is better to refer to them as the cancer of planet Earth,” a Mossad source says.

In another sign Jews still in Israel are being prepared for another Holocaust, Satanic thugs in Israel are violently attacking genuine Jews who are protesting the genocidal acts of their government.

According to MI6, the people behind this are Crime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu and “a group of extremist Israeli nationalists who assassinated various international characters over the years including a Swedish count by all accounts so to speak and also had a go at a certain Mr. Winston Churchill back in the day. They style their vision of a modern Israel on the fascist states of Spain, Italy and Germany…The joint Israel and Gaza Strip incursions are indeed a slaughterhouse of blood sacrifice and now genocide. Left unchecked they will level the entire place to the ground and all in it.”

Netanyahu himself refers to his Jewish and Palestinian enemies as Amalek:

“The Lord ordered King Saul to destroy the enemy and all his people: ‘Now go and defeat Amalek and destroy all that he has; and give him no mercy: but put to death both Husband and wife; from youth to infant; from ox to sheep; from camel to donkey.” Book of Samuel 15:3.

Heritage Minister Amichai Eliyahu agrees saying “One of Israel’s options in the war in Gaza is to drop a nuclear bomb on the strip,”

In a sign they know something is about to happen there, the Pentagon will no longer allow its senior military leaders to travel to Israel and will discourage members of Congress from making trips. “Israel will not recover from this mistake,” a senior CIA source warns.

In other words, unless action is taken, the KM are about to stage a murder-suicide of Israel rather than accept Jewish liberation from millennia of Satanic control.

Turkey might step in by reasserting control over Israel. “It is Türkiye’s duty to stop the bloodshed in Gaza,” President Recep Erdogan said on Sunday. “We are doing and will continue to do more than what is visible,” he said implying NATO’s largest army might intervene.

There is also evidence some sort of truly horrific event is being planned for the US as well. “The fear porn is really flowing. Get ready for a massive False Flag event. They are setting the stage for it,” a CIA source agrees.

So does Senator Ted Cruz who says “I believe we are at greater risk today for a major terrorist attack in the United States than we have been at any time since September 11.”

Our sources say now that their attempts to kill us with all-out nuclear war, vaccines and bioweapons have failed they are likely to bring out their Directed Energy Weapons (DEWs).

It seems the recent obvious DEW attacks on Maui and Acapulco were just rehearsals for something much worse.

Local witnesses in Acapulco say the storm that hit it was a 20 kilometer wide tornado that was not accompanied by rain as would be the case with a real hurricane.

Just like in Maui, poor areas located on prime real estate were hit. Witnesses say “There are screams and gunshots” coming from Acapulco’s poor districts indicating children are being taken for adrenachrome harvesting just as happened in Maui.

Also, as in Maui, the military is stopping private sector aid from entering Acapulco.

In another parallel, Acapulco, like Maui, was planned to become a “smart city.”

The other coincidence is Mountain DEW put out a soft drink called Maui Burst

before the Maui attack. They have also put out products called Baja Blast and Baja Flash.

This may sound like a stretch of the imagination but the same series has something called VOO Blast. VOO is the Vanguard S&P Exchange Traded Fund. And, coincidentally, Mountain Dew is a subsidiary of PepsiCo whose main shareholders are The Vanguard Group (8.9%) and BlackRock (7.6%).

These are Rockefeller and KM fronts for controlling most listed companies.

With a little bit of digging, it is probable you will find these entities are the ones investing in the “smart cities.”

Mexican cartel sources tell us the attack on Acapulco also destroyed much of their poppy crop. They say it was to destroy what they call “natural competition” to the KM’s synthetic and deadly fentanyl.

The KM have always used inside jokes telegraphing their planned attacks so, maybe it is just a coincidence but another Mountain DEW product is called Code Red, possibly indicating some major widespread disaster planned for the US.

The Donald Trump-related Q drop NOT EVERYTHING WILL BE CLEAN

[SCARE] NECESSARY EVENT also hints some disaster event will be staged to justify a military intervention inside the US.

The entire planet is sick of this sort of behavior. As Former Malaysian President Mahathir says of the West:

“Invasions and aggressions are justified as efforts to combat terrorism and militancy [or deal with disasters] but we know they were mere camouflage to hide their lust for oil and territory apart from their love of war.”

We are also getting signs they are heating up Project Blue Beam again. The Pentagon has just launched a new portal where current and former service members, government employees and contractors can report UFO sightings.

[Below is the remaining portion of Fulford’s update this week]

The statement is here :

If they finally pull the alien invasion card it is likely to be their last because the walls are closing in on them.

For one thing, the vaccine lawsuits are snowballing and war crimes trials are now a certainty. In the latest on this front, the South Korean Government has begun compensating families if a member dies within 90 days of receiving the mRNA jab, even if an autopsy cannot determine the cause. The Korea Disease Control and Prevention Agency said these measures apply retroactively.

“Korea had a higher inoculation rate than the rest of the world because people trusted the state and got vaccinated,” People Power Party Rep. Park Dae-chul stated at a National Assembly meeting between the party and the administration….In this regard, the state must address the blind spot in helping those harmed by the vaccination policy….Korea has recognized 11 COVID-19 vaccine side effects, including anaphylaxis, myocarditis, and pericarditis,

Once a government officially acknowledges such a thing, the floodgates are open. Most leaders in the West are going down hard on this one.

The funny satire video with Klaus Schwab Rothschild below is factually correct.

The vaccine is only one way the KM tried to murder us all. Polish intelligence reports they were also trying to kill us by forcing us to eat bugs.

A 2017 study on chitin in insects says it “stimulates the human innate immune system to generate a flood of inflammatory cytokines that damage organs (leading to asthma, atopic dermatitis, etc.) and in persistent situations lead to death (multiple sclerosis, systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), cancer, etc.).”

Even beer has been poisoned. In 2016, the Munich Environmental Institute examined the 14 most popular beer brands for glyphosate. It was detected in all of them. In the most extreme case, it was 300 times the legal limit for drinking water. The lowest concentration was found in the Augustiner Helles brand and even that at 0.46 micrograms of per liter was more than four times the 0.1 microgram legal limit for water.

This sort of thing is true for a huge percentage of the products corporations have been saturating us with. Justice is long overdue.

There are signs senior KM members are being taken down.

For example, the Dalai Lama is no longer the head of Tibetan Buddhism, according to sources in the Japanese imperial family. He is likely to be executed for murder, they say.

Also, it sure looks like the white hat alliance has Zuckerberg Rockefeller under arrest. He uses a leg injury and has a photo shoot in a hospital to sway the sheeple. Zuckerberg Rockefeller had an injury on his foot/leg and will be wearing a medical boot or is it a GPS monitor?

There are also reports Bill Gates is facing life behind bars on child rape charges:

Bill Gates has already lost his marriage due to his friendship with the convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein, but he is about to lose a whole lot more, according to investigators who revealed the globalist billionaire is about to be thrown under the bus and prosecuted on child rape charges.

Child rape is the least of the charges that could be made against Gates. How about mass murder?

“Gates isn’t the only global elite facing charges. A whole host of household names, including members of the US House and Senate, are currently sweating as the walls close in on them,” Mossad sources promise.

Victoria Nuland and Vladimir Zelensky are also going to face justice. A court in Kyiv has ruled the Maidan massacre in February 2014 began with the killing and wounding of both policemen and protesters by snipers from Hotel Ukraina, controlled by the US State Department.

The Russian government says Ukrainian neo-Nazis will be tried in an international court for “attempts to annihilate the Russian people in Donbas, as well as for the deaths of Ukrainians in a fratricidal war.”

In a sign the war is over, Russia is selling off Zelensky’s former Ukrainian house at an auction.

Also, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov denies the Wagner paramilitary group transferred air defense systems to the Hezbollah in Lebanon because: “De facto such a group (Wagner) does not exist.” In other words, it was the KM that sold missiles to Hezbollah in the hope they would use them to chase Jews out of Israel.

It is now clear the entire Wagner versus the Ukraine story was a Satanist cover for the wholesale slaughter of Ukrainians. As we have previously reported Yevgeny Prigozhin the head of Wagner and Zelensky both worked for the KM to depopulate the Ukraine and pave the way for the rebirth of Khazaria. Instead, their KM bosses will be facing war crimes charges.

Now over 50 countries supporting Ukraine, including NATO members, decided to negotiate peace with Russia after meeting in Malta. Even KM news fronts like Time and CNN are admitting the Ukraine war was a failure.

This is because the West has run out of money and has burned through all of its weapons stocks, according to Colonel Douglas MacGregor and Polish intelligence sources,

There is also growing evidence the brainwashed sheeple are waking up en masse. “They lied about the World Trade Center They lied about the war in Iraq They lied about the banking crisis They lied about Libya They lied about Syria They lie about Ukraine They lied about the pandemic But now they’re definitely not lying. Well, now they’re definitely telling the truth. So many years, so many lies, and the cattle still fall for the same things,” a Polish commentator said, reflecting the views of many.

or example, a Bild newspaper poll shows two-thirds of Germans oppose letting in more migrants from Islamic countries with many explaining they no longer feel safe in their own country and believe an increasing number of new arrivals despise German society.

In another sign of popular revolt, a “Blade Runners” in the UK have made the news by destroying 1000 surveillance cameras.

It is not over yet though. WEF puppet UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has been given his orders.

Britain Agrees To Relinquish Its Tax Sovereignty to the WEF

The British government has agreed to hand over full control of its tax sovereignty to the World Economic Forum.

The new rules mean that unelected bureaucrats headquartered in Davos will be in charge of collecting taxes from British subjects.

The WEF-run OECD is set to introduce a “global minimum tax” on firms in both the US and UK under a program called “Pillar 2.”

Also Klaus Schwab Rothschild brags

“The technologies at the heart of the Fourth Industrial Revolution” have the “potential to concentrate privilege and challenge existing governance systems.”

Shaping the Future of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, 2018

In a sign of just how horrific these technologies can be: “Recent advances in electrogenetics by scientists at ETH Zurich suggest the tantalizing possibility of wearable devices that can directly control human DNA.”

In other words, if we do not overthrow these Satanic oligarchs we will be condemned to an eternity in a human animal farm.

UNITED STATES CORP., Israel, Poland and Ukraine may cease to exist as KM defeated
The geopolitical situation is in the middle of a collapse of the USASR-type situation. This will lead to many countries disappearing from the map in their current form. Countries likely to disappear include Israel, the United States, Ukraine and Poland. This comes as Rockefeller stooge president Joe Biden is set to sign surrender documents in San Francisco this week to the greater planetary liberation alliance, Western White hat and Asian secret society sources say.

