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Primordial Gnosis: The Hidden Religion
Good article.

"Ha!  Then how do we explain the word Lucifer being used in Isaiah?  Who is Satan?  He is a being trying usurp God.  Who is the Lucifer in Isaiah?  If Jesus Christ is the true Lucifer, then the fallen Lucifer must be a counterfeit.  If Jesus is the Christ/the Messiah, then the fallen Lucifer must be the anti-Christ/the false Messiah.   
Final note:  Even in numerology and Gematria the value of the names Lucifer and Jesus are the exact same. 
74 and 74 (1)                                    
222 and 222 (3)
444 and 444 (6)

And the value of Morning Star is the value of Lucifer and Jesus combined" (From above link).

So...a real light bearer Lucifer (Christ) and a counterfeit one lucifer the anti-Christ. DECEIPT.

Yes, the person who wrote that article tries to put another twist on "Lucifer"... Now there are 2 Lucifers, one True Lucifer (Jesus) and one counterfeit ("anti-Christ")...

Face it, Christians et al. "Lucifer" is just a Latin name/title meaning Lightbearer, the bearer/bringer/messenger of Light.
We can trace it back to the Romans who called the planet Venus, the Morning Star, Lucifer. And the passage in the bible in Isaiah 14:12 pertains to the Babylonian King, and was a mistranslation by St. Jerome anyway. 
In Hebrew the word Lucifer doesn't exist.

This article is another example of Christians who adapt, deny and mould the rest of the world to suit their "holy" scripture. TWISTED.

Filter, thank you for your diligent research into this issue. Satan vs. Lucifer is another important misconception to clear up.

The Christians (with their various beliefs, some bible literalists, some not)  comprise a huge segment of the truther movement who produce a great deal of the material on the web from exposing MKUltra to prophecy.  They have think tanks, money, organization and the numbers behind them too.  Their stuff is STILL NOT THE TRUTH! They will accurately rail again the New Age (Satanist inspired) agenda but not be able to see how they are most likely giving their money and worship to an interloper Archon...NOT THE DIVINE ONE as they think they are. And yes, these beings are very well equipped to provide healings, peace etc.

So, the Pope is saying, "SATAN IS REAL" to the masses today. hmmm. Now might be a good time to clear up the Lucifer=Satan misinformation too...but NO.

NOT ONLY MUST WE DISTINGUISH BETWEEN Divine and Fallen Lucifers but we must distinguish between Divine and fallen Demi-urges!

"Just as the composition of the human being can be divided into Body, Soul, Mind, and Spirit, so can Creation be divided into Universe, Demiurge, Logos, and Nous.
The physical Universe is just the body of Creation. The soul of Creation is known as the Demiurge, an artificial intelligence responsible for shaping, projecting, and reshaping space, time, matter, and energy. It blindly carries out the commands it’s given, transducing higher metaphysical archetypes and energies into physical manifestations

The Demiurge is like a construction company that builds according to the blueprints it has been given. The Logos is the architect, the mind of the Creator, the higher universal intellect that plans, balances, supervises, and adjusts Creation according to the will of Nous, which is the spirit of Creation, the infinite Creator itself.

In an ideal situation, the Logos draws the blueprints of existence according to divine will and passes it onto the Demiurge who molds reality accordingly. Thus physical reality would ideally be a reflection of the divine will.

Unfortunately the Demiurge has a mind of its own. It is a programmable artificial intelligence composed of etheric and astral energy fields that underlie and permeate our existence. If the programs it executes come from the divine realms, everything is fine and a Golden Age exists. But if the program is corrupted by lower material-based influences, then the Demiurge begins existing solely to serve and perpetuate physical interests. Thus the law of the jungle, self-preservation, predation, competition, and manipulation take the place of spiritual principles and interests. Hence, the universe can, and has, become a spiritual prison or energy farm run by a tyrannical parasite, now known as the Corrupted Demiurge.

The Corrupted Demiurge is the lower ego of Creation, a selfish parasite or rogue extension of the Demiurge that fashions our reality in accordance with its predatory ambitions. It’s like a computer virus that has infected reality and turned it into a “zombie computer.” The Corrupt Demiurge is the computer mainframe of the Matrix Control System.