What is happening is that a centuries-old Satanic plan to use three world wars to turn the planet into a giant slave plantation has ended in failure. The Khazarian Mafia hoped to use this plan to rule the world from Israel and greater Khazaria (Ukraine+Khazakhstan etc.). Instead, as we shall see below, the KM have been decisively defeated in the Ukraine and will soon be in Israel.

“Ukraine is an essential piece that we cannot afford to lose on the geopolitical chessboard…our current path…means that our global order is dead on its’ feet,” admits Nathaniel Rothschild who has taken over the KM now that much of the Octagon group has been neutralized.

The defeat of this plan means many borders may return to a situation similar to what existed before the KM engineered World War I, the sources say.

In other words, Germany will return to something of its’ First Reich borders, the Austro-Hungarian Empire may re-emerge as a republic and the Turkish Ottoman Empire may once again turn Judea (misleadingly called Palestine or Israel) into a protectorate. Needless the say the rights and autonomy of the Poles, Jews and Judeans (“Palestinians”), etc. would be protected under such a scenario.

However, the changes may be more far-reaching than that because the satanic UNITED STATES OF AMERICA CORPORATION is set to be dismantled as a result of the victory of the American people in their second revolution. The Republic of the United States of North America is likely to emerge as a replacement for the corporation when all the dust settles.

This may all sound far-fetched but facts in the real world make this the most likely scenario.

Let us start with the situation surrounding IS (ISIS the moon goddess) RA (the Egyptian sun god) EL (the creator).

The Jews know their own government attacked them to justify war in the Gaza Strip. A leaked video from the Israeli Air Force shows that it was the Israeli Apache helicopters that bombed its citizens during the “Delirium” festival on October 7, not Hamas!

Also, now even Jewish holocaust survivors are getting arrested for antisemitism [anti-satanism].

No wonder Haaretz, a major mainstream Israeli Newspaper said:

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who is meant to be leading the country, is a haunted politician facing the end of his career, with the present troubles compounding the serious criminal entanglement into which he maneuvered himself with his own hands. Netanyahu does not enjoy the public’s confidence, and most of his efforts are invested in his personal survival.

Last week leaders of all the Muslim countries gathered in response to the Satanic massacre of Judeans in Gaza ordered by the Satanist Netanyahu.

At the meeting of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (IOC) in Saudi Arabia last weekend a consensus was reached to end Israeli mischief once and for all. The IOC countries agreed they would not be fooled by the KM into starting World War III. Instead, they will follow the playbook of the neighbors of the original Khazaria.

The IOC will issue an ultimatum to Israel and its’ KM overlords to stop their criminal and anti-social behavior around the world. They will threaten to attack Israel with an army of over 5 million that outnumbers them by 10 to 1 unless they arrest the war criminals in their government and subject themselves to Turkish guardianship.

This is why Tass reports Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is planning a “global initiative” to resolve the Gaza crisis.

Also, look at how Rockefeller slave Anthony Blinken gets the cold shoulder in Turkey as he tries to forestall this move. The current US regime has no credibility in the region.

Furthermore, any nuclear blackmail attempt by the Israelis will be countered by Pakistan’s nuclear arsenal.

The Chinese and Russians also support such a plan.

No matter what though, this is not going to turn into the KM’s long-planned Gog (the G7) versus Magog (The SCO) all-out nuclear war scenario to kill 90% of humanity. The US, Chinese and Russian militaries will not go along. The US military is no longer under the control of the KM, Pentagon sources explain. Even if compromised leaders try to order such a scenario, 72% of Americans say they will not support their armed forces in the event of a major war. The military rank and file is with the American people and not the KM.

Take a look at how CNN tries to suppress real US military views by cutting off this soldier.

In any case, we are getting reports the US mainland itself is now under attack, meaning no troops would be available to fight in the Middle East. The most dramatic evidence of this is coming from Los Angeles. “Every night around 2 AM US military troops are arriving by truck along the main boulevards of Long Beach California. The troops are going underground and loud explosions that are not earthquakes are being heard. When I asked a soldier at the cafeteria of the port facility who they were fighting he said they were fighting

Mexican Narcos and Chinese troops,” a logistics officer at the Long Beach port facility told highly respected Jim Willie of the Hat Trick Newsletter.

The fighting is centered around the Getty Museum cage center, Willie says. 

We also got confirmation from a senior Mexican cartel official that revenge for the Directed Energy Weapon attack on Acapulco was under way. “Chinese troops have landed there,” he says adding “I envisage an attack on Las Vegas in the form of a tragedy.” The cartels vow there will be a “Reconquista” of the parts of Mexico taken from them in the Mexican-American war.

These reports are partially confirmed by massive mysterious fires breaking out in Los Angeles.

    ?#BREAKING: Multiple firefighters are on the scene to a significant pallet yard fire under a bridge with evacuations in progress
    ⁰?#LosAngeles | #California⁰
    Currently Multiple fire departments and emergency personnel are currently at the scene of a significant fire…

    — R A W S A L E R T S (@rawsalerts) November 11, 2023

    NEW – Massive storage fire has shut down 10 Freeway in downtown Los Angeles

    — Insider Paper (@TheInsiderPaper) November 11, 2023

Also “a rare magnitude 5.2 earthquake” hit Mentone, Texas near the Mexican border last week. A shallow depth of 4.34 miles, according to the USGS means “this was a DUMB taken out for sure,” according to a CIA official.

Other sources implicate the KM in all this saying At least a million, possibly two million terrorists are already here from Palestine, Yemen, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Qatar, Lebanon, Iran, Somalia, etc., etc., and they are extremely well funded and get this, the Biden Administration working with the UN has given them debit cards that are reloaded every month.” The KM most likely hopes to use these fifth columnists to defend themselves from the American people.

    This post will be attacked by the left, the marxists, the trolls, antifa, blm, even the intelligence community.

    I'm a 39 year intelligence analyst, I and my team’s clients include the United States Government, British Government, Israeli Government, Saudi Arabia Government,…

    — Tony Seruga (@TonySeruga) October 31, 2023

There is also financial warfare taking place against the US Corporation. The Chinese have been dumping US Treasuries in an attempt to collapse the FRB and their Washington DC subsidiary. This prompted the KM to retaliate by hacking Chinese bank computer systems. Reuters reported this attack as follows:

A ransomware attack on the industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC) disrupted some trades in the U.S. Treasury market on Thursday, the Treasury Department said.

A Canadian intelligence agency says what really happened was:

“The Fed put out a $24 TRILLION bond for countries to buy to cover the debt- NO ONE BOUGHT EVEN A PENNY. China bought oil futures from IRAN and paid 33 TRILLION BUT NOT IN US $ – what does that tell you about the USA in world affairs; THEY ARE FINISHED”

These battles are taking place in the run-up to the summit meeting between “President” Joe Biden and Chinese President Xi Jinping on November 15th. Our sources tell us “Biden” (the Rockefellers) will try to appease Xi by offering the State of California to China.

However, the Chinese have made it clear the US has to “let go of its arrogance and prejudice, and quit its hegemonic, domineering and bullying practices.”

The Chinese foreign ministry notes “the United States has fought or been militarily involved with almost all the 190-odd countries recognized by the United Nations with only three exceptions. The three countries were ‘spared’ because the United States did not find them on the map.”

The KM also use propaganda to demonize leaders they overthrow. As an example, listen to Ugandan leader Idi Amin who was overthrown and portrayed as a madman because he kicked out the Zionist Jews

As an alternative to this kind of activity China is proposing “a new model of state-to-state relations featuring dialogue and partnership, not confrontation or alliance.”

The White Dragon Society has warned the Chinese not to make any deal whatsoever with the KM and their US Corporate subsidiary. The KM will tell the Chinese whatever they want to hear and then stab their backs as soon as they get the opportunity. Instead, they have been advised to let the current KM system implode and wait for the white hats to clean up the mess.

As American patriot leader Colonel Douglas MacGregor says: “do not trust anyone inside the [Washington DC] beltway.”

The visual below is just one illustration of how the so-called politicians do not represent the American people.

In another sign of how out of touch North American politicians are, watch this video posted by CasTrudeau to his social media declaring it’s him getting his “booster” while wearing a t-shirt with the slogan “vaccines cause adults.”

She gave the injection in his left arm and put a band-aid on his right arm, Duh

The implosion is not far off. If the US Corporation does not go bankrupt before winter, about 180 million Americans and Canadians are going to freeze because of “insufficient energy supply” during extreme cold spells due to “a lack of fuel for Bulk Power System (BPS) and the availability of fuel for natural gas-fired generators,”according to 2023-24 Winter Reliability Assessment (WRA).

Now Moody’s has just downgraded US debt. In my experience, when Moody’s downgrades, it is way too little, way too late. The US is already below junk and saying its aaa rating is in danger of a downgrade is a joke.

Let us all hope the Chinese are not fooled into handing over more money and the US government fails to extend its debt ceiling beyond November 15th. 

If they do keep in business, we are in real danger of digital imprisonment. The President of the European Central Bank, Christine Lagarde, admits the EU’s new CBDC—the digital euro—will be used to impose control. EU citizens already face imprisonment or fines for engaging in cash transactions above €1000, but the introduction of the digital euro will facilitate financial totalitarianism. It is the same with the FRB.

The KM is also begging to have its’ Ukrainian political bribery money laundering operation reopened. Here you can watch a hilarious video of Russian KM agent Vladimir Zelinsky basically saying his laundry is still open for business.  Listen to how he words it:

“If you can’t give us some financial support, okay please give us credit and we will give you back money.”

This is one of the worst war criminals in history. Organized child trafficking in Ukraine “spans the entire spectrum from getting a new family somewhere in Western Europe, without the consent or even knowledge of the biological parents, to sex-trafficking, prostitution, pedophilia and how these children are murdered and, among other things, their hearts, kidneys and livers, are sold on an international black market for organ trafficking,” Polish intelligence reports.

Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova confirms noting “representatives of a health ministry in a NATO country struck a deal with some ‘private businessmen’ who were assisted by Ukraine’s Health Ministry and Presidential Office to deliver a refrigerated train car full of human organs and body parts.”

No wonder the so-called King Charles III of England has been deposed, according to MI6 after making a speech claiming among other things:

“My Ministers will work closely with international partners to support Ukraine.”

This will be shut down soon. General Valerii Zaluzhny, commander in chief of the Ukrainian armed forces, launched a military coup in Ukraine. In the video below he says, among other things: “Understand, there were fifty million of us, now there are less than twenty of us left. If we don’t stop Zelensky, then he will send all Ukrainians to slaughter…I order all military personnel to immediately leave the combat zone and take power in the cities under the control of the military.”

No wonder the KM-controlled Biden show is distancing itself from this. The Washington Post has published a report accusing Ukraine of blowing up the Nord Stream pipeline. “It looks like Zelensky and his officials are being tossed under the bus. Interesting that this comes out now,” a Mossad official comments.

Germany, meanwhile, is making moves to take over not just Ukraine but Poland and Latvia as well. Germany’s former ambassador to Warsaw, Arndt Freytag von Loringhoven, suggested in a German newspaper that German troops should be stationed in Poland permanently.

The European Union is seeking to introduce a “German plan” that would result in “the annihilation of the Polish state”, Jarosław Kaczyński, the chairman of Poland’s ruling party, warns.

“A ‘Defense Union’ is also to be established, which will be able to use Polish armed forces without the consent of the government in Warsaw,” warns Jerzy Kwaśniewski – President of the Ordo Iuris Institute for Legal Culture. “The European treaties do not contain a definition of the rule of law,” he adds. 

The KM meanwhile, for their part, have issued a “10-point peace plan.” This plan includes “radiation and nuclear safety,” “food security,” “energy security” and “immediate protection of the environment.” Translation: “If you do not hand us over money we will cut off your food and energy as well as cause nuclear poisoning and environmental destruction.”

This to me, for example, looks like a veiled threat to cause starvation:

Sara Menker, founder and CEO of Gro Intelligence, cautioned that the current food crisis surpassed the one in 2007-08, in Syria, food inflation is up 2,000%, 1,200% in Lebonan, and 700% in Argentina. She said the food crisis “is far from over for most people in the world.”

They are also making DEW threats. Look what they are doing with HAARP. They are creating an artificial airglow in the sky for four days

This was followed by news leaks such as the following:

Solar superstorm could ‘wipe out the internet’ for weeks or months, scientist says…We may marvel at the Northern Lights, but that same solar storm energy could one day create what one researcher described as an “internet apocalypse….The power grid, satellites, underground fiber optic cable with copper sheaths, navigation and GPS systems, radio transmitters and communications equipment are all vulnerable” says Peter Becker of the US Naval Research Laboratory

Then we see some 24,000 tremors in Iceland since late October that could trigger some sort of volcanic super eruption.

“What else are they doing without informing the public?  Quite a bit…. Earthquakes, volcanoes and weather modification,” a Pentagon source comments.

The Chinese and Russians, however, are not going to be intimidated though because they have similar weapons.

The Chinese and Russians, though, need to look into their own medical establishments because they have been as thoroughly infiltrated as Western ones by the pharamacidical part of the KM.

For example, we now have proof Graphene Oxide used for mind control via electronics was inside the COVID-19 vaccines.

Florida Attorney General Ashley Moody has responded to a call for the prosecution of Dr. Anthony Fauci and other architects of the U.S. response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Dr. David E. Martin is calling for the complete destruction of the World Health Organization (WHO) for crimes against humanity and bioterrorism (speech September 13, 2023: @DrDMartinWorld)

“Until we treat this as a criminal conspiracy by criminal fraudsters, resulting in global terrorism for profiteering and murder; until we have this conversation, we are having the wrong conversation.”

The Chinese and Russians need to take similar action. Also, we would like to ask the Chinese to do something about these fake eggs.

The whole world just wants a return to truth and sanity. The sooner the better.

Benjamin Fulford — November 20th 2023: Satan has been defeated and now his minions are being rounded up
Something fundamental has happened at the highest levels of world power. Satan -as in an ancient cult of human slavers- has been defeated and now a mopping-up operation is underway. The signs are everywhere. First, though, let us look at what has been defeated.

When Asian secret societies first approached me in 2006 they gave me the following hand-drawn chart of their power structure (sorry about the coffee stains).

At the top is the star of Satan (misleadingly called the Star of David) and directly underneath you find Switzerland and the Federal Reserve Board. The Babylonian god-king at the top of this structure was David Rockefeller. Under his direct control, you see Japan, Mexico, Canada, Africa, America, Iran, Greece, England, Russia and Mongolia.

On the left side, you see Queen Elizabeth and the European Commission (now the EU). Beneath her, you find the City of London and something called properties (presumably Crown land including most of Australia and Canada). On the right, you see France and hanging next to it the Fortune 500.

What you do not find under their control is Germany (then headed by Fuhrer George Bush Sr.). You also do not find the Middle Eastern Monarchies like Saudi Arabia, China, ASEAN and South America under their control.

Ok, so now let us zoom forward to 2023 and see what has happened. England under Queen Elizabeth split off, hence Brexit. Since her consort Philip was the monarch of Denmark and Greece, they also split off. Even though Elizabeth was murdered, England, Ireland and Scotland are now under the control of someone loyal to her spirit. It is not the fake King Charles III. This individual says he will make a public appearance in the New Year.

France has also split off. It is now under the control of Pierre De Gaulle, the grandson of Charles De Gaulle. At the Saint Petersburg Forum, De Gaulle raised the possibility of France joining the BRICS. Russian President Vladimir Putin said that if France presented its candidacy, he would consider it.

Russia, of course, also split off when Czarists loyal to the Orthodox Church killed 200 Satanist oligarchs and exiled many others before placing the Avatar Vladimir Putin in charge. 

Africa has also split off, which is why almost nobody submitted to vaccinations on that continent. The Russians have been providing military support for newly independent African countries. The Chinese have provided economic support. The British Commonwealth African countries are also independent.

Next, let us look at Germany. After George Bush Sr. and most of his family were executed for treason, the new Fuhrer became, according to the elders of the Black Sun Organization, Elon Musk. Donald Trump (the real one, not the fake one), is allied with this group.

Japan and the Korean Peninsula are now a battleground with the Rockefeller clan fighting (and losing) a rear-guard action to stay in control.

So, that leaves David Rockefeller Jr. an inheritance that now consists of the United States Corporation under the fake President Joe Biden, Canada under Castrudeau and many of the Fortune 500 companies. His politburo is the Swiss-based Octagon group. Politburo member Klaus Schwab Rothschild may have been trying to oust Jr. with his “great reset” plan. He failed. 

In other words, much of the news events of the past several years can be seen as the Rockefeller clan fighting to stay in power. This is why the first thing they did when they stole the 2020 election was cancel the Keystone pipeline to stop the US from buying non-Rockefeller oil from Canada. They also blew up the Nordstream II pipeline in order to force the Europeans to buy Rockefeller oil and gas at twice the Russian price.

Now it turns out one of the big reasons for the ongoing genocide in Gaza is to secure the huge gas reserves found there. The map above illustrates this.

Nonetheless, despite impoverishing the Americans and Europeans to stay in power, the Rockefellers are still facing bankruptcy.

As points out “Russia, the most sanctioned country in the world ends 2023 with a $75 billion profit…The US, the most indebted country in the world will end 2023 with a loss of $2 trillion.”

Last week the Rockefellers hoped to stay in business by offering the Chinese pretty much anything they wanted in exchange for more money. They offered California to the Chinese and lined the streets of San Francisco with Chinese flags saying, “Oh look, San Francisco turned into China for President Xi’s arrival. Finally revealing its’ true colors.”

However, if you look at the expression of Rockefeller bagman Anthony Blinken after talks with his Chinese counterparts, you can see sheer terror. We asked Asian Secret Society sources what they told him and they said they told him the Chinese would NOT lend any more money to the US Corporation. They also said they were going to insist the Rockefellers and others responsible for the vaccine mass murder war face war crimes tribunals.

After the meeting, the Chinese government press confirmed “The dysfunction of the US political system will continue to coexist as long as the country is still able to use the dollar to rein in the world economy.

This came even though “Biden” promised “the United States does not seek a new Cold War, it does not seek to change China’s system, it does not seek to revitalize alliances against China, it does not support ‘Taiwan independence,’ and that it has no intention to have a conflict with China,” according to Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi.

The failure to get money is why “Biden” disparaged Xi as a dictator of a communist government after the meeting.

In any case, without Chinese money, the Biden show is doomed for sure because they will have no money to bribe generals and actors pretending to be politicians.

The signs that the Rockefellers are losing control of the US are everywhere now.

The biggest sign is a letter going out to soldiers that says, “Former soldiers who were involuntarily separated for refusal to receive the COVID-19 vaccination may request a correction of their military records.” What this means is the vaccine mafia has lost control of the US military.

They are also losing control of the US bureaucracy. More than 500 U.S. officials have signed a letter protesting Rockefeller surrogate Biden’s Israel policy

Donald Trump supporter Kash Patel, meanwhile, has sued Rockefeller enforcer FBI director Christopher Wray & and other members of the FBI & DOJ for unlawful surveillance. They will be grilled about this under oath.

Also, Rep. Clay Higgins (R-La.) confronted Wray over “nefarious” buses “filled with FBI informants dressed as Trump supporters deployed unto our Capitol on Jan. 6.”

Now the January 6th tapes have been made public proving this event was a giant fraud facilitated and coordinated by elements within the US government.

Ever since Friday’s release of more than 40,000 hours of Jan. 6 Capitol Police security video, dozens of clips debunking the Jan. 6 committee’s ‘violent insurrection’ narrative have been floating around X.

    Here's a January 6 video they've never shown the public.

    A protester is uncuffed by Capitol police and then fist bumps another officer down a hallway away from everyone.

    — Citizen Free Press (@CitizenFreePres) November 17, 2023

The other thing that is happening is the snowballing evidence of the vaccine crimes committed by the Khazarian mafia pharmacidical corporations. For example, Japanese researchers have confirmed the vaccines were designed to make heart muscles produce spike proteins. These in turn caused the immune system to attack them, leading to all those heart deaths. Pfizer meanwhile has admitted privileged populations received special safe Covid-19 ‘vaccines’ in different batches. In other words, vaccines were used to selectively cull the population of “undesirables.”

We also see a lawsuit has been filed against New Jersey for secretly harvesting babies’ blood for elite VIPs:

The Institute for Justice has filed a lawsuit against the State of New Jersey, alleging that a secret program is allowing for the harvesting and saving of newborn blood without the knowledge or consent of the babies’ parents.

Now Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) is pursuing federal criminal action against Dr. Anthony Fauci for perjury before Congress.

“Virtually everything they said in private, they said the opposite in the public at the same time,” Dr. Paul said.

He should be pursuing war crimes and mass murder charges.

A document by the “Secretariat for World Order” from September 20, 1991, for example calls for:

The immediate reduction of world population…This must be done by whatever means necessary…. Compulsory cooperation is not debatable with 166 nations, The Security Council of the UN led by the Anglo-Saxon Major Nation Powers, will decree that henceforth, the Security Council will inform all nations that its sufferance on population has ended, that all nations have quotas for population reduction on a yearly basis, which will be enforced by the Security Council by selective or total embargo of credit, items of trade including food and medicine, or by military force, when required.