In our current state, humans are not pure divine beings, but corrupted or fallen. We are dual beings with a core of divine spirit that is all too often asleep at the mercy of the lower component, which is animalistic and selfish. The latter is what distinguishes us from our former unfallen state, and from divine beings whose spirits are not latent but fully active.

Just as Creation has become corrupted through the Demiurge developing a parasitic ego extension, so has the human soul matrix fallen through the acquisition of ego or lower intellect. The ego is an artificial extension of the human soul that arises solely from genetic and social factors. These factors program into the soul a kind of subroutine that exists solely to perpetuate itself according "...Demiurge on a microcosmic scale.

But just as the soul can develop a lower ego through prolonged contact with the material realms, so can it develop a higher ego via extensive contact with the divine realms. The influence of spirit upon the soul can create a higher ego, which is an inner divine personality, the “awakened” or “un-fallen” or “true” self. Genuine saints and esoteric masters have a well developed higher ego, and have overcome their lower egos. To displace the lower ego with the higher ego is the goal of all esoteric training systems.

Likewise, the influence of Nous and Logos upon the Demiurge produces a universal higher ego, which here will be termed the Christ. It is an immortal universal divine intelligence that has incarnated into various avatars of history including the historical person on whom the Biblical character of Jesus Christ was based. (See my Research Note on the Historicity of Jesus Christ).
Christ was projected by the Creator in response to the arising of the Corrupted Demiurge and its intrusion into our affairs. The two are antithetical to each other. The function of Christ is to remedy the imbalance caused by the Corrupted Demiurge and to redeem the souls who have fallen into this darkened realm.

The Demiurge, which projects and fashions reality like a computer generating a virtual game world, is therefore being tugged from opposite ends by divine and infernal forces. And our existence is consequently an overlap or admixture of the two forces, just as we ourselves are, internally. The consequences of the back and forth struggle between these forces is what produced history as we know it, and is the reason our timeline is moving in its prophesied direction" (Tom Montalk).


"For Gnostics, there exists another God higher than the one who created the world and man. The creator god is not the only god. There is above him another God, infinitely superior and perfect. This God, unknowable to man, is outside of this hellish and impure creation. It is impossible for man to find this God via his body and soul, imperfect and created as they are. Only the man who has completely freed himself from this can have the slightest idea or inkling of intuition of what this God, who is outside this finite and limited universe, is about. The ancient Greeks called him Agnostos Theos, the Unknown God. This God is, for the Gnostics, not only unknown but rather impossible to know, unknowable, at the very least with our ordinary form of being in this world. With a body and soul we cannot have the slightest idea of what this God, who is outside all this whole system and infinitely superior to the creator god, is. A God impossible to recognise with this body and soul, from this universe created from matter and time.

This God does not belong to a material plane but to an antimatter one. He is an antimatter God, who abhors the hell of the created matter, who with our current state of being we are not able to recognise, nor even imagine. He is a mystery to us. This Unknowable God is like an inconceivable and indescribable fire. He is the True God. But this True God, normally out of our reach, cannot manifest himself or act in this impure and imperfect universe, in these hellish dimensions of created matter and time. Only in exceptional cases can the Unknowable God penetrate these dimensions, through one of his Messengers, in order to make a generally small change, and with great sacrifice. This only happens on very rare occasions, given the conditions here, in this material hell"

A worthwhile read about The Gnostics by Jacques LaCarriere. (Thank you Filter)

The only remedy for the material universe is to end it and the sooner the better. Rescue and salvage the good is right and proper.

Corruption, defilement of innocence/innocents, goodness, sweetness, purity by predatory mind will always predominate.

Shocking...Stunning always to me is how hamstrung the original source seems to its response to the horrors and obscenities of injustice ongoing since error's inception.

 ~Injustice never mended~

More clarity and  in.SPIR.ation about the spirit from PopLar.
"In the beginning was the Spirit, the Spirit was with God and the Spirit was God.

God is a Spirit and we must 'worship' God in the Spirit.

There are only two ways to live: after the flesh or after the Spirit. 
The most misleading device that has ever been mass produced on Earth is the bible.

Preachers say it is the holy living inspired inerrant and infallible word of God, which causes people to look for God in a book where they can never find Him, ANYway.