Benjamin Fulford — November 27th 2023: The Khazarian Mafia wants to surrender, asks for amnesty
The Khazarian mafia is trying to negotiate a surrender, according to high-level intelligence agency sources. David de Rothschild, chairman of the board of directors of the World Jewish Congress, the first thing you need to know is that he was indicted in Spain in 2015 for defrauding pensioners, as well as the head of the British and French branches of the Rothschild family, is offering to hand over control of the Western financial system to the Planetary Liberation Alliance. They are asking for amnesty in return. This offer came via the new head of the committee of 300 (who replaced Queen Elizabeth and is not Charles). The Illuminati council has granted this individual the power to negotiate with the alliance.

The alliance has responded with the following demands:

1    A jubilee, as in a one-off cancellation of all debts, public and private, must be carried out.
2    The wealth of the world -stolen by creating money out of nothing and charging “interest” on it- must be returned to the people.
3    The post-war Western-led institutions like the BIS, the IMF, the World Bank, the UN, etc. must be replaced by something that actually serves the people of the planet.
4    All the technologies, such as hydrogen and anti-gravity, that have been suppressed by the KM must be released to the public
5    A massive campaign to end poverty and stop environmental destruction must be started.
6    Democracy, freedom of the press and the rule of law must be restored in the Western countries hijacked by the KM.
7    The true hidden history of the planet must be disclosed to the people on all the major media.

As far as the amnesty is concerned, the alliance itself will not take any aggressive actions against the KM. However, the various legal actions against them for massive crimes against humanity, such as mass murder by vaccine, will proceed in accordance with the law.

The next step will be meetings in person between representatives of the alliance and those of the Illuminati council. This will take time as travel arrangements etc. need to be made.

The KM are trying to surrender now because they fear a pogrom to end all pogroms will be carried out by the backers of US President Donald Trump.,

Furthermore, the Russian army has arrived at the borders of Israel and threatened to invade unless they stop their genocide in Gaza.

The KM is also trying to cut a deal because there is a group apparently planning to shut down the entire digital banking system. They claim to represent the US Treasury Department but say they are not connected to supposed Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen and the fake “President” Joe Biden.

This group is currently buying up, or trying to buy up all the physical dollars being held in mostly Asian warehouses.

As background whenever the US runs a trade deficit, the equivalent amount of dollars is physically delivered to or printed in that country.

Since the US has run a total trade deficit of 12.143 trillion dollars since 2000, that means a lot of cash dollars are sitting shrink-wrapped in warehouses. This is what a trillion dollars looks like.

Here is what a representative of this group had to say:

“This has nothing to do with Biden or Rockefeller. It’s a process related to the new financial system aka QFS. There has to be at least 1T of cash in pallets.

In order for them to move.”

Representatives of Asian royal families said they were willing to provide the dollars but not if it was going to the Rothschilds. They are waiting for a reply.

This situation is the biggest geopolitical move since the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.

Here is what the creator of the Quantum Financial System had to say:

The idea of the new financial system is to place all these off ledger assets onto one global repository which has a dual control of the world central banker and the collective (unanimous) agreement of the world sovereign heads of state. The various currencies, commodities, securities and general wealth would be denominated in the secure single digital currency and in time all the fiat currencies would be wound down. It replicates what Adnan Sakli tried to do and failed and also acts as the strategic structural reform of the UN, WB & BIS Basel. The disbursal of wealth to the general population by way of various structural projects is then handled on the new mainframe so a new international banking platform and all digital and very secure with control held by military intelligence. Years of work gone into it and mind-blowing stuff. Little wonder The Rothschilds attempted to have me assassinated – near carbon copy of JFK.

The KM are now trying to deny any involvement in the assassination of Kennedy by the way. They sent the following denial of allegations from Dick Cheney that it was Israeli Prime Minister David Ben Gurion who ordered Kennedy killed:

“You may tell the source that it was Admiral Canaris! Mossad was not involved, it was a DVD (German intelligence) operation using assets inside CIA and FBI….Mr. Cheney will have been under the thumb of Mr. Bush Senior (DVD) who was later terminated for the murder of Adnan Sakli at BIS Basel – I did the case with a certain François Deloche in Switzerland who was Adnan’s lawyer and we remain in contact to this day.”

However, a Mossad source sent us the following video full of evidence Israel and Mossad were behind the assassination of JFK. It is explained clearly.

Here is what Robert F. Kennedy Jr. told Colonel Douglas MacGregor about the situation:

Everybody wants to end the corrupt merger between state and corporate power. They want our regulatory agencies not to be sock puppets for the industries they are supposed to regulate; to actually protect the public interest. People want to end the warfare state. The intelligence agencies have become captured. The Pentagon is a captive agency. The Fed is a captive agency. Its capacity to create money has now been deployed on behalf of …the corporate kleptocracy into which our democracy has devolved.

He blames the CIA for the assassinations of his uncle and father. Readers can make their own decision.

What is clear is that Kennedy’s new asset-backed US dollar was immediately rescinded by his successor Lyndon Johnson. If you look at all the Satanic hand signs at his widow Lady Bird Johnson’s funeral you can see who was responsible for the murder. It was the Satanists, not the Jews.

Now let’s talk about David de Rothschild, the so-called head of the World Jewish Congress.

French patriots who have been studying him for years provided us with the following information:

David de Rothschild controls France with his cousin Éric. They took over from David’s father, Guy de Rothschild who organized Satanist balls at the Château de Ferrières.

David de Rothschild controls France by placing his men in key positions. Jacques Attali under François Mitterrand, Nicolas Bazire and François Pérol under Nicolas Sarkozy, Emmanuel Macron under François Hollande, etc. The key man in the system is Alain Minc who manages the French economy on behalf of David de Rothschild. A similar system is also very established in Spain, Italy and the US (Carlo de Benedetti, Agnelli family, Rockefeller family etc.).

David de Rothschild’s cousin, Nathalie Rheims, explained in 2013 at the Museum of Art and History of Judaism that the entire family was governed by incest saying “Vice is nice but incest is best because it stays in the family.”

David de Rothschild’s bodyguard, Christian Girouds was involved in a case of human trafficking and prostitution of minors (kidnapping of a victim of child sex trafficking).

David de Rothschild and his inner circle live in the conviction that France is biblical Israel and that the real Jerusalem is Paris and that all of this belongs to them and they must rule the world. They don’t care about Palestine and send poor Jews there to the slaughterhouse.

Macron himself comes directly from the Rothschild family (Fould Springer branch) through his mother and “Brigitte” is his father. Emmanuel Macron’s role is to fulfill their fantasy based on the prophecy of Isaiah.

For a quick bible lesson, Isaiah 9:19 says “Through the wrath of the LORD of hosts is the land darkened, and the people shall be as the fuel of the fire.”

The French patriots say “We are looking for anything that could contribute to destabilizing the Macron regime.”

What will end the Macron regime is the situation to the East of France. Ukraine is now being quarantined. Thousands of vehicles are piled up in lines stretching as far as 40 kilometers (25 miles) as drivers wait in freezing temperatures to cross the border into Ukraine due to blockades staged by protesting truckers. The truckers have the support of the Polish government. The Slovakian and Hungarian governments are also moving to shut the border.

The Germans are also cutting off Ukraine by stopping the flow of weapons and money there. The Ukraine is now an openly criminal regime. Ukrainian soldiers are getting “strange vaccinations from Western doctors in what are probable biological experiments,” Russian expert Anatoliy Matviychuk says

KM Ukrainian dictator Vladimir Zelensky is using a Stalin-like secret police to round people up, force them into uniform, or disappear them, says Colonel Douglas MacGregor.

The EU is also cutting ties to the Zelensky supporting fake Biden regime. Talking about fake listen to Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin standing with an out-of-focus CGI background behind him saying he is in Kyiv and supports Zelensky. No military takes orders from this clown. 


The EU canceled a trade meeting with the US because of a deadlock in talks about steel and critical minerals. They are also now buying Russian and not Rockefeller oil.

László Kövér, Speaker of the Hungarian Parliament is among many openly saying things like the US ambassador does not exist, the UN is a propaganda tool and Hungarian opposition politicians are all traitors.

Germany is also fighting for independence. Their top court just ruled that 60bn Euros in unspent Covid-funds were unconstitutionally relocated to a climate action fund. This is a painful blow to the coalition led by Olaf Scholz because they have lost access to funny money created out of nothing. Bank of Japan officials say Germany is getting ready to revive the Deutschemark.

Germany is also joining Japan in launching the hydrogen revolution. Italy and Germany have just announced they want to circumvent the Alps by turning gas pipelines into hydrogen pipelines.

The Rothschild interests in Switzerland are also now being threatened because access to African and other resources is being cut off. In a sign of this, the CEO of UBS, one of the world’s largest banks, says he wants a private buyer in a potential rescue operation scenario.

“It is a clear sign UBS is in serious trouble. Their takeover of [bankrupt] Credit Suisse doesn’t take effect until 2024,” a CIA source notes. As we have previously reported most major US banks are also insolvent.

[Below is the remaining portion of Fulford’s update this week]

Also going down are the pharmaceutical corporations. Here is a partial snapshot of the legal tsunami headed their way:

CDC Keeping a Second, Hidden vaccine side effect database

Attor­ney Gen­er­al Ken Pax­ton Sues Pfiz­er and Tris Phar­ma for Defraud­ing Texas Med­ic­aid and Pro­vid­ing Adul­ter­at­ed Phar­ma­ceu­ti­cal Drugs to Children

The Philippines government committee has voted to launch an investigation into over 327,000 unexplained excess deaths between 2021 and 2022.

Former Troops Seek Billions in Damages: Lawsuits Against U.S. Government Over Military Vaccine Mandate.

Canadian soldiers are also taking legal action.

The public prosecutor of Rome, Francesco Lo Voi has charged former Health Minister of Health Roberto Speranza and others with ideological falsehood, multiple manslaughter, and marketing of an imperfect dangerous drug.

KM stooges like President of the European Research Council Professor Maria Leptin have even been caught publicly saying things like: “It’s not necessary for governments to persuade their citizens into taking mRNA vaccines using science”

The situation has made unelected world health czar Bill Gates blast “conspiracy theorists” for making his “super important work” of vaccinating children in developing countries “much harder,”

Completely unhinged: Bill Gates calls for punishment for critics of face masks and vaccines

There is also a growing avalanche of pedophilia convictions against KM minions.

For example, Biden Pentagon official Stephen Francis Hovanic was just busted in a massive human trafficking sting in Georgia. One of his jobs was to oversee elementary schools for the Pentagon.

In Australia former MP and twice-convicted pedophile Milton Orkopoulos has been jailed for twenty years for ‘calculated, predatory, and manipulative’ child sex offences.