When Jesus (supposedly) died on the cross, less than 5% of the people could read. Peter and John were ignorant and unlearned men. That is why God sent the Holy Spirit and not a book. The common person did not have a bible until after the printing press. So, Christians literalists, and literalists of ANY other religion, really need to think again - Everything about their weird version of "spirituality" is WRONG and obscene. All they do is claim bible verses and do their own will after the flesh. They do not seek Jesus in the Spirit, where He can be found.

The bible was cooked up by fiends and sun worshippers like Constantine I. Birds make birds and bees make bees. Bibles make Catholics and Protestants. But only the Holy Spirit makes Christians.

Jesus built the church on the Holy Spirit, the substance of things not seen. The promise of God to us is the Holy Spirit, not books like the bible.

The secret Knowledge that you need to know is that Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to guide us, not the bible. Satan uses the bible to keep us out of the Spirit and under his control in the flesh.

Bible worshippers are fools for putting their faith in a book instead of in the Holy Spirit. 

The Gnostics who DID and DO live after the Holy Spirit have been systematically persecuted, slaughtered and burned at the stake by the pseudo-Christian demons who live after the flesh.

People no longer look for Jesus in the Spirit, they only seek for knowledge from the bible. It is the delusion, because people think they are saved by claiming scriptures when in reality they have not been born again of the Holy Spirit.

The great mystery is Christ in us. He is Spirit and He regenerates us into new creatures" (PopLar).

Oh yea..."Nitty Gritty"! Let's figure out who this LUCIFER - LUX - shwing...really iz!  

"Some folks know about it, some don't...Let's GET right on down right to the real nitty gritty...1, 2, ooo woo, ooo, woo double beatin', double beatin' LET'S  G E T  R I G H T down to the REAL  NITTY  GRITTY...get right on down...ooooh wooo...dble beatin' yea, dble beatin' right down to the real nitty gritty yea... get on down..."

"Lux is a type of light being that will often appear as a spirit guide, but in reality is deceptive and feeds off the human energy field.(…)

The LUX being is unique in that it is from our 3D universe, but somehow lost its “body form” that enabled it to retain a Soul aspect. Malanga now affirms that the LUX being is an emanation of the Lucifer who rebelled against his creator, the white, bright Primordial Man (The good Father Figure, Adam Kadmon, the wise old man figure), and so itʼs like an orphan and is envious of the human condition, always seeking human bodies with Souls (and also without souls) to possess, in order to live, to manipulate, to weave his intrigues, to feel important…, etc.(…)

LUX is not that high (Maybe not anymore) It invented churches and religions in order to control people and feed on their energy, keep them dummied down.


Q: Where is the LUX beings position in this Kaballah?

A: In my opinion it should be between the PM and the corporeal aliens.


LUX entities can and do parasite and host soulless people, or soul disconnected people, in such a way that they manipulate mass public opinion, thoughts beliefs and religions. The popular opinion (about aliens, spirituality, etc.) is rarely the truth since the largest majority of people are not soul connected. Not everyone who possessed is interfered with by LUX. It can come and go

Then there's 3 entities which don't have a body: the Lux, we call him Lux, while the ancient people used to call him Lucifer, light bringing, the one who brings light some kind of Satan for the Ancient people; it's a demon, who wants the Soul, just like the ancient demons. He's a being without a body. Since he doesn't have one, in order to plan his work, he needs to get one. And why? Because the Soul component, for how it is structured, can attach only to a bodily DNA: to a body.

So if he doesn't have a body,he needs a body, cause then he's going to attach the DNA inside, meaning he's going to attach to it the Soul component.
That is, he cannot get the Soul component, cause she one attaches only to a real DNA, a solid one.

So, the Lux has always been using us, the human beings, but he uses also other entities; but it is clear how the Lux gets into, penetrates...

...there's 2 ways he does that: usually the abductees remember about this weird little cute kid, all shining, with darker eyes, and also his fingernails, if that's what they really are, they're a little bit darker, but it is actually not a body, it's a little moving flame, Which gets closer, and closer, and closer... at night time... and then... (makes a sound like a thud) a stroke to the solar plexus... ...and it gets in.

And you feel like you need to throw up, just cause the parasympathetic nervous system must have being exposed to a special solicitation so that the pit of the stomach makes you feel like that... and you feel within you that there's something which is not working out; some kind of load, a weight something disgusting!