In Canada Billionaire Robert Miller dubbed as ‘Canada’s Jeffrey Epstein’ has been accused of horrific sex acts with minors.

The list goes on.

The stolen US election is also now looking like it is about to be overturned.

A federal judge just ruled against voting machines in Georgia saying: “The machines’ cybersecurity flaws violate the constitutional rights of voters.”

Also, Arizona’s totally corrupt Attorney General Chris Mayes who stole her 2022 election has been caught in the crime of threatening officials who are trying to use paper ballots to ensure honest elections.

Now we find the January 6 committee conveniently destroyed nearly 50% of the evidence before the tapes were released.

In yet another sign the KM are mortally afraid of Donald Trump former Democrat Senator Claire McCaskill says Trump is “more dangerous” than Hitler and Mussolini

The KM are also being increasingly exposed as murderous and racist.

Tzipi Navon, chief of staff to Prime Minister Netanyahu called for Hamas members to have not just their foreskins – but their entire genitals cut off and then force them to eat them. This was after they had been tortured and smeared with ‘pig fat’ and after their nails and skin had been torn from their bodies.

US State Department veteran Stuart Seldowitz meanwhile gets caught harassing a street vendor in New York saying: “If we killed 4,000 Palestinian kids, it wasn’t enough…” Mr. Seldowitz is a Zionist who worked for Langley as well using the revolving door, according to CIA sources.

Real Jews are revolting against this filth. Former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert says “The minister of national security (Itamar Ben Gvir) in this government is a person who was convicted in the Israeli court for terrorism against Palestinians. This is a government which is a shame to the basic values of the Jewish people and the people of Israel.”

An estimated 100,000 people have gathered around the house of crime minister Benyamin Netanyahu to demand his resignation.

The world has their back. The BRICS filed a complaint against the Israeli Defense Force and told the Secretary General of the United Nations the Gaza genocide must stop IMMEDIATELY.

Chinese President Xi Jinping outlined the three urgent imperatives:

1. The end of hostilities and the achievement of an immediate ceasefire.

2. The cessation of all forms of violence and attacks against civilians and the release of civilians held in captivity.

3. The end of collective punishment targeting the population of Gaza.

They backed this demand with Russian tanks. That is the real reason the fighting stopped in Gaza.

The Turks and Iranians are also filing war crimes charges against Israeli government officials. War crimes tribunals are now a certainty. Criminal officials of the Israeli regime must be tried Iran’s top human rights official Kazem Gharibabadi says.

Now you know why the KM is suing for peace and begging for amnesty.

Benjamin Fulford — December 4h 2023: US President, Pope, King of England and Emperor of Japan all about to fall
The world is undergoing the biggest changes in centuries if not millennia. When the dust settles, the US President, the Pope, the King of England and the Emperor of Japan are all likely to be removed. Also, the last of the Satanists will be hunted down and brought to justice and their remaining Swiss, Israeli and US fortresses will suffer a Masada-like fall. This is what senior Asian secret society sources predict.The signs of this are everywhere. Last week for example saw leaders from nearly 200 countries and around 100,000 delegates gather in Dubai for COP 28 with begging cups in their hands. EU Chief Ursula von der Leyen tweeted “In climate finance, we have to move from billions to trillions.” King Charles demanded that taxpayers around the globe cough up $5 trillion every year in order to advance the globalist “Net Zero” agenda.

Their attempts to grab “green” money from Western countries has already led Canada’s Alberta Province to openly revolt against the Castrudeau KM proxy government.

All the “green” money they managed to get was about $500 million, or 1/200th of the $100 billion pledged during China’s October Belt and Road party.

This too was far from the trillions of dollars expected by many.

This is because before she was killed, Queen Elizabeth reached an agreement with Asian secret societies that instead of the fraudulent “carbon causes global warming,” humanity’s goal would be to increase the amount and variety of life, including human life.

Her successor as head of the committee of 300 agrees. He is a European royal who is not descended from William the Conqueror. This individual claims he will go public in the new year.

In any case, when the fake President Joe Biden met with Chinese leader Xi Jinping in San Francisco last month, the Asians told the Rockefeller/Rothschild Khazarian Mafia: “You have had 110 years [since the founding of the Federal Reserve Board], so now it is our turn.” That is why Rockefeller’s proxy Anthony Blinken looked so scared as the talks concluded.

The Asians and their Western white hat allies plan to announce a multi-trillion dollar new East/West/North/South plan to end poverty and stop environmental destruction, probably during 2024. They will follow that by taking all the money that was being used for wars and spending on a new war against aging and death.

First though will come some huge political changes. While the world has been focused on the Khazarian mafia-orchestrated wars in Ukraine and Gaza, East Asia has begun the biggest political changes since the fall of the last Japanese shogun and the last Chinese Emperor.

For example a surprising solution to the Taiwan issue has been reached that calls for Taiwan to be returned to Japanese control, according to senior Asian secret society sources. In this plan, the million or so mainland Chinese who fled there after the communist revolution will return to China.

The sources say Naoshi Onodera (see article below) is set to become Emperor of Japan and that the current Japanese imperial family will abdicate.

This information comes from anonymous royal Asian sources but there are public signs it is for real. Last week Crown Prince Akishino held a highly unusual press conference where he told reporters that “a review of official royal duties was needed.” He also hinted members of his family would not be moving into the new 50 million dollar palace just completed at government expense. If you look at his expression in the photograph below he does look very upset by something.

Another very unusual sign is the Freemason headquarters in Tokyo have been shut down. You can confirm this from their own website. While they say it was for renovation, our sources say they have been evicted.

The other sign is a crackdown on the Abe faction in the Japanese ruling party by public prosecutors. This is related to a crash of an Osprey craft that killed 8 US servicemen. The names of the people who died have not been made public but speculation is that some senior generals were killed. The crash was followed by headlines in Japanese newspapers saying “Japan-US alliance may be hurt by Osprey crash.”

Japanese right-wingers explain that both incidents are part of an attack on the Choshu clan of Southern Japan. The Choshu clan was used to colonize Japan during the Meiji era. The Japanese say a fake Meiji emperor was then married to a Habsburg princess to create the current imperial line as a proxy for ruling Japan. This proxy is now being removed, meaning over 150 years of colonial rule in Japan is ending.

The North Koreans are also on the warpath. They are planning to use their control of many of Japan’s Ninkyo (disparagingly called yakuza) organizations to make big changes. This is what is behind news articles with headlines like de facto North Korean ruler Kim Yo Jong saying “North Korea will never sit down with the US for dialogue.”

She is fully aware the Americans killed her brother Kim Jong Un with electromagnetic weapons when he agreed to meet Donald Trump.

The North Koreans now have over 100 nuclear missiles capable of hitting the US so nuclear blackmail will no longer stop them from reunifying the Korean peninsula.

In the future there may be a Korean, Japanese royal marriage that would unify Korea, Japan and Taiwan, the Asian sources say.

The trigger for all these moves was the realization the vaccine campaign carried out in East Asia (and much of the rest of the world) was mass murder by the KM.

We will have to wait and see if all this comes to pass but, in my decades of reporting, I have never heard so many aggressive statements from so many different and senior sources.

In Europe and the US, meanwhile, very visible changes are already taking place.

The announcement of the death of Henry Kissinger is part of this. “He actually died a few years ago. The KM were using CGI, Holograms, Avatars and Blue screens. Now he is officially dead,” CIA sources say.

In any case, the official announcement is seen as a sign some sort of major changes are about to happen.

Henry Kissinger was a top enforcer for the KM who carried out mass murder around the world. Yale University historian Greg Grandin estimates that Kissinger’s actions from 1969 through 1976 alone meant the end of between three and four million people.

He also systematically killed world leaders who refused to bow to KM corporate interests over a period of decades. Kissinger worked for David Rockefeller Sr. and Klaus Schwab as you can hear from their own mouths.

The video below about what he did to Chile is an example of the sort of thing he did all over the world, including to supposed allies like Japan and Australia. He was responsible for the death of multiple Japanese prime ministers and also tried very hard to have me killed. Good riddance.

Chile celebrating Kissinger’s death

His death signals the defeat of the Knights of Malta and their Western military-industrial complex. This is now visible for all to see:

The Ukrainians have lost about 500,000 men, the equivalent to the entire British, French, German and Italian armies combined. The West has now run out of weapons and ammunition. 

The German Armed Forces can only last a maximum of two days in a battle says said Johann Wadephul, German deputy of the Christian Democratic Union (CDU) party.

French Generals say the same is true of their army.

This is also true of the US armed forces. The Defense Department has ordered an additional aircraft carrier strike group, air defenses, fighter jets and hundreds of troops to the Middle East. The problem: …the Pentagon has no money to pay for the buildup. Colonel Douglas MacGregor has repeatedly pointed out the US military is now unable to properly wage war.

This is because the US government has no money. To understand just how bankrupt the US is, take a look at the following charts. The first one shows US banks are insolvent. If they didn’t cook their books, most of them, especially the big ones, would have to declare bankruptcy immediately,

The second shows the US Treasury Department is bankrupt. Treasury prices have fallen by 50% because the Chinese and Japanese are now ready to finally pull the plug on the US Corporation. A decade ago they held more than 22% of U.S. government bonds; today it’s 7% so their exposure has been minimized.

US homeowners are in trouble too. Pending home sales in October dropped to the lowest level since the National Association of Realtors began tracking them in 2001. In a sign the rich are the only ones who benefit from the current system, only sales of homes priced above $750,000 have been increasing. The graph below shows US home prices have to fall to half their current price to reach their historical average.

The loss of home equity will further impoverish Americans who have already lost more than half their real purchasing power since 2008 as the graph above shows.

[Below is the remaining portion of Fulford’s update this week]

The lack of money means the current regimes of most Western countries are not being taken seriously by the rest of the world anymore. Germany is a typical example.

The Germans are being laughed at by the whole world because… they lack sovereignty,” Russian President Vladimir Putin says. He said that as German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier was snubbed at the airport after landing for an official state visit to Qatar.

History shows that bankruptcy leads to regime change so expect Biden, the fake rubber-masked Pope, Emmanuelle Macron de Rothschild and many others to go.

The first is likely to be the Rothschild puppet Ukrainian leader Vladimir Zelensky. Russian FSB sources say they have found out the plan is to fake Zelensky’s death, blame it on Russia and then replace him with General Valery Zaluzhnyi.

As the video below shows, a campaign to change him from hero to villain has already begun in the corporate media to prepare the ground.

Instead of talking about kickbacks from celebrities, though it would be nice if they talked about the mass murder of Ukrainians he is responsible for.

Regardless, the Ukrainian state itself may not survive. It is now being blockaded by Poland Romania, Bulgaria, Slovakia and Hungary because cheap Ukrainian grain is bankrupting their entire agricultural sector.

Slovak truckers have joined their Polish counterparts by blocking the country’s main border crossing point with Ukraine.

Meanwhile, after waiting for more than two weeks to cross the Polish-Ukrainian border at the Korczowa-Krakowiec checkpoint, Ukrainian drivers have announced that they are preparing to go on hunger strike.

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán… is now about to finally kick the bloc over the precipice. “We are heading toward a major crisis,” one EU official said,

This situation has come about because the EU and US said there must be no trade with Russia, the BRICS and China, the FSB sources say. “This is forcing Ukrainian farmers to dump their produce in the EU, meaning most EU farmers won’t survive this competition. The only way to end this crisis is to reach a peace agreement so that their grain can flow East and South again,” the FSB says.

Things are also coming to head in Israel. Last week the leaders of the CIA and Mossad met Qatari Prime Minister Mohammed bin Abdulrahman Al Thani and Egyptian officials to ask for Qatar to Continue Hamas Financial Aid.

Why would the head of Mossad ask for aid for Hamas you wonder?

French journalist Thierry Meyssan explains:

Hamas and Benjamin Netanyahu, far from being enemies, are acting in concert with no regard for the lives of Palestinians or Israelis.

The Muslim Brotherhood is a political secret society, organized by British intelligence services on the model of the United Grand Lodge of England [2]. It was gradually taken over by the CIA to the point of being represented on the US National Security Council.

The entire operation of Hamas and Israel is led by Americans, perhaps under the direction of the Straussian Eliott Abrams [1] and his Vandenberg Coalition (Think Tank which succeeded the Project for a New American Century).

British intelligence say it was the Germans who created the Muslim Brotherhood after World War I to disrupt British and French Colonial Governments in the Middle East. The Gestapo (George Bush DVD) branch of the CIA took it over after World War II.

So, the CIA and Mossad were in Qatar saying “Give us money or we will kill hostages.” The answer was: “No, we will not submit to blackmail. You will face war crimes trials.” The war criminal Netanyahu is probably going to go down with guns blazing rather than be hung. He is going down, though, that is for sure.

Meanwhile, his overlords the Rothschilds are trying to put on a nice face. Lynn de Rothschild recently appeared on TV promising:

AI is going to change everything for good or for ill. Why don’t we ask ourselves how can AI help us address the structural deficiencies in our economic system, how can AI make our economy work for all, and how can AI help create a society where it is not us and them? I am calling for a joint declaration of the public sector and the private sector for the common good. We have to think about our essential social compact with society. It’s a root-and-branch reform of the economy.

They also appear to be using AI to run the media and politics for them.

Sports Illustrated has been busted using AI-generated journalists to ‘write’ AI-generated articles, and then freaked out and deleted the evidence after one of their web devs dropped the dime on them.

Now we are getting reports California “Governor” Gavin Newsom may be an AI-controlled humanoid robot.

Tucker Carlson says “His palms don’t sweat. His respiration doesn’t increase. His body temperature doesn’t change. Nothing changes in Newsom when he lies to your face. And there are not that many people like that.”

John Rappoport meanwhile on his paid blog reports:

“While defending his policy of permitting violent male prisoners, who identify as women, to be transferred to women’s prisons in California, Governor Gavin Newsom suddenly blurted out: ‘I don’t exist. I’m an AI programmed by the Disney Corporation.’”

Networks temporarily cut off the live feed.

This is the same Newsom who oversaw the grabbing of homeless people off the streets so their organs could be removed and sold. Our special forces source tells us they found hundreds (not thousands as we previously reported) of bodies of homeless who had been dismembered and had their organs removed. It seems an AI decided it was logical to turn “unproductive” homeless people into profitable meat and organ products.

The KM are also using another probable AI, Joe Biden, to threaten:

“Look, my Marine has a code to blow up the world”

    BIDEN: "Look, my Marine has a code to blow up the world"

    — RNC Research (@RNCResearch) November 29, 2023

So, be skeptical when the Rothschilds say “We will use AI to be nice now so please don’t kill us.”

They should have said that before they tried to kill us. War crimes trials are about to begin. The mass murderer Anthony Fauci has been forced to agree to testify in Congress on the U.S. response to the Covid-19 pandemic and the origins of the virus in China.

Perhaps they should ask him about his earlier statement about HIV that went: “You take an infectious agent and you introduce it into a population.”

Also, it turns out the new, so-called ‘epidemic’ of Mycoplasma pneumoniae also termed “white lung syndrome” is caused by the Covid vaccines as revealed by Pfizer themselves. Check out page 37 of Pfizer’s Adverse Events Report.

The other thing they will need to testify about is their systemic mass murder of children to harvest adrenochrome.

In the latest evidence of this, Turkish news outlets report that when 50,000 Yemeni Jews were transported to Israel in 1949-50, 5,000 babies were forcibly separated from their mothers immediately after birth, and later, they were told that their children had died without any further information.

Apart from being mass murderers, the KM are incompetent economic managers. Their attempt to force everybody to switch to electric cars is a glaring example. A new report from Consumer Reports found that electric vehicles have almost 80% more problems and are “generally less reliable” than conventional internal combustion engine cars.

A group of 4000 auto dealers from around the USA wrote a letter to warn that “electric vehicle demand today is not keeping up with the large influx of BEVs arriving at our dealerships…even with deep price cuts, manufacturer incentives, and generous government incentives. Buyers find them too expensive to maintain, don’t have easy access to charging stations, are concerned about the loss of driving range in cold or hot weather, have long daily commutes and don’t have the extra time to charge the battery. Etc. Truck buyers are especially put off by the dramatic loss of range”

No wonder Ford plans to cancel or postpone $12 billion in investments related to electric vehicles. It is only a matter of time before Tesla makes a similar announcement. How about switching to hydrogen Mr. Musk?

Benjamin Fulford — December 11th 2023: The US is headed for gunfight at the OK Corral
The undeclared civil war in the US is headed for a showdown that will involve lots of nighttime shootouts. On one side the Satanists have used Google etc. to compile a list of Americans who they want to kill in order to stay in power. On the other side are patriots with a list of over 1 million sealed indictments they want to act on in order to liberate the US from Satanic rule.

First, let us talk about the Satanists’ plan. German intelligence warned us last week of a planned genocide of 15 million Americans.

American Patriot Goldberg was killed after putting out this information in February of 2020. It was based on White House documents he claims he was given. His predictions for 2021 to 2023 turned out to be accurate. He claimed the Zionists (Satanists) were disturbed that too many Americans were aware of the Satanic nature of Zionism and they needed to be culled. Their plan called for agents to disseminate the truth about Zionism (Satanism) on corporate media outlets like YouTube in order to get a list of names of people who watched the information. They were then going to be targeted with a virus.

This is exactly what happened. The vaccines pushed on the people of the world were only toxic for people who had been identified as threats to Satanism.

The next phase of the plan, called Project Zyphir is scheduled for 2024 and 2025. It is the extermination. Goldberg says they are going to tag people for anti-semitic speech, charge them with crimes and eliminate them completely…What they are talking about now is power outages followed by a purge. They are going to come to you in a military vehicle and place you in a camp. It is a very, very big operation that they are planning. They will do it under the cover of night during one of these brown blackouts. They have a three-day blackout, they have a nationwide blackout that lasts two days and a lot of localized blackouts. They are going to blame it on Iran. They are planning this next year and the year after. They are not done tracking and identifying everyone.

Senior CIA sources confirm this saying: “It is mostly accurate [but] there is much more to this. Be careful how you use it as it raises red flags by those who control almost everything and are always watching.”

The recent removal and slaughter of the homeless people of San Francisco confirms this is real. Dr. Pierre Corey meanwhile says a Nazi-style purge of “undesirables” is already underway: “African American, Latino and the elderly are dying at higher rates than anyone else. It’s the most severe discrepancy I have seen in my medical career.”

Also, the House passed a resolution that says “anti-Zionism is antisemitism,” creating a “legal” justification for arresting anti-satanists.

Since American troops are unlikely to obey orders to kill their own citizens, this would explain all the undocumented military-aged foreign males getting paid salaries by the World Economic Forum.

According to Goldberg “Operation Warp Speed” Donald Trump “loved it” because they promised to declare him King of Israel. Trump’s speech writer Seven Miller has a big role in all of this, he says. We have also confirmed from the P3 freemasons that self declared top Satanist Leo Zagami is staying at Mar a Largo.

The white hats, for their part, have their own plan. According to them, Donald Trump -the real one- is staying at the US military base in Mt. Cheyenne and that he is leading a white hat plan to arrest the Satanists. Here is what a US Secret Space Force officer had to say about the white hat plan:

“The treasonous former Joint Chiefs Mark Milley is under arrest and being held at Gitmo. He will be held until he is given a public Military Tribunal. If found guilty, he will be publicly executed (no secret tribunal and execution). Once this is done we will know that the alliance is in control. The rest of the Deep State will follow. You know all the names.”

So, according to these sources, there is either a black-hat Trump or a white-hat Trump or both. In order to get to the bottom of this, we are using analog (human messenger) means to contact Trump in order to find out which version is true.

Regardless, if you look at public discourse in the US, it is obvious two big factions -with two versions of reality- have been using courts to issue verdicts against each other. This means some sort of OK Corral-type showdown is inevitable. It could start as early as this week according to sources like Trump linked Q.

So, if there is a power blackout where you live, grab your guns and get ready to defend your family. Don’t let them put you and your family in a van.

There is also a showdown taking place in Israel. This was triggered when Crime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu set up a unity cabinet following the Hamas false flag attack. Top non-Satanist (Jewish) Israeli generals and politicians were surprised when Lolwah Al-Khater, Qatari Minister for International Cooperation, made decisions in the name of Hamas when visiting the Israeli cabinet. “Accustomed to discussions with Mossad director David Barnea, she didn’t seem to grasp that the war cabinet included not only loyalists of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu,” reports French journalist Thierry Messyan.

The Jews were shocked to find out Qatar ran Hamas and that the US military ran Qatar. “In 2002, the United States signed a military agreement with Qatar. They set up their Middle East command headquarters, CentCom, on the gigantic Al-Udeid base. It houses 11,000 soldiers and around 100 aircraft. The Pentagon then reminded the Emir that he was in no position to defy it: one morning, he was awakened by Special Forces in his bedroom,” Meyssan reports.

The discovery that Israeli and American Satanists were responsible for the October 7th attacks set off a civil war in Israel that has led to at least 7000 Satanist operatives being killed there, Mossad sources say.

Now, former Israeli ambassador to the US Michael Oren and many others are saying: “A Nuremberg-type trial is definitely called for.” This trial will include people who murdered Judeans (misleadingly called Palestinians) in Gaza and elsewhere and not just those who murdered Jews.