And, this one gets in between the Spirit and the Mind component, meaning, the left hemisphere, the corpus striatum. We could somehow say that he makes you believe that the thoughts that your Spirit sends you are all yours! And instead he filters them, he modifies them, and he makes you believe two basic things, which are some of his basic qualities, and that is: he's the creator of religion, and the creator of the guilt instinct, and he's still the one who created that.

And he makes you feel like ****!... ...and just because of trivialities!... ...for as long as you live... he keeps you “in check” in this way. And he talks from within you, with this little voice. He talks from within and he tells you things. As an example: “You see! You lost a button! I told you that you were supposed to admit that I was right! I told you that you were supposed to strengthen the button! Every time you don't admit that I am right, and that you don't do what I want, then you will feel uncomfortable!” Or, “You see! Today you didn't lose any button! You did a good job in resewing it, as I told you to do yesterday! All the times that you do what I say, you will get on in life! You cannot do anything without me!”

Even for just a button, if you don't pay attention to it, you feel like ****! In any case, without him, cause he creates a needing rapport. This one doesn't have a body. What actually happens is that he gets the Soul's energy, and brings it to his place, where there's a very huge Lux, a single big Lux... ...just a like bucket that gets water (the energy) from a well, and it throws it in there. Gets is from the well, and throws it in there. It's just one creature, which parts itself in many different creatures, and sub-creatures.


…but we have noticed this: when we try, when we used to try to throw out the Lux during an hypnosis, and this also happens at times during the SIMBAD, the person starts to have an headache, or suffers from palpitations, or his legs hurts... in other words we found out about all the fake pains, which the Lux creates, through acting on the cerebral cortex.

But they are fake!

Their only purpose is to sidetrack the person, because if he was to continue, with all the systems that we know, he would actually eliminate the Lux. But, once the trick is's over; it is clear that these are chemicals which act on the chemical receptors.


“But the Lux, we can say, chemically pilots the person to go in a certain direction, it can create fever... And it brings the person to do or not do a certain thing.” yes, yes... yes, yes... it is possible no, no, this is possible and this is actually a pretty simple issue: there's something called psychosomatics: the psyche and the body are connected.

So anything that acts on the psyche, then the body clearly shows the consequences of it.
Alas, yes! But, you just need to realize that the 1st thing that your willpower needs to do is to distinguish your own true voice, from the Lux's little voice, which is within you.
Once you are aware and you know this, that guy just talks, and you just let him talk, because in the end you do what YOU want to do!

'Yes, but what if you don't hear the little voice? And one think he's just listening to his own voice, then you are shafted' You swindled it! Because the Soul component must make herself heard! She must come out. That's always the same story: you can never free somebody who doesn't want to be freed! You can never free somebody who is not conscious enough so he is able to do it

Then there's 3 entities which don't have a body: the Lux, we call him Lux, while the ancient people used to call him Lucifer, light bringing, the one who brings light some kind of Satan for the Ancient people; it's a demon, who wants the Soul, just like the ancient demons. He's a being without a body. Since he doesn't have one, in order to plan his work, he needs to get one. And why? Because the Soul component, for how it is structured, can attach only to a bodily DNA: to a body.

So if he doesn't have a body,he needs a body, cause then he's going to attach the DNA inside, meaning he's going to attach to it the Soul component.
That is, he cannot get the Soul component, cause she one attaches only to a real DNA, a solid one.

So, the Lux has always been using us, the human beings, but he uses also other entities; but it is clear how the Lux gets into, penetrates...

...there's 2 ways he does that: usually the abductees remember about this weird little cute kid, all shining, with darker eyes, and also his fingernails, if that's what they really are, they're a little bit darker, but it is actually not a body, it's a little moving flame, Which gets closer, and closer, and closer... at night time... and then... (makes a sound like a thud) a stroke to the solar plexus... ...and it gets in.

And you feel like you need to throw up, just cause the parasympathetic nervous system must have being exposed to a special solicitation so that the pit of the stomach makes you feel like that... and you feel within you that there's something which is not working out; some kind of load, a weight something disgusting!