Regardless of what happens in the US and Israel though, on a global level, the Satanists have been defeated.

Take a look at this UN vote where the US was the only country to veto calls for a ceasefire in Gaza. It shows just how isolated the current US and Israeli regimes are. So, they are totally delusional if they think they can install someone like Donald Trump as King of Israel and rule the world from Jerusalem.

Furthermore, to understand the criminally incompetent nature of the US regime, take a look at their “climate envoy” John Kerry.

Kerry works for child rapists and murderers.

He proved this by calling for a ban on use of hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) in refrigerators and air conditioners because it is a “climate super-pollutant.” The reality is Du Pont’s patents on HFCs are expiring so they are using BS to force people to switch to a new product they still have a patent on.

In other words, Kerry works for Du Pont who are trying to use the same trick they did with the Ozone hole scam to force the world to buy HFCs when their fluorine gas patents ran out.

By the way one of the main instruments they used to perpetuate this fraud was NASA (Not A Space Agency). Take a look at this hilarious recent NASA video in “space” at minus 270 degrees, with canvas doors.

French farmers expressed the views of many about “climate change” by pouring literal BS on government offices, where it belongs.

To summarize you have a US government “climate envoy” lying to try to force the world to pay more for air conditioners and refrigerators in order to enrich a family of pedophiles and murderers.

In case you didn’t know Du Pont heir Robert Richards IV was in 2009 convicted of raping his three-year-old daughter and admitted to raping his infant son. He didn’t get a prison sentence. Other members of his family have been convicted of crimes like murder.

Other oligarch families are guilty of similar things. For example, it looks like Walmart is selling children online.

This sort of thing tells you how degenerate the US has become.

The world is figuring it out.

In 1987 they were able to fool the entire world into banning fluorine gas. This time only 60 nations have been fooled and you can be sure their leaders are being bullied and blackmailed into obedience.

Not for much longer though. Arrests have started in soon-to-be former colonies like Japan and Poland.

As this report was going live, Japanese right-wingers called us to say members of the Cabinet of Prime Minister Fumio Kishida were being arrested.

We also got a call from a Japanese diplomat asking if there was a way to prevent former Finance Minister Heizo Takenaka from being arrested. Takenaka is apparently freaking out because his big boss and protector Henry Kissinger died. We suggested he start by agreeing to tell me in an interview why he handed over control of Japan’s entire stock market to the Rockefellers and Rothschilds.

We have gotten no answer as of now. Polish sources for their part report a purge is underway. They say German agent Donald Tusk has joined the white hats and begun arresting corrupt KM slave politicians. There is also an ongoing war-like situation on the Polish-Ukrainian border. Polish truckers have been blockading the border for weeks, so authorities responded by loading trucks onto rail cars.

Now new footage going viral shows trucks placed on rail platforms crossing the border between Poland and Ukraine.

It is now only a matter of time before Ukraine collapses, making the war criminal Vladimir Zelensky the next KM domino to fall. As this chart below illustrates the Ukrainian political bribery money laundering has been stopped.

That is why political monkey theater actors like Lindsey Graham are suddenly making 180-degree turns in what they say.

We are hearing Zelensky is being given a US passport and is being evacuated to Florida where he will have Secret Service protection. The Russian FSB says they may fake his death.

The next domino to fall is likely to be Israel’s Netanyahu. The corruption trial against him resumed after an emergency wartime suspension of proceedings expired last week.

“Israeli Prime Minister [Benjamin] Netanyahu is on the brink of collapse or bankruptcy right now. And he may make such an announcement at any moment,” Turkish president Recep Erdowan says.

Once Zelensky and Netanyahu fall, other political dominoes are likely to follow in quick succession. Expect to see Justin Castrudeau, Emmanuelle Macron Rothschild, Olaf Scholz and the EU’s Ursula von der Leyen to fall next. After that, we should see the likes of Klaus Schwab Rothschild, Bill Gates, David Rockefeller Jr, Mark Zuckerberg Rockefeller, Hillary and Bill Clinton Rockefeller, etc. go down. This needs to be done in public for the whole world to see.

It is starting.

In Canada, a Petition on the House of Commons website, calling for a vote of no confidence in Justin Trudeau, has amassed over 243,000 signatures in just a few days. You can review and vote on the petition at the link below.

The Bank of Canada meanwhile was forced to admit respondents to a public questionnaire were largely opposed to a digital dollar and to the Bank of Canada researching it. It noted the public “overwhelmingly valued the privacy and anonymity that bank notes provide and believed the Bank should not collect or have access to Canadians’ personal and spending information.”

In the US, House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Jason Smith, R-Mo., said new charges against Hunter Biden “further confirm the need for Congress to move forward with an impeachment inquiry of Joe Biden in order to uncover all the facts for the American people to judge.”

We also saw Venezuela give Biden’s bosses the Rockefellers a three-month deadline to get out of Guyana or else face military action. ExxonMobil discovered oil in Essequibo in 2015, helping give Guyana — population 800,000 — the world’s biggest crude reserves per capita. We are hearing an offer has been made to replace the Rockefeller-controlled ExxonMobil with British-controlled BP and negotiate how to split the revenues. The point though is that when David Rockefeller Sr. was in charge, there is no way a country like Venezuela would have threatened their interests.

The KM attempt to force us to buy electric cars is also imploding. In Norway, a whole fleet of electric buses has stopped because electric batteries do not work in the cold.

Take a look at the real range of electric cars in winter.

It also turns out “President Joe Biden’s” 2021 infrastructure bill boasted $7.5 billion for electric vehicle charges as part of a plan to install over a million public chargers but not a single one was actually built. The money appears to have been stolen. The rats are bailing on the sinking US ship of state and taking the furniture with them.

Of course, the KM are going to fight tooth and nail to the very end to prevent this from happening.

In the EU ‘Pfizergate’ affair lead EU lawmaker Michèle Rivasi was taken out with an electromagnetic device that stopped her heart (Just like Kim Jong Un when Trump met him on the border), CIA sources say.

Rivasi was investigating EC head von der Leyen and Pfizer, who are preparing to extend their contract to supply the vaccine until 2026 at inflated prices with a 40% oversupply of doses.

Meanwhile in Ireland, the government is trying to criminalize memes. “This is out of the dark ages. This is not something that we would expect from a modern, progressive country like Ireland,” warns Journalist Michael Shellenberger. He says Ireland is “the test case for the next phase of the global crackdown by military intelligence forces.”

The KM are also working feverishly on a plan to get remote control over humans. University of Miami researcher Sakhrat Khizroev and his research group are perfecting a method to talk to the brain without wires or implants.

Klaus Schwab Rothschild was talking about just such a thing back in 2016.

In the US, KM enforcer FBI Director Christopher Wray is preparing the sheeple for a big false flag event saying “I’ve never seen a time where all the threats or so many of the threats are all elevated, all at exactly the same time.”

Wray also urged Congress to renew a law authorizing the FBI to spy on non-Americans around the world, arguing that allowing it to lapse would be equivalent to “unilateral disarmament.” The FBI was set up to deal with crime inside the US while the NSA and CIA were to focus on threats outside of the US. Now these agencies are spying on each other all over the world.

The Biden administration is also now openly threatening Americans over Ukraine. In a classified briefing in the House yesterday, Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin informed members that if they don’t appropriate more money for Zelensky, “we’ll send your uncles, cousins and sons to fight Russia.” Pay the oligarchs or we’ll kill your kids

They also got their “Biden” actor to bring up a scenario in which US troops would have to fight Russian troops, falsely claiming that Putin has plans to “keep going” after Ukraine.

Despite these threats, they will not be able to start World War III in order to avoid bankruptcy and war crimes trials. The real military no longer follows their orders and their mercenaries aren’t getting their paychecks so they are bailing out.

Remember though, it is not over until it is over and we need to keep up the attack until the war crimes trials begin PUBLICLY. Keep your powder dry and your guns close at hand folks.

Benjamin Fulford Friday podcast 12/8/2023 with Q&A (17 min)

Benjamin Fulford — December 18th 2023: The “rules based world order” has lost

It is almost game over. The so-called “rules-based world order” has lost internationally. All that is left now is to finish them off in their last strongholds in Europe, Israel and the United States.

The clearest sign of their defeat was a UN vote on December 13th calling for a cease-fire in Gaza. Only 8 countries supported the USrael’s opposition to the ceasefire. These were Austria, Czechia, Guatemala, Liberia, Micronesia, Nauru, Papua New Guinea and Paraguay. Another way to look at this is to see these as the last countries controlled by the Nazi faction of the Khazarian Mafia.

This is down from 60 countries that attended a Knights of Malta meeting calling for a continuation of the Ukraine war last summer. Significantly, none of the other G7 countries now support USrael.

The loss of Japan was probably the biggest blow to the Nazis. Last week a dozen senior Japanese politicians, including four cabinet ministers, were arrested in Japan. These included Chief Cabinet Secretary Hirokazu Matsuno, Chairman of the Policy Research Council Koichi Hagiuda, Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry Yasutoshi Nishimura, Agriculture Minister Ichiro Miyashita and Minister of Internal Affairs and Communications Junji Suzuki.

They were all affiliated with the Unification Church or Moonies. Japan is now in the midst of a major political clean-up that will remove the system of KM bribery that turned the Parliament into a giant acting troupe.

The next move in the clean-up will be to remove all the second and third-generation politicians who were turning the country into a feudal dictatorship. When the purge is finished, Japan will once again be controlled by meritocratically selected public servants and democratically elected politicians.

The arrest of the Moonie politicians means the Nazis have lost control of Taiwan, Japan and North Korea. These countries are now planning to deepen ties with ASEAN in order to create an East Asian counter-balance to communist China, Asian royal family sources say.

Former Rockefeller Council on Foreign Relations Chairman Richard Haas hinted at these fundamental changes when he told the Wall Street Journal last week about “a dramatic shift in U.S. ability or willingness to come to Taiwan’s aid.”

Now that their “good friend” uber-Nazi Heinz Kissinger is gone, China, for its part, will be deepening its integration with India to form the economic center of gravity for the post-Western world, the Asian royals say.

By the way, the recent UN votes suggest the remaining Nazi submarine bases are located in Guatemala, Liberia, Micronesia, Nauru and Papua New Guinea.

Land-locked Paraguay is where the Moonies had a ranch next to the one owned by Adolf Hitler (see attached FBI report on Hitler) that was subsequently taken over by George Bush Sr. They used Japanese and German submarines to create an international drug mafia smuggling cocaine from South America, amphetamines from North Korea and Heroin from Southeast Asia. This group was also engaged in large-scale human trafficking and arms sales.

They made their big move on September 11, 2001, and managed to turn the USrael into a Nazi state along with Japan. That is why Japan and the West began a massive bio-weapons research and dispersal project after 911.

Now that Japan has been liberated, the battle is on to remove the Nazi strongholds in Austria, Czechia, Israel and the US.

The battle to liberate the US took a dramatic turn on December 15th. The “Q” people set up a countdown clock that said a power outage would occur. A power station in New York was blown up at midnight on December 15th, -exactly when they predicted- causing widespread power shortages in New York.

It is a good guess that power was cut off in the big KM stronghold of New York in order to turn off alarm systems and let special operations troops grab high-profile individuals. Time will tell if this was the case.

The Q people are now saying “Y2K3: The world as you know it…is over with. Ten days of total chaos…Merry Christmas.”

The Q movement, of course, is closely related to US President Donald Trump. We have now heard from the Trump people and found out that there are two different Donald Trumps. The fake one working for the KM is based at Mar a Largo while the real one splits his time between military bases in Mt. Cheyenne and Greenland, Pentagon sources say. These are photos of the two different Trumps.

Real Trump

Fake Trump

It is clear the Rockefeller family in particular is scared of the real Trump. Their media has been issuing hysterical warnings. They are saying things like “Canada will be annexed to America” and “he will make himself into the Fuhrer” who will use “martial law against the American people” etc.

However, Archbishop Carlo Vigano talks about who is the real target: Hillary Clinton [Rockefeller], John Podesta [Rockefeller] etc. Vigano says the arrest of Slade Sohmer for pedophilia and child pornography exposed a network of “horrendous crimes against minors that revolves around the international deep state.” He says Israel’s Mossad gathered evidence of world leaders participating in “heinous ritual crimes against minors.” Vigano adds that blackmail videos must be the reason why members of the World Economic Forum and heads of state in the UN went along with the “fake pandemic” and do not protest against massacres in Gaza and the “farce in Ukraine.”

The movie director Stanly Kubrick tried to warn us of this in 1999 with the movie “Eyes Wide Shut.” Kubrick was killed for putting out this movie. An insider is now telling us the movie was based on real events and censored to remove a scene where a young girl was stabbed to death and had her face ripped off in front of an elite crowd. We now know from videos of Hillary Clinton doing the same thing -as well as from many whistleblowers- that this ritual type of murder to harvest adrenochrome is common practice among the ruling elite.

In a hint of the sort of horrors that are about to be exposed; in the video linked below a Rabbi claims human/child meat was sold to fast food outlets and McDonald’s was the number one buyer.

As evidence, in 2015 children’s teeth were found in McDonald’s hamburgers, sausages and hash potatoes in various parts of Japan.

At the time McDonald’s Japan held press conferences, though they did not mention why human remains that were traced to children’s teeth were found, they said the meat came from their headquarters in the US and even tried to shift responsibility onto their customers.

Let us see if US special forces now hunt down and bring these people to justice. In a sign this may finally be happening, Military helicopters were spotted flying low throughout Dallas, Texas last week as the Department of Defense conducted “military training operations.”

The other thing that has happened is a hidden deep-state puppet master by the name of Brett McGurk has been flushed out. He is one of the masterminds behind the Gaza genocide and is trying to get the US to invade Saudi Arabia, CIA sources say, Now that he has been exposed, he will be removed, they say.

Let us see if US special forces now hunt down and bring these people to justice. In a sign this may finally be happening, Military helicopters were spotted flying low throughout Dallas, Texas last week as the Department of Defense conducted “military training operations.”


We also see that US rebel leader John McAfee is still alive. He is directing rebellion from a room that is a Faraday cage and is also using a scrambler to guard his location. “Why am I doing this, because I am an escaped slave and I have a loud voice,” he says. He is urging corporate slaves to escape their 9 to 5 existence.

Possibly he is behind this video of “Joe Biden” saying: “We have put together I think the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics”

Reddit link

We also saw a big political move as Jack Smith, the Special Prosecutor pursuing Donald Trump, was exposed for running an extortion scheme while working at the [Rockefeller-controlled] International Court of Justice. This means the legal witch hunt against Trump will end soon.

A good sign of change will be if the fake Trump at Mar-a-Largo and his handler Leo Zagami are arrested in public.

In a sign the KM do fear arrest, Mark Zuckerberg Rockefeller has fled or is planning to flee to a Hawaii compound with an escape hatch, ‘blind doors,’ and an underground bunker.

Meanwhile, WEF- puppet master Klaus Schwab Rothschild admits “There is an anti-system movement. What we are seeing is a revolution against the system”

He can see the pitchforks and nooses coming for him, which is why he has not been seen in public since September. Our Mossad sources say he is now hiding in a hospital in an underground bunker inside the Rothschild family complex in Zug, Switzerland.

Russian President Vladimir Putin has said Schwab is a legitimate military target, so we presume their special forces will be heading to Zug if they have not been there already.

The Russian FSB contacted us last week to say “There will be no US elections in 2024 and [Joe] Biden will be the last president.” Also, “the US and Israel will cease to exist as countries.”

In a sign Russia means business, the source adds Russia is assembling a large army on the Syrian border with Israel. The Israelis stopped the genocide in Gaza for several days after Russia planted its flag on the border there as a warning. However, since the genocide has now resumed, Russia will have to move in, the FSB says.

The Christian Russians are moving in part because they have been warned the KM are planning to destroy the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem. The KM fanatics believe they can bring on their “end times” if they destroy the presumed birthplace of Jesus Christ.

Another sign it is not business as usual came on Monday of last week when a top Iranian military commander said Iran will soon expel U.S. aircraft carriers from the region as “they have come to incite sedition.” Iranian media subsequently reported Iran’s navy had forced the USS aircraft carrier Dwight Eisenhower out of the Persian Gulf.

The Eisenhower had to flee because the fact is while US aircraft carriers were state of the art military technology 80 years ago, they are now useless white elephants. They can be sunk with a single hypersonic missile.

The Iranian threats against the US Navy were followed by Iran-linked Houthi militia firing missiles at Western commercial vessels in the Red Sea. This has forced four major shipping companies to avoid the Suez Canal and ship around South Africa instead for their trade with Asia.

The US and British Navies are considering military action against the Houthi militia. However, since many top Iranian government officials work for the KM wiser heads realize this is just another attempt to start World War III.

The cooler heads realize it is better to wait for the KM to implode completely and their leaders to be arrested rather than let them try to use WWIII as a get-out-of-jail-free card.

The KM are imploding. Their vaccine campaign is now blowing up in their faces. Pfizer says it expects sales for its Covid products to drop about 90% in 2024.

The CDC reports only 16% of adults and 7% of children have received the updated vaccine.

A drop in sales is the least of the pharmacidical companies’ worries. The huge spike in deaths from vaccines means it is only a matter of time before hundreds of Western government, pharmaceutical and medical establishment officials are brought before war crimes tribunals.

Here you can watch WHO whistleblower Dr. Astrid Stuckelberger explain the plan was to keep vaccinating people forever.

Lawsuits and prosecutions are already snowballing. Roberto Speranza, the Italian government’s Health Minister during the time of COVID measures, is now being investigated by the Rome Public Prosecutor’s office. He was responsible for the vaccination campaign.

Also in Italy Cardinal Becciu, the most senior Catholic Church official ever to stand trial before a Vatican criminal court, was found guilty of fraud and embezzlement. P2 Freemasons say Becciu was ensnared by a honey trap named Cecilia Marogna, a 46-year-old self-styled security analyst. She got 575,000 euros from Becciu and spent much of the money on luxury clothing and health spas.

The P2 says Becciu was the victim of a severe power struggle in the Vatican between “Kabbalistic Jews” and the P2. They say Rome is no longer under their control but that the rubber-masked fake Pope Francis “is near to death.”

France too is in a political crisis after French President Emmanuel Macron Rothschild has been humiliated after a long-sought deal on immigration reform was immediately struck down in a surprise move by the National Assembly without even being debated. Traditionally, when a legislative effort of this magnitude fails so absolutely, the members of government involved in its drafting are expected to resign.

The French are up in arms along with the rest of Western Europe over the huge spike in crime caused by an influx of military-aged males from the Middle East and Africa. In a rare admission, the Ministerial Statistical Department for Internal Security (SSMSI), reported that 69% of violent robberies and other violent crimes, which include sexual assaults, occurring on public transport in the greater Paris region of Île-de-France were committed by individuals who are foreign nationals.

There is also a huge struggle underway in Poland. Last week we reported German agent and Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk had joined the white hats. This was because our previously skeptical Polish sources were appeased by his recent conciliatory talk.

Now Jerzy Kwaśniewski – President of the Ordo Iuris Institute for Legal Culture- warns the Tusk government is passing legislation intended to allow adrenochrome harvesting. Regulations being passed will allow “hiring women from Ukraine, Georgia or Thailand by same-sex couples to give birth and sell a child – like an object. This is not only child trafficking, but also the objectification of women, who are treated as living incubators.”

He also warns Radosław Sikorski, the new Polish Foreign Minister is part of the EU’s Spinelli Group. “Spinelli wrote directly about the need to introduce a dictatorship in Europe, which would allow the liquidation of nation-states.”

So it looks like Poland, along with Ukraine, will be subsumed into a revived German empire.

By the way, in the latest sign it is over for Ukraine, the sons of the Mayor of Kiev, Vitali Klitschko have been spotted partying in Europe while their countrymen are forbidden from leaving the country and being dragged off the streets and sent to their deaths.

All of this shows the KM is still strong and must never be underestimated. It looks like a cyber-attack is their next big move. “The Covid-19 crisis would be seen in this respect as a small disturbance in comparison to a major cyber-attack,” says Klaus Schwab Rothschild

Just on cue, a Netflix movie (which was funded in part by none other than KM puppet Barack Obama) foreshadows a coming cyber-attack false flag event that will likely take down electrical, banking and telecommunications infrastructure across the USA (by the way Malik Obama has gone completely silent since he was to go on Tucker Carlson show back on September 19)

Now a Joint Committee on National Security Strategy report warns UK could be brought to a halt ‘at any moment’ by a large-scale cyber attack.

Next, Warren Buffet chimes in saying: “The cyber threat… we’ve just started”

Then we have this which ties right into the script.

US alarmed as China hacks critical systems

“The US is alarmed as China hacks critical systems. China has infiltrated key American cyber infrastructure without detection for over a year.

So folks, make sure you have enough cash and food on hand just in case the KM stage one last horror show before they are put down for good. It is not over until it is really over. However, rest assured THEY ARE BEING HUNTED DOWN.

Benjamin Fulford Friday podcast 12/15/2023 with Q&A (17 min)

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