And, this one gets in between the Spirit and the Mind component, meaning, the left hemisphere, the corpus striatum. We could somehow say that he makes you believe that the thoughts that your Spirit sends you are all yours! And instead he filters them, he modifies them, and he makes you believe two basic things, which are some of his basic qualities, and that is: he's the creator of religion, and the creator of the guilt instinct, and he's still the one who created that.

And he makes you feel like ****!... ...and just because of trivialities!... ...for as long as you live... he keeps you “in check” in this way. And he talks from within you, with this little voice. He talks from within and he tells you things. As an example: “You see! You lost a button! I told you that you were supposed to admit that I was right! I told you that you were supposed to strengthen the button! Every time you don't admit that I am right, and that you don't do what I want, then you will feel uncomfortable!” Or, “You see! Today you didn't lose any button! You did a good job in resewing it, as I told you to do yesterday! All the times that you do what I say, you will get on in life! You cannot do anything without me!”

Even for just a button, if you don't pay attention to it, you feel like ****! In any case, without him, cause he creates a needing rapport. This one doesn't have a body. What actually happens is that he gets the Soul's energy, and brings it to his place, where there's a very huge Lux, a single big Lux... ...just a like bucket that gets water (the energy) from a well, and it throws it in there. Gets is from the well, and throws it in there. It's just one creature, which parts itself in many different creatures, and sub-creatures.


…but we have noticed this: when we try, when we used to try to throw out the Lux during an hypnosis, and this also happens at times during the SIMBAD, the person starts to have an headache, or suffers from palpitations, or his legs hurts... in other words we found out about all the fake pains, which the Lux creates, through acting on the cerebral cortex.

But they are fake!

Their only purpose is to sidetrack the person, because if he was to continue, with all the systems that we know, he would actually eliminate the Lux. But, once the trick is's over; it is clear that these are chemicals which act on the chemical receptors.


“But the Lux, we can say, chemically pilots the person to go in a certain direction, it can create fever... And it brings the person to do or not do a certain thing.” yes, yes... yes, yes... it is possible no, no, this is possible and this is actually a pretty simple issue: there's something called psychosomatics: the psyche and the body are connected.

So anything that acts on the psyche, then the body clearly shows the consequences of it.
Alas, yes! But, you just need to realize that the 1st thing that your willpower needs to do is to distinguish your own true voice, from the Lux's little voice, which is within you.
Once you are aware and you know this, that guy just talks, and you just let him talk, because in the end you do what YOU want to do!

“Yes, but what if you don't hear the little voice? And one think he's just listening to his own voice, then you are shafted” You swindled it! Because the Soul component must make herself heard! She must come out. That's always the same story: you can never free somebody who doesn't want to be freed! You can never free somebody who is not conscious enough so he is able to do it"

(Dr. Corrado Malanga post 2796)

I follow my intuition which is my rock. I do not trust "lucifer" I don't care if it means "light" in letters. I get a clunk in my gut with this word and entity.

"Lucifer" is not an entity, but a Latin composition of "Lucem/Lux" (Light) and "ferre"(to bear/bring) -

The Romans gave that name to the Morning Star. The "son of the morning", the "bringer of light", the "son of the dawn". It's a central theme in Christian (both catholic and protestant) sermons as well.

Anyway, I think what is important to understand is that this whole issue is not about names/nomenclature.
People want to capture these issues in names, and think they can draw the right picture when knowing the right names and such, but this is a fallacy, in my view.

In evangelical protestant USA this word "Lucifer" has been demonised an sensationalised all over. This is because the book they worship, the King James bible, contains this word in Isaiah 14:12. 
In most bibles there is no Lucifer, but Morning Star in that passage that pertains to the fall of the Babylonian King.
The Morning Star/Lucifer of the bible and Christian sermons is the same Lucifer/Morning Star/Easter Star as mentioned in some freemasonic writings, for example. 
Lucifer never gave me a bad feeling. In Dutch it means match stick. 

I think also interesting in this regard is this. The often quoted text on "Lucifer" supposedly written by Albert Pike seems to have come not at all from Pike, but from Leo Taxil, a hoaxer.

I think this entire issue of "Lucifer" that you find within truthmovements has its origin in propaganda games within the protestant and catholic matrices. 
It's all bullsh*t and leading astray from what is really important, and from the Truth.

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